▼ cmake | |
► Modules | |
check_cxx_filesystem.cc | |
geant4_check_module_cycles.py | |
▼ config | |
genwindef.cc | |
liblist.c | |
▼ environments | |
► g4py | |
► examples | |
► demos | |
► TestEm0 | |
► module | |
DetectorConstruction.cc | |
DetectorConstruction.hh | |
DetectorMessenger.cc | |
DetectorMessenger.hh | |
PhysicsList.cc | |
PhysicsList.hh | |
PhysicsListMessenger.cc | |
PhysicsListMessenger.hh | |
PhysListEmStandard.cc | |
PhysListEmStandard.hh | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh | |
pytestem0.cc | |
RunAction.cc | |
RunAction.hh | |
► python3 | |
testem0.py | |
demo.py | |
► water_phantom | |
► module | |
MyDetectorConstruction.cc | |
MyDetectorConstruction.hh | |
MyMaterials.cc | |
MyMaterials.hh | |
pydemo_wp.cc | |
demo.py | |
test.py | |
► education | |
► lesson1 | |
► python3 | |
Lesson1.py | |
demo.py | |
► lesson2 | |
► python3 | |
ExN03.py | |
demo.py | |
► emplot | |
emcalc_gui.py | |
EmPlot.py | |
eplot.py | |
pplot.py | |
► gdml | |
► python3 | |
read_gdml.py | |
write_gdml.py | |
read_gdml.py | |
write_gdml.py | |
► source | |
► digits_hits | |
pyG4VSensitiveDetector.cc | |
pymodG4digits_hits.cc | |
► event | |
pyG4ClassificationOfNewTrack.cc | |
pyG4Event.cc | |
pyG4EventManager.cc | |
pyG4ParticleGun.cc | |
pyG4StackManager.cc | |
pyG4UserEventAction.cc | |
pyG4UserStackingAction.cc | |
pymodG4event.cc | |
► gdml | |
pyG4GDMLParser.cc | |
pymodG4g4gdml.cc | |
► geometry | |
pyG4BooleanSolid.cc | |
pyG4Box.cc | |
pyG4ChordFinder.cc | |
pyG4Cons.cc | |
pyG4Ellipsoid.cc | |
pyG4EllipticalCone.cc | |
pyG4EllipticalTube.cc | |
pyG4Field.cc | |
pyG4FieldManager.cc | |
pyG4GeometryManager.cc | |
pyG4Hype.cc | |
pyG4IntersctionSolid.cc | |
pyG4LogicalVolume.cc | |
pyG4MagneticField.cc | |
pyG4Navigator.cc | |
pyG4Orb.cc | |
pyG4Para.cc | |
pyG4Polycone.cc | |
pyG4Polyhedra.cc | |
pyG4PVPlacement.cc | |
pyG4PVReplica.cc | |
pyG4Region.cc | |
pyG4Sphere.cc | |
pyG4SubtractionSolid.cc | |
pyG4Tet.cc | |
pyG4Torus.cc | |
pyG4TouchableHistory.cc | |
pyG4TransportationManager.cc | |
pyG4Trap.cc | |
pyG4Trd.cc | |
pyG4Tubs.cc | |
pyG4TwistedBox.cc | |
pyG4TwistedTrap.cc | |
pyG4TwistedTrd.cc | |
pyG4TwistedTubs.cc | |
pyG4UniformMagField.cc | |
pyG4UnionSolid.cc | |
pyG4VPhysicalVolume.cc | |
pyG4VSolid.cc | |
pyG4VTouchable.cc | |
pymodG4geometry.cc | |
► global | |
G4PyCoutDestination.cc | |
G4PyCoutDestination.hh | |
pyG4ApplicationState.cc | |
pyG4Exception.cc | |
pyG4ExceptionHandler.cc | |
pyG4ExceptionSeverity.cc | |
pyG4RandomDirection.cc | |
pyG4RotationMatrix.cc | |
pyG4StateManager.cc | |
pyG4String.cc | |
pyG4ThreeVector.cc | |
pyG4Timer.cc | |
pyG4Transform3D.cc | |
pyG4TwoVector.cc | |
pyG4UnitsTable.cc | |
pyG4UserLimits.cc | |
pyG4Version.cc | |
pygeomdefs.cc | |
pyglobals.cc | |
pymodG4global.cc | |
pyRandomEngines.cc | |
pyRandomize.cc | |
► graphics_reps | |
pyG4Colour.cc | |
pyG4VisAttributes.cc | |
pymodG4graphics_reps.cc | |
► intercoms | |
pyG4UIcommand.cc | |
pyG4UIcommandTree.cc | |
pyG4UImanager.cc | |
pyG4UIparameter.cc | |
pymodG4intercoms.cc | |
► interface | |
pyG4UIterminal.cc | |
pymodG4interface.cc | |
► materials | |
pyG4AtomicShells.cc | |
pyG4Element.cc | |
pyG4ElementTable.cc | |
pyG4ElementVector.cc | |
pyG4Isotope.cc | |
pyG4Material.cc | |
pyG4MaterialTable.cc | |
pyG4NistManager.cc | |
pymodG4materials.cc | |
► particles | |
pyG4DecayTable.cc | |
pyG4DynamicParticle.cc | |
pyG4ParticleDefinition.cc | |
pyG4ParticleList.cc | |
pyG4ParticleTable.cc | |
pyG4PrimaryParticle.cc | |
pyG4PrimaryVertex.cc | |
pymodG4particles.cc | |
► physics_lists | |
pymodG4physicslists.cc | |
pyPhysicsLists.cc | |
pyPhysListFactory.cc | |
► processes | |
pyG4CrossSectionHandler.cc | |
pyG4EmCalculator.cc | |
pyG4ProcessManager.cc | |
pyG4ProcessTable.cc | |
pyG4ProcessType.cc | |
pyG4ProcVector.cc | |
pyG4ProductionCutsTable.cc | |
pyG4VCrossSectionHandler.cc | |
pyG4VProcess.cc | |
pymodG4processes.cc | |
► run | |
pyG4Run.cc | |
pyG4RunManager.cc | |
pyG4RunManagerKernel.cc | |
pyG4UserRunAction.cc | |
pyG4VModularPhysicsList.cc | |
pyG4VPhysicsConstructor.cc | |
pyG4VUserDetectorConstruction.cc | |
pyG4VUserPhysicsList.cc | |
pyG4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc | |
pymodG4run.cc | |
► track | |
pyG4Step.cc | |
pyG4StepPoint.cc | |
pyG4StepStatus.cc | |
pyG4Track.cc | |
pyG4TrackStatus.cc | |
pymodG4track.cc | |
► tracking | |
pyG4TrackingManager.cc | |
pyG4UserSteppingAction.cc | |
pyG4UserTrackingAction.cc | |
pymodG4tracking.cc | |
► visualization | |
pyG4ASCIITree.cc | |
pyG4DAWNFILE.cc | |
pyG4HepRepFile.cc | |
pyG4OpenGLImmediateX.cc | |
pyG4OpenGLImmediateXm.cc | |
pyG4OpenGLStoredX.cc | |
pyG4OpenGLStoredXm.cc | |
pyG4RayTracer.cc | |
pyG4RayTracerX.cc | |
pyG4VGraphicsSystem.cc | |
pyG4VisManager.cc | |
pyG4VRML2File.cc | |
pymodG4visualization.cc | |
__init__.py | |
colortable.py | |
g4thread.py | |
g4viscp.py | |
hepunit.py | |
► tests | |
► g4pytest | |
► emcalculator | |
emcalculator.py | |
► EMSTDpl | |
__init__.py | |
PhysicsListEMstd.cc | |
PhysicsListEMstd.hh | |
pyEMSTDpl.cc | |
► ExN01geom | |
__init__.py | |
ExN01DetectorConstruction.cc | |
ExN01DetectorConstruction.hh | |
pyExN01geom.cc | |
► ExN01pl | |
__init__.py | |
ExN01PhysicsList.cc | |
ExN01PhysicsList.hh | |
pyExN01pl.cc | |
► ExN03geom | |
__init__.py | |
ExN03DetectorConstruction.cc | |
ExN03DetectorConstruction.hh | |
ExN03DetectorMessenger.cc | |
ExN03DetectorMessenger.hh | |
pyExN03geom.cc | |
► ezgeom | |
__init__.py | |
EzDetectorConstruction.cc | |
EzDetectorConstruction.hh | |
G4EzVolume.cc | |
G4EzVolume.hh | |
G4EzVoxelParameterization.cc | |
G4EzVoxelParameterization.hh | |
G4EzWorld.cc | |
G4EzWorld.hh | |
pyEzgeom.cc | |
► MCScore | |
mcscore.py | |
mcscorerootio.py | |
► MedicalBeam | |
__init__.py | |
MedicalBeam.cc | |
MedicalBeam.hh | |
pyMedicalBeam.cc | |
► NISTmaterials | |
__init__.py | |
NISTmaterials.cc | |
pyNISTmaterials.cc | |
► ParticleGun | |
__init__.py | |
ParticleGunAction.cc | |
ParticleGunAction.hh | |
pyParticleGun.cc | |
► Qgeom | |
__init__.py | |
pyQgeom.cc | |
QDetectorConstruction.cc | |
QDetectorConstruction.hh | |
► Qmaterials | |
__init__.py | |
pyQmaterials.cc | |
Qmaterials.cc | |
__init__.py | |
► gtest01 | |
► module | |
gtest01.cc | |
Particles.cc | |
Particles.hh | |
PhysicsListEMstd.cc | |
PhysicsListEMstd.hh | |
QDetectorConstruction.cc | |
QDetectorConstruction.hh | |
QEventAction.cc | |
QEventAction.hh | |
QMaterials.cc | |
QMaterials.hh | |
QPhysicsList.cc | |
QPhysicsList.hh | |
QPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc | |
QPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh | |
root_test.py | |
run.py | |
test.py | |
► gtest02 | |
run.py | |
test.py | |
► gtest03 | |
run.py | |
test.py | |
test_voxel.py | |
► gtest04 | |
test.py | |
► gtest05 | |
test.py | |
► gtest06 | |
test.py | |
► gtest07 | |
test.py | |
► gtest08 | |
test.py | |
► zmq | |
► pyclient | |
g4zmq.py | |
► zmq | |
G4ZMQServer.cc | |
G4ZMQServer.hh | |
▼ source | |
► analysis | |
► accumulables | |
► include | |
G4Accumulable.hh | |
G4Accumulable.icc | |
G4AccumulableManager.hh | |
G4AccumulableManager.icc | |
G4MergeMode.hh | |
G4VAccumulable.hh | |
G4VAccumulable.icc | |
► src | |
G4AccumulableManager.cc | |
G4MergeMode.cc | |
► csv | |
► include | |
g4csv_defs.hh | |
G4CsvAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4CsvAnalysisManager.icc | |
G4CsvAnalysisReader.hh | |
G4CsvAnalysisReader.icc | |
G4CsvFileManager.hh | |
G4CsvHnFileManager.hh | |
G4CsvHnFileManager.icc | |
G4CsvHnRFileManager.hh | |
G4CsvHnRFileManager.icc | |
G4CsvNtupleFileManager.hh | |
G4CsvNtupleManager.hh | |
G4CsvRFileManager.hh | |
G4CsvRNtupleManager.hh | |
► src | |
G4CsvAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4CsvAnalysisReader.cc | |
G4CsvFileManager.cc | |
G4CsvNtupleFileManager.cc | |
G4CsvNtupleManager.cc | |
G4CsvRFileManager.cc | |
G4CsvRNtupleManager.cc | |
► factory | |
► include | |
G4AnalysisManager.hh | |
G4GenericAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4GenericAnalysisManager.icc | |
G4GenericFileManager.hh | |
G4GenericFileManager.icc | |
► src | |
G4GenericAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4GenericFileManager.cc | |
► hdf5 | |
► include | |
g4hdf5_defs.hh | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisManager.icc | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisReader.hh | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisReader.icc | |
G4Hdf5FileManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5HnFileManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5HnFileManager.icc | |
G4Hdf5HnRFileManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5HnRFileManager.icc | |
G4Hdf5NtupleFileManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5NtupleManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5RFileManager.hh | |
G4Hdf5RNtupleManager.hh | |
► src | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisManager.cc | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisReader.cc | |
G4Hdf5FileManager.cc | |
G4Hdf5NtupleFileManager.cc | |
G4Hdf5NtupleManager.cc | |
G4Hdf5RFileManager.cc | |
G4Hdf5RNtupleManager.cc | |
► hntools | |
► include | |
G4BaseHistoUtilities.hh | |
G4H1ToolsManager.hh | |
G4H2ToolsManager.hh | |
G4H3ToolsManager.hh | |
g4hntools_defs.hh | |
G4MPIToolsManager.hh | |
G4MPIToolsManager.icc | |
G4P1ToolsManager.hh | |
G4P2ToolsManager.hh | |
G4ToolsAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4ToolsAnalysisManager.icc | |
G4ToolsAnalysisMessenger.hh | |
G4ToolsAnalysisReader.hh | |
G4ToolsAnalysisReader.icc | |
► src | |
G4BaseHistoUtilities.cc | |
G4H1ToolsManager.cc | |
G4H2ToolsManager.cc | |
G4H3ToolsManager.cc | |
G4P1ToolsManager.cc | |
G4P2ToolsManager.cc | |
G4ToolsAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4ToolsAnalysisMessenger.cc | |
G4ToolsAnalysisReader.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4AnalysisManagerState.hh | |
G4AnalysisMessenger.hh | |
G4AnalysisMessengerHelper.hh | |
G4AnalysisUtilities.hh | |
G4AnalysisVerbose.hh | |
G4BaseAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4BaseFileManager.hh | |
G4BaseNtupleManager.hh | |
G4BaseRNtupleManager.hh | |
G4BinScheme.hh | |
G4Fcn.hh | |
G4FileMessenger.hh | |
G4H1Messenger.hh | |
G4H2Messenger.hh | |
G4H3Messenger.hh | |
G4HnInformation.hh | |
G4HnManager.hh | |
G4HnMessenger.hh | |
G4NtupleBookingManager.hh | |
G4NtupleBookingManager.icc | |
G4NtupleMessenger.hh | |
G4P1Messenger.hh | |
G4P2Messenger.hh | |
G4PlotManager.hh | |
G4PlotMessenger.hh | |
G4PlotParameters.hh | |
G4TFileInformation.hh | |
G4TFileManager.hh | |
G4TFileManager.icc | |
G4THnManager.hh | |
G4THnManager.icc | |
G4TNtupleDescription.hh | |
G4TNtupleManager.hh | |
G4TNtupleManager.icc | |
G4TRNtupleDescription.hh | |
G4TRNtupleManager.hh | |
G4TRNtupleManager.icc | |
G4VAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4VAnalysisManager.icc | |
G4VAnalysisReader.hh | |
G4VAnalysisReader.icc | |
G4VFileManager.hh | |
G4VH1Manager.hh | |
G4VH2Manager.hh | |
G4VH3Manager.hh | |
G4VNtupleFileManager.hh | |
G4VNtupleManager.hh | |
G4VP1Manager.hh | |
G4VP2Manager.hh | |
G4VRFileManager.hh | |
G4VRNtupleManager.hh | |
G4VTFileManager.hh | |
G4VTHnFileManager.hh | |
G4VTHnRFileManager.hh | |
► src | |
G4AnalysisManagerState.cc | |
G4AnalysisMessenger.cc | |
G4AnalysisMessengerHelper.cc | |
G4AnalysisUtilities.cc | |
G4AnalysisVerbose.cc | |
G4BaseAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4BaseFileManager.cc | |
G4BaseNtupleManager.cc | |
G4BaseRNtupleManager.cc | |
G4BinScheme.cc | |
G4Fcn.cc | |
G4FileMessenger.cc | |
G4H1Messenger.cc | |
G4H2Messenger.cc | |
G4H3Messenger.cc | |
G4HnManager.cc | |
G4HnMessenger.cc | |
G4NtupleBookingManager.cc | |
G4NtupleMessenger.cc | |
G4P1Messenger.cc | |
G4P2Messenger.cc | |
G4PlotManager.cc | |
G4PlotMessenger.cc | |
G4PlotParameters.cc | |
G4VAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4VAnalysisReader.cc | |
G4VFileManager.cc | |
G4VNtupleFileManager.cc | |
► root | |
► include | |
g4root_defs.hh | |
G4RootAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4RootAnalysisManager.icc | |
G4RootAnalysisReader.hh | |
G4RootAnalysisReader.icc | |
G4RootFileDef.hh | |
G4RootFileManager.hh | |
G4RootHnFileManager.hh | |
G4RootHnFileManager.icc | |
G4RootHnRFileManager.hh | |
G4RootHnRFileManager.icc | |
G4RootMainNtupleManager.hh | |
G4RootNtupleFileManager.hh | |
G4RootNtupleManager.hh | |
G4RootNtupleManager.icc | |
G4RootPNtupleDescription.hh | |
G4RootPNtupleManager.hh | |
G4RootPNtupleManager.icc | |
G4RootRFileManager.hh | |
G4RootRNtupleManager.hh | |
► src | |
G4RootAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4RootAnalysisReader.cc | |
G4RootFileManager.cc | |
G4RootMainNtupleManager.cc | |
G4RootNtupleFileManager.cc | |
G4RootNtupleManager.cc | |
G4RootPNtupleManager.cc | |
G4RootRFileManager.cc | |
G4RootRNtupleManager.cc | |
► xml | |
► include | |
g4xml_defs.hh | |
G4XmlAnalysisManager.hh | |
G4XmlAnalysisManager.icc | |
G4XmlAnalysisReader.hh | |
G4XmlAnalysisReader.icc | |
G4XmlFileManager.hh | |
G4XmlHnFileManager.hh | |
G4XmlHnFileManager.icc | |
G4XmlHnRFileManager.hh | |
G4XmlHnRFileManager.icc | |
G4XmlNtupleFileManager.hh | |
G4XmlNtupleManager.hh | |
G4XmlRFileManager.hh | |
G4XmlRFileManager.icc | |
G4XmlRNtupleManager.hh | |
► src | |
G4XmlAnalysisManager.cc | |
G4XmlAnalysisReader.cc | |
G4XmlFileManager.cc | |
G4XmlNtupleFileManager.cc | |
G4XmlNtupleManager.cc | |
G4XmlRFileManager.cc | |
G4XmlRNtupleManager.cc | |
► digits_hits | |
► detector | |
► include | |
G4CellScoreComposer.hh | |
G4CellScoreValues.hh | |
G4CollectionNameVector.hh | |
G4HCtable.hh | |
G4MultiFunctionalDetector.hh | |
G4MultiSensitiveDetector.hh | |
G4SDManager.hh | |
G4SDmessenger.hh | |
G4SDStructure.hh | |
G4SensitiveVolumeList.hh | |
G4SensitiveVolumeList.icc | |
G4TrackLogger.hh | |
G4TScoreHistFiller.hh | |
G4TScoreHistFiller.icc | |
G4VPrimitivePlotter.hh | |
G4VPrimitiveScorer.hh | |
G4VReadOutGeometry.hh | |
G4VScoreHistFiller.hh | |
G4VSDFilter.hh | |
G4VSensitiveDetector.hh | |
► src | |
G4CellScoreComposer.cc | |
G4HCtable.cc | |
G4MultiFunctionalDetector.cc | |
G4MultiSensitiveDetector.cc | |
G4SDManager.cc | |
G4SDmessenger.cc | |
G4SDStructure.cc | |
G4SensitiveVolumeList.cc | |
G4TrackLogger.cc | |
G4VPrimitiveScorer.cc | |
G4VReadOutGeometry.cc | |
G4VScoreHistFiller.cc | |
G4VSDFilter.cc | |
G4VSensitiveDetector.cc | |
► digits | |
► include | |
G4DCofThisEvent.hh | |
G4TDigiCollection.hh | |
G4VDigi.hh | |
G4VDigiCollection.hh | |
► src | |
G4DCofThisEvent.cc | |
G4TDigiCollection.cc | |
G4VDigi.cc | |
G4VDigiCollection.cc | |
► hits | |
► include | |
G4HCofThisEvent.hh | |
G4THitsCollection.hh | |
G4THitsMap.hh | |
G4THitsVector.hh | |
G4VHit.hh | |
G4VHitsCollection.hh | |
► src | |
G4HCofThisEvent.cc | |
G4THitsCollection.cc | |
G4VHit.cc | |
G4VHitsCollection.cc | |
► scorer | |
► include | |
G4PSCellCharge.hh | |
G4PSCellCharge3D.hh | |
G4PSCellFlux.hh | |
G4PSCellFlux3D.hh | |
G4PSCellFluxForCylinder3D.hh | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent.hh | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent3D.hh | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux.hh | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux3D.hh | |
G4PSDirectionFlag.hh | |
G4PSDoseDeposit.hh | |
G4PSDoseDeposit3D.hh | |
G4PSDoseDepositForCylinder3D.hh | |
G4PSEnergyDeposit.hh | |
G4PSEnergyDeposit3D.hh | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent.hh | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent3D.hh | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceFlux.hh | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceFlux3D.hh | |
G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration.hh | |
G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration3D.hh | |
G4PSNofCollision.hh | |
G4PSNofCollision3D.hh | |
G4PSNofSecondary.hh | |
G4PSNofSecondary3D.hh | |
G4PSNofStep.hh | |
G4PSNofStep3D.hh | |
G4PSPassageCellCurrent.hh | |
G4PSPassageCellCurrent3D.hh | |
G4PSPassageCellFlux.hh | |
G4PSPassageCellFlux3D.hh | |
G4PSPassageCellFluxForCylinder3D.hh | |
G4PSPassageTrackLength.hh | |
G4PSPassageTrackLength3D.hh | |
G4PSPopulation.hh | |
G4PSPopulation3D.hh | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceCurrent.hh | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceCurrent3D.hh | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux.hh | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux3D.hh | |
G4PSStepChecker.hh | |
G4PSStepChecker3D.hh | |
G4PSTermination.hh | |
G4PSTermination3D.hh | |
G4PSTrackCounter.hh | |
G4PSTrackCounter3D.hh | |
G4PSTrackLength.hh | |
G4PSTrackLength3D.hh | |
G4PSVolumeFlux.hh | |
G4PSVolumeFlux3D.hh | |
G4SDChargedFilter.hh | |
G4SDKineticEnergyFilter.hh | |
G4SDNeutralFilter.hh | |
G4SDParticleFilter.hh | |
G4SDParticleWithEnergyFilter.hh | |
► src | |
G4PSCellCharge.cc | |
G4PSCellCharge3D.cc | |
G4PSCellFlux.cc | |
G4PSCellFlux3D.cc | |
G4PSCellFluxForCylinder3D.cc | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent.cc | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent3D.cc | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux.cc | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux3D.cc | |
G4PSDoseDeposit.cc | |
G4PSDoseDeposit3D.cc | |
G4PSDoseDepositForCylinder3D.cc | |
G4PSEnergyDeposit.cc | |
G4PSEnergyDeposit3D.cc | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent.cc | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent3D.cc | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceFlux.cc | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceFlux3D.cc | |
G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration.cc | |
G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration3D.cc | |
G4PSNofCollision.cc | |
G4PSNofCollision3D.cc | |
G4PSNofSecondary.cc | |
G4PSNofSecondary3D.cc | |
G4PSNofStep.cc | |
G4PSNofStep3D.cc | |
G4PSPassageCellCurrent.cc | |
G4PSPassageCellCurrent3D.cc | |
G4PSPassageCellFlux.cc | |
G4PSPassageCellFlux3D.cc | |
G4PSPassageCellFluxForCylinder3D.cc | |
G4PSPassageTrackLength.cc | |
G4PSPassageTrackLength3D.cc | |
G4PSPopulation.cc | |
G4PSPopulation3D.cc | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceCurrent.cc | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceCurrent3D.cc | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux.cc | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux3D.cc | |
G4PSStepChecker.cc | |
G4PSStepChecker3D.cc | |
G4PSTermination.cc | |
G4PSTermination3D.cc | |
G4PSTrackCounter.cc | |
G4PSTrackCounter3D.cc | |
G4PSTrackLength.cc | |
G4PSTrackLength3D.cc | |
G4PSVolumeFlux.cc | |
G4PSVolumeFlux3D.cc | |
G4SDChargedFilter.cc | |
G4SDKineticEnergyFilter.cc | |
G4SDNeutralFilter.cc | |
G4SDParticleFilter.cc | |
G4SDParticleWithEnergyFilter.cc | |
► utils | |
► include | |
G4DefaultLinearColorMap.hh | |
G4ScoreLogColorMap.hh | |
G4ScoreQuantityMessenger.hh | |
G4ScoringBox.hh | |
G4ScoringCylinder.hh | |
G4ScoringManager.hh | |
G4ScoringMessenger.hh | |
G4ScoringProbe.hh | |
G4ScoringRealWorld.hh | |
G4TScoreNtupleWriter.hh | |
G4TScoreNtupleWriter.icc | |
G4TScoreNtupleWriterMessenger.hh | |
G4TScoreNtupleWriterMessenger.icc | |
G4VScoreColorMap.hh | |
G4VScoreNtupleWriter.hh | |
G4VScoreWriter.hh | |
G4VScoringMesh.hh | |
► src | |
G4DefaultLinearColorMap.cc | |
G4ScoreLogColorMap.cc | |
G4ScoreQuantityMessenger.cc | |
G4ScoreQuantityMessengerQCmd.cc | |
G4ScoringBox.cc | |
G4ScoringCylinder.cc | |
G4ScoringManager.cc | |
G4ScoringMessenger.cc | |
G4ScoringProbe.cc | |
G4ScoringRealWorld.cc | |
G4VScoreColorMap.cc | |
G4VScoreNtupleWriter.cc | |
G4VScoreWriter.cc | |
G4VScoringMesh.cc | |
► error_propagation | |
► include | |
G4ErrorFreeTrajParam.hh | |
G4ErrorFreeTrajState.hh | |
G4ErrorGeomVolumeTarget.hh | |
G4ErrorMagFieldLimitProcess.hh | |
G4ErrorMatrix.hh | |
G4ErrorMatrix.icc | |
G4ErrorMessenger.hh | |
G4ErrorPhysicsList.hh | |
G4ErrorPropagator.hh | |
G4ErrorPropagatorManager.hh | |
G4ErrorRunManagerHelper.hh | |
G4ErrorStepLengthLimitProcess.hh | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTrajParam.hh | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTrajState.hh | |
G4ErrorSymMatrix.hh | |
G4ErrorSymMatrix.icc | |
G4ErrorTrackLengthTarget.hh | |
G4ErrorTrajErr.hh | |
G4ErrorTrajState.hh | |
G4VErrorLimitProcess.hh | |
► src | |
G4ErrorFreeTrajParam.cc | |
G4ErrorFreeTrajState.cc | |
G4ErrorGeomVolumeTarget.cc | |
G4ErrorMagFieldLimitProcess.cc | |
G4ErrorMatrix.cc | |
G4ErrorMessenger.cc | |
G4ErrorPhysicsList.cc | |
G4ErrorPropagator.cc | |
G4ErrorPropagatorManager.cc | |
G4ErrorRunManagerHelper.cc | |
G4ErrorStepLengthLimitProcess.cc | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTrajParam.cc | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTrajState.cc | |
G4ErrorSymMatrix.cc | |
G4ErrorTrackLengthTarget.cc | |
G4ErrorTrajState.cc | |
G4VErrorLimitProcess.cc | |
► event | |
► include | |
evtdefs.hh | |
G4AdjointPosOnPhysVolGenerator.hh | |
G4AdjointPrimaryGenerator.hh | |
G4AdjointStackingAction.hh | |
G4ClassificationOfNewTrack.hh | |
G4Event.hh | |
G4EventManager.hh | |
G4EvManMessenger.hh | |
G4GeneralParticleSource.hh | |
G4GeneralParticleSourceData.hh | |
G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger.hh | |
G4HEPEvtInterface.hh | |
G4HEPEvtParticle.hh | |
G4MultiEventAction.hh | |
G4ParticleGun.hh | |
G4ParticleGunMessenger.hh | |
G4PrimaryTransformer.hh | |
G4RayShooter.hh | |
G4SingleParticleSource.hh | |
G4SmartTrackStack.hh | |
G4SPSAngDistribution.hh | |
G4SPSEneDistribution.hh | |
G4SPSPosDistribution.hh | |
G4SPSRandomGenerator.hh | |
G4StackChecker.hh | |
G4StackedTrack.hh | |
G4StackingMessenger.hh | |
G4StackManager.hh | |
G4TrackStack.hh | |
G4TrajectoryContainer.hh | |
G4UserEventAction.hh | |
G4UserStackingAction.hh | |
G4VPrimaryGenerator.hh | |
G4VUserEventInformation.hh | |
► src | |
G4AdjointPosOnPhysVolGenerator.cc | |
G4AdjointPrimaryGenerator.cc | |
G4AdjointStackingAction.cc | |
G4Event.cc | |
G4EventManager.cc | |
G4EvManMessenger.cc | |
G4GeneralParticleSource.cc | |
G4GeneralParticleSourceData.cc | |
G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger.cc | |
G4HEPEvtInterface.cc | |
G4HEPEvtParticle.cc | |
G4MultiEventAction.cc | |
G4ParticleGun.cc | |
G4ParticleGunMessenger.cc | |
G4PrimaryTransformer.cc | |
G4RayShooter.cc | |
G4SingleParticleSource.cc | |
G4SmartTrackStack.cc | |
G4SPSAngDistribution.cc | |
G4SPSEneDistribution.cc | |
G4SPSPosDistribution.cc | |
G4SPSRandomGenerator.cc | |
G4StackChecker.cc | |
G4StackingMessenger.cc | |
G4StackManager.cc | |
G4TrackStack.cc | |
G4TrajectoryContainer.cc | |
G4UserEventAction.cc | |
G4UserStackingAction.cc | |
G4VPrimaryGenerator.cc | |
► externals | |
► clhep | |
► include | |
► CLHEP | |
► Evaluator | |
Evaluator.h | |
hash_map.icc | |
stack.icc | |
string.icc | |
► Geometry | |
BasicVector3D.h | |
Normal3D.h | |
Plane3D.h | |
Point3D.h | |
Transform3D.h | |
Transform3D.icc | |
Vector3D.h | |
► Random | |
► ranluxpp | |
helpers.h | |
mulmod.h | |
ranlux_lcg.h | |
DoubConv.h | |
DualRand.h | |
EngineFactory.h | |
engineIDulong.h | |
JamesRandom.h | |
mixmax_skip_N17.icc | |
mixmax_skip_N240.icc | |
mixmax_skip_N8.icc | |
MixMaxRng.h | |
MTwistEngine.h | |
NonRandomEngine.h | |
RandBinomial.h | |
RandBinomial.icc | |
RandBit.h | |
RandBit.icc | |
RandBreitWigner.h | |
RandBreitWigner.icc | |
RandChiSquare.h | |
RandChiSquare.icc | |
RandExponential.h | |
RandExponential.icc | |
RandExpZiggurat.h | |
RandFlat.h | |
RandFlat.icc | |
RandGamma.h | |
RandGamma.icc | |
RandGauss.h | |
RandGauss.icc | |
RandGaussQ.h | |
RandGaussQ.icc | |
RandGaussZiggurat.h | |
RandGeneral.h | |
RandGeneral.icc | |
RandLandau.h | |
RandLandau.icc | |
Random.h | |
Random.icc | |
RandomEngine.h | |
RandomEngine.icc | |
Randomize.h | |
RandPoisson.h | |
RandPoisson.icc | |
RandPoissonQ.h | |
RandPoissonQ.icc | |
RandStudentT.h | |
RandStudentT.icc | |
RanecuEngine.h | |
Ranlux64Engine.h | |
RanluxEngine.h | |
RanluxppEngine.h | |
RanshiEngine.h | |
SeedTable.h | |
Stat.h | |
StaticRandomStates.h | |
► Units | |
PhysicalConstants.h | |
SystemOfUnits.h | |
► Utility | |
atomic_int.h | |
defs.h | |
keywords.h | |
memory.h | |
noncopyable.h | |
thread_local.h | |
use_atomic.h | |
► Vector | |
AxisAngle.h | |
AxisAngle.icc | |
Boost.h | |
Boost.icc | |
BoostX.h | |
BoostX.icc | |
BoostY.h | |
BoostY.icc | |
BoostZ.h | |
BoostZ.icc | |
EulerAngles.h | |
EulerAngles.icc | |
LorentzRotation.h | |
LorentzRotation.icc | |
LorentzVector.h | |
LorentzVector.icc | |
Rotation.h | |
Rotation.icc | |
RotationInterfaces.h | |
RotationInterfaces.icc | |
RotationX.h | |
RotationX.icc | |
RotationY.h | |
RotationY.icc | |
RotationZ.h | |
RotationZ.icc | |
ThreeVector.h | |
ThreeVector.icc | |
TwoVector.h | |
TwoVector.icc | |
► src | |
AxisAngle.cc | |
BasicVector3D.cc | |
Boost.cc | |
BoostX.cc | |
BoostY.cc | |
BoostZ.cc | |
DoubConv.cc | |
DualRand.cc | |
EngineFactory.cc | |
engineIDulong.cc | |
erfQ.cc | |
EulerAngles.cc | |
Evaluator.cc | |
flatToGaussian.cc | |
gammln.cc | |
JamesRandom.cc | |
LorentzRotation.cc | |
LorentzRotationC.cc | |
LorentzRotationD.cc | |
LorentzVector.cc | |
LorentzVectorB.cc | |
LorentzVectorC.cc | |
LorentzVectorK.cc | |
LorentzVectorL.cc | |
LorentzVectorR.cc | |
MixMaxRng.cc | |
MTwistEngine.cc | |
NonRandomEngine.cc | |
Normal3D.cc | |
Plane3D.cc | |
Point3D.cc | |
RandBinomial.cc | |
RandBit.cc | |
RandBreitWigner.cc | |
RandChiSquare.cc | |
RandExponential.cc | |
RandExpZiggurat.cc | |
RandFlat.cc | |
RandGamma.cc | |
RandGauss.cc | |
RandGaussQ.cc | |
RandGaussZiggurat.cc | |
RandGeneral.cc | |
RandLandau.cc | |
Random.cc | |
RandomEngine.cc | |
RandPoisson.cc | |
RandPoissonQ.cc | |
RandStudentT.cc | |
RanecuEngine.cc | |
Ranlux64Engine.cc | |
RanluxEngine.cc | |
RanluxppEngine.cc | |
RanshiEngine.cc | |
Rotation.cc | |
RotationA.cc | |
RotationC.cc | |
RotationE.cc | |
RotationInterfaces.cc | |
RotationIO.cc | |
RotationL.cc | |
RotationP.cc | |
RotationX.cc | |
RotationY.cc | |
RotationZ.cc | |
setStdMath.cc | |
setSystemOfUnits.cc | |
SpaceVector.cc | |
SpaceVectorD.cc | |
SpaceVectorP.cc | |
SpaceVectorR.cc | |
StaticRandomStates.cc | |
ThreeVector.cc | |
ThreeVectorR.cc | |
Transform3D.cc | |
TwoVector.cc | |
Vector3D.cc | |
ZMinput.cc | |
► expat | |
► include | |
expat.h | |
expat_external.h | |
► src | |
amigaconfig.h | |
ascii.h | |
asciitab.h | |
expat_config.h | |
iasciitab.h | |
internal.h | |
latin1tab.h | |
macconfig.h | |
nametab.h | |
utf8tab.h | |
winconfig.h | |
xmlparse.cc | |
xmlrole.cc | |
xmlrole.h | |
xmltok.cc | |
xmltok.h | |
xmltok_impl.cc | |
xmltok_impl.h | |
xmltok_ns.cc | |
► g4tools | |
► include | |
► tools | |
► mpi | |
dummy_mpi.h | |
► wroot | |
columns.icc | |
MPI_SET_MAX.icc | |
MT_SET_MAX.icc | |
gl2ps_begin.icc | |
gl2ps_def.h | |
gl2ps_end.icc | |
hatcher.icc | |
plotter_common.icc | |
value.icc | |
► src | |
dummy.cc | |
► ptl | |
► include | |
► PTL | |
AutoLock.hh | |
Globals.hh | |
JoinFunction.hh | |
Singleton.hh | |
Task.hh | |
TaskGroup.hh | |
TaskGroup.icc | |
TaskManager.hh | |
TaskRunManager.hh | |
TBBTaskGroup.hh | |
ThreadData.hh | |
Threading.hh | |
ThreadPool.hh | |
Tuple.hh | |
Types.hh | |
UserTaskQueue.hh | |
UserTaskQueue.icc | |
Utility.hh | |
VTask.hh | |
VUserTaskQueue.hh | |
► src | |
TaskGroup.cc | |
TaskRunManager.cc | |
ThreadData.cc | |
Threading.cc | |
ThreadPool.cc | |
UserTaskQueue.cc | |
VTask.cc | |
VUserTaskQueue.cc | |
► zlib | |
► include | |
crc32.h | |
deflate.h | |
gzguts.h | |
inffast.h | |
inffixed.h | |
inflate.h | |
inftrees.h | |
trees.h | |
zlib.h | |
zutil.h | |
► src | |
adler32.c | |
compress.c | |
crc32.c | |
deflate.c | |
gzclose.c | |
gzlib.c | |
gzread.c | |
gzwrite.c | |
infback.c | |
inffast.c | |
inflate.c | |
inftrees.c | |
trees.c | |
uncompr.c | |
zutil.c | |
► g3tog4 | |
► include | |
G3DetTable.hh | |
G3DetTableEntry.hh | |
G3Division.hh | |
G3EleTable.hh | |
G3G4Interface.hh | |
G3MatTable.hh | |
G3MatTableEntry.hh | |
G3MedTable.hh | |
G3MedTableEntry.hh | |
G3PartTable.hh | |
G3Pos.hh | |
G3RotTable.hh | |
G3RotTableEntry.hh | |
G3SensVolVector.hh | |
G3toG4.hh | |
G3toG4.inc | |
G3toG4BuildTree.hh | |
G3toG4Defs.hh | |
G3toG4MakeSolid.hh | |
G3toG4MANY.hh | |
G3toG4RotationMatrix.hh | |
G3VolTable.hh | |
G3VolTableEntry.hh | |
gcbank.inc | |
► src | |
clparse.cc | |
G3DetTable.cc | |
G3DetTableEntry.cc | |
G3Division.cc | |
G3EleTable.cc | |
G3MatTable.cc | |
G3MatTableEntry.cc | |
G3MedTable.cc | |
G3MedTableEntry.cc | |
G3NegVolPars.cc | |
G3PartTable.cc | |
G3Pos.cc | |
G3RotTable.cc | |
G3RotTableEntry.cc | |
G3toG4BuildTree.cc | |
G3toG4MakeSolid.cc | |
G3toG4MANY.cc | |
G3toG4RotationMatrix.cc | |
G3VolTable.cc | |
G3VolTableEntry.cc | |
G4BuildGeom.cc | |
G4ggclos.cc | |
G4gsatt.cc | |
G4gsbool.cc | |
G4gsdet.cc | |
G4gsdeta.cc | |
G4gsdetd.cc | |
G4gsdeth.cc | |
G4gsdetu.cc | |
G4gsdetv.cc | |
G4gsdk.cc | |
G4gsdvn.cc | |
G4gsdvn2.cc | |
G4gsdvt.cc | |
G4gsdvt2.cc | |
G4gsdvx.cc | |
G4gsmate.cc | |
G4gsmixt.cc | |
G4gspart.cc | |
G4gspos.cc | |
G4gsposp.cc | |
G4gsrotm.cc | |
G4gstmed.cc | |
G4gstpar.cc | |
G4gsvolu.cc | |
► geometry | |
► biasing | |
► include | |
G4GeometryCell.hh | |
G4GeometryCellComp.hh | |
G4GeometryCellImportance.hh | |
G4GeometryCellStep.hh | |
G4GeometryCellStepStream.hh | |
G4GeometryCellWeight.hh | |
G4ImportanceAlgorithm.hh | |
G4IStore.hh | |
G4Nsplit_Weight.hh | |
G4VGCellFinder.hh | |
G4VImportanceAlgorithm.hh | |
G4VImportanceSplitExaminer.hh | |
G4VIStore.hh | |
G4VWeightWindowAlgorithm.hh | |
G4VWeightWindowStore.hh | |
G4WeightWindowAlgorithm.hh | |
G4WeightWindowStore.hh | |
► src | |
G4GeometryCell.cc | |
G4GeometryCellComp.cc | |
G4GeometryCellImportance.cc | |
G4GeometryCellStep.cc | |
G4GeometryCellStepStream.cc | |
G4ImportanceAlgorithm.cc | |
G4IStore.cc | |
G4Nsplit_Weight.cc | |
G4VGCellFinder.cc | |
G4VImportanceAlgorithm.cc | |
G4VImportanceSplitExaminer.cc | |
G4VIStore.cc | |
G4VWeightWindowAlgorithm.cc | |
G4VWeightWindowStore.cc | |
G4WeightWindowAlgorithm.cc | |
G4WeightWindowStore.cc | |
► divisions | |
► include | |
G4ParameterisationBox.hh | |
G4ParameterisationCons.hh | |
G4ParameterisationPara.hh | |
G4ParameterisationPolycone.hh | |
G4ParameterisationPolyhedra.hh | |
G4ParameterisationTrd.hh | |
G4ParameterisationTubs.hh | |
G4PVDivision.hh | |
G4PVDivisionFactory.hh | |
G4ReplicatedSlice.hh | |
G4VDivisionParameterisation.hh | |
G4VDivisionParameterisation.icc | |
► src | |
G4ParameterisationBox.cc | |
G4ParameterisationCons.cc | |
G4ParameterisationPara.cc | |
G4ParameterisationPolycone.cc | |
G4ParameterisationPolyhedra.cc | |
G4ParameterisationTrd.cc | |
G4ParameterisationTubs.cc | |
G4PVDivision.cc | |
G4PVDivisionFactory.cc | |
G4ReplicatedSlice.cc | |
G4VDivisionParameterisation.cc | |
► magneticfield | |
► include | |
G4BFieldIntegrationDriver.hh | |
G4BogackiShampine23.hh | |
G4BogackiShampine45.hh | |
G4BulirschStoer.hh | |
G4BulirschStoer.icc | |
G4BulirschStoerDriver.hh | |
G4BulirschStoerDriver.icc | |
G4CachedMagneticField.hh | |
G4CashKarpRKF45.hh | |
G4ChargeState.hh | |
G4ChordFinder.hh | |
G4ChordFinder.icc | |
G4ChordFinderDelegate.hh | |
G4ChordFinderDelegate.icc | |
G4ClassicalRK4.hh | |
G4ConstRK4.hh | |
G4DELPHIMagField.hh | |
G4DoLoMcPriRK34.hh | |
G4DormandPrince745.hh | |
G4DormandPrinceRK56.hh | |
G4DormandPrinceRK78.hh | |
G4DriverReporter.hh | |
G4ElectricField.hh | |
G4ElectroMagneticField.hh | |
G4EqEMFieldWithEDM.hh | |
G4EqEMFieldWithSpin.hh | |
G4EqGravityField.hh | |
G4EqMagElectricField.hh | |
G4EquationOfMotion.hh | |
G4EquationOfMotion.icc | |
G4ErrorMag_UsualEqRhs.hh | |
G4ExactHelixStepper.hh | |
G4ExplicitEuler.hh | |
G4Field.hh | |
G4FieldManager.hh | |
G4FieldManager.icc | |
G4FieldManagerStore.hh | |
G4FieldTrack.hh | |
G4FieldTrack.icc | |
G4FieldUtils.hh | |
G4FieldUtils.icc | |
G4FSALBogackiShampine45.hh | |
G4FSALDormandPrince745.hh | |
G4FSALIntegrationDriver.hh | |
G4FSALIntegrationDriver.icc | |
G4HarmonicPolMagField.hh | |
G4HelixExplicitEuler.hh | |
G4HelixHeum.hh | |
G4HelixImplicitEuler.hh | |
G4HelixMixedStepper.hh | |
G4HelixSimpleRunge.hh | |
G4ImplicitEuler.hh | |
G4IntegrationDriver.hh | |
G4IntegrationDriver.icc | |
G4InterpolationDriver.hh | |
G4InterpolationDriver.icc | |
G4LineCurrentMagField.hh | |
G4LineSection.hh | |
G4Mag_EqRhs.hh | |
G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.hh | |
G4Mag_UsualEqRhs.hh | |
G4MagErrorStepper.hh | |
G4MagErrorStepper.icc | |
G4MagHelicalStepper.hh | |
G4MagHelicalStepper.icc | |
G4MagIntegratorDriver.hh | |
G4MagIntegratorDriver.icc | |
G4MagIntegratorStepper.hh | |
G4MagIntegratorStepper.icc | |
G4MagneticField.hh | |
G4ModifiedMidpoint.hh | |
G4ModifiedMidpoint.icc | |
G4MonopoleEq.hh | |
G4NystromRK4.hh | |
G4NystromRK4.icc | |
G4OldMagIntDriver.hh | |
G4OldMagIntDriver.icc | |
G4QuadrupoleMagField.hh | |
G4RepleteEofM.hh | |
G4RK547FEq1.hh | |
G4RK547FEq2.hh | |
G4RK547FEq3.hh | |
G4RKG3_Stepper.hh | |
G4RKIntegrationDriver.hh | |
G4RKIntegrationDriver.icc | |
G4SextupoleMagField.hh | |
G4SimpleHeum.hh | |
G4SimpleRunge.hh | |
G4TCachedMagneticField.hh | |
G4TCashKarpRKF45.hh | |
G4TClassicalRK4.hh | |
G4TDormandPrince45.hh | |
G4TExplicitEuler.hh | |
G4TMagErrorStepper.hh | |
G4TMagFieldEquation.hh | |
G4TQuadrupoleMagField.hh | |
G4TrialsCounter.hh | |
G4TrialsCounter.icc | |
G4TSimpleHeum.hh | |
G4TSimpleRunge.hh | |
G4TsitourasRK45.hh | |
G4TUniformMagneticField.hh | |
G4UniformElectricField.hh | |
G4UniformGravityField.hh | |
G4UniformMagField.hh | |
G4VFSALIntegrationStepper.hh | |
G4VFSALIntegrationStepper.icc | |
G4VIntegrationDriver.hh | |
► src | |
G4BFieldIntegrationDriver.cc | |
G4BogackiShampine23.cc | |
G4BogackiShampine45.cc | |
G4BulirschStoer.cc | |
G4CachedMagneticField.cc | |
G4CashKarpRKF45.cc | |
G4ChargeState.cc | |
G4ChordFinder.cc | |
G4ClassicalRK4.cc | |
G4ConstRK4.cc | |
G4DELPHIMagField.cc | |
G4DoLoMcPriRK34.cc | |
G4DormandPrince745.cc | |
G4DormandPrinceRK56.cc | |
G4DormandPrinceRK78.cc | |
G4DriverReporter.cc | |
G4ElectricField.cc | |
G4ElectroMagneticField.cc | |
G4EqEMFieldWithEDM.cc | |
G4EqEMFieldWithSpin.cc | |
G4EqGravityField.cc | |
G4EqMagElectricField.cc | |
G4EquationOfMotion.cc | |
G4ErrorMag_UsualEqRhs.cc | |
G4ExactHelixStepper.cc | |
G4ExplicitEuler.cc | |
G4Field.cc | |
G4FieldManager.cc | |
G4FieldManagerStore.cc | |
G4FieldTrack.cc | |
G4FieldUtils.cc | |
G4FSALBogackiShampine45.cc | |
G4FSALDormandPrince745.cc | |
G4HarmonicPolMagField.cc | |
G4HelixExplicitEuler.cc | |
G4HelixHeum.cc | |
G4HelixImplicitEuler.cc | |
G4HelixMixedStepper.cc | |
G4HelixSimpleRunge.cc | |
G4ImplicitEuler.cc | |
G4LineCurrentMagField.cc | |
G4LineSection.cc | |
G4Mag_EqRhs.cc | |
G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.cc | |
G4Mag_UsualEqRhs.cc | |
G4MagErrorStepper.cc | |
G4MagHelicalStepper.cc | |
G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc | |
G4MagIntegratorStepper.cc | |
G4MagneticField.cc | |
G4ModifiedMidpoint.cc | |
G4MonopoleEq.cc | |
G4NystromRK4.cc | |
G4OldMagIntDriver.cc | |
G4QuadrupoleMagField.cc | |
G4RepleteEofM.cc | |
G4RK547FEq1.cc | |
G4RK547FEq2.cc | |
G4RK547FEq3.cc | |
G4RKG3_Stepper.cc | |
G4SextupoleMagField.cc | |
G4SimpleHeum.cc | |
G4SimpleRunge.cc | |
G4TrialsCounter.cc | |
G4TsitourasRK45.cc | |
G4UniformElectricField.cc | |
G4UniformGravityField.cc | |
G4UniformMagField.cc | |
G4VFSALIntegrationStepper.cc | |
G4VIntegrationDriver.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4AffineTransform.hh | |
G4AffineTransform.icc | |
G4BlockingList.hh | |
G4BlockingList.icc | |
G4BoundingEnvelope.hh | |
G4ErrorCylSurfaceTarget.hh | |
G4ErrorPlaneSurfaceTarget.hh | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTarget.hh | |
G4ErrorTanPlaneTarget.hh | |
G4ErrorTarget.hh | |
G4GeometryManager.hh | |
G4GeomSplitter.hh | |
G4GeomTools.hh | |
G4GeomTypes.hh | |
G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter.hh | |
G4LogicalCrystalVolume.hh | |
G4LogicalSurface.hh | |
G4LogicalSurface.icc | |
G4LogicalVolume.hh | |
G4LogicalVolume.icc | |
G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh | |
G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh | |
G4ReflectedSolid.hh | |
G4Region.hh | |
G4Region.icc | |
G4RegionStore.hh | |
G4ScaleTransform.hh | |
G4ScaleTransform.icc | |
G4SmartVoxelHeader.hh | |
G4SmartVoxelHeader.icc | |
G4SmartVoxelNode.hh | |
G4SmartVoxelNode.icc | |
G4SmartVoxelProxy.hh | |
G4SmartVoxelProxy.icc | |
G4SmartVoxelStat.hh | |
G4SolidStore.hh | |
G4TouchableHandle.hh | |
G4UAdapter.hh | |
G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter.hh | |
G4VNestedParameterisation.hh | |
G4VoxelLimits.hh | |
G4VoxelLimits.icc | |
G4VPhysicalVolume.hh | |
G4VPhysicalVolume.icc | |
G4VPVDivisionFactory.hh | |
G4VPVParameterisation.hh | |
G4VSolid.hh | |
G4VSolid.icc | |
G4VStoreNotifier.hh | |
G4VTouchable.hh | |
G4VTouchable.icc | |
G4VUserRegionInformation.hh | |
G4VVolumeMaterialScanner.hh | |
geomwdefs.hh | |
meshdefs.hh | |
voxeldefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4BlockingList.cc | |
G4BoundingEnvelope.cc | |
G4ErrorCylSurfaceTarget.cc | |
G4ErrorPlaneSurfaceTarget.cc | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTarget.cc | |
G4ErrorTanPlaneTarget.cc | |
G4ErrorTarget.cc | |
G4GeometryManager.cc | |
G4GeomTools.cc | |
G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter.cc | |
G4LogicalCrystalVolume.cc | |
G4LogicalSurface.cc | |
G4LogicalVolume.cc | |
G4LogicalVolumeStore.cc | |
G4PhysicalVolumeStore.cc | |
G4ReflectedSolid.cc | |
G4Region.cc | |
G4RegionStore.cc | |
G4SmartVoxelHeader.cc | |
G4SmartVoxelNode.cc | |
G4SmartVoxelProxy.cc | |
G4SmartVoxelStat.cc | |
G4SolidStore.cc | |
G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter.cc | |
G4VNestedParameterisation.cc | |
G4VoxelLimits.cc | |
G4VPhysicalVolume.cc | |
G4VPVDivisionFactory.cc | |
G4VPVParameterisation.cc | |
G4VSolid.cc | |
G4VTouchable.cc | |
► navigation | |
► include | |
G4AuxiliaryNavServices.hh | |
G4AuxiliaryNavServices.icc | |
G4BrentLocator.hh | |
G4DrawVoxels.hh | |
G4ErrorPropagationNavigator.hh | |
G4GeometryMessenger.hh | |
G4GeomTestVolume.hh | |
G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger.hh | |
G4LocatorChangeLogger.hh | |
G4LocatorChangeRecord.hh | |
G4MultiLevelLocator.hh | |
G4MultiNavigator.hh | |
G4NavigationLogger.hh | |
G4Navigator.hh | |
G4Navigator.icc | |
G4NormalNavigation.hh | |
G4NormalNavigation.icc | |
G4ParameterisedNavigation.hh | |
G4ParameterisedNavigation.icc | |
G4PartialPhantomParameterisation.hh | |
G4PathFinder.hh | |
G4PhantomParameterisation.hh | |
G4PhantomParameterisation.icc | |
G4PropagatorInField.hh | |
G4PropagatorInField.icc | |
G4RegularNavigation.hh | |
G4RegularNavigationHelper.hh | |
G4ReplicaNavigation.hh | |
G4ReplicaNavigation.icc | |
G4SafetyHelper.hh | |
G4SimpleLocator.hh | |
G4TransportationManager.hh | |
G4TransportationManager.icc | |
G4VExternalNavigation.hh | |
G4VIntersectionLocator.hh | |
G4VIntersectionLocator.icc | |
G4VoxelNavigation.hh | |
G4VoxelNavigation.icc | |
G4VoxelSafety.hh | |
► src | |
G4AuxiliaryNavServices.cc | |
G4BrentLocator.cc | |
G4DrawVoxels.cc | |
G4ErrorPropagationNavigator.cc | |
G4GeometryMessenger.cc | |
G4GeomTestVolume.cc | |
G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger.cc | |
G4LocatorChangeLogger.cc | |
G4LocatorChangeRecord.cc | |
G4MultiLevelLocator.cc | |
G4MultiNavigator.cc | |
G4NavigationLogger.cc | |
G4Navigator.cc | |
G4NormalNavigation.cc | |
G4ParameterisedNavigation.cc | |
G4PartialPhantomParameterisation.cc | |
G4PathFinder.cc | |
G4PhantomParameterisation.cc | |
G4PropagatorInField.cc | |
G4RegularNavigation.cc | |
G4RegularNavigationHelper.cc | |
G4ReplicaNavigation.cc | |
G4SafetyHelper.cc | |
G4SimpleLocator.cc | |
G4TransportationManager.cc | |
G4VExternalNavigation.cc | |
G4VIntersectionLocator.cc | |
G4VoxelNavigation.cc | |
G4VoxelSafety.cc | |
► solids | |
► Boolean | |
► include | |
G4BooleanSolid.hh | |
G4BooleanSolid.icc | |
G4DisplacedSolid.hh | |
G4IntersectionSolid.hh | |
G4MultiUnion.hh | |
G4ScaledSolid.hh | |
G4SubtractionSolid.hh | |
G4UnionSolid.hh | |
► src | |
G4BooleanSolid.cc | |
G4DisplacedSolid.cc | |
G4IntersectionSolid.cc | |
G4MultiUnion.cc | |
G4ScaledSolid.cc | |
G4SubtractionSolid.cc | |
G4UnionSolid.cc | |
► CSG | |
► include | |
G4Box.hh | |
G4Box.icc | |
G4Cons.hh | |
G4Cons.icc | |
G4CSGSolid.hh | |
G4CutTubs.hh | |
G4CutTubs.icc | |
G4Orb.hh | |
G4Orb.icc | |
G4Para.hh | |
G4Para.icc | |
G4Sphere.hh | |
G4Sphere.icc | |
G4Torus.hh | |
G4Torus.icc | |
G4Trap.hh | |
G4Trap.icc | |
G4Trd.hh | |
G4Trd.icc | |
G4Tubs.hh | |
G4Tubs.icc | |
G4UBox.hh | |
G4UCons.hh | |
G4UCutTubs.hh | |
G4UOrb.hh | |
G4UPara.hh | |
G4USphere.hh | |
G4UTorus.hh | |
G4UTrap.hh | |
G4UTrd.hh | |
G4UTubs.hh | |
► src | |
G4Box.cc | |
G4Cons.cc | |
G4CSGSolid.cc | |
G4CutTubs.cc | |
G4Orb.cc | |
G4Para.cc | |
G4Sphere.cc | |
G4Torus.cc | |
G4Trap.cc | |
G4Trd.cc | |
G4Tubs.cc | |
G4UBox.cc | |
G4UCons.cc | |
G4UCutTubs.cc | |
G4UOrb.cc | |
G4UPara.cc | |
G4USphere.cc | |
G4UTorus.cc | |
G4UTrap.cc | |
G4UTrd.cc | |
G4UTubs.cc | |
► specific | |
► include | |
G4ClippablePolygon.hh | |
G4ClippablePolygon.icc | |
G4Ellipsoid.hh | |
G4Ellipsoid.icc | |
G4EllipticalCone.hh | |
G4EllipticalCone.icc | |
G4EllipticalTube.hh | |
G4EllipticalTube.icc | |
G4EnclosingCylinder.hh | |
G4ExtrudedSolid.hh | |
G4ExtrudedSolid.icc | |
G4GenericPolycone.hh | |
G4GenericPolycone.icc | |
G4GenericTrap.hh | |
G4GenericTrap.icc | |
G4Hype.hh | |
G4Hype.icc | |
G4IntersectingCone.hh | |
G4Paraboloid.hh | |
G4Paraboloid.icc | |
G4Polycone.hh | |
G4Polycone.icc | |
G4PolyconeHistorical.hh | |
G4PolyconeSide.hh | |
G4Polyhedra.hh | |
G4Polyhedra.icc | |
G4PolyhedraHistorical.hh | |
G4PolyhedraSide.hh | |
G4PolyPhiFace.hh | |
G4PolyPhiFace.icc | |
G4QuadrangularFacet.hh | |
G4ReduciblePolygon.hh | |
G4SolidExtentList.hh | |
G4SolidsWorkspace.hh | |
G4SurfBits.hh | |
G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms.hh | |
G4TessellatedSolid.hh | |
G4Tet.hh | |
G4TriangularFacet.hh | |
G4TwistBoxSide.hh | |
G4TwistedBox.hh | |
G4TwistedTrap.hh | |
G4TwistedTrd.hh | |
G4TwistedTubs.hh | |
G4TwistTrapAlphaSide.hh | |
G4TwistTrapFlatSide.hh | |
G4TwistTrapParallelSide.hh | |
G4TwistTubsFlatSide.hh | |
G4TwistTubsHypeSide.hh | |
G4TwistTubsSide.hh | |
G4UEllipsoid.hh | |
G4UEllipticalCone.hh | |
G4UEllipticalTube.hh | |
G4UExtrudedSolid.hh | |
G4UGenericPolycone.hh | |
G4UGenericTrap.hh | |
G4UHype.hh | |
G4UParaboloid.hh | |
G4UPolycone.hh | |
G4UPolyhedra.hh | |
G4UTessellatedSolid.hh | |
G4UTet.hh | |
G4VCSGface.hh | |
G4VCSGfaceted.hh | |
G4VFacet.hh | |
G4Voxelizer.hh | |
G4Voxelizer.icc | |
G4VTwistedFaceted.hh | |
G4VTwistSurface.hh | |
G4VTwistSurface.icc | |
► src | |
G4ClippablePolygon.cc | |
G4Ellipsoid.cc | |
G4EllipticalCone.cc | |
G4EllipticalTube.cc | |
G4EnclosingCylinder.cc | |
G4ExtrudedSolid.cc | |
G4GenericPolycone.cc | |
G4GenericTrap.cc | |
G4Hype.cc | |
G4IntersectingCone.cc | |
G4Paraboloid.cc | |
G4Polycone.cc | |
G4PolyconeHistorical.cc | |
G4PolyconeSide.cc | |
G4Polyhedra.cc | |
G4PolyhedraHistorical.cc | |
G4PolyhedraSide.cc | |
G4PolyPhiFace.cc | |
G4QuadrangularFacet.cc | |
G4ReduciblePolygon.cc | |
G4SolidExtentList.cc | |
G4SolidsWorkspace.cc | |
G4SurfBits.cc | |
G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms.cc | |
G4TessellatedSolid.cc | |
G4Tet.cc | |
G4TriangularFacet.cc | |
G4TwistBoxSide.cc | |
G4TwistedBox.cc | |
G4TwistedTrap.cc | |
G4TwistedTrd.cc | |
G4TwistedTubs.cc | |
G4TwistTrapAlphaSide.cc | |
G4TwistTrapFlatSide.cc | |
G4TwistTrapParallelSide.cc | |
G4TwistTubsFlatSide.cc | |
G4TwistTubsHypeSide.cc | |
G4TwistTubsSide.cc | |
G4UEllipsoid.cc | |
G4UEllipticalCone.cc | |
G4UEllipticalTube.cc | |
G4UExtrudedSolid.cc | |
G4UGenericPolycone.cc | |
G4UGenericTrap.cc | |
G4UHype.cc | |
G4UParaboloid.cc | |
G4UPolycone.cc | |
G4UPolyhedra.cc | |
G4UTessellatedSolid.cc | |
G4UTet.cc | |
G4VCSGfaceted.cc | |
G4VFacet.cc | |
G4Voxelizer.cc | |
G4VTwistedFaceted.cc | |
G4VTwistSurface.cc | |
► volumes | |
► include | |
G4AssemblyStore.hh | |
G4AssemblyTriplet.hh | |
G4AssemblyTriplet.icc | |
G4AssemblyVolume.hh | |
G4AssemblyVolume.icc | |
G4EnhancedVecAllocator.hh | |
G4GeometryWorkspace.hh | |
G4GRSSolid.hh | |
G4GRSSolid.icc | |
G4GRSSolidHandle.hh | |
G4GRSVolume.hh | |
G4GRSVolume.icc | |
G4GRSVolumeHandle.hh | |
G4LogicalBorderSurface.hh | |
G4LogicalBorderSurface.icc | |
G4LogicalSkinSurface.hh | |
G4LogicalSkinSurface.icc | |
G4NavigationHistory.hh | |
G4NavigationHistory.icc | |
G4NavigationHistoryPool.hh | |
G4NavigationLevel.hh | |
G4NavigationLevel.icc | |
G4NavigationLevelRep.hh | |
G4NavigationLevelRep.icc | |
G4PVParameterised.hh | |
G4PVPlacement.hh | |
G4PVReplica.hh | |
G4ReflectionFactory.hh | |
G4TouchableHistory.hh | |
G4TouchableHistory.icc | |
G4TouchableHistoryHandle.hh | |
G4VExternalPhysicalVolume.hh | |
► src | |
G4AssemblyStore.cc | |
G4AssemblyVolume.cc | |
G4GeometryWorkspace.cc | |
G4GRSSolid.cc | |
G4GRSVolume.cc | |
G4LogicalBorderSurface.cc | |
G4LogicalSkinSurface.cc | |
G4NavigationHistory.cc | |
G4NavigationHistoryPool.cc | |
G4NavigationLevel.cc | |
G4NavigationLevelRep.cc | |
G4PVParameterised.cc | |
G4PVPlacement.cc | |
G4PVReplica.cc | |
G4ReflectionFactory.cc | |
G4TouchableHistory.cc | |
G4VExternalPhysicalVolume.cc | |
► global | |
► HEPGeometry | |
► include | |
G4LorentzRotation.hh | |
G4LorentzVector.hh | |
G4Normal3D.hh | |
G4Plane3D.hh | |
G4Point3D.hh | |
G4Transform3D.hh | |
G4Vector3D.hh | |
geomdefs.hh | |
► HEPNumerics | |
► include | |
G4AnalyticalPolSolver.hh | |
G4ChebyshevApproximation.hh | |
G4ConvergenceTester.hh | |
G4DataInterpolation.hh | |
G4GaussChebyshevQ.hh | |
G4GaussHermiteQ.hh | |
G4GaussJacobiQ.hh | |
G4GaussLaguerreQ.hh | |
G4GaussLegendreQ.hh | |
G4Integrator.hh | |
G4Integrator.icc | |
G4JTPolynomialSolver.hh | |
G4PolynomialSolver.hh | |
G4PolynomialSolver.icc | |
G4SimpleIntegration.hh | |
G4SimplexDownhill.hh | |
G4SimplexDownhill.icc | |
G4StatAnalysis.hh | |
G4StatAnalysis.icc | |
G4StatDouble.hh | |
G4VGaussianQuadrature.hh | |
► src | |
G4AnalyticalPolSolver.cc | |
G4ChebyshevApproximation.cc | |
G4ConvergenceTester.cc | |
G4DataInterpolation.cc | |
G4GaussChebyshevQ.cc | |
G4GaussHermiteQ.cc | |
G4GaussJacobiQ.cc | |
G4GaussLaguerreQ.cc | |
G4GaussLegendreQ.cc | |
G4JTPolynomialSolver.cc | |
G4SimpleIntegration.cc | |
G4StatDouble.cc | |
G4VGaussianQuadrature.cc | |
► HEPRandom | |
► include | |
G4Poisson.hh | |
G4QuickRand.hh | |
G4RandomDirection.hh | |
G4RandomTools.hh | |
G4UniformRandPool.hh | |
Randomize.hh | |
► src | |
G4Poisson.cc | |
G4UniformRandPool.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4Allocator.hh | |
G4AllocatorList.hh | |
G4AllocatorPool.hh | |
G4ApplicationState.hh | |
G4AutoDelete.hh | |
G4AutoLock.hh | |
G4Backtrace.hh | |
G4BuffercoutDestination.hh | |
G4Cache.hh | |
G4CacheDetails.hh | |
G4coutDestination.hh | |
G4coutFormatters.hh | |
G4DataVector.hh | |
G4DataVector.icc | |
G4EnvironmentUtils.hh | |
G4ErrorPropagatorData.hh | |
G4ErrorPropagatorData.icc | |
G4Evaluator.hh | |
G4Exception.hh | |
G4ExceptionSeverity.hh | |
G4Exp.hh | |
G4FastVector.hh | |
G4FilecoutDestination.hh | |
G4Filesystem.hh | |
G4FPEDetection.hh | |
G4GeometryTolerance.hh | |
G4ios.hh | |
G4LockcoutDestination.hh | |
G4Log.hh | |
G4MasterForwardcoutDestination.hh | |
G4MTBarrier.hh | |
G4MTcoutDestination.hh | |
G4MulticoutDestination.hh | |
G4OrderedTable.hh | |
G4PhysicalConstants.hh | |
G4Physics2DVector.hh | |
G4Physics2DVector.icc | |
G4PhysicsFreeVector.hh | |
G4PhysicsLinearVector.hh | |
G4PhysicsLogVector.hh | |
G4PhysicsModelCatalog.hh | |
G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector.hh | |
G4PhysicsTable.hh | |
G4PhysicsTable.icc | |
G4PhysicsVector.hh | |
G4PhysicsVector.icc | |
G4PhysicsVectorType.hh | |
G4Pow.hh | |
G4Profiler.hh | |
G4Profiler.icc | |
G4ReferenceCountedHandle.hh | |
G4RotationMatrix.hh | |
G4SIunits.hh | |
G4SliceTimer.hh | |
G4SliceTimer.icc | |
G4StateManager.hh | |
G4StateManager.icc | |
G4String.hh | |
G4String.icc | |
G4strstreambuf.hh | |
G4strstreambuf.icc | |
G4SystemOfUnits.hh | |
G4Threading.hh | |
G4ThreadLocalSingleton.hh | |
G4ThreeVector.hh | |
G4TiMemory.hh | |
G4Timer.hh | |
G4Timer.icc | |
G4Tokenizer.hh | |
G4TWorkspacePool.hh | |
G4TwoVector.hh | |
G4Types.hh | |
G4UnitsTable.hh | |
G4UnitsTable.icc | |
G4UserLimits.hh | |
G4UserLimits.icc | |
G4Version.hh | |
G4VExceptionHandler.hh | |
G4VNotifier.hh | |
G4VStateDependent.hh | |
globals.hh | |
templates.hh | |
tls.hh | |
windefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4Allocator.cc | |
G4AllocatorList.cc | |
G4AllocatorPool.cc | |
G4BuffercoutDestination.cc | |
G4CacheDetails.cc | |
G4coutDestination.cc | |
G4coutFormatters.cc | |
G4DataVector.cc | |
G4ErrorPropagatorData.cc | |
G4Exception.cc | |
G4FilecoutDestination.cc | |
G4GeometryTolerance.cc | |
G4ios.cc | |
G4LockcoutDestination.cc | |
G4MasterForwardcoutDestination.cc | |
G4MTBarrier.cc | |
G4MTcoutDestination.cc | |
G4OrderedTable.cc | |
G4Physics2DVector.cc | |
G4PhysicsFreeVector.cc | |
G4PhysicsLinearVector.cc | |
G4PhysicsLogVector.cc | |
G4PhysicsModelCatalog.cc | |
G4PhysicsTable.cc | |
G4PhysicsVector.cc | |
G4Pow.cc | |
G4Profiler.cc | |
G4ReferenceCountedHandle.cc | |
G4SliceTimer.cc | |
G4StateManager.cc | |
G4Threading.cc | |
G4ThreadLocalSingleton.cc | |
G4Timer.cc | |
G4UnitsTable.cc | |
G4VExceptionHandler.cc | |
G4VNotifier.cc | |
G4VStateDependent.cc | |
► graphics_reps | |
► include | |
G4AttCheck.hh | |
G4AttDef.hh | |
G4AttDefStore.hh | |
G4AttDefT.hh | |
G4AttHolder.hh | |
G4AttUtils.hh | |
G4AttValue.hh | |
G4Circle.hh | |
G4Color.hh | |
G4Colour.hh | |
G4ConversionFatalError.hh | |
G4ConversionUtils.hh | |
G4CreatorFactoryT.hh | |
G4DimensionedDouble.hh | |
G4DimensionedThreeVector.hh | |
G4DimensionedType.hh | |
G4PlacedPolyhedron.hh | |
G4Plotter.hh | |
G4Point3DList.hh | |
G4Polyhedron.hh | |
G4PolyhedronArbitrary.hh | |
G4Polyline.hh | |
G4Polymarker.hh | |
G4Polymarker.icc | |
G4SmartFilter.hh | |
G4Square.hh | |
G4Square.icc | |
G4Text.hh | |
G4Text.icc | |
G4TypeKey.hh | |
G4TypeKeyT.hh | |
G4VFilter.hh | |
G4VGraphicsScene.hh | |
G4VisAttributes.hh | |
G4VisAttributes.icc | |
G4VisExtent.hh | |
G4Visible.hh | |
G4Visible.icc | |
G4VMarker.hh | |
G4VMarker.icc | |
G4VVisManager.hh | |
graphics_reps_defs.hh | |
HepPolyhedron.h | |
HepPolyhedronProcessor.h | |
► src | |
G4AttCheck.cc | |
G4AttDef.cc | |
G4AttDefStore.cc | |
G4AttHolder.cc | |
G4AttUtils.cc | |
G4Circle.cc | |
G4Colour.cc | |
G4DimensionedTypeUtils.cc | |
G4PlacedPolyhedron.cc | |
G4Plotter.cc | |
G4Point3DList.cc | |
G4Polyhedron.cc | |
G4PolyhedronArbitrary.cc | |
G4Polyline.cc | |
G4Polymarker.cc | |
G4Square.cc | |
G4Text.cc | |
G4VGraphicsScene.cc | |
G4VisAttributes.cc | |
G4VisExtent.cc | |
G4Visible.cc | |
G4VMarker.cc | |
G4VVisManager.cc | |
HepPolyhedron.cc | |
► intercoms | |
► include | |
G4AnyMethod.hh | |
G4AnyType.hh | |
G4GenericMessenger.hh | |
G4LocalThreadCoutMessenger.hh | |
G4ProfilerMessenger.hh | |
G4UIaliasList.hh | |
G4UIbatch.hh | |
G4UIbridge.hh | |
G4UIcmdWith3Vector.hh | |
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithABool.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithADouble.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithALongInt.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithAnInteger.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithAString.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithoutParameter.hh | |
G4UIcommand.hh | |
G4UIcommandStatus.hh | |
G4UIcommandTree.hh | |
G4UIcontrolMessenger.hh | |
G4UIdirectory.hh | |
G4UImanager.hh | |
G4UImessenger.hh | |
G4UIparameter.hh | |
G4UIsession.hh | |
G4UItokenNum.hh | |
G4UnitsMessenger.hh | |
G4VFlavoredParallelWorld.hh | |
G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager.hh | |
icomsdefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4GenericMessenger.cc | |
G4LocalThreadCoutMessenger.cc | |
G4ProfilerMessenger.cc | |
G4UIaliasList.cc | |
G4UIbatch.cc | |
G4UIbridge.cc | |
G4UIcmdWith3Vector.cc | |
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithABool.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithADouble.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithALongInt.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithAnInteger.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithAString.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithoutParameter.cc | |
G4UIcommand.cc | |
G4UIcommandTree.cc | |
G4UIcontrolMessenger.cc | |
G4UIdirectory.cc | |
G4UImanager.cc | |
G4UImessenger.cc | |
G4UIparameter.cc | |
G4UIsession.cc | |
G4UnitsMessenger.cc | |
G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager.cc | |
► interfaces | |
► basic | |
► include | |
G4UIArrayString.hh | |
G4UIcsh.hh | |
G4UIExecutive.hh | |
G4UIQt.hh | |
G4UItcsh.hh | |
G4UIterminal.hh | |
G4UIWin32.hh | |
G4UIXm.hh | |
G4VUIshell.hh | |
► src | |
G4UIArrayString.cc | |
G4UIcsh.cc | |
G4UIExecutive.cc | |
G4UIQt.cc | |
G4UItcsh.cc | |
G4UIterminal.cc | |
G4UIWin32.cc | |
G4UIXm.cc | |
G4VUIshell.cc | |
► common | |
► include | |
G4InteractorMessenger.hh | |
G4Qt.hh | |
G4VBasicShell.hh | |
G4VInteractiveSession.hh | |
G4VInteractorManager.hh | |
G4Win32.hh | |
G4Xt.hh | |
► src | |
G4InteractorMessenger.cc | |
G4Qt.cc | |
G4VBasicShell.cc | |
G4VInteractiveSession.cc | |
G4VInteractorManager.cc | |
G4Win32.cc | |
G4Xt.cc | |
► materials | |
► include | |
G4AtomicBond.hh | |
G4AtomicFormFactor.hh | |
G4AtomicShells.hh | |
G4AtomicShells_XDB_EADL.hh | |
G4CrystalAtomBase.hh | |
G4CrystalBravaisLattices.h | |
G4CrystalExtension.hh | |
G4CrystalLatticeSystems.h | |
G4CrystalUnitCell.hh | |
G4DensityEffectCalculator.hh | |
G4DensityEffectData.hh | |
G4Element.hh | |
G4ElementData.hh | |
G4ElementTable.hh | |
G4ElementVector.hh | |
G4ExtDEDXTable.hh | |
G4ExtendedMaterial.hh | |
G4ICRU90StoppingData.hh | |
G4IonisParamElm.hh | |
G4IonisParamMat.hh | |
G4IonStoppingData.hh | |
G4Isotope.hh | |
G4IsotopeVector.hh | |
G4LatticeLogical.hh | Definition of the G4LatticeLogical class |
G4LatticePhysical.hh | Definition of the G4LatticePhysical class |
G4Material.hh | |
G4MaterialPropertiesIndex.hh | |
G4MaterialPropertiesTable.hh | |
G4MaterialPropertyVector.hh | |
G4MaterialTable.hh | |
G4MicroElecMaterialStructure.hh | |
G4MicroElecSiStructure.hh | |
G4NistElementBuilder.hh | |
G4NistManager.hh | |
G4NistMaterialBuilder.hh | |
G4NistMessenger.hh | |
G4OpticalMaterialProperties.hh | |
G4OpticalSurface.hh | |
G4SandiaTable.hh | |
G4StaticSandiaData.hh | |
G4SurfaceProperty.hh | |
G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable.hh | |
G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper.hh | |
G4VIonDEDXTable.hh | |
G4VMaterialExtension.hh | |
► src | |
G4AtomicBond.cc | |
G4AtomicFormFactor.cc | |
G4AtomicShells.cc | |
G4AtomicShells_XDB_EADL.cc | |
G4CrystalExtension.cc | |
G4CrystalUnitCell.cc | |
G4DensityEffectCalculator.cc | |
G4DensityEffectData.cc | |
G4Element.cc | |
G4ElementData.cc | |
G4ExtDEDXTable.cc | |
G4ExtendedMaterial.cc | |
G4ICRU90StoppingData.cc | |
G4IonisParamElm.cc | |
G4IonisParamMat.cc | |
G4IonStoppingData.cc | |
G4Isotope.cc | |
G4LatticeLogical.cc | Implementation of the G4LatticeLogical class |
G4LatticePhysical.cc | Implementation of the G4LatticePhysical class |
G4Material.cc | |
G4MaterialPropertiesTable.cc | |
G4MicroElecMaterialStructure.cc | |
G4MicroElecSiStructure.cc | |
G4NistElementBuilder.cc | |
G4NistManager.cc | |
G4NistMaterialBuilder.cc | |
G4NistMessenger.cc | |
G4OpticalSurface.cc | |
G4SandiaTable.cc | |
G4SurfaceProperty.cc | |
G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable.cc | |
G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper.cc | |
G4VIonDEDXTable.cc | |
► parameterisations | |
► gflash | |
► include | |
G4GFlashSpot.hh | |
G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector.hh | |
Gamma.hh | |
GFlashEnergySpot.hh | |
GFlashHitMaker.hh | |
GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation.hh | |
GFlashParticleBounds.hh | |
GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation.hh | |
GFlashSamplingShowerTuning.hh | |
GFlashShowerModel.hh | |
GFlashShowerModelMessenger.hh | |
GVFlashHomoShowerTuning.hh | |
GVFlashShowerParameterisation.hh | |
► src | |
Gamma.cc | |
GFlashEnergySpot.cc | |
GFlashHitMaker.cc | |
GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation.cc | |
GFlashParticleBounds.cc | |
GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation.cc | |
GFlashShowerModel.cc | |
GFlashShowerModelMessenger.cc | |
GVFlashShowerParameterisation.cc | |
► particles | |
► adjoint | |
► include | |
G4AdjointAlpha.hh | |
G4AdjointDeuteron.hh | |
G4AdjointElectron.hh | |
G4AdjointElectronFI.hh | |
G4AdjointGamma.hh | |
G4AdjointGenericIon.hh | |
G4AdjointHe3.hh | |
G4AdjointIons.hh | |
G4AdjointPositron.hh | |
G4AdjointProton.hh | |
G4AdjointTriton.hh | |
► src | |
G4AdjointAlpha.cc | |
G4AdjointDeuteron.cc | |
G4AdjointElectron.cc | |
G4AdjointElectronFI.cc | |
G4AdjointGamma.cc | |
G4AdjointGenericIon.cc | |
G4AdjointHe3.cc | |
G4AdjointIons.cc | |
G4AdjointPositron.cc | |
G4AdjointProton.cc | |
G4AdjointTriton.cc | |
► bosons | |
► include | |
G4BosonConstructor.hh | |
G4ChargedGeantino.hh | |
G4Gamma.hh | |
G4Geantino.hh | |
G4OpticalPhoton.hh | |
G4PhononLong.hh | |
G4PhononTransFast.hh | |
G4PhononTransSlow.hh | |
G4UnknownParticle.hh | |
► src | |
G4BosonConstructor.cc | |
G4ChargedGeantino.cc | |
G4Gamma.cc | |
G4Geantino.cc | |
G4OpticalPhoton.cc | |
G4PhononLong.cc | |
G4PhononTransFast.cc | |
G4PhononTransSlow.cc | |
G4UnknownParticle.cc | |
► hadrons | |
► barions | |
► include | |
G4AntiLambda.hh | |
G4AntiLambdab.hh | |
G4AntiLambdacPlus.hh | |
G4AntiNeutron.hh | |
G4AntiOmegabMinus.hh | |
G4AntiOmegacZero.hh | |
G4AntiOmegaMinus.hh | |
G4AntiProton.hh | |
G4AntiSigmabMinus.hh | |
G4AntiSigmabPlus.hh | |
G4AntiSigmabZero.hh | |
G4AntiSigmacPlus.hh | |
G4AntiSigmacPlusPlus.hh | |
G4AntiSigmacZero.hh | |
G4AntiSigmaMinus.hh | |
G4AntiSigmaPlus.hh | |
G4AntiSigmaZero.hh | |
G4AntiXibMinus.hh | |
G4AntiXibZero.hh | |
G4AntiXicPlus.hh | |
G4AntiXicZero.hh | |
G4AntiXiMinus.hh | |
G4AntiXiZero.hh | |
G4BaryonConstructor.hh | |
G4Lambda.hh | |
G4Lambdab.hh | |
G4LambdacPlus.hh | |
G4Neutron.hh | |
G4OmegabMinus.hh | |
G4OmegacZero.hh | |
G4OmegaMinus.hh | |
G4Proton.hh | |
G4SigmabMinus.hh | |
G4SigmabPlus.hh | |
G4SigmabZero.hh | |
G4SigmacPlus.hh | |
G4SigmacPlusPlus.hh | |
G4SigmacZero.hh | |
G4SigmaMinus.hh | |
G4SigmaPlus.hh | |
G4SigmaZero.hh | |
G4XibMinus.hh | |
G4XibZero.hh | |
G4XicPlus.hh | |
G4XicZero.hh | |
G4XiMinus.hh | |
G4XiZero.hh | |
► src | |
G4AntiLambda.cc | |
G4AntiLambdab.cc | |
G4AntiLambdacPlus.cc | |
G4AntiNeutron.cc | |
G4AntiOmegabMinus.cc | |
G4AntiOmegacZero.cc | |
G4AntiOmegaMinus.cc | |
G4AntiProton.cc | |
G4AntiSigmabMinus.cc | |
G4AntiSigmabPlus.cc | |
G4AntiSigmabZero.cc | |
G4AntiSigmacPlus.cc | |
G4AntiSigmacPlusPlus.cc | |
G4AntiSigmacZero.cc | |
G4AntiSigmaMinus.cc | |
G4AntiSigmaPlus.cc | |
G4AntiSigmaZero.cc | |
G4AntiXibMinus.cc | |
G4AntiXibZero.cc | |
G4AntiXicPlus.cc | |
G4AntiXicZero.cc | |
G4AntiXiMinus.cc | |
G4AntiXiZero.cc | |
G4BaryonConstructor.cc | |
G4Lambda.cc | |
G4Lambdab.cc | |
G4LambdacPlus.cc | |
G4Neutron.cc | |
G4OmegabMinus.cc | |
G4OmegacZero.cc | |
G4OmegaMinus.cc | |
G4Proton.cc | |
G4SigmabMinus.cc | |
G4SigmabPlus.cc | |
G4SigmabZero.cc | |
G4SigmacPlus.cc | |
G4SigmacPlusPlus.cc | |
G4SigmacZero.cc | |
G4SigmaMinus.cc | |
G4SigmaPlus.cc | |
G4SigmaZero.cc | |
G4XibMinus.cc | |
G4XibZero.cc | |
G4XicPlus.cc | |
G4XicZero.cc | |
G4XiMinus.cc | |
G4XiZero.cc | |
► ions | |
► include | |
G4Alpha.hh | |
G4AntiAlpha.hh | |
G4AntiDeuteron.hh | |
G4AntiDoubleHyperDoubleNeutron.hh | |
G4AntiDoubleHyperH4.hh | |
G4AntiHe3.hh | |
G4AntiHyperAlpha.hh | |
G4AntiHyperH4.hh | |
G4AntiHyperHe5.hh | |
G4AntiHyperTriton.hh | |
G4AntiTriton.hh | |
G4Deuteron.hh | |
G4DoubleHyperDoubleNeutron.hh | |
G4DoubleHyperH4.hh | |
G4GenericIon.hh | |
G4GenericMuonicAtom.hh | |
G4He3.hh | |
G4HyperAlpha.hh | |
G4HyperH4.hh | |
G4HyperHe5.hh | |
G4HyperTriton.hh | |
G4IonConstructor.hh | |
G4Triton.hh | |
► src | |
G4Alpha.cc | |
G4AntiAlpha.cc | |
G4AntiDeuteron.cc | |
G4AntiDoubleHyperDoubleNeutron.cc | |
G4AntiDoubleHyperH4.cc | |
G4AntiHe3.cc | |
G4AntiHyperAlpha.cc | |
G4AntiHyperH4.cc | |
G4AntiHyperHe5.cc | |
G4AntiHyperTriton.cc | |
G4AntiTriton.cc | |
G4Deuteron.cc | |
G4DoubleHyperDoubleNeutron.cc | |
G4DoubleHyperH4.cc | |
G4GenericIon.cc | |
G4GenericMuonicAtom.cc | |
G4He3.cc | |
G4HyperAlpha.cc | |
G4HyperH4.cc | |
G4HyperHe5.cc | |
G4HyperTriton.cc | |
G4IonConstructor.cc | |
G4Triton.cc | |
► mesons | |
► include | |
G4AntiBMesonZero.hh | |
G4AntiBsMesonZero.hh | |
G4AntiDMesonZero.hh | |
G4AntiKaonZero.hh | |
G4BcMesonMinus.hh | |
G4BcMesonPlus.hh | |
G4BMesonMinus.hh | |
G4BMesonPlus.hh | |
G4BMesonZero.hh | |
G4BsMesonZero.hh | |
G4DMesonMinus.hh | |
G4DMesonPlus.hh | |
G4DMesonZero.hh | |
G4DsMesonMinus.hh | |
G4DsMesonPlus.hh | |
G4Eta.hh | |
G4Etac.hh | |
G4EtaPrime.hh | |
G4JPsi.hh | |
G4KaonMinus.hh | |
G4KaonPlus.hh | |
G4KaonZero.hh | |
G4KaonZeroLong.hh | |
G4KaonZeroShort.hh | |
G4MesonConstructor.hh | |
G4PionMinus.hh | |
G4PionPlus.hh | |
G4PionZero.hh | |
G4Upsilon.hh | |
► src | |
G4AntiBMesonZero.cc | |
G4AntiBsMesonZero.cc | |
G4AntiDMesonZero.cc | |
G4AntiKaonZero.cc | |
G4BcMesonMinus.cc | |
G4BcMesonPlus.cc | |
G4BMesonMinus.cc | |
G4BMesonPlus.cc | |
G4BMesonZero.cc | |
G4BsMesonZero.cc | |
G4DMesonMinus.cc | |
G4DMesonPlus.cc | |
G4DMesonZero.cc | |
G4DsMesonMinus.cc | |
G4DsMesonPlus.cc | |
G4Eta.cc | |
G4Etac.cc | |
G4EtaPrime.cc | |
G4JPsi.cc | |
G4KaonMinus.cc | |
G4KaonPlus.cc | |
G4KaonZero.cc | |
G4KaonZeroLong.cc | |
G4KaonZeroShort.cc | |
G4MesonConstructor.cc | |
G4PionMinus.cc | |
G4PionPlus.cc | |
G4PionZero.cc | |
G4Upsilon.cc | |
► leptons | |
► include | |
G4AntiNeutrinoE.hh | |
G4AntiNeutrinoMu.hh | |
G4AntiNeutrinoTau.hh | |
G4Electron.hh | |
G4LeptonConstructor.hh | |
G4MuonMinus.hh | |
G4MuonPlus.hh | |
G4NeutrinoE.hh | |
G4NeutrinoMu.hh | |
G4NeutrinoTau.hh | |
G4Positron.hh | |
G4TauMinus.hh | |
G4TauPlus.hh | |
► src | |
G4AntiNeutrinoE.cc | |
G4AntiNeutrinoMu.cc | |
G4AntiNeutrinoTau.cc | |
G4Electron.cc | |
G4LeptonConstructor.cc | |
G4MuonMinus.cc | |
G4MuonPlus.cc | |
G4NeutrinoE.cc | |
G4NeutrinoMu.cc | |
G4NeutrinoTau.cc | |
G4Positron.cc | |
G4TauMinus.cc | |
G4TauPlus.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4DalitzDecayChannel.hh | |
G4DecayProducts.hh | |
G4DecayTable.hh | |
G4DecayTableMessenger.hh | |
G4DynamicParticle.hh | |
G4DynamicParticle.icc | |
G4DynamicParticleFastVector.hh | |
G4ElectronOccupancy.hh | |
G4HyperNucleiProperties.hh | |
G4Ions.hh | |
G4IonTable.hh | |
G4IsotopeProperty.hh | |
G4KL3DecayChannel.hh | |
G4MuonDecayChannel.hh | |
G4MuonDecayChannelWithSpin.hh | |
G4MuonicAtom.hh | |
G4MuonicAtomHelper.hh | |
G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin.hh | |
G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel.hh | |
G4NucleiProperties.hh | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTableAME12.hh | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTheoreticalTable.hh | |
G4NuclideTable.hh | |
G4NuclideTableMessenger.hh | |
G4ParticleDefinition.hh | |
G4ParticleDefinition.icc | |
G4ParticleMessenger.hh | |
G4ParticleMomentum.hh | |
G4ParticlePropertyData.hh | |
G4ParticlePropertyData.icc | |
G4ParticlePropertyMessenger.hh | |
G4ParticlePropertyTable.hh | |
G4ParticlesWorkspace.hh | |
G4ParticleTable.hh | |
G4ParticleTable.icc | |
G4ParticleTableIterator.hh | |
G4ParticleWithCuts.hh | |
G4PDefManager.hh | |
G4PDGCodeChecker.hh | |
G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel.hh | |
G4PionRadiativeDecayChannel.hh | |
G4PrimaryParticle.hh | |
G4PrimaryVertex.hh | |
G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel.hh | |
G4VDecayChannel.hh | |
G4VIsotopeTable.hh | |
G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation.hh | |
G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation.hh | |
pwdefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4DalitzDecayChannel.cc | |
G4DecayProducts.cc | |
G4DecayTable.cc | |
G4DecayTableMessenger.cc | |
G4DynamicParticle.cc | |
G4ElectronOccupancy.cc | |
G4HyperNucleiProperties.cc | |
G4Ions.cc | |
G4IonTable.cc | |
G4IsotopeProperty.cc | |
G4KL3DecayChannel.cc | |
G4MuonDecayChannel.cc | |
G4MuonDecayChannelWithSpin.cc | |
G4MuonicAtom.cc | |
G4MuonicAtomHelper.cc | |
G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin.cc | |
G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel.cc | |
G4NucleiProperties.cc | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTableAME12.cc | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTheoreticalTableA.cc | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTheoreticalTableB.cc | |
G4NuclideTable.cc | |
G4NuclideTableMessenger.cc | |
G4ParticleDefinition.cc | |
G4ParticleMessenger.cc | |
G4ParticlePropertyData.cc | |
G4ParticlePropertyMessenger.cc | |
G4ParticlePropertyTable.cc | |
G4ParticlesWorkspace.cc | |
G4ParticleTable.cc | |
G4PDefManager.cc | |
G4PDGCodeChecker.cc | |
G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel.cc | |
G4PionRadiativeDecayChannel.cc | |
G4PrimaryParticle.cc | |
G4PrimaryVertex.cc | |
G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel.cc | |
G4VDecayChannel.cc | |
G4VIsotopeTable.cc | |
G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation.cc | |
G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation.cc | |
► shortlived | |
► include | |
G4DiQuarks.hh | |
G4ExcitedBaryonConstructor.hh | |
G4ExcitedBaryons.hh | |
G4ExcitedDeltaConstructor.hh | |
G4ExcitedLambdaConstructor.hh | |
G4ExcitedMesonConstructor.hh | |
G4ExcitedMesons.hh | |
G4ExcitedNucleonConstructor.hh | |
G4ExcitedSigmaConstructor.hh | |
G4ExcitedXiConstructor.hh | |
G4Gluons.hh | |
G4Quarks.hh | |
G4ShortLivedConstructor.hh | |
G4VShortLivedParticle.hh | |
► src | |
G4DiQuarks.cc | |
G4ExcitedBaryonConstructor.cc | |
G4ExcitedBaryons.cc | |
G4ExcitedDeltaConstructor.cc | |
G4ExcitedLambdaConstructor.cc | |
G4ExcitedMesonConstructor.cc | |
G4ExcitedMesons.cc | |
G4ExcitedNucleonConstructor.cc | |
G4ExcitedSigmaConstructor.cc | |
G4ExcitedXiConstructor.cc | |
G4Gluons.cc | |
G4Quarks.cc | |
G4ShortLivedConstructor.cc | |
G4VShortLivedParticle.cc | |
► utils | |
► include | |
G4HtmlPPReporter.hh | |
G4IsotopeMagneticMomentTable.hh | |
G4SimplePPReporter.hh | |
G4TextPPReporter.hh | |
G4TextPPRetriever.hh | |
G4VParticlePropertyReporter.hh | |
G4VParticlePropertyRetriever.hh | |
► src | |
G4HtmlPPReporter.cc | |
G4IsotopeMagneticMomentTable.cc | |
G4SimplePPReporter.cc | |
G4TextPPReporter.cc | |
G4TextPPRetriever.cc | |
G4VParticlePropertyReporter.cc | |
► persistency | |
► ascii | |
► include | |
G4tgbDetectorBuilder.hh | |
G4tgbDetectorConstruction.hh | |
G4tgbElement.hh | |
G4tgbGeometryDumper.hh | |
G4tgbIsotope.hh | |
G4tgbMaterial.hh | |
G4tgbMaterialMgr.hh | |
G4tgbMaterialMixture.hh | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByNoAtoms.hh | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByVolume.hh | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByWeight.hh | |
G4tgbMaterialSimple.hh | |
G4tgbPlaceParamCircle.hh | |
G4tgbPlaceParameterisation.hh | |
G4tgbPlaceParamLinear.hh | |
G4tgbPlaceParamSquare.hh | |
G4tgbRotationMatrix.hh | |
G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr.hh | |
G4tgbVolume.hh | |
G4tgbVolumeMgr.hh | |
G4tgrElement.hh | |
G4tgrElementFromIsotopes.hh | |
G4tgrElementSimple.hh | |
G4tgrEvaluator.hh | |
G4tgrFileIn.hh | |
G4tgrFileReader.hh | |
G4tgrIsotope.hh | |
G4tgrLineProcessor.hh | |
G4tgrMaterial.hh | |
G4tgrMaterialFactory.hh | |
G4tgrMaterialMixture.hh | |
G4tgrMaterialSimple.hh | |
G4tgrMessenger.hh | |
G4tgrParameterMgr.hh | |
G4tgrPlace.hh | |
G4tgrPlaceDivRep.hh | |
G4tgrPlaceParameterisation.hh | |
G4tgrPlaceSimple.hh | |
G4tgrRotationMatrix.hh | |
G4tgrRotationMatrixFactory.hh | |
G4tgrSolid.hh | |
G4tgrSolidBoolean.hh | |
G4tgrSolidMultiUnion.hh | |
G4tgrSolidScaled.hh | |
G4tgrUtils.hh | |
G4tgrVolume.hh | |
G4tgrVolumeAssembly.hh | |
G4tgrVolumeDivision.hh | |
G4tgrVolumeMgr.hh | |
► src | |
G4tgbDetectorBuilder.cc | |
G4tgbDetectorConstruction.cc | |
G4tgbElement.cc | |
G4tgbGeometryDumper.cc | |
G4tgbIsotope.cc | |
G4tgbMaterial.cc | |
G4tgbMaterialMgr.cc | |
G4tgbMaterialMixture.cc | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByNoAtoms.cc | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByVolume.cc | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByWeight.cc | |
G4tgbMaterialSimple.cc | |
G4tgbPlaceParamCircle.cc | |
G4tgbPlaceParameterisation.cc | |
G4tgbPlaceParamLinear.cc | |
G4tgbPlaceParamSquare.cc | |
G4tgbRotationMatrix.cc | |
G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr.cc | |
G4tgbVolume.cc | |
G4tgbVolumeMgr.cc | |
G4tgrElement.cc | |
G4tgrElementFromIsotopes.cc | |
G4tgrElementSimple.cc | |
G4tgrEvaluator.cc | |
G4tgrFileIn.cc | |
G4tgrFileReader.cc | |
G4tgrIsotope.cc | |
G4tgrLineProcessor.cc | |
G4tgrMaterial.cc | |
G4tgrMaterialFactory.cc | |
G4tgrMaterialMixture.cc | |
G4tgrMaterialSimple.cc | |
G4tgrMessenger.cc | |
G4tgrParameterMgr.cc | |
G4tgrPlace.cc | |
G4tgrPlaceDivRep.cc | |
G4tgrPlaceParameterisation.cc | |
G4tgrPlaceSimple.cc | |
G4tgrRotationMatrix.cc | |
G4tgrRotationMatrixFactory.cc | |
G4tgrSolid.cc | |
G4tgrSolidBoolean.cc | |
G4tgrSolidMultiUnion.cc | |
G4tgrSolidScaled.cc | |
G4tgrUtils.cc | |
G4tgrVolume.cc | |
G4tgrVolumeAssembly.cc | |
G4tgrVolumeDivision.cc | |
G4tgrVolumeMgr.cc | |
► gdml | |
► include | |
G4GDMLAuxStructType.hh | |
G4GDMLEvaluator.hh | |
G4GDMLMessenger.hh | |
G4GDMLParameterisation.hh | |
G4GDMLParser.hh | |
G4GDMLParser.icc | |
G4GDMLRead.hh | |
G4GDMLReadDefine.hh | |
G4GDMLReadMaterials.hh | |
G4GDMLReadParamvol.hh | |
G4GDMLReadSetup.hh | |
G4GDMLReadSolids.hh | |
G4GDMLReadStructure.hh | |
G4GDMLWrite.hh | |
G4GDMLWriteDefine.hh | |
G4GDMLWriteMaterials.hh | |
G4GDMLWriteParamvol.hh | |
G4GDMLWriteSetup.hh | |
G4GDMLWriteSolids.hh | |
G4GDMLWriteStructure.hh | |
G4STRead.hh | |
► src | |
G4GDMLEvaluator.cc | |
G4GDMLMessenger.cc | |
G4GDMLParameterisation.cc | |
G4GDMLParser.cc | |
G4GDMLRead.cc | |
G4GDMLReadDefine.cc | |
G4GDMLReadMaterials.cc | |
G4GDMLReadParamvol.cc | |
G4GDMLReadSetup.cc | |
G4GDMLReadSolids.cc | |
G4GDMLReadStructure.cc | |
G4GDMLWrite.cc | |
G4GDMLWriteDefine.cc | |
G4GDMLWriteMaterials.cc | |
G4GDMLWriteParamvol.cc | |
G4GDMLWriteSetup.cc | |
G4GDMLWriteSolids.cc | |
G4GDMLWriteStructure.cc | |
G4STRead.cc | |
► mctruth | |
► include | |
G4DCIOcatalog.hh | |
G4DCIOentryT.hh | |
G4FileUtilities.hh | |
G4HCIOcatalog.hh | |
G4HCIOentryT.hh | |
G4MCTEvent.hh | |
G4MCTGenEvent.hh | |
G4MCTGenParticle.hh | |
G4MCTSimEvent.hh | |
G4MCTSimParticle.hh | |
G4MCTSimVertex.hh | |
G4PersistencyCenter.hh | |
G4PersistencyCenterMessenger.hh | |
G4PersistencyManager.hh | |
G4PersistencyManagerT.hh | |
G4Pevent.hh | |
G4VDCIOentry.hh | |
G4VHCIOentry.hh | |
G4VMCTruthIO.hh | |
G4VPDigitIO.hh | |
G4VPDigitsCollectionIO.hh | |
G4VPEventIO.hh | |
G4VPHitIO.hh | |
G4VPHitsCollectionIO.hh | |
G4VTransactionManager.hh | |
► src | |
G4DCIOcatalog.cc | |
G4FileUtilities.cc | |
G4HCIOcatalog.cc | |
G4MCTEvent.cc | |
G4MCTGenEvent.cc | |
G4MCTSimEvent.cc | |
G4MCTSimParticle.cc | |
G4MCTSimVertex.cc | |
G4PersistencyCenter.cc | |
G4PersistencyCenterMessenger.cc | |
G4PersistencyManager.cc | |
G4Pevent.cc | |
G4VDCIOentry.cc | |
G4VHCIOentry.cc | |
G4VMCTruthIO.cc | |
G4VPDigitIO.cc | |
G4VPDigitsCollectionIO.cc | |
G4VPEventIO.cc | |
G4VPHitIO.cc | |
G4VPHitsCollectionIO.cc | |
► physics_lists | |
► builders | |
► include | |
G4AlphaBuilder.hh | |
G4AlphaPHPBuilder.hh | |
G4AntiBarionBuilder.hh | |
G4BertiniKaonBuilder.hh | |
G4BertiniNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4BertiniPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4BertiniPionBuilder.hh | |
G4BertiniProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryAlphaBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryDeuteronBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryHe3Builder.hh | |
G4BinaryNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryPionBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4BinaryTritonBuilder.hh | |
G4BuilderType.hh | |
G4DeuteronBuilder.hh | |
G4DeuteronPHPBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFBinaryProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFPAntiBarionBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFPKaonBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFPNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFPPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFPPionBuilder.hh | |
G4FTFPProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4HadronicBuilder.hh | |
G4He3Builder.hh | |
G4He3PHPBuilder.hh | |
G4HyperonBuilder.hh | |
G4HyperonFTFPBuilder.hh | |
G4HyperonQGSPBuilder.hh | |
G4INCLXXNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4INCLXXPionBuilder.hh | |
G4INCLXXProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4KaonBuilder.hh | |
G4NeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4NeutronCrossSectionXS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPBuilder.hh | |
G4NeutronLENDBuilder.hh | |
G4NeutronPHPBuilder.hh | |
G4PiKBuilder.hh | |
G4PionBuilder.hh | |
G4PrecoNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4PrecoProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4ProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4ProtonPHPBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSBinaryNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSBinaryPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSBinaryProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPAntiBarionBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPKaonBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPPionBuilder.hh | |
G4QGSPProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4TritonBuilder.hh | |
G4TritonPHPBuilder.hh | |
G4VAlphaBuilder.hh | |
G4VAntiBarionBuilder.hh | |
G4VDeuteronBuilder.hh | |
G4VHadronModelBuilder.hh | |
G4VHe3Builder.hh | |
G4VHyperonBuilder.hh | |
G4VKaonBuilder.hh | |
G4VNeutronBuilder.hh | |
G4VPiKBuilder.hh | |
G4VPionBuilder.hh | |
G4VProtonBuilder.hh | |
G4VTritonBuilder.hh | |
► src | |
G4AlphaBuilder.cc | |
G4AlphaPHPBuilder.cc | |
G4AntiBarionBuilder.cc | |
G4BertiniKaonBuilder.cc | |
G4BertiniNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4BertiniPiKBuilder.cc | |
G4BertiniPionBuilder.cc | |
G4BertiniProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryAlphaBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryDeuteronBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryHe3Builder.cc | |
G4BinaryNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryPiKBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryPionBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4BinaryTritonBuilder.cc | |
G4DeuteronBuilder.cc | |
G4DeuteronPHPBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFBinaryProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFPAntiBarionBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFPKaonBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFPNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFPPiKBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFPPionBuilder.cc | |
G4FTFPProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4HadronicBuilder.cc | |
G4He3Builder.cc | |
G4He3PHPBuilder.cc | |
G4HyperonBuilder.cc | |
G4HyperonFTFPBuilder.cc | |
G4HyperonQGSPBuilder.cc | |
G4INCLXXNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4INCLXXPionBuilder.cc | |
G4INCLXXProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4KaonBuilder.cc | |
G4NeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4NeutronCrossSectionXS.cc | |
G4NeutronLENDBuilder.cc | |
G4NeutronPHPBuilder.cc | |
G4PiKBuilder.cc | |
G4PionBuilder.cc | |
G4PrecoNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4PrecoProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4ProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4ProtonPHPBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSBinaryNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSBinaryPiKBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSBinaryProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPAntiBarionBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPKaonBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPNeutronBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPPiKBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPPionBuilder.cc | |
G4QGSPProtonBuilder.cc | |
G4TritonBuilder.cc | |
G4TritonPHPBuilder.cc | |
G4VHadronModelBuilder.cc | |
► constructors | |
► decay | |
► include | |
G4DecayPhysics.hh | |
G4MuonicAtomDecayPhysics.hh | |
G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics.hh | |
G4SpinDecayPhysics.hh | |
G4UnknownDecayPhysics.hh | |
► src | |
G4DecayPhysics.cc | |
G4MuonicAtomDecayPhysics.cc | |
G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics.cc | |
G4SpinDecayPhysics.cc | |
G4UnknownDecayPhysics.cc | |
► electromagnetic | |
► include | |
G4EmBuilder.hh | |
G4EmDNAChemistry.hh | |
G4EmDNAChemistry_option1.hh | |
G4EmDNAChemistry_option2.hh | |
G4EmDNAChemistry_option3.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option1.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option2.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option3.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option4.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option5.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option6.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option7.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option8.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option2.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option4.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option6.hh | |
G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator.hh | |
G4EmLivermorePhysics.hh | |
G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics.hh | |
G4EmLowEPPhysics.hh | |
G4EmModelActivator.hh | |
G4EmParticleList.hh | |
G4EmPenelopePhysics.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysics.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option1.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option2.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option3.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option4.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsGS.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsSS.hh | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI.hh | |
G4GammaGeneralProcess.hh | |
G4OpticalPhysics.hh | |
► src | |
G4EmBuilder.cc | |
G4EmDNAChemistry.cc | |
G4EmDNAChemistry_option1.cc | |
G4EmDNAChemistry_option2.cc | |
G4EmDNAChemistry_option3.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option1.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option2.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option3.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option4.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option5.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option6.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option7.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option8.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option2.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option4.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option6.cc | |
G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator.cc | |
G4EmLivermorePhysics.cc | |
G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics.cc | |
G4EmLowEPPhysics.cc | |
G4EmModelActivator.cc | |
G4EmParticleList.cc | |
G4EmPenelopePhysics.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysics.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option1.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option2.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option3.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option4.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsGS.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsSS.cc | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI.cc | |
G4GammaGeneralProcess.cc | |
G4OpticalPhysics.cc | |
► factory | |
► include | |
G4PhysicsConstructorFactory.hh | |
G4PhysicsConstructorRegistry.hh | |
G4RegisterPhysicsConstructors.icc | |
► src | |
G4PhysicsConstructorRegistry.cc | |
► gamma_lepto_nuclear | |
► include | |
G4BertiniElectroNuclearBuilder.hh | |
G4EmExtraPhysics.hh | |
G4EmMessenger.hh | |
G4LENDBertiniGammaElectroNuclearBuilder.hh | |
► src | |
G4BertiniElectroNuclearBuilder.cc | |
G4EmExtraPhysics.cc | |
G4EmMessenger.cc | |
G4LENDBertiniGammaElectroNuclearBuilder.cc | |
► hadron_elastic | |
► include | |
G4ChargeExchangePhysics.hh | |
G4HadronDElasticPhysics.hh | |
G4HadronElasticPhysics.hh | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP.hh | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsLEND.hh | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsPHP.hh | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS.hh | |
G4HadronHElasticPhysics.hh | |
G4IonElasticPhysics.hh | |
G4ThermalNeutrons.hh | |
► src | |
G4ChargeExchangePhysics.cc | |
G4HadronDElasticPhysics.cc | |
G4HadronElasticPhysics.cc | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP.cc | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsLEND.cc | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsPHP.cc | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS.cc | |
G4HadronHElasticPhysics.cc | |
G4IonElasticPhysics.cc | |
G4ThermalNeutrons.cc | |
► hadron_inelastic | |
► include | |
G4HadronInelasticQBBC.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTF_BIC.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_HP.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_TRV.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFQGSP_BERT.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsINCLXX.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsNuBeam.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGS_BIC.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_HP.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_AllHP.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_HP.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_FTFP_BERT.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsShielding.hh | |
G4HadronPhysicsShieldingLEND.hh | |
G4VHadronPhysics.hh | |
► src | |
G4HadronInelasticQBBC.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTF_BIC.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_HP.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_TRV.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFQGSP_BERT.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsINCLXX.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsNuBeam.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGS_BIC.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_HP.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_AllHP.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_HP.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_FTFP_BERT.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsShielding.cc | |
G4HadronPhysicsShieldingLEND.cc | |
G4VHadronPhysics.cc | |
► ions | |
► include | |
G4IonBinaryCascadePhysics.hh | |
G4IonINCLXXPhysics.hh | |
G4IonPhysics.hh | |
G4IonPhysicsPHP.hh | |
G4IonPhysicsXS.hh | |
G4IonQMDPhysics.hh | |
► src | |
G4IonBinaryCascadePhysics.cc | |
G4IonINCLXXPhysics.cc | |
G4IonPhysics.cc | |
G4IonPhysicsPHP.cc | |
G4IonPhysicsXS.cc | |
G4IonQMDPhysics.cc | |
► limiters | |
► include | |
G4FastSimulationPhysics.hh | |
G4GenericBiasingPhysics.hh | |
G4ImportanceBiasing.hh | |
G4MaxTimeCuts.hh | |
G4MinEkineCuts.hh | |
G4NeutronTrackingCut.hh | |
G4ParallelWorldPhysics.hh | |
G4SpecialCuts.hh | |
G4StepLimiterPhysics.hh | |
G4WeightWindowBiasing.hh | |
► src | |
G4FastSimulationPhysics.cc | |
G4GenericBiasingPhysics.cc | |
G4ImportanceBiasing.cc | |
G4MaxTimeCuts.cc | |
G4MinEkineCuts.cc | |
G4NeutronTrackingCut.cc | |
G4ParallelWorldPhysics.cc | |
G4SpecialCuts.cc | |
G4StepLimiterPhysics.cc | |
G4WeightWindowBiasing.cc | |
► stopping | |
► include | |
G4StoppingPhysics.hh | |
G4StoppingPhysicsFritiofWithBinaryCascade.hh | |
► src | |
G4StoppingPhysics.cc | |
G4StoppingPhysicsFritiofWithBinaryCascade.cc | |
► lists | |
► include | |
FTF_BIC.hh | |
FTFP_BERT.hh | |
G4GenericPhysicsList.hh | |
G4GenericPhysicsList.icc | |
G4PhysListFactory.hh | |
G4PhysListFactoryAlt.hh | |
G4PhysListFactoryMessenger.hh | |
G4PhysListRegistry.hh | |
G4PhysListStamper.hh | |
G4RegisterPhysLists.icc | |
INCLXXPhysicsListHelper.hh | |
INCLXXPhysicsListHelper.icc | |
LBE.hh | |
NuBeam.hh | |
QBBC.hh | |
QGS_BIC.hh | |
QGSP_BERT.hh | |
QGSP_BIC.hh | |
QGSP_BIC_AllHP.hh | |
QGSP_BIC_HP.hh | |
Shielding.hh | |
ShieldingLEND.hh | |
► src | |
FTF_BIC.cc | |
FTFP_BERT.cc | |
G4PhysListFactory.cc | |
G4PhysListFactoryAlt.cc | |
G4PhysListFactoryMessenger.cc | |
G4PhysListRegistry.cc | |
LBE.cc | |
NuBeam.cc | |
QBBC.cc | |
QGS_BIC.cc | |
QGSP_BERT.cc | |
QGSP_BIC.cc | |
QGSP_BIC_AllHP.cc | |
QGSP_BIC_HP.cc | |
Shielding.cc | |
► util | |
► include | |
CompileTimeConstraints.hh | |
G4HadParticles.hh | |
G4HadProcesses.hh | |
G4PhysListUtil.hh | |
G4WarnPLStatus.hh | |
► src | |
G4HadParticles.cc | |
G4HadProcesses.cc | |
G4PhysListUtil.cc | |
G4WarnPLStatus.cc | |
► processes | |
► biasing | |
► generic | |
► include | |
G4BiasingHelper.hh | |
G4BiasingProcessInterface.hh | |
G4BiasingProcessSharedData.hh | |
G4BOptnChangeCrossSection.hh | |
G4BOptnCloning.hh | |
G4BOptnForceCommonTruncatedExp.hh | |
G4BOptnForceFreeFlight.hh | |
G4BOptnLeadingParticle.hh | |
G4BOptrForceCollision.hh | |
G4BOptrForceCollisionTrackData.hh | |
G4ILawCommonTruncatedExp.hh | |
G4ILawForceFreeFlight.hh | |
G4ILawTruncatedExp.hh | |
G4InteractionLawPhysical.hh | |
G4ParallelGeometriesLimiterProcess.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForNothing.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForOccurenceBiasing.hh | |
► src | |
G4BiasingHelper.cc | |
G4BiasingProcessInterface.cc | |
G4BiasingProcessSharedData.cc | |
G4BOptnChangeCrossSection.cc | |
G4BOptnCloning.cc | |
G4BOptnForceCommonTruncatedExp.cc | |
G4BOptnForceFreeFlight.cc | |
G4BOptnLeadingParticle.cc | |
G4BOptrForceCollision.cc | |
G4BOptrForceCollisionTrackData.cc | |
G4ILawCommonTruncatedExp.cc | |
G4ILawForceFreeFlight.cc | |
G4ILawTruncatedExp.cc | |
G4InteractionLawPhysical.cc | |
G4ParallelGeometriesLimiterProcess.cc | |
G4ParticleChangeForOccurenceBiasing.cc | |
► importance | |
► include | |
G4GeometrySampler.hh | |
G4ImportanceConfigurator.hh | |
G4ImportanceProcess.hh | |
G4PlaceOfAction.hh | |
G4SamplingPostStepAction.hh | |
G4VSampler.hh | |
G4VSamplerConfigurator.hh | |
G4WeightCutOffConfigurator.hh | |
G4WeightCutOffProcess.hh | |
G4WeightWindowConfigurator.hh | |
G4WeightWindowProcess.hh | |
► src | |
G4GeometrySampler.cc | |
G4ImportanceConfigurator.cc | |
G4ImportanceProcess.cc | |
G4SamplingPostStepAction.cc | |
G4VSampler.cc | |
G4VSamplerConfigurator.cc | |
G4WeightCutOffConfigurator.cc | |
G4WeightCutOffProcess.cc | |
G4WeightWindowConfigurator.cc | |
G4WeightWindowProcess.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4BiasingAppliedCase.hh | |
G4BiasingOperationManager.hh | |
G4ProcessPlacer.hh | |
G4VBiasingInteractionLaw.hh | |
G4VBiasingOperation.hh | |
G4VBiasingOperator.hh | |
G4VProcessPlacer.hh | |
► src | |
G4BiasingOperationManager.cc | |
G4ProcessPlacer.cc | |
G4VBiasingOperation.cc | |
G4VBiasingOperator.cc | |
G4VProcessPlacer.cc | |
► cuts | |
► include | |
G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh | |
G4MCCIndexConversionTable.hh | |
G4PhysicsTableHelper.hh | |
G4ProductionCuts.hh | |
G4ProductionCutsTable.hh | |
G4ProductionCutsTableMessenger.hh | |
G4RToEConvForElectron.hh | |
G4RToEConvForGamma.hh | |
G4RToEConvForPositron.hh | |
G4RToEConvForProton.hh | |
G4VRangeToEnergyConverter.hh | |
► src | |
G4MaterialCutsCouple.cc | |
G4MCCIndexConversionTable.cc | |
G4PhysicsTableHelper.cc | |
G4ProductionCuts.cc | |
G4ProductionCutsTable.cc | |
G4ProductionCutsTableMessenger.cc | |
G4RToEConvForElectron.cc | |
G4RToEConvForGamma.cc | |
G4RToEConvForPositron.cc | |
G4RToEConvForProton.cc | |
G4VRangeToEnergyConverter.cc | |
► decay | |
► include | |
G4Decay.hh | |
G4DecayProcessType.hh | |
G4DecayWithSpin.hh | |
G4PionDecayMakeSpin.hh | |
G4UnknownDecay.hh | |
G4VExtDecayer.hh | |
► src | |
G4Decay.cc | |
G4DecayWithSpin.cc | |
G4PionDecayMakeSpin.cc | |
G4UnknownDecay.cc | |
► electromagnetic | |
► adjoint | |
► include | |
G4AdjointAlongStepWeightCorrection.hh | |
G4AdjointBremsstrahlungModel.hh | |
G4AdjointComptonModel.hh | |
G4AdjointCSManager.hh | |
G4AdjointCSMatrix.hh | |
G4AdjointeIonisationModel.hh | |
G4AdjointForcedInteractionForGamma.hh | |
G4AdjointhIonisationModel.hh | |
G4AdjointhMultipleScattering.hh | |
G4AdjointInterpolator.hh | |
G4AdjointIonIonisationModel.hh | |
G4AdjointPhotoElectricModel.hh | |
G4AdjointProcessEquivalentToDirectProcess.hh | |
G4ContinuousGainOfEnergy.hh | |
G4eAdjointMultipleScattering.hh | |
G4eInverseBremsstrahlung.hh | |
G4eInverseCompton.hh | |
G4eInverseIonisation.hh | |
G4hInverseIonisation.hh | |
G4InversePEEffect.hh | |
G4IonInverseIonisation.hh | |
G4UrbanAdjointMscModel.hh | |
G4VAdjointReverseReaction.hh | |
G4VEmAdjointModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4AdjointAlongStepWeightCorrection.cc | |
G4AdjointBremsstrahlungModel.cc | |
G4AdjointComptonModel.cc | |
G4AdjointCSManager.cc | |
G4AdjointCSMatrix.cc | |
G4AdjointeIonisationModel.cc | |
G4AdjointForcedInteractionForGamma.cc | |
G4AdjointhIonisationModel.cc | |
G4AdjointhMultipleScattering.cc | |
G4AdjointInterpolator.cc | |
G4AdjointIonIonisationModel.cc | |
G4AdjointPhotoElectricModel.cc | |
G4AdjointProcessEquivalentToDirectProcess.cc | |
G4ContinuousGainOfEnergy.cc | |
G4eAdjointMultipleScattering.cc | |
G4eInverseBremsstrahlung.cc | |
G4eInverseCompton.cc | |
G4eInverseIonisation.cc | |
G4hInverseIonisation.cc | |
G4InversePEEffect.cc | |
G4IonInverseIonisation.cc | |
G4UrbanAdjointMscModel.cc | |
G4VAdjointReverseReaction.cc | |
G4VEmAdjointModel.cc | |
► dna | |
► management | |
► include | |
AddClone_def.hh | |
G4AllITFinder.hh | |
G4ChemicalMoleculeFinder.hh | |
G4CTCounter.hh | |
G4DNABoundingBox.hh | |
G4DNAReactionTypeManager.hh | |
G4FastList.hh | |
G4FastList.icc | |
G4IosFlagsSaver.hh | |
G4IT.hh | |
G4ITBox.hh | |
G4ITFinder.hh | |
G4ITFinder.icc | |
G4ITGun.hh | |
G4ITLeadingTracks.hh | |
G4ITModelHandler.hh | |
G4ITModelManager.hh | |
G4ITModelProcessor.hh | |
G4ITMultiNavigator.hh | |
G4ITNavigator.hh | |
G4ITNavigator1.hh | |
G4ITNavigator1.icc | |
G4ITNavigator2.hh | |
G4ITNavigator2.icc | |
G4ITPathFinder.hh | |
G4ITReaction.hh | |
G4ITReactionChange.hh | |
G4ITReactionTable.hh | |
G4ITSafetyHelper.hh | |
G4ITSteppingVerbose.hh | |
G4ITStepProcessor.hh | |
G4ITStepProcessorState_Lock.hh | |
G4ITStepStatus.hh | |
G4ITTrackHolder.hh | |
G4ITTrackingInteractivity.hh | |
G4ITTrackingManager.hh | |
G4ITTransportation.hh | |
G4ITTransportation.icc | |
G4ITTransportationManager.hh | |
G4ITTransportationManager.icc | |
G4ITType.hh | |
G4KDMap.hh | |
G4KDNode.hh | |
G4KDNode.icc | |
G4KDTree.hh | |
G4KDTree.icc | |
G4KDTreeResult.hh | |
G4ManyFastLists.hh | |
G4ManyFastLists.icc | |
G4memory.hh | |
G4MemStat.hh | |
G4Octree.hh | |
G4Octree.icc | |
G4OctreeFinder.hh | |
G4OctreeFinder.icc | |
G4ReferenceCast.hh | |
G4Scheduler.hh | |
G4SchedulerMessenger.hh | |
G4TrackingInformation.hh | |
G4TrackList.hh | |
G4TrackState.hh | |
G4UserMeshAction.hh | |
G4UserTimeStepAction.hh | |
G4VDNAMolecularGeometry.hh | |
G4VITDiscreteProcess.hh | |
G4VITProcess.hh | |
G4VITReactionProcess.hh | |
G4VITRestDiscreteProcess.hh | |
G4VITRestProcess.hh | |
G4VITStepModel.hh | |
G4VITSteppingVerbose.hh | |
G4VITTimeStepComputer.hh | |
G4VITTrackHolder.hh | |
G4VReactionType.hh | |
G4VScavengerMaterial.hh | |
G4VScheduler.hh | |
► src | |
G4AllITFinder.cc | |
G4DNABoundingBox.cc | |
G4DNAReactionTypeManager.cc | |
G4IT.cc | |
G4ITBox.cc | |
G4ITFinder.cc | |
G4ITGun.cc | |
G4ITLeadingTracks.cc | |
G4ITModelHandler.cc | |
G4ITModelManager.cc | |
G4ITModelProcessor.cc | |
G4ITMultiNavigator.cc | |
G4ITNavigator1.cc | |
G4ITNavigator2.cc | |
G4ITNavigatorState2.cc | |
G4ITPathFinder.cc | |
G4ITReaction.cc | |
G4ITReactionChange.cc | |
G4ITReactionTable.cc | |
G4ITSafetyHelper.cc | |
G4ITSteppingVerbose.cc | |
G4ITStepProcessor.cc | |
G4ITStepProcessor2.cc | |
G4ITTrackHolder.cc | |
G4ITTrackingInteractivity.cc | |
G4ITTrackingManager.cc | |
G4ITTransportation.cc | |
G4ITTransportationManager.cc | |
G4ITType.cc | |
G4KDMap.cc | |
G4KDNode.cc | |
G4KDTree.cc | |
G4KDTreeResult.cc | |
G4MemStat.cc | |
G4Scheduler.cc | |
G4SchedulerMessenger.cc | |
G4TrackingInformation.cc | |
G4TrackList.cc | |
G4TrackState.cc | |
G4UserTimeStepAction.cc | |
G4VITDiscreteProcess.cc | |
G4VITProcess.cc | |
G4VITReactionProcess.cc | |
G4VITRestDiscreteProcess.cc | |
G4VITRestProcess.cc | |
G4VITStepModel.cc | |
G4VITSteppingVerbose.cc | |
G4VITTimeStepComputer.cc | |
G4VITTrackHolder.cc | |
G4VScheduler.cc | |
► models | |
► include | |
G4DiffusionControlledReactionModel.hh | |
G4DNABornAngle.hh | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel1.hh | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel2.hh | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel.hh | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel1.hh | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel2.hh | |
G4DNAChampionElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNACPA100ElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNACPA100ExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNACPA100IonisationModel.hh | |
G4DNADingfelderChargeDecreaseModel.hh | |
G4DNADingfelderChargeIncreaseModel.hh | |
G4DNADiracRMatrixExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNADummyModel.hh | |
G4DNAELSEPAElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouIonisationModel.hh | |
G4DNAEventScheduler.hh | |
G4DNAGillespieDirectMethod.hh | |
G4DNAIndependentReactionTimeModel.hh | |
G4DNAIndependentReactionTimeStepper.hh | |
G4DNAIonElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNAIRT.hh | |
G4DNAIRT_geometries.hh | |
G4DNAIRTMoleculeEncounterStepper.hh | |
G4DNAMakeReaction.hh | |
G4DNAMeltonAttachmentModel.hh | |
G4DNAMillerGreenExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNAModelInterface.hh | |
G4DNAMolecularIRTModel.hh | |
G4DNAMolecularReaction.hh | |
G4DNAMolecularStepByStepModel.hh | |
G4DNAMoleculeEncounterStepper.hh | |
G4DNAOneStepThermalizationModel.hh | |
G4DNAOneStepThermalizationModel.hpp | |
G4DNAPartiallyDiffusionControlled.hh | |
G4DNAPTBAugerModel.hh | |
G4DNAPTBElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNAPTBExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNAPTBIonisationModel.hh | |
G4DNAQuinnPlasmonExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNARelativisticIonisationModel.hh | |
G4DNARuddAngle.hh | |
G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel.hh | |
G4DNARuddIonisationModel.hh | |
G4DNASancheExcitationModel.hh | |
G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNASmoluchowskiDiffusion.hh | |
G4DNASmoluchowskiReactionModel.hh | |
G4DNATotallyDiffusionControlled.hh | |
G4DNATransformElectronModel.hh | |
G4DNAUeharaScreenedRutherfordElasticModel.hh | |
G4DNAUpdateSystemModel.hh | |
G4DNAVacuumModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSAttachmentModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSDiffXS.hh | |
G4LEPTSDissociationModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSDistribution.hh | |
G4LEPTSElasticModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSElossDistr.hh | |
G4LEPTSExcitationModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSIonisationModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSPositroniumModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSRotExcitationModel.hh | |
G4LEPTSVibExcitationModel.hh | |
G4VDNAModel.hh | |
G4VLEPTSModel.hh | |
G4VUpdateSystemModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4DiffusionControlledReactionModel.cc | |
G4DNABornAngle.cc | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel1.cc | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel2.cc | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel1.cc | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel2.cc | |
G4DNAChampionElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNACPA100ElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNACPA100ExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNACPA100IonisationModel.cc | |
G4DNADingfelderChargeDecreaseModel.cc | |
G4DNADingfelderChargeIncreaseModel.cc | |
G4DNADiracRMatrixExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNADummyModel.cc | |
G4DNAELSEPAElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouIonisationModel.cc | |
G4DNAEventScheduler.cc | |
G4DNAGillespieDirectMethod.cc | |
G4DNAIndependentReactionTimeModel.cc | |
G4DNAIndependentReactionTimeStepper.cc | |
G4DNAIonElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNAIRT.cc | |
G4DNAIRT_geometries.cc | |
G4DNAIRTMoleculeEncounterStepper.cc | |
G4DNAMakeReaction.cc | |
G4DNAMeltonAttachmentModel.cc | |
G4DNAMillerGreenExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNAModelInterface.cc | |
G4DNAMolecularIRTModel.cc | |
G4DNAMolecularReaction.cc | |
G4DNAMolecularStepByStepModel.cc | |
G4DNAMoleculeEncounterStepper.cc | |
G4DNAOneStepThermalizationModel.cc | |
G4DNAPartiallyDiffusionControlled.cc | |
G4DNAPTBAugerModel.cc | |
G4DNAPTBElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNAPTBExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNAPTBIonisationModel.cc | |
G4DNAQuinnPlasmonExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNARelativisticIonisationModel.cc | |
G4DNARuddAngle.cc | |
G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel.cc | |
G4DNARuddIonisationModel.cc | |
G4DNASancheExcitationModel.cc | |
G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNASmoluchowskiDiffusion.cc | |
G4DNASmoluchowskiReactionModel.cc | |
G4DNATotallyDiffusionControlled.cc | |
G4DNATransformElectronModel.cc | |
G4DNAUeharaScreenedRutherfordElasticModel.cc | |
G4DNAUpdateSystemModel.cc | |
G4DNAVacuumModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSAttachmentModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSDiffXS.cc | |
G4LEPTSDissociationModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSDistribution.cc | |
G4LEPTSElasticModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSElossDistr.cc | |
G4LEPTSExcitationModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSIonisationModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSPositroniumModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSRotExcitationModel.cc | |
G4LEPTSVibExcitationModel.cc | |
G4VDNAModel.cc | |
G4VLEPTSModel.cc | |
► molecules | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4FakeParticleID.hh | |
G4MolecularConfiguration.hh | |
G4MolecularDissociationChannel.hh | |
G4MolecularDissociationTable.hh | |
G4Molecule.hh | |
G4MoleculeCounter.hh | |
G4MoleculeDefinition.hh | |
G4MoleculeFinder.hh | |
G4MoleculeHandleManager.hh | |
G4MoleculeIterator.hh | |
G4MoleculeTable.hh | |
G4Serialize.hh | |
G4VMolecularDissociationDisplacer.hh | |
G4VMoleculeCounter.hh | |
► src | |
G4MolecularConfiguration.cc | |
G4MolecularDissociationChannel.cc | |
G4MolecularDissociationTable.cc | |
G4Molecule.cc | |
G4MoleculeCounter.cc | |
G4MoleculeDefinition.cc | |
G4MoleculeHandleManager.cc | |
G4MoleculeTable.cc | |
G4Serialize.cc | |
G4VMolecularDissociationDisplacer.cc | |
G4VMoleculeCounter.cc | |
► types | |
► include | |
G4DNAMolecule.hh | |
G4Electron_aq.hh | |
G4FakeMolecule.hh | |
G4H2.hh | |
G4H2O.hh | |
G4H2O2.hh | |
G4H3O.hh | |
G4HO2.hh | |
G4Hydrogen.hh | |
G4O2.hh | |
G4O3.hh | |
G4OH.hh | |
G4Oxygen.hh | |
► src | |
G4DNAMolecule.cc | |
G4Electron_aq.cc | |
G4FakeMolecule.cc | |
G4H2.cc | |
G4H2O.cc | |
G4H2O2.cc | |
G4H3O.cc | |
G4HO2.cc | |
G4Hydrogen.cc | |
G4O2.cc | |
G4O3.cc | |
G4OH.cc | |
G4Oxygen.cc | |
► processes | |
► include | |
G4DNAAttachment.hh | |
G4DNABrownianTransportation.hh | |
G4DNAChargeDecrease.hh | |
G4DNAChargeIncrease.hh | |
G4DNADissociation.hh | |
G4DNAElastic.hh | |
G4DNAElectronHoleRecombination.hh | |
G4DNAElectronSolvatation.hh | |
G4DNAElectronSolvation.hh | |
G4DNAExcitation.hh | |
G4DNAIonisation.hh | |
G4DNAMolecularDissociation.hh | |
G4DNAPlasmonExcitation.hh | |
G4DNAPositronium.hh | |
G4DNARotExcitation.hh | |
G4DNAScavengerProcess.hh | |
G4DNASecondOrderReaction.hh | |
G4DNAVibExcitation.hh | |
G4DNAWaterDissociationDisplacer.hh | |
► src | |
G4DNAAttachment.cc | |
G4DNABrownianTransportation.cc | |
G4DNAChargeDecrease.cc | |
G4DNAChargeIncrease.cc | |
G4DNADissociation.cc | |
G4DNAElastic.cc | |
G4DNAElectronHoleRecombination.cc | |
G4DNAElectronSolvation.cc | |
G4DNAExcitation.cc | |
G4DNAIonisation.cc | |
G4DNAMolecularDissociation.cc | |
G4DNAPlasmonExcitation.cc | |
G4DNAPositronium.cc | |
G4DNARotExcitation.cc | |
G4DNAScavengerProcess.cc | |
G4DNASecondOrderReaction.cc | |
G4DNAVibExcitation.cc | |
G4DNAWaterDissociationDisplacer.cc | |
► utils | |
► include | |
G4DNAChemistryManager.hh | |
G4DNACPA100LogLogInterpolation.hh | |
G4DNACPA100WaterExcitationStructure.hh | |
G4DNACPA100WaterIonisationStructure.hh | |
G4DNACrossSectionDataSet.hh | |
G4DNADamage.hh | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouWaterExcitationStructure.hh | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouWaterIonisationStructure.hh | |
G4DNAEventSet.hh | |
G4DNAGenericIonsManager.hh | |
G4DNAIons.hh | |
G4DNAMesh.hh | |
G4DNAMolecularMaterial.hh | |
G4DNAMolecularReactionTable.hh | |
G4DNAPTBIonisationStructure.hh | |
G4DNARevertProbability.hh | |
G4DNAScavengerMaterial.hh | |
G4DNAWaterExcitationStructure.hh | |
G4DNAWaterIonisationStructure.hh | |
G4ErrorFunction.hh | |
G4IRTUtils.hh | |
G4MoleculeGun.hh | |
G4MoleculeGunMessenger.hh | |
G4PhysChemIO.hh | |
G4ReactionTableMessenger.hh | |
G4VChemistryWorld.hh | |
G4VDNAReactionModel.hh | |
G4VPhysChemIO.hh | |
G4VUserChemistryList.hh | |
► src | |
G4DNAChemistryManager.cc | |
G4DNACPA100LogLogInterpolation.cc | |
G4DNACPA100WaterExcitationStructure.cc | |
G4DNACPA100WaterIonisationStructure.cc | |
G4DNACrossSectionDataSet.cc | |
G4DNADamage.cc | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouWaterExcitationStructure.cc | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouWaterIonisationStructure.cc | |
G4DNAEventSet.cc | |
G4DNAGenericIonsManager.cc | |
G4DNAIons.cc | |
G4DNAMesh.cc | |
G4DNAMolecularMaterial.cc | |
G4DNAMolecularReactionTable.cc | |
G4DNAPTBIonisationStructure.cc | |
G4DNAScavengerMaterial.cc | |
G4DNAWaterExcitationStructure.cc | |
G4DNAWaterIonisationStructure.cc | |
G4ErrorFunction.cc | |
G4IRTUtils.cc | |
G4MoleculeGun.cc | |
G4MoleculeGunMessenger.cc | |
G4PhysChemIO.cc | |
G4ReactionTableMessenger.cc | |
G4VDNAReactionModel.cc | |
G4VPhysChemIO.cc | |
G4VUserChemistryList.cc | |
► highenergy | |
► include | |
G4AnnihiToMuPair.hh | |
G4BetheBlochNoDeltaModel.hh | |
G4BraggNoDeltaModel.hh | |
G4ee2KChargedModel.hh | |
G4ee2KNeutralModel.hh | |
G4eeCrossSections.hh | |
G4eeTo3PiModel.hh | |
G4eeToHadrons.hh | |
G4eeToHadronsModel.hh | |
G4eeToHadronsMultiModel.hh | |
G4eeToPGammaModel.hh | |
G4eeToTwoPiModel.hh | |
G4GammaConversionToMuons.hh | |
G4hBremsstrahlung.hh | |
G4hBremsstrahlungModel.hh | |
G4hhIonisation.hh | |
G4hPairProduction.hh | |
G4hPairProductionModel.hh | |
G4ICRU73NoDeltaModel.hh | |
G4mplIonisation.hh | |
G4mplIonisationModel.hh | |
G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel.hh | |
G4Vee2hadrons.hh | |
► src | |
G4AnnihiToMuPair.cc | |
G4BetheBlochNoDeltaModel.cc | |
G4BraggNoDeltaModel.cc | |
G4ee2KChargedModel.cc | |
G4ee2KNeutralModel.cc | |
G4eeCrossSections.cc | |
G4eeTo3PiModel.cc | |
G4eeToHadrons.cc | |
G4eeToHadronsModel.cc | |
G4eeToHadronsMultiModel.cc | |
G4eeToPGammaModel.cc | |
G4eeToTwoPiModel.cc | |
G4GammaConversionToMuons.cc | |
G4hBremsstrahlung.cc | |
G4hBremsstrahlungModel.cc | |
G4hhIonisation.cc | |
G4hPairProduction.cc | |
G4hPairProductionModel.cc | |
G4ICRU73NoDeltaModel.cc | |
G4mplIonisation.cc | |
G4mplIonisationModel.cc | |
G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel.cc | |
► lowenergy | |
► include | |
G4ANSTOecpssrKxsModel.hh | |
G4ANSTOecpssrLixsModel.hh | |
G4ANSTOecpssrMixsModel.hh | |
G4AtomicDeexcitation.hh | |
G4AtomicTransitionManager.hh | |
G4AugerData.hh | |
G4AugerTransition.hh | |
G4BoldyshevTripletModel.hh | |
G4CompositeEMDataSet.hh | |
G4CrossSectionDataSet.hh | |
G4CrossSectionHandler.hh | |
G4DopplerProfile.hh | |
G4ecpssrBaseKxsModel.hh | |
G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel.hh | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorKxsModel.hh | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorLixsModel.hh | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorMixsModel.hh | |
G4eCrossSectionHandler.hh | |
G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler.hh | |
G4eIonisationParameters.hh | |
G4eIonisationSpectrum.hh | |
G4EMDataSet.hh | |
G4empCrossSection.hh | |
G4FluoData.hh | |
G4FluoTransition.hh | |
G4Generator2BN.hh | |
G4Generator2BS.hh | |
G4hBetheBlochModel.hh | |
G4hICRU49He.hh | |
G4hICRU49Nuclear.hh | |
G4hICRU49p.hh | |
G4hIonEffChargeSquare.hh | |
G4hNuclearStoppingModel.hh | |
G4hParametrisedLossModel.hh | |
G4hZiegler1985Nuclear.hh | |
G4hZiegler1985p.hh | |
G4IonChuFluctuationModel.hh | |
G4IonDEDXHandler.hh | |
G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73.hh | |
G4IonParametrisedLossModel.hh | |
G4IonParametrisedLossModel.icc | |
G4IonYangFluctuationModel.hh | |
G4JAEAElasticScattering.hh | |
G4JAEAElasticScatteringModel.hh | |
G4JAEAPolarizedElasticScatteringModel.hh | |
G4LinInterpolation.hh | |
G4LinLogInterpolation.hh | |
G4LinLogLogInterpolation.hh | |
G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel.hh | |
G4LivermoreComptonModel.hh | |
G4LivermoreGammaConversion5DModel.hh | |
G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel.hh | |
G4LivermoreIonisationCrossSection.hh | |
G4LivermoreIonisationModel.hh | |
G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversionModel.hh | |
G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel.hh | |
G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel.hh | |
G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversionModel.hh | |
G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighModel.hh | |
G4LivermoreRayleighModel.hh | |
G4LogLogInterpolation.hh | |
G4LowECapture.hh | |
G4LowEPComptonModel.hh | |
G4LowEPPolarizedComptonModel.hh | |
G4LowEWentzelVIModel.hh | |
G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet.hh | |
G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet_new.hh | |
G4MicroElecElastic.hh | |
G4MicroElecElasticModel.hh | |
G4MicroElecElasticModel_new.hh | |
G4MicroElecInelastic.hh | |
G4MicroElecInelasticModel.hh | |
G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new.hh | |
G4MicroElecLOPhononModel.hh | |
G4MicroElecLOPhononScattering.hh | |
G4MicroElecSurface.hh | |
G4MIData.hh | |
G4OrlicLiXsModel.hh | |
G4PaulKxsModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeAnnihilationModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular.hh | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS.hh | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeComptonModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeCrossSection.hh | |
G4PenelopeGammaConversionModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection.hh | |
G4PenelopeIonisationModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler.hh | |
G4PenelopeOscillator.hh | |
G4PenelopeOscillatorManager.hh | |
G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeRayleighModel.hh | |
G4PenelopeRayleighModelMI.hh | |
G4PenelopeSamplingData.hh | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized.hh | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila.hh | |
G4QAOLowEnergyLoss.hh | |
G4RayleighAngularGenerator.hh | |
G4RayleighScattering.hh | |
G4SemiLogInterpolation.hh | |
G4ShellData.hh | |
G4ShellEMDataSet.hh | |
G4ShellVacancy.hh | |
G4teoCrossSection.hh | |
G4UAtomicDeexcitation.hh | |
G4VCrossSectionHandler.hh | |
G4VDataSetAlgorithm.hh | |
G4VecpssrKModel.hh | |
G4VecpssrLiModel.hh | |
G4VecpssrMiModel.hh | |
G4VEMDataSet.hh | |
G4VEnergySpectrum.hh | |
G4VhElectronicStoppingPower.hh | |
G4VhNuclearStoppingPower.hh | |
G4VhShellCrossSection.hh | |
G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm.hh | |
G4VLowEnergyModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4ANSTOecpssrKxsModel.cc | |
G4ANSTOecpssrLixsModel.cc | |
G4ANSTOecpssrMixsModel.cc | |
G4AtomicDeexcitation.cc | |
G4AtomicTransitionManager.cc | |
G4AugerData.cc | |
G4AugerTransition.cc | |
G4BoldyshevTripletModel.cc | |
G4CompositeEMDataSet.cc | |
G4CrossSectionDataSet.cc | |
G4CrossSectionHandler.cc | |
G4DopplerProfile.cc | |
G4ecpssrBaseKxsModel.cc | |
G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel.cc | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorKxsModel.cc | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorLixsModel.cc | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorMixsModel.cc | |
G4eCrossSectionHandler.cc | |
G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler.cc | |
G4eIonisationParameters.cc | |
G4eIonisationSpectrum.cc | |
G4EMDataSet.cc | |
G4empCrossSection.cc | |
G4FluoData.cc | |
G4FluoTransition.cc | |
G4Generator2BN.cc | |
G4Generator2BS.cc | |
G4hBetheBlochModel.cc | |
G4hICRU49He.cc | |
G4hICRU49Nuclear.cc | |
G4hICRU49p.cc | |
G4hIonEffChargeSquare.cc | |
G4hNuclearStoppingModel.cc | |
G4hParametrisedLossModel.cc | |
G4hZiegler1985Nuclear.cc | |
G4hZiegler1985p.cc | |
G4IonChuFluctuationModel.cc | |
G4IonDEDXHandler.cc | |
G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73.cc | |
G4IonParametrisedLossModel.cc | |
G4IonYangFluctuationModel.cc | |
G4JAEAElasticScattering.cc | |
G4JAEAElasticScatteringModel.cc | |
G4JAEAPolarizedElasticScatteringModel.cc | |
G4LinInterpolation.cc | |
G4LinLogInterpolation.cc | |
G4LinLogLogInterpolation.cc | |
G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel.cc | |
G4LivermoreComptonModel.cc | |
G4LivermoreGammaConversion5DModel.cc | |
G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel.cc | |
G4LivermoreIonisationCrossSection.cc | |
G4LivermoreIonisationModel.cc | |
G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversionModel.cc | |
G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel.cc | |
G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel.cc | |
G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversionModel.cc | |
G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighModel.cc | |
G4LivermoreRayleighModel.cc | |
G4LogLogInterpolation.cc | |
G4LowECapture.cc | |
G4LowEPComptonModel.cc | |
G4LowEPPolarizedComptonModel.cc | |
G4LowEWentzelVIModel.cc | |
G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet.cc | |
G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet_new.cc | |
G4MicroElecElastic.cc | |
G4MicroElecElasticModel.cc | |
G4MicroElecElasticModel_new.cc | |
G4MicroElecInelastic.cc | |
G4MicroElecInelasticModel.cc | |
G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new.cc | |
G4MicroElecLOPhononModel.cc | |
G4MicroElecLOPhononScattering.cc | |
G4MicroElecSurface.cc | |
G4MIData.cc | |
G4OrlicLiXsModel.cc | |
G4PaulKxsModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeAnnihilationModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular.cc | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS.cc | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeComptonModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeCrossSection.cc | |
G4PenelopeGammaConversionModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection.cc | |
G4PenelopeIonisationModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler.cc | |
G4PenelopeOscillator.cc | |
G4PenelopeOscillatorManager.cc | |
G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeRayleighModel.cc | |
G4PenelopeRayleighModelMI.cc | |
G4PenelopeSamplingData.cc | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized.cc | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila.cc | |
G4QAOLowEnergyLoss.cc | |
G4RayleighAngularGenerator.cc | |
G4RayleighScattering.cc | |
G4SemiLogInterpolation.cc | |
G4ShellData.cc | |
G4ShellEMDataSet.cc | |
G4ShellVacancy.cc | |
G4teoCrossSection.cc | |
G4UAtomicDeexcitation.cc | |
G4VCrossSectionHandler.cc | |
G4VecpssrKModel.cc | |
G4VecpssrLiModel.cc | |
G4VecpssrMiModel.cc | |
G4VEMDataSet.cc | |
G4VhElectronicStoppingPower.cc | |
G4VhNuclearStoppingPower.cc | |
G4VhShellCrossSection.cc | |
G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm.cc | |
G4VLowEnergyModel.cc | |
► muons | |
► include | |
G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator.hh | |
G4ePairProduction.hh | |
G4ErrorEnergyLoss.hh | |
G4ModifiedMephi.hh | |
G4MuBetheBlochModel.hh | |
G4MuBremsstrahlung.hh | |
G4MuBremsstrahlungModel.hh | |
G4MuIonisation.hh | |
G4MuMultipleScattering.hh | |
G4MuPairProduction.hh | |
G4MuPairProductionModel.hh | |
G4TablesForExtrapolator.hh | |
► src | |
G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator.cc | |
G4ePairProduction.cc | |
G4ErrorEnergyLoss.cc | |
G4ModifiedMephi.cc | |
G4MuBetheBlochModel.cc | |
G4MuBremsstrahlung.cc | |
G4MuBremsstrahlungModel.cc | |
G4MuIonisation.cc | |
G4MuMultipleScattering.cc | |
G4MuPairProduction.cc | |
G4MuPairProductionModel.cc | |
G4TablesForExtrapolator.cc | |
► pii | |
► include | |
G4CompositeDataSet.hh | |
G4DataSet.hh | |
G4hImpactIonisation.hh | |
G4hRDEnergyLoss.hh | |
G4IDataSet.hh | |
G4IInterpolator.hh | |
G4LinInterpolator.hh | |
G4LogLogInterpolator.hh | |
G4PixeCrossSectionHandler.hh | |
G4PixeShellDataSet.hh | |
► src | |
G4CompositeDataSet.cc | |
G4DataSet.cc | |
G4hImpactIonisation.cc | |
G4hRDEnergyLoss.cc | |
G4LinInterpolator.cc | |
G4LogLogInterpolator.cc | |
G4PixeCrossSectionHandler.cc | |
G4PixeShellDataSet.cc | |
► polarisation | |
► include | |
G4PolarizationHelper.hh | |
G4PolarizationManager.hh | |
G4PolarizationMessenger.hh | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilation.hh | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilationModel.hh | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilationXS.hh | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlung.hh | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlungModel.hh | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlungXS.hh | |
G4PolarizedCompton.hh | |
G4PolarizedComptonModel.hh | |
G4PolarizedComptonXS.hh | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversion.hh | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversionModel.hh | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversionXS.hh | |
G4PolarizedIonisation.hh | |
G4PolarizedIonisationBhabhaXS.hh | |
G4PolarizedIonisationModel.hh | |
G4PolarizedIonisationMollerXS.hh | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectric.hh | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectricModel.hh | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectricXS.hh | |
G4StokesVector.hh | |
G4VPolarizedXS.hh | |
► src | |
G4PolarizationHelper.cc | |
G4PolarizationManager.cc | |
G4PolarizationMessenger.cc | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilation.cc | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilationModel.cc | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilationXS.cc | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlung.cc | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlungModel.cc | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlungXS.cc | |
G4PolarizedCompton.cc | |
G4PolarizedComptonModel.cc | |
G4PolarizedComptonXS.cc | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversion.cc | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversionModel.cc | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversionXS.cc | |
G4PolarizedIonisation.cc | |
G4PolarizedIonisationBhabhaXS.cc | |
G4PolarizedIonisationModel.cc | |
G4PolarizedIonisationMollerXS.cc | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectric.cc | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectricModel.cc | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectricXS.cc | |
G4StokesVector.cc | |
G4VPolarizedXS.cc | |
► standard | |
► include | |
G4ASTARStopping.hh | |
G4AtimaEnergyLossModel.hh | |
G4AtimaFluctuations.hh | |
G4BetheBlochIonGasModel.hh | |
G4BetheBlochModel.hh | |
G4BetheHeitler5DModel.hh | |
G4BetheHeitlerModel.hh | |
G4BraggIonGasModel.hh | |
G4BraggIonModel.hh | |
G4BraggModel.hh | |
G4ComptonScattering.hh | |
G4CoulombScattering.hh | |
G4DeltaAngle.hh | |
G4DeltaAngleFreeScat.hh | |
G4DipBustGenerator.hh | |
G4eBremParametrizedModel.hh | |
G4eBremsstrahlung.hh | |
G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel.hh | |
G4eCoulombScatteringModel.hh | |
G4eDPWACoulombScatteringModel.hh | |
G4eDPWAElasticDCS.hh | |
G4eeToTwoGammaModel.hh | |
G4eIonisation.hh | |
G4eMultipleScattering.hh | |
G4eplusAnnihilation.hh | |
G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel.hh | |
G4eplusTo3GammaOKVIModel.hh | |
G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel.hh | |
G4ESTARStopping.hh | |
G4GammaConversion.hh | |
G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.hh | |
G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.hh | |
G4GSMottCorrection.hh | |
G4GSPWACorrections.hh | |
G4hCoulombScatteringModel.hh | |
G4hIonisation.hh | |
G4hMultipleScattering.hh | |
G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel.hh | |
G4ICRU73QOModel.hh | |
G4InitXscPAI.hh | |
G4IonCoulombCrossSection.hh | |
G4IonCoulombScatteringModel.hh | |
G4IonFluctuations.hh | |
G4IonICRU73Data.hh | |
G4ionIonisation.hh | |
G4KleinNishinaCompton.hh | |
G4KleinNishinaModel.hh | |
G4LindhardSorensenData.hh | |
G4LindhardSorensenIonModel.hh | |
G4LossFluctuationDummy.hh | |
G4ModifiedTsai.hh | |
G4MollerBhabhaModel.hh | |
G4MottData.hh | |
G4NISTStoppingData.hh | |
G4NuclearStopping.hh | |
G4PAIModel.hh | |
G4PAIModelData.hh | |
G4PAIPhotData.hh | |
G4PAIPhotModel.hh | |
G4PairProductionRelModel.hh | |
G4PAIxSection.hh | |
G4PAIySection.hh | |
G4PEEffectFluoModel.hh | |
G4PhotoElectricEffect.hh | |
G4PSTARStopping.hh | |
G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution.hh | |
G4SBBremTable.hh | |
G4ScreeningMottCrossSection.hh | |
G4SeltzerBergerModel.hh | |
G4UniversalFluctuation.hh | |
G4UrbanFluctuation.hh | |
G4UrbanMscModel.hh | |
G4WaterStopping.hh | |
G4WentzelOKandVIxSection.hh | |
G4WentzelVIModel.hh | |
G4WentzelVIRelModel.hh | |
G4WentzelVIRelXSection.hh | |
G4XrayRayleighModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4ASTARStopping.cc | |
G4AtimaEnergyLossModel.cc | |
G4AtimaFluctuations.cc | |
G4BetheBlochIonGasModel.cc | |
G4BetheBlochModel.cc | |
G4BetheHeitler5DModel.cc | |
G4BetheHeitlerModel.cc | |
G4BraggIonGasModel.cc | |
G4BraggIonModel.cc | |
G4BraggModel.cc | |
G4ComptonScattering.cc | |
G4CoulombScattering.cc | |
G4DeltaAngle.cc | |
G4DeltaAngleFreeScat.cc | |
G4DipBustGenerator.cc | |
G4eBremParametrizedModel.cc | |
G4eBremsstrahlung.cc | |
G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel.cc | |
G4eCoulombScatteringModel.cc | |
G4eDPWACoulombScatteringModel.cc | |
G4eDPWAElasticDCS.cc | |
G4eeToTwoGammaModel.cc | |
G4eIonisation.cc | |
G4eMultipleScattering.cc | |
G4eplusAnnihilation.cc | |
G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel.cc | |
G4eplusTo3GammaOKVIModel.cc | |
G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel.cc | |
G4ESTARStopping.cc | |
G4GammaConversion.cc | |
G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.cc | |
G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.cc | |
G4GSMottCorrection.cc | |
G4GSPWACorrections.cc | |
G4hCoulombScatteringModel.cc | |
G4hIonisation.cc | |
G4hMultipleScattering.cc | |
G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel.cc | |
G4ICRU73QOModel.cc | |
G4InitXscPAI.cc | |
G4IonCoulombCrossSection.cc | |
G4IonCoulombScatteringModel.cc | |
G4IonFluctuations.cc | |
G4IonICRU73Data.cc | |
G4ionIonisation.cc | |
G4KleinNishinaCompton.cc | |
G4KleinNishinaModel.cc | |
G4LindhardSorensenData.cc | |
G4LindhardSorensenIonModel.cc | |
G4LossFluctuationDummy.cc | |
G4ModifiedTsai.cc | |
G4MollerBhabhaModel.cc | |
G4NuclearStopping.cc | |
G4PAIModel.cc | |
G4PAIModelData.cc | |
G4PAIPhotData.cc | |
G4PAIPhotModel.cc | |
G4PairProductionRelModel.cc | |
G4PAIxSection.cc | |
G4PAIySection.cc | |
G4PEEffectFluoModel.cc | |
G4PhotoElectricEffect.cc | |
G4PSTARStopping.cc | |
G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution.cc | |
G4SBBremTable.cc | |
G4ScreeningMottCrossSection.cc | |
G4SeltzerBergerModel.cc | |
G4UniversalFluctuation.cc | |
G4UrbanFluctuation.cc | |
G4UrbanMscModel.cc | |
G4WaterStopping.cc | |
G4WentzelOKandVIxSection.cc | |
G4WentzelVIModel.cc | |
G4WentzelVIRelModel.cc | |
G4WentzelVIRelXSection.cc | |
G4XrayRayleighModel.cc | |
► utils | |
► include | |
G4AngleDirect.hh | |
G4AtomicShell.hh | |
G4AtomicShellEnumerator.hh | |
G4DNAModelSubType.hh | |
G4DummyModel.hh | |
G4ElectronIonPair.hh | |
G4EmBiasingManager.hh | |
G4EmCalculator.hh | |
G4EmConfigurator.hh | |
G4EmCorrections.hh | |
G4EmDataHandler.hh | |
G4EmElementSelector.hh | |
G4EmExtraParameters.hh | |
G4EmExtraParametersMessenger.hh | |
G4EmLowEParameters.hh | |
G4EmLowEParametersMessenger.hh | |
G4EmModelManager.hh | |
G4EmMultiModel.hh | |
G4EmParameters.hh | |
G4EmParametersMessenger.hh | |
G4EmProcessSubType.hh | |
G4EmSaturation.hh | |
G4EmSecondaryParticleType.hh | |
G4EmTableType.hh | |
G4EnergyLossTables.hh | |
G4ionEffectiveCharge.hh | |
G4LossTableBuilder.hh | |
G4LossTableManager.hh | |
G4LowEnergyEmProcessSubType.hh | |
G4MscStepLimitType.hh | |
G4NIELCalculator.hh | |
G4NuclearFormfactorType.hh | |
G4OpticalParameters.hh | |
G4OpticalParametersMessenger.hh | |
G4VAtomDeexcitation.hh | |
G4VEmAngularDistribution.hh | |
G4VEmFluctuationModel.hh | |
G4VEmModel.hh | |
G4VEmProcess.hh | |
G4VEnergyLossProcess.hh | |
G4VMscModel.hh | |
G4VMultipleScattering.hh | |
G4VSubCutProducer.hh | |
► src | |
G4AngleDirect.cc | |
G4DummyModel.cc | |
G4ElectronIonPair.cc | |
G4EmBiasingManager.cc | |
G4EmCalculator.cc | |
G4EmConfigurator.cc | |
G4EmCorrections.cc | |
G4EmDataHandler.cc | |
G4EmElementSelector.cc | |
G4EmExtraParameters.cc | |
G4EmExtraParametersMessenger.cc | |
G4EmLowEParameters.cc | |
G4EmLowEParametersMessenger.cc | |
G4EmModelManager.cc | |
G4EmMultiModel.cc | |
G4EmParameters.cc | |
G4EmParametersMessenger.cc | |
G4EmSaturation.cc | |
G4EnergyLossTables.cc | |
G4ionEffectiveCharge.cc | |
G4LossTableBuilder.cc | |
G4LossTableManager.cc | |
G4NIELCalculator.cc | |
G4OpticalParameters.cc | |
G4OpticalParametersMessenger.cc | |
G4VAtomDeexcitation.cc | |
G4VEmAngularDistribution.cc | |
G4VEmFluctuationModel.cc | |
G4VEmModel.cc | |
G4VEmProcess.cc | |
G4VEnergyLossProcess.cc | |
G4VMscModel.cc | |
G4VMultipleScattering.cc | |
► xrays | |
► include | |
G4Cerenkov.hh | |
G4ForwardXrayTR.hh | |
G4GammaXTRadiator.hh | |
G4GaussXTRadiator.hh | |
G4RegularXTRadiator.hh | |
G4Scintillation.hh | |
G4ScintillationTrackInformation.hh | |
G4StrawTubeXTRadiator.hh | |
G4SynchrotronRadiation.hh | |
G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat.hh | |
G4TransitionRadiation.hh | |
G4TransparentRegXTRadiator.hh | |
G4VTransitionRadiation.hh | |
G4VTRModel.hh | |
G4VXTRenergyLoss.hh | |
G4XTRGammaRadModel.hh | |
G4XTRRegularRadModel.hh | |
G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4Cerenkov.cc | |
G4ForwardXrayTR.cc | |
G4GammaXTRadiator.cc | |
G4GaussXTRadiator.cc | |
G4RegularXTRadiator.cc | |
G4Scintillation.cc | |
G4ScintillationTrackInformation.cc | |
G4StrawTubeXTRadiator.cc | |
G4SynchrotronRadiation.cc | |
G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat.cc | |
G4TransitionRadiation.cc | |
G4TransparentRegXTRadiator.cc | |
G4VTransitionRadiation.cc | |
G4VXTRenergyLoss.cc | |
G4XTRGammaRadModel.cc | |
G4XTRRegularRadModel.cc | |
G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel.cc | |
► hadronic | |
► cross_sections | |
► include | |
G4BarashenkovData.hh | |
G4BGGNucleonElasticXS.hh | |
G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS.hh | |
G4BGGPionElasticXS.hh | |
G4BGGPionInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsAntiBaryonElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsAntiBaryonInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsComponentXS.hh | |
G4ChipsHyperonElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsHyperonInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsKaonMinusElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsKaonMinusInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsKaonPlusElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsKaonPlusInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsKaonZeroElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsKaonZeroInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsNeutronInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsPionMinusInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsPionPlusElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsPionPlusInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsProtonElasticXS.hh | |
G4ChipsProtonInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.hh | |
G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc.hh | |
G4ComponentGGHadronNucleusXsc.hh | |
G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc.hh | |
G4ComponentSAIDTotalXS.hh | |
G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry.hh | |
G4CrossSectionDataStore.hh | |
G4CrossSectionElastic.hh | |
G4CrossSectionFactory.hh | |
G4CrossSectionFactoryRegistry.hh | |
G4CrossSectionInelastic.hh | |
G4DiffElasticRatio.hh | |
G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection.hh | |
G4ElNeutrinoNucleusTotXsc.hh | |
G4ElNucleusSFcs.hh | |
G4EMDissociationCrossSection.hh | |
G4EMDissociationSpectrum.hh | |
G4GammaNuclearXS.hh | |
G4HadronNucleonXsc.hh | |
G4HadronXSDataTable.hh | |
G4IonsShenCrossSection.hh | |
G4IsotopeList.hh | |
G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS.hh | |
G4MuNeutrinoNucleusTotXsc.hh | |
G4NeutrinoElectronCcXsc.hh | |
G4NeutrinoElectronNcXsc.hh | |
G4NeutrinoElectronTotXsc.hh | |
G4NeutronCaptureXS.hh | |
G4NeutronElasticXS.hh | |
G4NeutronElectronElXsc.hh | |
G4NeutronInelasticXS.hh | |
G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection.hh | |
G4ParticleInelasticXS.hh | |
G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection.hh | |
G4PiData.hh | |
G4UPiNuclearCrossSection.hh | |
G4VComponentCrossSection.hh | |
G4VCrossSectionDataSet.hh | |
G4VCrossSectionRatio.hh | |
G4ZeroXS.hh | |
► src | |
G4BGGNucleonElasticXS.cc | |
G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS.cc | |
G4BGGPionElasticXS.cc | |
G4BGGPionInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsAntiBaryonElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsAntiBaryonInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsComponentXS.cc | |
G4ChipsHyperonElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsHyperonInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsKaonMinusElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsKaonMinusInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsKaonPlusElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsKaonPlusInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsKaonZeroElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsKaonZeroInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsNeutronInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsPionMinusInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsPionPlusElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsPionPlusInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsProtonElasticXS.cc | |
G4ChipsProtonInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc | |
G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc.cc | |
G4ComponentGGHadronNucleusXsc.cc | |
G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc.cc | |
G4ComponentSAIDTotalXS.cc | |
G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry.cc | |
G4CrossSectionDataStore.cc | |
G4CrossSectionElastic.cc | |
G4CrossSectionFactoryRegistry.cc | |
G4CrossSectionInelastic.cc | |
G4DiffElasticRatio.cc | |
G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection.cc | |
G4ElNeutrinoNucleusTotXsc.cc | |
G4ElNucleusSFcs.cc | |
G4EMDissociationCrossSection.cc | |
G4EMDissociationSpectrum.cc | |
G4GammaNuclearXS.cc | |
G4HadronNucleonXsc.cc | |
G4HadronXSDataTable.cc | |
G4IonsShenCrossSection.cc | |
G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS.cc | |
G4MuNeutrinoNucleusTotXsc.cc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronCcXsc.cc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronNcXsc.cc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronTotXsc.cc | |
G4NeutronCaptureXS.cc | |
G4NeutronElasticXS.cc | |
G4NeutronElectronElXsc.cc | |
G4NeutronInelasticXS.cc | |
G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection.cc | |
G4ParticleInelasticXS.cc | |
G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection.cc | |
G4PiData.cc | |
G4UPiNuclearCrossSection.cc | |
G4VComponentCrossSection.cc | |
G4VCrossSectionDataSet.cc | |
G4VCrossSectionRatio.cc | |
G4ZeroXS.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4EnergyRangeManager.hh | |
G4HadLeadBias.hh | |
G4HadronicEPTestMessenger.hh | |
G4HadronicInteraction.hh | |
G4HadronicInteractionRegistry.hh | |
G4HadronicProcess.hh | |
G4HadronicProcessStore.hh | |
G4HadronicProcessType.hh | |
G4NoModelFound.hh | |
G4VHighEnergyGenerator.hh | |
G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel.hh | |
G4VLeadingParticleBiasing.hh | |
G4VPreCompoundModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4EnergyRangeManager.cc | |
G4HadLeadBias.cc | |
G4HadronicEPTestMessenger.cc | |
G4HadronicInteraction.cc | |
G4HadronicInteractionRegistry.cc | |
G4HadronicProcess.cc | |
G4HadronicProcessStore.cc | |
G4VHighEnergyGenerator.cc | |
G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel.cc | |
G4VPreCompoundModel.cc | |
► models | |
► abla | |
► include | |
G4Abla.hh | |
G4AblaDataDefs.hh | |
G4AblaDataFile.hh | |
G4AblaInterface.hh | |
G4AblaRandom.hh | |
G4AblaVirtualData.hh | |
► src | |
G4Abla.cc | |
G4AblaDataFile.cc | |
G4AblaInterface.cc | |
G4AblaRandom.cc | |
G4AblaVirtualData.cc | |
► abrasion | |
► include | |
G4NuclearAbrasionGeometry.hh | |
G4WilsonAbrasionModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4NuclearAbrasionGeometry.cc | |
G4WilsonAbrasionModel.cc | |
► binary_cascade | |
► include | |
G4Absorber.hh | |
G4AntiProtonField.hh | |
G4BCLateParticle.hh | |
G4BinaryCascade.hh | |
G4BinaryLightIonReaction.hh | |
G4FieldPropagation.hh | |
G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface.hh | |
G4KaonMinusField.hh | |
G4KaonPlusField.hh | |
G4KaonZeroField.hh | |
G4KM_DummyField.hh | |
G4KM_NucleonEqRhs.hh | |
G4KM_OpticalEqRhs.hh | |
G4NeutronField.hh | |
G4PionMinusField.hh | |
G4PionPlusField.hh | |
G4PionZeroField.hh | |
G4ProtonField.hh | |
G4RKFieldIntegrator.hh | |
G4RKPropagation.hh | |
G4SigmaMinusField.hh | |
G4SigmaPlusField.hh | |
G4SigmaZeroField.hh | |
G4VFieldPropagation.hh | |
G4VKM_NuclearDensity.hh | |
G4VNuclearField.hh | |
► src | |
G4Absorber.cc | |
G4AntiProtonField.cc | |
G4BinaryCascade.cc | |
G4BinaryLightIonReaction.cc | |
G4FieldPropagation.cc | |
G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface.cc | |
G4KaonMinusField.cc | |
G4KaonPlusField.cc | |
G4KaonZeroField.cc | |
G4KM_NucleonEqRhs.cc | |
G4KM_OpticalEqRhs.cc | |
G4NeutronField.cc | |
G4PionMinusField.cc | |
G4PionPlusField.cc | |
G4PionZeroField.cc | |
G4ProtonField.cc | |
G4RKFieldIntegrator.cc | |
G4RKPropagation.cc | |
G4SigmaMinusField.cc | |
G4SigmaPlusField.cc | |
G4SigmaZeroField.cc | |
G4VFieldPropagation.cc | |
G4VNuclearField.cc | |
► cascade | |
► cascade | |
► include | |
G4Analyser.hh | |
G4BigBanger.hh | |
G4CascadeChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeChannelTables.hh | |
G4CascadeCheckBalance.hh | |
G4CascadeCoalescence.hh | |
G4CascadeColliderBase.hh | |
G4CascadeData.hh | |
G4CascadeData.icc | |
G4CascadeDeexcitation.hh | |
G4CascadeDeexciteBase.hh | |
G4CascadeFinalStateAlgorithm.hh | |
G4CascadeFinalStateGenerator.hh | |
G4CascadeFunctions.hh | |
G4CascadeFunctions.icc | |
G4CascadeGamNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeGamPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeHistory.hh | |
G4CascadeInterface.hh | |
G4CascadeInterpolator.hh | |
G4CascadeInterpolator.icc | |
G4CascadeKminusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKminusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKplusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKplusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKzeroBarNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKzeroBarPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKzeroNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeKzeroPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeLambdaNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeLambdaPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeMuMinusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeNNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeNPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeOmegaMinusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeOmegaMinusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeParameters.hh | |
G4CascadeParamMessenger.hh | |
G4CascadeParamMessenger.icc | |
G4CascadePiMinusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadePiMinusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadePiPlusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadePiPlusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadePiZeroNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadePiZeroPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadePPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeRecoilMaker.hh | |
G4CascadeSampler.hh | |
G4CascadeSampler.icc | |
G4CascadeSigmaMinusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeSigmaMinusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeSigmaPlusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeSigmaPlusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeSigmaZeroNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeSigmaZeroPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeXiMinusNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeXiMinusPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeXiZeroNChannel.hh | |
G4CascadeXiZeroPChannel.hh | |
G4CascadParticle.hh | |
G4CollisionOutput.hh | |
G4Dineutron.hh | |
G4Diproton.hh | |
G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh | |
G4EquilibriumEvaporator.hh | |
G4EvaporationInuclCollider.hh | |
G4ExitonConfiguration.hh | |
G4FissionConfiguration.hh | |
G4Fissioner.hh | |
G4FissionStore.hh | |
G4GammaNuclAngDst.hh | |
G4GamP2NPipAngDst.hh | |
G4GamP2PPi0AngDst.hh | |
G4GDecay3.hh | |
G4HadNElastic1AngDst.hh | |
G4HadNElastic2AngDst.hh | |
G4HadNucl3BodyAngDst.hh | |
G4HadNucl3BodyMomDst.hh | |
G4HadNucl4BodyMomDst.hh | |
G4HyperonSampler.hh | |
G4InteractionCase.hh | |
G4IntraNucleiCascader.hh | |
G4InuclCollider.hh | |
G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh | |
G4InuclEvaporation.hh | |
G4InuclNuclei.hh | |
G4InuclParamAngDst.hh | |
G4InuclParamMomDst.hh | |
G4InuclParticle.hh | |
G4InuclParticleNames.hh | |
G4InuclSpecialFunctions.hh | |
G4KaonHypSampler.hh | |
G4KaonSampler.hh | |
G4LightTargetCollider.hh | |
G4LorentzConvertor.hh | |
G4MultiBodyMomentumDist.hh | |
G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.hh | |
G4NP2NPAngDst.hh | |
G4NucleiModel.hh | |
G4NuclNucl3BodyAngDst.hh | |
G4NuclNucl3BodyMomDst.hh | |
G4NuclNucl4BodyMomDst.hh | |
G4NuclNuclAngDst.hh | |
G4NuclWatcher.hh | |
G4NumIntTwoBodyAngDst.hh | |
G4NumIntTwoBodyAngDst.icc | |
G4ParamExpTwoBodyAngDst.hh | |
G4ParamExpTwoBodyAngDst.icc | |
G4ParticleLargerBeta.hh | |
G4ParticleLargerEkin.hh | |
G4Pi0P2Pi0PAngDst.hh | |
G4PimP2Pi0NAngDst.hh | |
G4PimP2PimPAngDst.hh | |
G4PiNInelasticAngDst.hh | |
G4PionNucSampler.hh | |
G4PipP2PipPAngDst.hh | |
G4PP2PPAngDst.hh | |
G4PreCompoundDeexcitation.hh | |
G4TwoBodyAngularDist.hh | |
G4UnboundPN.hh | |
G4VCascadeCollider.hh | |
G4VCascadeDeexcitation.hh | |
G4VMultiBodyMomDst.hh | |
G4VThreeBodyAngDst.hh | |
G4VTwoBodyAngDst.hh | |
G4WatcherGun.hh | |
► src | |
bindingEnergy.cc | |
bindingEnergyAsymptotic.cc | |
G4Analyser.cc | |
G4BigBanger.cc | |
G4CascadeChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeChannelTables.cc | |
G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc | |
G4CascadeCoalescence.cc | |
G4CascadeColliderBase.cc | |
G4CascadeDeexcitation.cc | |
G4CascadeDeexciteBase.cc | |
G4CascadeFinalStateAlgorithm.cc | |
G4CascadeFinalStateGenerator.cc | |
G4CascadeHistory.cc | |
G4CascadeInterface.cc | |
G4CascadeKminusNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKminusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKplusNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKplusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKzeroBarNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKzeroBarPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKzeroNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeKzeroPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeLambdaNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeLambdaPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeMuMinusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeNNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeNPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeOmegaMinusNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeOmegaMinusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeParameters.cc | |
G4CascadeParamMessenger.cc | |
G4CascadePPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeRecoilMaker.cc | |
G4CascadeSigmaMinusNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeSigmaMinusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeSigmaPlusNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeSigmaPlusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeSigmaZeroNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeSigmaZeroPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeT11pizNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeT1GamNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeT31piNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeT33piNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeXiMinusNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeXiMinusPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeXiZeroNChannel.cc | |
G4CascadeXiZeroPChannel.cc | |
G4CascadParticle.cc | |
G4CollisionOutput.cc | |
G4Dineutron.cc | |
G4Diproton.cc | |
G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc | |
G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc | |
G4EvaporationInuclCollider.cc | |
G4ExitonConfiguration.cc | |
G4FissionConfiguration.cc | |
G4Fissioner.cc | |
G4FissionStore.cc | |
G4GammaNuclAngDst.cc | |
G4GamP2NPipAngDst.cc | |
G4GamP2PPi0AngDst.cc | |
G4GDecay3.cc | |
G4HadNElastic1AngDst.cc | |
G4HadNElastic2AngDst.cc | |
G4HadNucl3BodyAngDst.cc | |
G4HadNucl3BodyMomDst.cc | |
G4HadNucl4BodyMomDst.cc | |
G4HyperonSampler.cc | |
G4InteractionCase.cc | |
G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc | |
G4InuclCollider.cc | |
G4InuclElementaryParticle.cc | |
G4InuclEvaporation.cc | |
G4InuclNuclei.cc | |
G4InuclParamAngDst.cc | |
G4InuclParamMomDst.cc | |
G4InuclParticle.cc | |
G4InuclParticleNames.cc | |
G4InuclSpecialFunctions.cc | |
G4KaonHypSampler.cc | |
G4KaonSampler.cc | |
G4LightTargetCollider.cc | |
G4LorentzConvertor.cc | |
G4MultiBodyMomentumDist.cc | |
G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc | |
G4NP2NPAngDst.cc | |
G4NucleiModel.cc | |
G4NuclNucl3BodyAngDst.cc | |
G4NuclNucl3BodyMomDst.cc | |
G4NuclNucl4BodyMomDst.cc | |
G4NuclNuclAngDst.cc | |
G4NuclWatcher.cc | |
G4Pi0P2Pi0PAngDst.cc | |
G4PimP2Pi0NAngDst.cc | |
G4PimP2PimPAngDst.cc | |
G4PiNInelasticAngDst.cc | |
G4PionNucSampler.cc | |
G4PipP2PipPAngDst.cc | |
G4PP2PPAngDst.cc | |
G4PreCompoundDeexcitation.cc | |
G4TwoBodyAngularDist.cc | |
G4UnboundPN.cc | |
G4VCascadeCollider.cc | |
G4VCascadeDeexcitation.cc | |
G4VMultiBodyMomDst.cc | |
G4VTwoBodyAngDst.cc | |
G4WatcherGun.cc | |
nucleiLevelDensity.cc | |
paraMaker.cc | |
► coherent_elastic | |
► include | |
G4AntiNuclElastic.hh | |
G4ChargeExchange.hh | |
G4ChargeExchangeProcess.hh | |
G4ChipsElasticModel.hh | |
G4DiffuseElastic.hh | |
G4DiffuseElasticV2.hh | |
G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE.hh | |
G4HadronElastic.hh | |
G4hhElastic.hh | |
G4LEHadronProtonElastic.hh | |
G4LEnp.hh | |
G4LEnpData.hh | |
G4LEpp.hh | |
G4LEppData.hh | |
G4LMsdGenerator.hh | |
G4LowEHadronElastic.hh | |
G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel.hh | |
G4NeutronElectronElModel.hh | |
G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic.hh | |
► src | |
G4AntiNuclElastic.cc | |
G4ChargeExchange.cc | |
G4ChargeExchangeProcess.cc | |
G4ChipsElasticModel.cc | |
G4DiffuseElastic.cc | |
G4DiffuseElasticV2.cc | |
G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE.cc | |
G4HadronElastic.cc | |
G4hhElastic.cc | |
G4LEHadronProtonElastic.cc | |
G4LEnp.cc | |
G4LEpp.cc | |
G4LMsdGenerator.cc | |
G4LowEHadronElastic.cc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel.cc | |
G4NeutronElectronElModel.cc | |
G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic.cc | |
► de_excitation | |
► ablation | |
► include | |
G4WilsonAblationModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4WilsonAblationModel.cc | |
► evaporation | |
► include | |
G4AlphaEvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4Evaporation.hh | |
G4EvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory.hh | |
G4EvaporationFactory.hh | |
G4EvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4He3EvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4He3EvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4NeutronEvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4NeutronEvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4ProtonEvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4TritonEvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4TritonEvaporationProbability.hh | |
G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp.hh | |
G4VEvaporation.hh | |
► src | |
G4AlphaEvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4Evaporation.cc | |
G4EvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory.cc | |
G4EvaporationFactory.cc | |
G4EvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4He3EvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4He3EvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4NeutronEvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4NeutronEvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4ProtonEvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4TritonEvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4TritonEvaporationProbability.cc | |
G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp.cc | |
G4VEvaporation.cc | |
► fermi_breakup | |
► include | |
G4FermiBreakUpVI.hh | |
G4FermiChannels.hh | |
G4FermiDecayProbability.hh | |
G4FermiFragment.hh | |
G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI.hh | |
G4FermiPair.hh | |
G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay.hh | |
G4VFermiBreakUp.hh | |
► src | |
G4FermiBreakUpVI.cc | |
G4FermiDecayProbability.cc | |
G4FermiFragment.cc | |
G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI.cc | |
G4FermiPair.cc | |
G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay.cc | |
► fission | |
► include | |
G4CompetitiveFission.hh | |
G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter.hh | |
G4FissionBarrier.hh | |
G4FissionLevelDensityParameter.hh | |
G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX.hh | |
G4FissionParameters.hh | |
G4FissionProbability.hh | |
G4VFissionBarrier.hh | |
► src | |
G4CompetitiveFission.cc | |
G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter.cc | |
G4FissionBarrier.cc | |
G4FissionLevelDensityParameter.cc | |
G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX.cc | |
G4FissionParameters.cc | |
G4FissionProbability.cc | |
G4VFissionBarrier.cc | |
► gem_evaporation | |
► include | |
G4AlphaGEMChannel.hh | |
G4AlphaGEMProbability.hh | |
G4B10GEMChannel.hh | |
G4B10GEMProbability.hh | |
G4B11GEMChannel.hh | |
G4B11GEMProbability.hh | |
G4B12GEMChannel.hh | |
G4B12GEMProbability.hh | |
G4B13GEMChannel.hh | |
G4B13GEMProbability.hh | |
G4B8GEMChannel.hh | |
G4B8GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Be10GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Be10GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Be11GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Be11GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Be12GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Be12GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Be7GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Be7GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Be9GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Be9GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C10GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C10GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C11GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C11GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C12GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C12GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C13GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C13GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C14GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C14GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C15GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C15GEMProbability.hh | |
G4C16GEMChannel.hh | |
G4C16GEMProbability.hh | |
G4DeuteronGEMChannel.hh | |
G4DeuteronGEMProbability.hh | |
G4EvaporationGEMFactory.hh | |
G4EvaporationGEMFactoryVI.hh | |
G4F17GEMChannel.hh | |
G4F17GEMProbability.hh | |
G4F18GEMChannel.hh | |
G4F18GEMProbability.hh | |
G4F19GEMChannel.hh | |
G4F19GEMProbability.hh | |
G4F20GEMChannel.hh | |
G4F20GEMProbability.hh | |
G4F21GEMChannel.hh | |
G4F21GEMProbability.hh | |
G4GEMChannel.hh | |
G4GEMChannelVI.hh | |
G4GEMCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4GEMProbability.hh | |
G4GEMProbabilityVI.hh | |
G4He3GEMChannel.hh | |
G4He3GEMProbability.hh | |
G4He6GEMChannel.hh | |
G4He6GEMProbability.hh | |
G4He8GEMChannel.hh | |
G4He8GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Li6GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Li6GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Li7GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Li7GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Li8GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Li8GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Li9GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Li9GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg22GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg22GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg23GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg23GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg24GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg24GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg25GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg25GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg26GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg26GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg27GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg27GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Mg28GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Mg28GEMProbability.hh | |
G4N12GEMChannel.hh | |
G4N12GEMProbability.hh | |
G4N13GEMChannel.hh | |
G4N13GEMProbability.hh | |
G4N14GEMChannel.hh | |
G4N14GEMProbability.hh | |
G4N15GEMChannel.hh | |
G4N15GEMProbability.hh | |
G4N16GEMChannel.hh | |
G4N16GEMProbability.hh | |
G4N17GEMChannel.hh | |
G4N17GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Na21GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Na21GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Na22GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Na22GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Na23GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Na23GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Na24GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Na24GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Na25GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Na25GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne18GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne18GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne19GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne19GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne20GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne20GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne21GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne21GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne22GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne22GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne23GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne23GEMProbability.hh | |
G4Ne24GEMChannel.hh | |
G4Ne24GEMProbability.hh | |
G4NeutronGEMChannel.hh | |
G4NeutronGEMProbability.hh | |
G4O14GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O14GEMProbability.hh | |
G4O15GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O15GEMProbability.hh | |
G4O16GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O16GEMProbability.hh | |
G4O17GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O17GEMProbability.hh | |
G4O18GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O18GEMProbability.hh | |
G4O19GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O19GEMProbability.hh | |
G4O20GEMChannel.hh | |
G4O20GEMProbability.hh | |
G4ProtonGEMChannel.hh | |
G4ProtonGEMProbability.hh | |
G4TritonGEMChannel.hh | |
G4TritonGEMProbability.hh | |
► src | |
G4AlphaGEMChannel.cc | |
G4AlphaGEMProbability.cc | |
G4B10GEMProbability.cc | |
G4B11GEMProbability.cc | |
G4B12GEMProbability.cc | |
G4B13GEMProbability.cc | |
G4B8GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Be10GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Be11GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Be12GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Be7GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Be9GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C10GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C11GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C12GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C13GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C14GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C15GEMProbability.cc | |
G4C16GEMProbability.cc | |
G4DeuteronGEMChannel.cc | |
G4DeuteronGEMProbability.cc | |
G4EvaporationGEMFactory.cc | |
G4EvaporationGEMFactoryVI.cc | |
G4F17GEMProbability.cc | |
G4F18GEMProbability.cc | |
G4F19GEMProbability.cc | |
G4F20GEMProbability.cc | |
G4F21GEMProbability.cc | |
G4GEMChannel.cc | |
G4GEMChannelVI.cc | |
G4GEMCoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4GEMProbability.cc | |
G4GEMProbabilityVI.cc | |
G4He3GEMChannel.cc | |
G4He3GEMProbability.cc | |
G4He6GEMProbability.cc | |
G4He8GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Li6GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Li7GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Li8GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Li9GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg22GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg23GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg24GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg25GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg26GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg27GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Mg28GEMProbability.cc | |
G4N12GEMProbability.cc | |
G4N13GEMProbability.cc | |
G4N14GEMProbability.cc | |
G4N15GEMProbability.cc | |
G4N16GEMProbability.cc | |
G4N17GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Na21GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Na22GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Na23GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Na24GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Na25GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne18GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne19GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne20GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne21GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne22GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne23GEMProbability.cc | |
G4Ne24GEMProbability.cc | |
G4NeutronGEMChannel.cc | |
G4NeutronGEMProbability.cc | |
G4O14GEMProbability.cc | |
G4O15GEMProbability.cc | |
G4O16GEMProbability.cc | |
G4O17GEMProbability.cc | |
G4O18GEMProbability.cc | |
G4O19GEMProbability.cc | |
G4O20GEMProbability.cc | |
G4ProtonGEMChannel.cc | |
G4ProtonGEMProbability.cc | |
G4TritonGEMChannel.cc | |
G4TritonGEMProbability.cc | |
► handler | |
► include | |
G4ExcitationHandler.hh | |
► src | |
G4ExcitationHandler.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4DeexParametersMessenger.hh | |
G4DeexPrecoParameters.hh | |
G4LevelManager.hh | |
G4LevelReader.hh | |
G4NuclearLevelData.hh | |
G4NucLevel.hh | |
G4VEmissionProbability.hh | |
G4VEvaporationChannel.hh | |
G4VEvaporationFactory.hh | |
► src | |
G4DeexParametersMessenger.cc | |
G4DeexPrecoParameters.cc | |
G4LevelManager.cc | |
G4LevelReader.cc | |
G4NuclearLevelData.cc | |
G4NucLevel.cc | |
G4VEmissionProbability.cc | |
G4VEvaporationChannel.cc | |
G4VEvaporationFactory.cc | |
► multifragmentation | |
► include | |
G4Solver.hh | |
G4Solver.icc | |
G4StatMF.hh | |
G4StatMFChannel.hh | |
G4StatMFFragment.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroCanonical.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroNucleon.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroTemperature.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon.hh | |
G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon.hh | |
G4StatMFMicroCanonical.hh | |
G4StatMFMicroManager.hh | |
G4StatMFMicroPartition.hh | |
G4StatMFParameters.hh | |
G4VMultiFragmentation.hh | |
G4VStatMFEnsemble.hh | |
G4VStatMFMacroCluster.hh | |
► src | |
G4Solver.cc | |
G4StatMF.cc | |
G4StatMFChannel.cc | |
G4StatMFFragment.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroCanonical.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroNucleon.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroTemperature.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon.cc | |
G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon.cc | |
G4StatMFMicroCanonical.cc | |
G4StatMFMicroManager.cc | |
G4StatMFMicroPartition.cc | |
G4StatMFParameters.cc | |
G4VMultiFragmentation.cc | |
G4VStatMFEnsemble.cc | |
G4VStatMFMacroCluster.cc | |
► photon_evaporation | |
► include | |
G4GammaTransition.hh | |
G4NeutronRadCapture.hh | |
G4PhotonEvaporation.hh | |
G4PolarizationTransition.hh | |
G4VGammaTransition.hh | |
► src | |
G4GammaTransition.cc | |
G4NeutronRadCapture.cc | |
G4PhotonEvaporation.cc | |
G4PolarizationTransition.cc | |
► util | |
► include | |
G4AlphaCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections.hh | |
G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections.hh | |
G4CameronShellPlusPairingCorrections.hh | |
G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections.hh | |
G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections.hh | |
G4ChatterjeeCrossSection.hh | |
G4ConstantLevelDensityParameter.hh | |
G4CookPairingCorrections.hh | |
G4CookShellCorrections.hh | |
G4CoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4DeuteronCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4He3CoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4KalbachCrossSection.hh | |
G4NeutronCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4PairingCorrection.hh | |
G4ProtonCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4ShellCorrection.hh | |
G4TritonCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4VCoulombBarrier.hh | |
G4VLevelDensityParameter.hh | |
► src | |
G4AlphaCoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections.cc | |
G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections.cc | |
G4CameronShellPlusPairingCorrections.cc | |
G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections.cc | |
G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections.cc | |
G4ChatterjeeCrossSection.cc | |
G4ConstantLevelDensityParameter.cc | |
G4CookPairingCorrections.cc | |
G4CookShellCorrections.cc | |
G4CoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4DeuteronCoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4He3CoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4KalbachCrossSection.cc | |
G4NeutronCoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4PairingCorrection.cc | |
G4ProtonCoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4ShellCorrection.cc | |
G4TritonCoulombBarrier.cc | |
G4VCoulombBarrier.cc | |
► em_dissociation | |
► include | |
G4EMDissociation.hh | |
► src | |
G4EMDissociation.cc | |
► fission | |
► include | |
G4fissionEvent.hh | |
G4FissionLibrary.hh | |
G4FissLib.hh | |
G4LFission.hh | |
G4LLNLFission.hh | |
► src | |
G4fissionerr.cc | |
G4fissionEvent.cc | |
G4FissionLibrary.cc | |
G4FissLib.cc | |
G4LFission.cc | |
G4LLNLFission.cc | |
G4rngc.cc | |
G4SmpGEng.cc | |
G4SmpIsoDir.cc | |
G4SmpNEngCf252.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataPu239.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataPu239_241.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataPu239_241_MC.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataU232_234_236_238.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataU232_234_236_238_MC.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataU233_235.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataU233_235_MC.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataU235.cc | |
G4SmpNuDistDataU238.cc | |
G4SmpNugDist.cc | |
G4SmpNVel.cc | |
G4SmpPVel.cc | |
G4SmpSpNubarData.cc | |
G4SmpSpNuDistData.cc | |
G4SmpSpNugDistData.cc | |
G4SmpTerrell.cc | |
G4SmpWatt.cc | |
► gamma_nuclear | |
► include | |
G4LENDorBERTModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4LENDorBERTModel.cc | |
► im_r_matrix | |
► include | |
G4AngularDistribution.hh | |
G4AngularDistributionNP.hh | |
G4AngularDistributionNPData.hh | |
G4AngularDistributionPP.hh | |
G4AngularDistributionPPData.hh | |
G4BaryonPartialWidth.hh | |
G4BaryonWidth.hh | |
G4BCAction.hh | |
G4BCDecay.hh | |
G4CollisionComposite.hh | |
G4CollisionInitialState.hh | |
G4CollisionManager.hh | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryon.hh | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic.hh | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryonToResonance.hh | |
G4CollisionNN.hh | |
G4CollisionNNElastic.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1600.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1620.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1700.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1900.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1905.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1910.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1920.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1930.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1950.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDeltastar.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaNstar.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1600.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1620.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1700.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1900.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1905.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1910.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1920.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1930.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1950.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNDeltastar.hh | |
G4CollisionNNToNNstar.hh | |
G4CollisionnpElastic.hh | |
G4CollisionNStarNToNN.hh | |
G4CollisionPN.hh | |
G4CollisionVector.hh | |
G4ConcreteMesonBaryonToResonance.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDelta.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDeltastar.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaNstar.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNToNDelta.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNToNDeltaStar.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNToNNStar.hh | |
G4ConcreteNNTwoBodyResonance.hh | |
G4ConcreteNStarNToNN.hh | |
G4CrossSectionBuffer.hh | |
G4CrossSectionComposite.hh | |
G4CrossSectionPatch.hh | |
G4CrossSectionSourcePtr.hh | |
G4CrossSectionVector.hh | |
G4DeltaDeltastarBuilder.hh | |
G4DeltaNstarBuilder.hh | |
G4DetailedBalancePhaseSpaceIntegral.hh | |
G4GeneralNNCollision.hh | |
G4ListOfCollisions.hh | |
G4LowEXsection.hh | |
G4MesonAbsorption.hh | |
G4NDeltastarBuilder.hh | |
G4NNstarBuilder.hh | |
G4PartialWidthTable.hh | |
G4ParticleTypeConverter.hh | |
G4ResonanceID.hh | |
G4ResonanceNames.hh | |
G4ResonancePartialWidth.hh | |
G4ResonanceWidth.hh | |
G4Scatterer.hh | |
G4VAngularDistribution.hh | |
G4VAnnihilationCollision.hh | |
G4VCollision.hh | |
G4VCrossSectionComposite.hh | |
G4VCrossSectionSource.hh | |
G4VElasticCollision.hh | |
G4VScatterer.hh | |
G4VScatteringCollision.hh | |
G4VXResonance.hh | |
G4VXResonanceTable.hh | |
G4XAnnihilationChannel.hh | |
G4XAqmElastic.hh | |
G4XAqmTotal.hh | |
G4XDeltaDeltastarTable.hh | |
G4XDeltaDeltaTable.hh | |
G4XDeltaNstarTable.hh | |
G4XMesonBaryonElastic.hh | |
G4XNDeltastarTable.hh | |
G4XNDeltaTable.hh | |
G4XNNElastic.hh | |
G4XNNElasticLowE.hh | |
G4XNNstarTable.hh | |
G4XNNTotal.hh | |
G4XNNTotalLowE.hh | |
G4XnpElastic.hh | |
G4XnpElasticLowE.hh | |
G4XnpTotal.hh | |
G4XnpTotalLowE.hh | |
G4XPDGElastic.hh | |
G4XPDGTotal.hh | |
G4XpimNTotal.hh | |
G4XpipNTotal.hh | |
G4XResonance.hh | |
► src | |
G4AngularDistribution.cc | |
G4AngularDistributionNP.cc | |
G4AngularDistributionPP.cc | |
G4BaryonPartialWidth.cc | |
G4BaryonWidth.cc | |
G4CollisionComposite.cc | |
G4CollisionInitialState.cc | |
G4CollisionManager.cc | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryon.cc | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic.cc | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryonToResonance.cc | |
G4CollisionNN.cc | |
G4CollisionNNElastic.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1600.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1620.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1700.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1900.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1905.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1910.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1920.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1930.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1950.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDeltastar.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaNstar.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1600.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1620.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1700.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1900.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1905.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1910.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1920.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1930.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1950.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNDeltastar.cc | |
G4CollisionNNToNNstar.cc | |
G4CollisionnpElastic.cc | |
G4CollisionNStarNToNN.cc | |
G4CollisionPN.cc | |
G4ConcreteMesonBaryonToResonance.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDelta.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDeltastar.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaNstar.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNToNDelta.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNToNDeltaStar.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNToNNStar.cc | |
G4ConcreteNNTwoBodyResonance.cc | |
G4ConcreteNStarNToNN.cc | |
G4CrossSectionComposite.cc | |
G4CrossSectionPatch.cc | |
G4CrossSectionSourcePtr.cc | |
G4DetailedBalancePhaseSpaceIntegral.cc | |
G4LowEXsection.cc | |
G4MesonAbsorption.cc | |
G4PartialWidthTable.cc | |
G4ParticleTypeConverter.cc | |
G4ResonanceNames.cc | |
G4Scatterer.cc | |
G4VAnnihilationCollision.cc | |
G4VCollision.cc | |
G4VCrossSectionSource.cc | |
G4VElasticCollision.cc | |
G4VScatteringCollision.cc | |
G4VXResonance.cc | |
G4XAnnihilationChannel.cc | |
G4XAqmElastic.cc | |
G4XAqmTotal.cc | |
G4XDeltaDeltastarTable.cc | |
G4XDeltaDeltaTable.cc | |
G4XDeltaNstarTable.cc | |
G4XMesonBaryonElastic.cc | |
G4XNDeltastarTable.cc | |
G4XNDeltaTable.cc | |
G4XNNElastic.cc | |
G4XNNElasticLowE.cc | |
G4XNNstarTable.cc | |
G4XNNTotal.cc | |
G4XNNTotalLowE.cc | |
G4XnpElastic.cc | |
G4XnpElasticLowE.cc | |
G4XnpTotal.cc | |
G4XnpTotalLowE.cc | |
G4XPDGElastic.cc | |
G4XPDGTotal.cc | |
G4XpimNTotal.cc | |
G4XpipNTotal.cc | |
G4XResonance.cc | |
► inclxx | |
► incl_physics | |
► include | |
G4INCLAvatarDumpAction.hh | Alternative CascadeAction for dumping avatars |
G4INCLBinaryCollisionAvatar.hh | |
G4INCLCascade.hh | |
G4INCLCascadeAction.hh | Class containing default actions to be performed at intermediate cascade steps |
G4INCLCluster.hh | |
G4INCLClusterDecay.hh | Static class for carrying out cluster decays |
G4INCLClustering.hh | Static class for cluster formation |
G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison.hh | |
G4INCLClusteringModelNone.hh | |
G4INCLConstantRandom.hh | |
G4INCLCoulombDistortion.hh | Static class for selecting Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLCoulombNone.hh | Placeholder class for no Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLCoulombNonRelativistic.hh | Class for non-relativistic Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLCrossSections.hh | |
G4INCLCrossSectionsINCL46.hh | Cross sections used in INCL4.6 |
G4INCLCrossSectionsMultiPions.hh | Cross sections used in INCL Multipions |
G4INCLCrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances.hh | Multipion and mesonic Resonances cross sections |
G4INCLCrossSectionsStrangeness.hh | Multipion, mesonic Resonances and strange cross sections |
G4INCLCrossSectionsTruncatedMultiPions.hh | Truncated multipion cross sections |
G4INCLDecayAvatar.hh | |
G4INCLDeJongSpin.hh | Simple class implementing De Jong's spin model for nucleus-nucleus collisions |
G4INCLDeltaDecayChannel.hh | |
G4INCLDeltaProductionChannel.hh | |
G4INCLDeuteronDensity.hh | Deuteron density in r and p according to the Paris potential |
G4INCLElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLEtaNElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLEtaNToPiNChannel.hh | |
G4INCLEtaNToPiPiNChannel.hh | |
G4INCLIClusteringModel.hh | |
G4INCLICoulomb.hh | Abstract interface for Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLICrossSections.hh | Abstract interface for the cross-section classes |
G4INCLInteractionAvatar.hh | |
G4INCLINuclearPotential.hh | Abstract interface to the nuclear potential |
G4INCLIPauli.hh | |
G4INCLIPhaseSpaceGenerator.hh | Abstract interface for the phase-space generators |
G4INCLIPropagationModel.hh | |
G4INCLKinematicsUtils.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaEtaProductionChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaOmegaProductionChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaToDeltaLKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaToDeltaSKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaToNLKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaToNNKKbChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDeltaToNSKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNDFGaussian.hh | Class for Gaussian density |
G4INCLNDFHardSphere.hh | NDF* class for the deuteron density according to the HardSphere potential |
G4INCLNDFModifiedHarmonicOscillator.hh | Class for modified harmonic oscillator density |
G4INCLNDFParis.hh | NDF* class for the deuteron density according to the Paris potential |
G4INCLNDFWoodsSaxon.hh | Class for Woods-Saxon density |
G4INCLNeutralKaonDecayChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToL2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToLpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToNKb2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToNKbChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToNKbpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToS2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKbToSpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKToNK2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKToNKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNKToNKpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNLToNSChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNEtaToMultiPionsChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNOmegaToMultiPionsChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToMissingStrangenessChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToMultiPionsChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNLK2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNLKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNLKpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNNEtaChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNNKKbChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNNOmegaChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNSK2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNSKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNNToNSKpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToLK2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToLKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToLKpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToMissingStrangenessChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToNKKbChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToSK2piChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToSKChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNpiToSKpiChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNSToNLChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNSToNSChannel.hh | |
G4INCLNuclearDensity.hh | |
G4INCLNuclearDensityFactory.hh | |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialConstant.hh | Isospin- and energy-independent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialEnergyIsospin.hh | Isospin- and energy-dependent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialEnergyIsospinSmooth.hh | Isospin- and energy-dependent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialIsospin.hh | Isospin-dependent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNucleus.hh | |
G4INCLNYElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLOmegaNElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLOmegaNToPiNChannel.hh | |
G4INCLOmegaNToPiPiNChannel.hh | |
G4INCLParticleEntryAvatar.hh | |
G4INCLParticleEntryChannel.hh | |
G4INCLParticleSampler.hh | Class for sampling particles in a nucleus |
G4INCLPauliBlocking.hh | |
G4INCLPauliGlobal.hh | |
G4INCLPauliStandard.hh | |
G4INCLPauliStrict.hh | |
G4INCLPauliStrictStandard.hh | |
G4INCLPhaseSpaceGenerator.hh | |
G4INCLPhaseSpaceKopylov.hh | |
G4INCLPhaseSpaceRauboldLynch.hh | |
G4INCLPiNElasticChannel.hh | |
G4INCLPiNToDeltaChannel.hh | |
G4INCLPiNToEtaChannel.hh | |
G4INCLPiNToMultiPionsChannel.hh | |
G4INCLPiNToOmegaChannel.hh | |
G4INCLPionResonanceDecayChannel.hh | |
G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh | Class for constructing a projectile-like remnant |
G4INCLRecombinationChannel.hh | Delta-nucleon recombination channel |
G4INCLReflectionChannel.hh | |
G4INCLSigmaZeroDecayChannel.hh | |
G4INCLStandardPropagationModel.hh | |
G4INCLStore.hh | |
G4INCLStrangeAbsorbtionChannel.hh | |
G4INCLSurfaceAvatar.hh | |
G4INCLTransmissionChannel.hh | |
► src | |
G4INCLAvatarDumpAction.cc | |
G4INCLBinaryCollisionAvatar.cc | |
G4INCLCascade.cc | |
G4INCLCascadeAction.cc | |
G4INCLCluster.cc | |
G4INCLClusterDecay.cc | Static class for carrying out cluster decays |
G4INCLClustering.cc | Static class for cluster formation |
G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison.cc | |
G4INCLCoulombDistortion.cc | Static class for selecting Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLCoulombNone.cc | Placeholder class for no Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLCoulombNonRelativistic.cc | Class for non-relativistic Coulomb distortion |
G4INCLCrossSections.cc | |
G4INCLCrossSectionsINCL46.cc | |
G4INCLCrossSectionsMultiPions.cc | |
G4INCLCrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances.cc | Multipion and mesonic Resonances cross sections |
G4INCLCrossSectionsStrangeness.cc | Multipion, mesonic Resonances and strange cross sections |
G4INCLCrossSectionsTruncatedMultiPions.cc | Truncated multipion cross sections |
G4INCLDecayAvatar.cc | |
G4INCLDeJongSpin.cc | Simple class implementing De Jong's spin model for nucleus-nucleus collisions |
G4INCLDeltaDecayChannel.cc | |
G4INCLDeltaProductionChannel.cc | |
G4INCLDeuteronDensity.cc | Deuteron density in r and p according to the Paris potential |
G4INCLElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLEtaNElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLEtaNToPiNChannel.cc | |
G4INCLEtaNToPiPiNChannel.cc | |
G4INCLInteractionAvatar.cc | |
G4INCLINuclearPotential.cc | Abstract interface to the nuclear potential |
G4INCLKinematicsUtils.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaEtaProductionChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaOmegaProductionChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaToDeltaLKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaToDeltaSKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaToNLKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaToNNKKbChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNDeltaToNSKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNeutralKaonDecayChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToL2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToLpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToNKb2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToNKbChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToNKbpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToS2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKbToSpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKToNK2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKToNKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNKToNKpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNLToNSChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNEtaToMultiPionsChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNOmegaToMultiPionsChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToMissingStrangenessChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToMultiPionsChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNLK2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNLKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNLKpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNNEtaChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNNKKbChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNNOmegaChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNSK2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNSKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNNToNSKpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToLK2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToLKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToLKpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToMissingStrangenessChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToNKKbChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToSK2piChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToSKChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNpiToSKpiChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNSToNLChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNSToNSChannel.cc | |
G4INCLNuclearDensity.cc | |
G4INCLNuclearDensityFactory.cc | |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialConstant.cc | Isospin- and energy-independent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialEnergyIsospin.cc | Isospin- and energy-dependent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialEnergyIsospinSmooth.cc | Isospin- and energy-dependent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNuclearPotentialIsospin.cc | Isospin-dependent nuclear potential |
G4INCLNucleus.cc | |
G4INCLNYElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLOmegaNElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLOmegaNToPiNChannel.cc | |
G4INCLOmegaNToPiPiNChannel.cc | |
G4INCLParticleEntryAvatar.cc | |
G4INCLParticleEntryChannel.cc | |
G4INCLParticleSampler.cc | Class for sampling particles in a nucleus |
G4INCLPauliBlocking.cc | |
G4INCLPauliGlobal.cc | |
G4INCLPauliStandard.cc | |
G4INCLPauliStrict.cc | |
G4INCLPauliStrictStandard.cc | |
G4INCLPhaseSpaceGenerator.cc | |
G4INCLPhaseSpaceKopylov.cc | |
G4INCLPhaseSpaceRauboldLynch.cc | |
G4INCLPiNElasticChannel.cc | |
G4INCLPiNToDeltaChannel.cc | |
G4INCLPiNToEtaChannel.cc | |
G4INCLPiNToMultiPionsChannel.cc | |
G4INCLPiNToOmegaChannel.cc | |
G4INCLPionResonanceDecayChannel.cc | |
G4INCLProjectileRemnant.cc | Class for constructing a projectile-like remnant |
G4INCLRecombinationChannel.cc | Delta-nucleon recombination channel |
G4INCLReflectionChannel.cc | |
G4INCLSigmaZeroDecayChannel.cc | |
G4INCLStandardPropagationModel.cc | |
G4INCLStore.cc | |
G4INCLStrangeAbsorbtionChannel.cc | |
G4INCLSurfaceAvatar.cc | |
G4INCLTransmissionChannel.cc | |
► interface | |
► include | |
G4INCLXXInterface.hh | |
G4INCLXXInterfaceMessenger.hh | Messenger class for the Geant4 INCL++ interface |
G4INCLXXInterfaceStore.hh | Header file for the G4INCLXXInterfaceStore class |
G4INCLXXVInterfaceTally.hh | |
► src | |
G4INCLXXInterface.cc | |
G4INCLXXInterfaceMessenger.cc | Messenger class for the Geant4 INCL++ interface |
G4INCLXXInterfaceStore.cc | The G4INCLXXInterfaceStore class implementation |
► utils | |
► include | |
G4INCLAllocationPool.hh | Singleton for recycling allocation of instances of a given class |
G4INCLBook.hh | |
G4INCLConfig.hh | |
G4INCLConfigEnums.hh | |
G4INCLEventInfo.hh | Simple container for output of event results |
G4INCLFinalState.hh | |
G4INCLGeant4Compat.hh | |
G4INCLGeant4Random.hh | |
G4INCLGlobalInfo.hh | Simple container for output of calculation-wide results |
G4INCLGlobals.hh | |
G4INCLHashing.hh | Functions for hashing a collection of NucleonItems |
G4INCLHFB.hh | |
G4INCLHornerFormEvaluator.hh | Template-metaprogramming-based evaluator for polynomials in Horner form |
G4INCLIAvatar.hh | |
G4INCLIChannel.hh | |
G4INCLIFunction1D.hh | Functor for 1-dimensional mathematical functions |
G4INCLInterpolationTable.hh | Simple interpolation table |
G4INCLIntersection.hh | Simple class for computing intersections between a straight line and a sphere |
G4INCLInvFInterpolationTable.hh | Simple interpolation table for the inverse of a IFunction1D functor |
G4INCLIRandomGenerator.hh | |
G4INCLLogger.hh | |
G4INCLNaturalIsotopicDistributions.hh | Classes that stores isotopic abundances |
G4INCLNuclearMassTable.hh | Functions that encapsulate a mass table |
G4INCLParticle.hh | |
G4INCLParticleSpecies.hh | |
G4INCLParticleTable.hh | |
G4INCLParticleType.hh | |
G4INCLRandom.hh | |
G4INCLRandomSeedVector.hh | |
G4INCLRanecu.hh | |
G4INCLRanecu3.hh | |
G4INCLRootFinder.hh | Static root-finder algorithm |
G4INCLThreeVector.hh | |
G4INCLUnorderedVector.hh | |
G4INCLVersion.hh | |
► src | |
G4INCLConfig.cc | |
G4INCLConfigVersion.cc | The Config::getVersionID() method |
G4INCLEventInfo.cc | Simple container for output of event results |
G4INCLFinalState.cc | |
G4INCLGlobals.cc | |
G4INCLHFB.cc | |
G4INCLIAvatar.cc | |
G4INCLIChannel.cc | |
G4INCLIFunction1D.cc | Functor for 1-dimensional mathematical functions |
G4INCLInterpolationTable.cc | Simple interpolation table |
G4INCLInvFInterpolationTable.cc | Simple interpolation table for the inverse of a IFunction1D functor |
G4INCLLogger.cc | |
G4INCLNaturalIsotopicDistributions.cc | Classes that stores isotopic abundances |
G4INCLNuclearMassTable.cc | Functions that encapsulate a mass table |
G4INCLParticle.cc | |
G4INCLParticleSpecies.cc | |
G4INCLParticleTable.cc | |
G4INCLRandom.cc | |
G4INCLRandomSeedVector.cc | |
G4INCLRanecu.cc | |
G4INCLRanecu3.cc | |
G4INCLRootFinder.cc | |
► lend | |
► include | |
G4GIDI.hh | |
G4GIDI_map.hh | |
G4GIDI_mass.hh | |
G4GIDI_Misc.hh | |
G4GIDI_target.hh | |
G4LENDCapture.hh | |
G4LENDCaptureCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDCombinedCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDCombinedModel.hh | |
G4LENDCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDElastic.hh | |
G4LENDElasticCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDFission.hh | |
G4LENDFissionCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDGammaCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDGammaModel.hh | |
G4LENDHeader.hh | |
G4LENDInelastic.hh | |
G4LENDInelasticCrossSection.hh | |
G4LENDManager.hh | |
G4LENDModel.hh | |
G4LENDUsedTarget.hh | |
GIDI_settings.hh | |
MCGIDI.h | |
MCGIDI_fromTOM.h | |
MCGIDI_map.h | |
MCGIDI_mass.h | |
MCGIDI_misc.h | |
MCGIDI_private.h | |
nf_integration.h | |
nf_Legendre.h | |
nf_specialFunctions.h | |
nf_utilities.h | |
PoPs.h | |
PoPs_Bcast_private.h | |
PoPs_data.h | |
PoPs_mass.h | |
PoPs_private.h | |
ptwX.h | |
ptwXY.h | |
statusMessageReporting.h | |
xDataTOM.h | |
xDataTOM_importXML_private.h | |
xDataTOM_private.h | |
► src | |
G4GIDI.cc | |
G4GIDI_map.cc | |
G4GIDI_mass.cc | |
G4GIDI_Misc.cc | |
G4GIDI_target.cc | |
G4LENDCapture.cc | |
G4LENDCaptureCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDCombinedCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDCombinedModel.cc | |
G4LENDCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDElastic.cc | |
G4LENDElasticCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDFission.cc | |
G4LENDFissionCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDGammaCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDGammaModel.cc | |
G4LENDInelastic.cc | |
G4LENDInelasticCrossSection.cc | |
G4LENDManager.cc | |
G4LENDModel.cc | |
G4LENDUsedTarget.cc | |
GIDI_settings.cc | |
GIDI_settings_flux.cc | |
GIDI_settings_group.cc | |
GIDI_settings_particle.cc | |
lPoPs.cc | |
MCGIDI_angular.cc | |
MCGIDI_angularEnergy.cc | |
MCGIDI_distribution.cc | |
MCGIDI_energy.cc | |
MCGIDI_energyAngular.cc | |
MCGIDI_fromTOM.cc | |
MCGIDI_KalbachMann.cc | |
MCGIDI_kinetics.cc | |
MCGIDI_LLNLAngular_angularEnergy.cc | |
MCGIDI_map.cc | |
MCGIDI_mass.cc | |
MCGIDI_misc.cc | |
MCGIDI_outputChannel.cc | |
MCGIDI_particle.cc | |
MCGIDI_pop.cc | |
MCGIDI_product.cc | |
MCGIDI_quantitiesLookupMode.cc | |
MCGIDI_reaction.cc | |
MCGIDI_sampling.cc | |
MCGIDI_samplingSettings.cc | |
MCGIDI_target.cc | |
MCGIDI_target_heated.cc | |
MCGIDI_uncorrelated.cc | |
MCGIDI_version.cc | |
nf_angularMomentumCoupling.cc | |
nf_exponentialIntegral.cc | |
nf_gammaFunctions.cc | |
nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature.cc | |
nf_incompleteGammaFunctions.cc | |
nf_Legendre.cc | |
nf_Legendre_GaussianQuadrature.cc | |
nf_polevl.cc | |
nf_stringToDoubles.cc | |
nf_stringToDoubles_main.cc | |
nf_utilities.cc | |
PoPs.cc | |
PoPs_Bcast.cc | |
PoPs_data.cc | |
PoPs_mass.cc | |
ptwX_core.cc | |
ptwX_misc.cc | |
ptwXY_binaryOperators.cc | |
ptwXY_convenient.cc | |
ptwXY_core.cc | |
ptwXY_functions.cc | |
ptwXY_integration.cc | |
ptwXY_interpolation.cc | |
ptwXY_methods.cc | |
ptwXY_misc.cc | |
ptwXY_unitaryOperators.cc | |
statusMessageReporting.cc | |
xDataTOM.cc | |
xDataTOM_axes.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_axes.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_KalbachMann.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_polynomial.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_regionsXYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_V_W_XYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_W_XYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_W_XYs_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_importXML_XYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_interpolation.cc | |
xDataTOM_KalbachMann.cc | |
xDataTOM_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_Misc.cc | |
xDataTOM_polynomial.cc | |
xDataTOM_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_regionsXYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_V_W_XYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_W_XYs.cc | |
xDataTOM_W_XYs_LegendreSeries.cc | |
xDataTOM_XYs.cc | |
► lepto_nuclear | |
► include | |
G4ANuElNucleusCcModel.hh | |
G4ANuElNucleusNcModel.hh | |
G4ANuMuNucleusCcModel.hh | |
G4ANuMuNucleusNcModel.hh | |
G4ElectroVDNuclearModel.hh | |
G4MuonVDNuclearModel.hh | |
G4NeutrinoElectronCcModel.hh | |
G4NeutrinoNucleusModel.hh | |
G4NuElNucleusCcModel.hh | |
G4NuElNucleusNcModel.hh | |
G4NuMuNucleusCcModel.hh | |
G4NuMuNucleusNcModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4ANuElNucleusCcModel.cc | |
G4ANuElNucleusNcModel.cc | |
G4ANuMuNucleusCcModel.cc | |
G4ANuMuNucleusNcModel.cc | |
G4ElectroVDNuclearModel.cc | |
G4MuonVDNuclearModel.cc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronCcModel.cc | |
G4NeutrinoNucleusModel.cc | |
G4NuElNucleusCcModel.cc | |
G4NuElNucleusNcModel.cc | |
G4NuMuNucleusCcModel.cc | |
G4NuMuNucleusNcModel.cc | |
► particle_hp | |
► include | |
G4ArrayOps.hh | |
G4ENDFTapeRead.hh | |
G4ENDFYieldDataContainer.hh | |
G4FFGDebuggingMacros.hh | |
G4FFGDefaultValues.hh | |
G4FFGEnumerations.hh | |
G4FFGVerboseMacros.hh | |
G4FissionFragmentGenerator.hh | |
G4FissionProductYieldDist.hh | |
G4FPYBiasedLightFragmentDist.hh | |
G4FPYNormalFragmentDist.hh | |
G4FPYNubarValues.hh | |
G4FPYSamplingOps.hh | |
G4FPYTreeStructures.hh | |
G4InterpolationIterator.hh | |
G4InterpolationManager.hh | |
G4InterpolationScheme.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2N2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2NAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2NDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2NInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2NPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP2PInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP3AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP3NAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP3NInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP3NPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHP4NInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPAngular.hh | |
G4NeutronHPAngularP.hh | |
G4NeutronHPArbitaryTab.hh | |
G4NeutronHPBGGNucleonInelasticXS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPCapture.hh | |
G4NeutronHPCaptureData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPCaptureFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPChannel.hh | |
G4NeutronHPChannelList.hh | |
G4NeutronHPContAngularPar.hh | |
G4NeutronHPContEnergyAngular.hh | |
G4NeutronHPD2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPDAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPDataPoint.hh | |
G4NeutronHPDataUsed.hh | |
G4NeutronHPDeExGammas.hh | |
G4NeutronHPDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPDiscreteTwoBody.hh | |
G4NeutronHPElastic.hh | |
G4NeutronHPElasticData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPElasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPElementData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPEnAngCorrelation.hh | |
G4NeutronHPEnergyDistribution.hh | |
G4NeutronHPEvapSpectrum.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFastLegendre.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFCFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFFFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPField.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFieldPoint.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFinalState.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFission.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFissionBaseFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFissionData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFissionERelease.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFissionSpectrum.hh | |
G4NeutronHPFSFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPGamma.hh | |
G4NeutronHPHash.hh | |
G4NeutronHPHe3InelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPInelastic.hh | |
G4NeutronHPInelasticBaseFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPInelasticData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPInterpolator.hh | |
G4NeutronHPIsoData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPIsotropic.hh | |
G4NeutronHPJENDLHEData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPJENDLHEElasticData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPJENDLHEInelasticData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst.hh | |
G4NeutronHPLabAngularEnergy.hh | |
G4NeutronHPLCFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPLegendreStore.hh | |
G4NeutronHPLegendreTable.hh | |
G4NeutronHPLevel.hh | |
G4NeutronHPList.hh | |
G4NeutronHPMadlandNixSpectrum.hh | |
G4NeutronHPManager.hh | |
G4NeutronHPMessenger.hh | |
G4NeutronHPN2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPN2PInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPN3AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNames.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNBodyPhaseSpace.hh | |
G4NeutronHPND2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNeutronYield.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNHe3InelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNPAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNT2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNTInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPNXInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPartial.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPhotonDist.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPolynomExpansion.hh | |
G4NeutronHPProduct.hh | |
G4NeutronHPPTInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPReactionWhiteBoard.hh | |
G4NeutronHPSCFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPSimpleEvapSpectrum.hh | |
G4NeutronHPT2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPTCFissionFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPThermalBoost.hh | |
G4NeutronHPThermalScattering.hh | |
G4NeutronHPThermalScatteringData.hh | |
G4NeutronHPThermalScatteringNames.hh | |
G4NeutronHPThreadLocalManager.hh | |
G4NeutronHPTInelasticFS.hh | |
G4NeutronHPVector.hh | |
G4NeutronHPWattSpectrum.hh | |
G4NRESP71M03.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2N2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2NAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2NDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2NInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2NPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP2PInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP3AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP3NAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP3NInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP3NPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHP4NInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPAngular.hh | |
G4ParticleHPAngularP.hh | |
G4ParticleHPArbitaryTab.hh | |
G4ParticleHPBGGNucleonInelasticXS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPCapture.hh | |
G4ParticleHPCaptureData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPCaptureFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPChannel.hh | |
G4ParticleHPChannelList.hh | |
G4ParticleHPContAngularPar.hh | |
G4ParticleHPContEnergyAngular.hh | |
G4ParticleHPD2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPDAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPDataPoint.hh | |
G4ParticleHPDataUsed.hh | |
G4ParticleHPDeExGammas.hh | |
G4ParticleHPDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPDiscreteTwoBody.hh | |
G4ParticleHPElastic.hh | |
G4ParticleHPElasticData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPElasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPElementData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPEnAngCorrelation.hh | |
G4ParticleHPEnergyDistribution.hh | |
G4ParticleHPEvapSpectrum.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFCFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFFFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPField.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFieldPoint.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFinalState.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFission.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFissionBaseFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFissionData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFissionERelease.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFissionSpectrum.hh | |
G4ParticleHPFSFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPGamma.hh | |
G4ParticleHPHash.hh | |
G4ParticleHPHe3InelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPInelastic.hh | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticBaseFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticCompFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPInterpolator.hh | |
G4ParticleHPIsoData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPIsotropic.hh | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEElasticData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEInelasticData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPKallbachMannSyst.hh | |
G4ParticleHPLabAngularEnergy.hh | |
G4ParticleHPLCFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPLegendreStore.hh | |
G4ParticleHPLegendreTable.hh | |
G4ParticleHPLevel.hh | |
G4ParticleHPList.hh | |
G4ParticleHPMadlandNixSpectrum.hh | |
G4ParticleHPManager.hh | |
G4ParticleHPMessenger.hh | |
G4ParticleHPN2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPN2PInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPN3AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNames.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNBodyPhaseSpace.hh | |
G4ParticleHPND2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNHe3InelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNPAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNT2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNTInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPNXInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPAInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPartial.hh | |
G4ParticleHPParticleYield.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPDInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPhotonDist.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPolynomExpansion.hh | |
G4ParticleHPProduct.hh | |
G4ParticleHPPTInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPReactionWhiteBoard.hh | |
G4ParticleHPSCFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPSimpleEvapSpectrum.hh | |
G4ParticleHPT2AInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPTCFissionFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPThermalBoost.hh | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScattering.hh | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScatteringData.hh | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScatteringNames.hh | |
G4ParticleHPThreadLocalManager.hh | |
G4ParticleHPTInelasticFS.hh | |
G4ParticleHPVector.hh | |
G4ParticleHPWattSpectrum.hh | |
G4ShiftedGaussian.hh | |
G4TableTemplate.hh | |
G4VNeutronHPEDis.hh | |
G4VNeutronHPEnergyAngular.hh | |
G4VParticleHPEDis.hh | |
G4VParticleHPEnergyAngular.hh | |
G4WattFissionSpectrumValues.hh | |
G4WendtFissionFragmentGenerator.hh | |
► src | |
G4ENDFTapeRead.cc | |
G4ENDFYieldDataContainer.cc | |
G4FFGDebuggingMacros.cc | |
G4FFGVerboseMacros.cc | |
G4FissionFragmentGenerator.cc | |
G4FissionProductYieldDist.cc | |
G4FPYBiasedLightFragmentDist.cc | |
G4FPYNormalFragmentDist.cc | |
G4FPYSamplingOps.cc | |
G4InterpolationManager.cc | |
G4NRESP71M03.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2N2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2NAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2NDInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2NInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2NPInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP2PInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP3AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP3NAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP3NInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP3NPInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHP4NInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPAngular.cc | |
G4ParticleHPArbitaryTab.cc | |
G4ParticleHPBGGNucleonInelasticXS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPCapture.cc | |
G4ParticleHPCaptureData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPCaptureFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPChannel.cc | |
G4ParticleHPChannelList.cc | |
G4ParticleHPContAngularPar.cc | |
G4ParticleHPContEnergyAngular.cc | |
G4ParticleHPD2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPDAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPDeExGammas.cc | |
G4ParticleHPDInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPDiscreteTwoBody.cc | |
G4ParticleHPElastic.cc | |
G4ParticleHPElasticData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPElasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPElementData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPEnAngCorrelation.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_14.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_18.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_21.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_24.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_26.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_28.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre_30.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFCFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFFFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPField.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFieldPoint.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFinalState.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFission.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFissionBaseFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFissionData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPFSFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPGamma.cc | |
G4ParticleHPHe3InelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPInelastic.cc | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticBaseFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticCompFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPInterpolator.cc | |
G4ParticleHPIsoData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPIsotropic.cc | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEElasticData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEInelasticData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPKallbachMannSyst.cc | |
G4ParticleHPLabAngularEnergy.cc | |
G4ParticleHPLCFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPLegendreStore.cc | |
G4ParticleHPLevel.cc | |
G4ParticleHPList.cc | |
G4ParticleHPMadlandNixSpectrum.cc | |
G4ParticleHPManager.cc | |
G4ParticleHPMessenger.cc | |
G4ParticleHPN2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPN2PInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPN3AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNames.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNBodyPhaseSpace.cc | |
G4ParticleHPND2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNDInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNHe3InelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNPAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNPInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNT2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNTInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPNXInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPPAInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPPartial.cc | |
G4ParticleHPPDInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPPhotonDist.cc | |
G4ParticleHPPInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPProduct.cc | |
G4ParticleHPPTInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPReactionWhiteBoard.cc | |
G4ParticleHPSCFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPT2AInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPTCFissionFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScattering.cc | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScatteringData.cc | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScatteringNames.cc | |
G4ParticleHPThreadLocalManager.cc | |
G4ParticleHPTInelasticFS.cc | |
G4ParticleHPVector.cc | |
G4ParticleHPWattSpectrum.cc | |
G4ShiftedGaussian.cc | |
G4WendtFissionFragmentGenerator.cc | |
► parton_string | |
► diffraction | |
► include | |
G4DiffractiveExcitation.hh | |
G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron.hh | |
G4ElasticHNScattering.hh | |
G4FTFAnnihilation.hh | |
G4FTFModel.hh | |
G4FTFParameters.hh | |
G4FTFParticipants.hh | |
► src | |
G4DiffractiveExcitation.cc | |
G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron.cc | |
G4ElasticHNScattering.cc | |
G4FTFAnnihilation.cc | |
G4FTFModel.cc | |
G4FTFParameters.cc | |
G4FTFParticipants.cc | |
► hadronization | |
► include | |
G4ExcitedStringDecay.hh | |
G4FragmentingString.hh | |
G4HadronBuilder.hh | |
G4LundStringFragmentation.hh | |
G4QGSMFragmentation.hh | |
G4VLongitudinalStringDecay.hh | |
► src | |
G4ExcitedStringDecay.cc | |
G4FragmentingString.cc | |
G4HadronBuilder.cc | |
G4LundStringFragmentation.cc | |
G4QGSMFragmentation.cc | |
G4VLongitudinalStringDecay.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4InteractionContent.hh | |
G4StringModel.hh | |
G4VParticipants.hh | |
G4VPartonStringModel.hh | |
G4VSplitableHadron.hh | |
G4VStringFragmentation.hh | |
► src | |
G4InteractionContent.cc | |
G4StringModel.cc | |
G4VParticipants.cc | |
G4VPartonStringModel.cc | |
G4VSplitableHadron.cc | |
G4VStringFragmentation.cc | |
► qgsm | |
► include | |
G4BaryonSplitter.hh | |
G4DiffractiveStringBuilder.hh | |
G4GammaParticipants.hh | |
G4MesonSplitter.hh | |
G4PartonPair.hh | |
G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation.hh | |
G4QGSModel.hh | |
G4QGSModel.icc | |
G4QGSMSplitableHadron.hh | |
G4QGSParticipants.hh | |
G4QuarkExchange.hh | |
G4Reggeons.hh | |
G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation.hh | |
G4SoftStringBuilder.hh | |
G4SPBaryon.hh | |
G4SPBaryonTable.hh | |
G4SPPartonInfo.hh | |
► src | |
G4BaryonSplitter.cc | |
G4DiffractiveStringBuilder.cc | |
G4GammaParticipants.cc | |
G4MesonSplitter.cc | |
G4PartonPair.cc | |
G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation.cc | |
G4QGSMSplitableHadron.cc | |
G4QGSParticipants.cc | |
G4QuarkExchange.cc | |
G4Reggeons.cc | |
G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation.cc | |
G4SoftStringBuilder.cc | |
G4SPBaryon.cc | |
► pre_equilibrium | |
► exciton_model | |
► include | |
G4GNASHTransitions.hh | |
G4HETCAlpha.hh | |
G4HETCChargedFragment.hh | |
G4HETCDeuteron.hh | |
G4HETCEmissionFactory.hh | |
G4HETCFragment.hh | |
G4HETCFragment.icc | |
G4HETCHe3.hh | |
G4HETCNeutron.hh | |
G4HETCProton.hh | |
G4HETCTriton.hh | |
G4LowEGammaNuclearModel.hh | |
G4LowEIonFragmentation.hh | |
G4PreCompoundAlpha.hh | |
G4PreCompoundDeuteron.hh | |
G4PreCompoundEmission.hh | |
G4PreCompoundEmissionFactory.hh | |
G4PreCompoundFragment.hh | |
G4PreCompoundFragmentVector.hh | |
G4PreCompoundHe3.hh | |
G4PreCompoundIon.hh | |
G4PreCompoundModel.hh | |
G4PreCompoundNeutron.hh | |
G4PreCompoundNucleon.hh | |
G4PreCompoundProton.hh | |
G4PreCompoundTransitions.hh | |
G4PreCompoundTriton.hh | |
G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory.hh | |
G4VPreCompoundFragment.hh | |
G4VPreCompoundFragment.icc | |
G4VPreCompoundTransitions.hh | |
► src | |
G4GNASHTransitions.cc | |
G4HETCAlpha.cc | |
G4HETCChargedFragment.cc | |
G4HETCDeuteron.cc | |
G4HETCEmissionFactory.cc | |
G4HETCFragment.cc | |
G4HETCHe3.cc | |
G4HETCNeutron.cc | |
G4HETCProton.cc | |
G4HETCTriton.cc | |
G4LowEGammaNuclearModel.cc | |
G4LowEIonFragmentation.cc | |
G4PreCompoundAlpha.cc | |
G4PreCompoundDeuteron.cc | |
G4PreCompoundEmission.cc | |
G4PreCompoundEmissionFactory.cc | |
G4PreCompoundFragment.cc | |
G4PreCompoundFragmentVector.cc | |
G4PreCompoundHe3.cc | |
G4PreCompoundIon.cc | |
G4PreCompoundModel.cc | |
G4PreCompoundNeutron.cc | |
G4PreCompoundNucleon.cc | |
G4PreCompoundProton.cc | |
G4PreCompoundTransitions.cc | |
G4PreCompoundTriton.cc | |
G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory.cc | |
G4VPreCompoundFragment.cc | |
G4VPreCompoundTransitions.cc | |
► qmd | |
► include | |
G4QMDCollision.hh | |
G4QMDGroundStateNucleus.hh | |
G4QMDMeanField.hh | |
G4QMDNucleus.hh | |
G4QMDParameters.hh | |
G4QMDParticipant.hh | |
G4QMDReaction.hh | |
G4QMDSystem.hh | |
► src | |
G4QMDCollision.cc | |
G4QMDGroundStateNucleus.cc | |
G4QMDMeanField.cc | |
G4QMDNucleus.cc | |
G4QMDParameters.cc | |
G4QMDParticipant.cc | |
G4QMDReaction.cc | |
G4QMDSystem.cc | |
► quasi_elastic | |
► include | |
G4QuasiElRatios.hh | |
► src | |
G4QuasiElRatios.cc | |
► radioactive_decay | |
► include | |
G4AlphaDecay.hh | |
G4BatemanParameters.hh | |
G4BetaDecayCorrections.hh | |
G4BetaDecayType.hh | |
G4BetaMinusDecay.hh | |
G4BetaPlusDecay.hh | |
G4ECDecay.hh | |
G4ITDecay.hh | |
G4NeutronDecay.hh | |
G4NuclearDecay.hh | |
G4NucleusLimits.hh | |
G4ProtonDecay.hh | |
G4Radioactivation.hh | |
G4RadioactivationMessenger.hh | |
G4RadioactiveDecay.hh | |
G4RadioactiveDecayChainsFromParent.hh | |
G4RadioactiveDecayMessenger.hh | |
G4RadioactiveDecayMode.hh | |
G4RadioactiveDecayRatesToDaughter.hh | |
G4RadioactivityTable.hh | |
G4SFDecay.hh | |
G4TritonDecay.hh | |
G4UIcmdWithNucleusLimits.hh | |
G4UserLimitsForRD.hh | |
► src | |
G4AlphaDecay.cc | |
G4BatemanParameters.cc | |
G4BetaDecayCorrections.cc | |
G4BetaDecayType.cc | |
G4BetaMinusDecay.cc | |
G4BetaPlusDecay.cc | |
G4ECDecay.cc | |
G4ITDecay.cc | |
G4NeutronDecay.cc | |
G4NuclearDecay.cc | |
G4NucleusLimits.cc | |
G4ProtonDecay.cc | |
G4Radioactivation.cc | |
G4RadioactivationMessenger.cc | |
G4RadioactiveDecay.cc | |
G4RadioactiveDecayChainsFromParent.cc | |
G4RadioactiveDecayMessenger.cc | |
G4RadioactiveDecayMode.cc | |
G4RadioactiveDecayRatesToDaughter.cc | |
G4RadioactivityTable.cc | |
G4SFDecay.cc | |
G4TritonDecay.cc | |
G4UIcmdWithNucleusLimits.cc | |
► theo_high_energy | |
► include | |
G4CRCoalescence.hh | |
G4QuasiElasticChannel.hh | |
G4TheoFSGenerator.hh | |
► src | |
G4CRCoalescence.cc | |
G4QuasiElasticChannel.cc | |
G4TheoFSGenerator.cc | |
► processes | |
► include | |
G4ElectronNuclearProcess.hh | |
G4ElNeutrinoNucleusProcess.hh | |
G4HadronElasticProcess.hh | |
G4HadronInelasticProcess.hh | |
G4MuNeutrinoNucleusProcess.hh | |
G4MuonNuclearProcess.hh | |
G4NeutrinoElectronProcess.hh | |
G4NeutronCaptureProcess.hh | |
G4NeutronFissionProcess.hh | |
G4PositronNuclearProcess.hh | |
G4UCNAbsorption.hh | |
G4UCNBoundaryProcess.hh | |
G4UCNBoundaryProcessMessenger.hh | |
G4UCNLoss.hh | |
G4UCNMultiScattering.hh | |
G4UCNProcessSubType.hh | |
► src | |
G4ElectronNuclearProcess.cc | |
G4ElNeutrinoNucleusProcess.cc | |
G4HadronElasticProcess.cc | |
G4HadronInelasticProcess.cc | |
G4MuNeutrinoNucleusProcess.cc | |
G4MuonNuclearProcess.cc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronProcess.cc | |
G4NeutronCaptureProcess.cc | |
G4NeutronFissionProcess.cc | |
G4PositronNuclearProcess.cc | |
G4UCNAbsorption.cc | |
G4UCNBoundaryProcess.cc | |
G4UCNBoundaryProcessMessenger.cc | |
G4UCNLoss.cc | |
G4UCNMultiScattering.cc | |
► stopping | |
► include | |
G4ElementSelector.hh | |
G4EmCaptureCascade.hh | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini.hh | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiof.hh | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiofWithBinaryCascade.hh | |
G4HadronStoppingProcess.hh | |
G4MuMinusCapturePrecompound.hh | |
G4MuonicAtomDecay.hh | |
G4MuonMinusAtomicCapture.hh | |
G4MuonMinusBoundDecay.hh | |
G4MuonMinusCapture.hh | |
► src | |
G4ElementSelector.cc | |
G4EmCaptureCascade.cc | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini.cc | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiof.cc | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiofWithBinaryCascade.cc | |
G4HadronStoppingProcess.cc | |
G4MuMinusCapturePrecompound.cc | |
G4MuonicAtomDecay.cc | |
G4MuonMinusAtomicCapture.cc | |
G4MuonMinusBoundDecay.cc | |
G4MuonMinusCapture.cc | |
► util | |
► include | |
G4Bessel.hh | |
G4Clebsch.hh | |
G4DecayKineticTracks.hh | |
G4DecayStrongResonances.hh | |
G4Delete.hh | |
G4DynamicParticleVector.hh | |
G4ExcitedString.hh | |
G4ExcitedStringVector.hh | |
G4Fancy3DNucleus.hh | |
G4Fancy3DNucleusHelper.hh | |
G4FermiMomentum.hh | |
G4Fragment.hh | |
G4FragmentVector.hh | |
G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay.hh | |
G4HadDecayGenerator.hh | |
G4HadFinalState.hh | |
G4HadParticleCodes.hh | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceGenbod.hh | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceKopylov.hh | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceNBodyAsai.hh | |
G4HadProjectile.hh | |
G4HadronicDeveloperParameters.hh | |
G4HadronicException.hh | |
G4HadronicParameters.hh | |
G4HadronicParametersMessenger.hh | |
G4HadSecondary.hh | |
G4HadTmpUtil.hh | |
G4KineticTrack.hh | |
G4KineticTrackVector.hh | |
G4LegendrePolynomial.hh | |
G4NuclearFermiDensity.hh | |
G4NuclearPolarization.hh | |
G4NuclearPolarizationStore.hh | |
G4NuclearRadii.hh | |
G4NuclearShellModelDensity.hh | |
G4Nucleon.hh | |
G4Nucleus.hh | |
G4Pair.hh | |
G4Parton.hh | |
G4PartonVector.hh | |
G4ping.hh | |
G4PolynomialPDF.hh | |
G4ReactionProduct.hh | |
G4ReactionProductVector.hh | |
G4SampleResonance.hh | |
G4StableIsotopes.hh | |
G4V3DNucleus.hh | |
G4VHadDecayAlgorithm.hh | |
G4VHadPhaseSpaceAlgorithm.hh | |
G4VKineticNucleon.hh | |
G4VNuclearDensity.hh | |
G4WilsonRadius.hh | |
► src | |
G4Bessel.cc | |
G4Clebsch.cc | |
G4DecayKineticTracks.cc | |
G4DecayStrongResonances.cc | |
G4ExcitedString.cc | |
G4Fancy3DNucleus.cc | |
G4FermiMomentum.cc | |
G4Fragment.cc | |
G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay.cc | |
G4HadDecayGenerator.cc | |
G4HadFinalState.cc | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceGenbod.cc | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceKopylov.cc | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceNBodyAsai.cc | |
G4HadProjectile.cc | |
G4HadronicDeveloperParameters.cc | |
G4HadronicException.cc | |
G4HadronicParameters.cc | |
G4HadronicParametersMessenger.cc | |
G4HadSecondary.cc | |
G4HadTmpUtil.cc | |
G4KineticTrack.cc | |
G4KineticTrackVector.cc | |
G4LegendrePolynomial.cc | |
G4NuclearFermiDensity.cc | |
G4NuclearPolarization.cc | |
G4NuclearPolarizationStore.cc | |
G4NuclearRadii.cc | |
G4NuclearShellModelDensity.cc | |
G4Nucleon.cc | |
G4Nucleus.cc | |
G4Parton.cc | |
G4PolynomialPDF.cc | |
G4ReactionProduct.cc | |
G4SampleResonance.cc | |
G4StableIsotopes.cc | |
G4V3DNucleus.cc | |
G4VHadDecayAlgorithm.cc | |
G4VHadPhaseSpaceAlgorithm.cc | |
G4VKineticNucleon.cc | |
G4VNuclearDensity.cc | |
G4WilsonRadius.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4EntanglementAuxInfo.hh | |
G4eplusAnnihilationEntanglementClipBoard.hh | |
G4NoProcess.hh | |
G4ParticleTypes.hh | |
G4ProcessAttribute.hh | |
G4ProcessManager.hh | |
G4ProcessManager.icc | |
G4ProcessManagerMessenger.hh | |
G4ProcessTable.hh | |
G4ProcessTable.icc | |
G4ProcessTableMessenger.hh | |
G4ProcessType.hh | |
G4ProcessVector.hh | |
G4ProcessVector.icc | |
G4ProcTblElement.hh | |
G4ProcTblElement.icc | |
G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess.hh | |
G4VContinuousProcess.hh | |
G4VDiscreteProcess.hh | |
G4VEntanglementClipBoard.hh | |
G4VProcess.hh | |
G4VRestContinuousDiscreteProcess.hh | |
G4VRestContinuousProcess.hh | |
G4VRestDiscreteProcess.hh | |
G4VRestProcess.hh | |
G4WrapperProcess.hh | |
► src | |
G4ProcessAttribute.cc | |
G4ProcessManager.cc | |
G4ProcessManagerMessenger.cc | |
G4ProcessTable.cc | |
G4ProcessTableMessenger.cc | |
G4ProcessVector.cc | |
G4ProcTblElement.cc | |
G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess.cc | |
G4VContinuousProcess.cc | |
G4VDiscreteProcess.cc | |
G4VProcess.cc | |
G4VRestContinuousDiscreteProcess.cc | |
G4VRestContinuousProcess.cc | |
G4VRestDiscreteProcess.cc | |
G4VRestProcess.cc | |
G4WrapperProcess.cc | |
► optical | |
► include | |
G4OpAbsorption.hh | |
G4OpBoundaryProcess.hh | |
G4OpMieHG.hh | |
G4OpProcessSubType.hh | |
G4OpRayleigh.hh | |
G4OpWLS.hh | |
G4OpWLS2.hh | |
G4VWLSTimeGeneratorProfile.hh | |
G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileDelta.hh | |
G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileExponential.hh | |
► src | |
G4OpAbsorption.cc | |
G4OpBoundaryProcess.cc | |
G4OpMieHG.cc | |
G4OpRayleigh.cc | |
G4OpWLS.cc | |
G4OpWLS2.cc | |
G4VWLSTimeGeneratorProfile.cc | |
G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileDelta.cc | |
G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileExponential.cc | |
► parameterisation | |
► include | |
G4FastHit.hh | |
G4FastSimHitMaker.hh | |
G4FastSimulationHelper.hh | |
G4FastSimulationManager.hh | |
G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh | |
G4FastSimulationMessenger.hh | |
G4FastSimulationProcessType.hh | |
G4FastSimulationVector.hh | |
G4FastSimulationVector.icc | |
G4FastStep.hh | |
G4FastStep.icc | |
G4FastTrack.hh | |
G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.hh | |
G4VFastSimSensitiveDetector.hh | |
G4VFastSimulationModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4FastHit.cc | |
G4FastSimHitMaker.cc | |
G4FastSimulationHelper.cc | |
G4FastSimulationManager.cc | |
G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.cc | |
G4FastSimulationMessenger.cc | |
G4FastStep.cc | |
G4FastTrack.cc | |
G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.cc | |
G4VFastSimulationModel.cc | |
► scoring | |
► include | |
G4EnergySplitter.hh | |
G4EnergySplitter.icc | |
G4ParallelWorldProcess.hh | |
G4ParallelWorldProcessStore.hh | |
G4ParallelWorldScoringProcess.hh | |
G4ScoreSplittingProcess.hh | |
► src | |
G4EnergySplitter.cc | |
G4ParallelWorldProcess.cc | |
G4ParallelWorldProcessStore.cc | |
G4ParallelWorldScoringProcess.cc | |
G4ScoreSplittingProcess.cc | |
► solidstate | |
► channeling | |
► include | |
G4Channeling.hh | |
G4ChannelingECHARM.hh | |
G4ChannelingMaterialData.hh | |
G4ChannelingOptrChangeCrossSection.hh | |
G4ChannelingOptrMultiParticleChangeCrossSection.hh | |
G4ChannelingTrackData.hh | |
► src | |
G4Channeling.cc | |
G4ChannelingECHARM.cc | |
G4ChannelingMaterialData.cc | |
G4ChannelingOptrChangeCrossSection.cc | |
G4ChannelingOptrMultiParticleChangeCrossSection.cc | |
G4ChannelingTrackData.cc | |
► phonon | |
► include | |
G4LatticeManager.hh | |
G4LatticeReader.hh | |
G4PhononDownconversion.hh | |
G4PhononPolarization.hh | |
G4PhononReflection.hh | |
G4PhononScattering.hh | |
G4PhononTrackMap.hh | |
G4VPhononProcess.hh | |
► src | |
G4LatticeManager.cc | |
G4LatticeReader.cc | |
G4PhononDownconversion.cc | |
G4PhononPolarization.cc | |
G4PhononReflection.cc | |
G4PhononScattering.cc | |
G4PhononTrackMap.cc | |
G4VPhononProcess.cc | |
► transportation | |
► include | |
G4CoupledTransportation.hh | |
G4CoupledTransportation.icc | |
G4NeutronKiller.hh | |
G4NeutronKillerMessenger.hh | |
G4StepLimiter.hh | |
G4TrackTerminator.hh | |
G4Transportation.hh | |
G4Transportation.icc | |
G4TransportationLogger.hh | |
G4TransportationProcessType.hh | |
G4UserSpecialCuts.hh | |
G4VTrackTerminator.hh | |
► src | |
G4CoupledTransportation.cc | |
G4NeutronKiller.cc | |
G4NeutronKillerMessenger.cc | |
G4StepLimiter.cc | |
G4Transportation.cc | |
G4TransportationLogger.cc | |
G4UserSpecialCuts.cc | |
G4VTrackTerminator.cc | |
► readout | |
► include | |
G4DCtable.hh | |
G4DigiManager.hh | |
G4DMmessenger.hh | |
G4VDigitizerModule.hh | |
► src | |
G4DCtable.cc | |
G4DigiManager.cc | |
G4DMmessenger.cc | |
G4VDigitizerModule.cc | |
► run | |
► include | |
G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh | |
G4AdjointSimManager.hh | |
G4AdjointSimMessenger.hh | |
G4ExceptionHandler.hh | |
G4MaterialScanner.hh | |
G4MatScanMessenger.hh | |
G4MSSteppingAction.hh | |
G4MTRunManager.hh | |
G4MTRunManagerKernel.hh | |
G4MultiRunAction.hh | |
G4PhysicsBuilderInterface.hh | |
G4PhysicsListHelper.hh | |
G4PhysicsListOrderingParameter.hh | |
G4PhysicsListWorkspace.hh | |
G4RNGHelper.hh | |
G4Run.hh | |
G4RunManager.hh | |
G4RunManagerKernel.hh | |
G4RunMessenger.hh | |
G4UserPhysicsListMessenger.hh | |
G4UserRunAction.hh | |
G4UserWorkerInitialization.hh | |
G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization.hh | |
G4VModularPhysicsList.hh | |
G4VPersistencyManager.hh | |
G4VPhysicsConstructor.hh | |
G4VUPLSplitter.hh | |
G4VUserActionInitialization.hh | |
G4VUserDetectorConstruction.hh | |
G4VUserParallelWorld.hh | |
G4VUserPhysicsList.hh | |
G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh | |
G4WorkerRunManager.hh | |
G4WorkerRunManagerKernel.hh | |
G4WorkerThread.hh | |
rundefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc | |
G4AdjointSimManager.cc | |
G4AdjointSimMessenger.cc | |
G4ExceptionHandler.cc | |
G4MaterialScanner.cc | |
G4MatScanMessenger.cc | |
G4MSSteppingAction.cc | |
G4MTRunManager.cc | |
G4MTRunManagerKernel.cc | |
G4MultiRunAction.cc | |
G4PhysicsListHelper.cc | |
G4PhysicsListOrderingParamater.cc | |
G4PhysicsListWorkspace.cc | |
G4RNGHelper.cc | |
G4Run.cc | |
G4RunManager.cc | |
G4RunManagerKernel.cc | |
G4RunMessenger.cc | |
G4UserPhysicsListMessenger.cc | |
G4UserRunAction.cc | |
G4UserWorkerInitialization.cc | |
G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization.cc | |
G4VModularPhysicsList.cc | |
G4VPersistencyManager.cc | |
G4VPhysicsConstructor.cc | |
G4VUserActionInitialization.cc | |
G4VUserDetectorConstruction.cc | |
G4VUserParallelWorld.cc | |
G4VUserPhysicsList.cc | |
G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc | |
G4WorkerRunManager.cc | |
G4WorkerRunManagerKernel.cc | |
G4WorkerThread.cc | |
► tasking | |
► include | |
G4RunManagerFactory.hh | |
G4Task.hh | |
G4TaskGroup.hh | |
G4TaskManager.hh | |
G4TaskRunManager.hh | |
G4TaskRunManagerKernel.hh | |
G4TaskSingletonDelegator.hh | |
G4TBBTaskGroup.hh | |
G4ThreadData.hh | |
G4ThreadPool.hh | |
G4UserTaskInitialization.hh | |
G4UserTaskQueue.hh | |
G4UserTaskThreadInitialization.hh | |
G4VTask.hh | |
G4VUserTaskQueue.hh | |
G4WorkerTaskRunManager.hh | |
G4WorkerTaskRunManagerKernel.hh | |
taskdefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4RunManagerFactory.cc | |
G4TaskRunManager.cc | |
G4TaskRunManagerKernel.cc | |
G4UserTaskInitialization.cc | |
G4UserTaskThreadInitialization.cc | |
G4WorkerTaskRunManager.cc | |
G4WorkerTaskRunManagerKernel.cc | |
► track | |
► include | |
G4FieldTrackUpdator.hh | |
G4ForceCondition.hh | |
G4GPILSelection.hh | |
G4ParticleChange.hh | |
G4ParticleChange.icc | |
G4ParticleChangeForDecay.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForGamma.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForLoss.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForMSC.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForMSC.icc | |
G4ParticleChangeForRadDecay.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForTransport.hh | |
G4ParticleChangeForTransport.icc | |
G4Step.hh | |
G4Step.icc | |
G4SteppingControl.hh | |
G4StepPoint.hh | |
G4StepPoint.icc | |
G4StepStatus.hh | |
G4Track.hh | |
G4Track.icc | |
G4TrackFastVector.hh | |
G4TrackStatus.hh | |
G4TrackVector.hh | |
G4VAuxiliaryTrackInformation.hh | |
G4VelocityTable.hh | |
G4VParticleChange.hh | |
G4VParticleChange.icc | |
G4VUserTrackInformation.hh | |
trkdefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4FieldTrackUpdator.cc | |
G4ParticleChange.cc | |
G4ParticleChangeForDecay.cc | |
G4ParticleChangeForGamma.cc | |
G4ParticleChangeForLoss.cc | |
G4ParticleChangeForMSC.cc | |
G4ParticleChangeForTransport.cc | |
G4Step.cc | |
G4StepPoint.cc | |
G4Track.cc | |
G4VAuxiliaryTrackInformation.cc | |
G4VelocityTable.cc | |
G4VParticleChange.cc | |
G4VUserTrackInformation.cc | |
► tracking | |
► include | |
G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker.hh | |
G4AdjointSteppingAction.hh | |
G4AdjointTrackingAction.hh | |
G4MultiSteppingAction.hh | |
G4MultiTrackingAction.hh | |
G4RichTrajectory.hh | |
G4RichTrajectoryPoint.hh | |
G4SmoothTrajectory.hh | |
G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint.hh | |
G4SteppingManager.hh | |
G4SteppingVerbose.hh | |
G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits.hh | Definition of the G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits class |
G4TrackingManager.hh | |
G4TrackingMessenger.hh | |
G4Trajectory.hh | |
G4TrajectoryPoint.hh | |
G4UserSteppingAction.hh | |
G4UserTrackingAction.hh | |
G4VSteppingVerbose.hh | |
G4VTrackingManager.hh | |
G4VTrajectory.hh | |
G4VTrajectoryPoint.hh | |
trkgdefs.hh | |
► src | |
G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker.cc | |
G4AdjointSteppingAction.cc | |
G4AdjointTrackingAction.cc | |
G4MultiSteppingAction.cc | |
G4MultiTrackingAction.cc | |
G4RichTrajectory.cc | |
G4RichTrajectoryPoint.cc | |
G4SmoothTrajectory.cc | |
G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint.cc | |
G4SteppingManager.cc | |
G4SteppingManager2.cc | |
G4SteppingVerbose.cc | |
G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits.cc | Implementation of the G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits class |
G4TrackingManager.cc | |
G4TrackingMessenger.cc | |
G4Trajectory.cc | |
G4TrajectoryPoint.cc | |
G4UserSteppingAction.cc | |
G4UserTrackingAction.cc | |
G4VSteppingVerbose.cc | |
G4VTrajectory.cc | |
G4VTrajectoryPoint.cc | |
► visualization | |
► externals | |
► gl2ps | |
► include | |
G4OpenGL2PSAction.hh | |
Geant4_gl2ps.h | |
gl2ps.h | |
► src | |
G4OpenGL2PSAction.cc | |
gl2ps.cc | |
► FukuiRenderer | |
► include | |
G4DAWNFILESceneHandler.hh | |
G4DAWNFILEViewer.hh | |
G4FRConst.hh | |
G4FRofstream.hh | |
G4FRSceneFunc.icc | |
G4VisFeaturesOfDAWNFILE.hh | |
► src | |
G4DAWNFILESceneHandler.cc | |
G4DAWNFILEViewer.cc | |
G4VisFeaturesOfDAWNFILE.cc | |
► gMocren | |
► include | |
G4GMocrenFile.hh | |
G4GMocrenFileCTtoDensityMap.hh | |
G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler.hh | |
G4GMocrenFileViewer.hh | |
G4GMocrenIO.hh | |
G4GMocrenMessenger.hh | |
G4GMocrenTouchable.hh | |
► src | |
G4GMocrenFile.cc | |
G4GMocrenFileCTtoDensityMap.cc | |
G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler.cc | |
G4GMocrenFileViewer.cc | |
G4GMocrenIO.cc | |
G4GMocrenMessenger.cc | |
► HepRep | |
► include | |
G4HepRepFile.hh | |
G4HepRepFileSceneHandler.hh | |
G4HepRepFileViewer.hh | |
G4HepRepFileXMLWriter.hh | |
G4HepRepMessenger.hh | |
► src | |
G4HepRepFile.cc | |
G4HepRepFileSceneHandler.cc | |
G4HepRepFileViewer.cc | |
G4HepRepFileXMLWriter.cc | |
G4HepRepMessenger.cc | |
► management | |
► include | |
G4GraphicsSystemList.hh | |
G4PlotterManager.hh | |
G4Scene.hh | |
G4Scene.icc | |
G4SceneHandlerList.hh | |
G4SceneList.hh | |
G4VGraphicsSystem.hh | |
G4ViewerList.hh | |
G4ViewParameters.hh | |
G4ViewParameters.icc | |
G4VisCommandModelCreate.hh | |
G4VisCommands.hh | |
G4VisCommandsCompound.hh | |
G4VisCommandsGeometry.hh | |
G4VisCommandsGeometrySet.hh | |
G4VisCommandsListManager.hh | |
G4VisCommandsMultithreading.hh | |
G4VisCommandsPlotter.hh | |
G4VisCommandsScene.hh | |
G4VisCommandsSceneAdd.hh | |
G4VisCommandsSceneHandler.hh | |
G4VisCommandsSet.hh | |
G4VisCommandsTouchable.hh | |
G4VisCommandsTouchableSet.hh | |
G4VisCommandsViewer.hh | |
G4VisCommandsViewerDefault.hh | |
G4VisCommandsViewerSet.hh | |
G4VisExecutive.hh | |
G4VisExecutive.icc | |
G4VisFilterManager.hh | |
G4VisListManager.hh | |
G4VisManager.hh | |
G4VisManager.icc | |
G4VisModelManager.hh | |
G4VisStateDependent.hh | |
G4VSceneHandler.hh | |
G4VSceneHandler.icc | |
G4VUserVisAction.hh | |
G4VViewer.hh | |
G4VViewer.icc | |
G4VVisCommand.hh | |
► src | |
G4GraphicsSystemList.cc | |
G4PlotterManager.cc | |
G4Scene.cc | |
G4SceneHandlerList.cc | |
G4SceneList.cc | |
G4VGraphicsSystem.cc | |
G4ViewerList.cc | |
G4ViewParameters.cc | |
G4VisCommands.cc | |
G4VisCommandsCompound.cc | |
G4VisCommandsGeometry.cc | |
G4VisCommandsGeometrySet.cc | |
G4VisCommandsMultithreading.cc | |
G4VisCommandsPlotter.cc | |
G4VisCommandsScene.cc | |
G4VisCommandsSceneAdd.cc | |
G4VisCommandsSceneHandler.cc | |
G4VisCommandsSet.cc | |
G4VisCommandsTouchable.cc | |
G4VisCommandsTouchableSet.cc | |
G4VisCommandsViewer.cc | |
G4VisCommandsViewerDefault.cc | |
G4VisCommandsViewerSet.cc | |
G4VisManager.cc | |
G4VisStateDependent.cc | |
G4VSceneHandler.cc | |
G4VViewer.cc | |
G4VVisCommand.cc | |
► modeling | |
► include | |
G4ArrowModel.hh | |
G4AttFilterUtils.hh | |
G4AttributeFilterT.hh | |
G4AttValueFilterT.hh | |
G4AxesModel.hh | |
G4BoundingExtentScene.hh | |
G4BoundingSphereScene.hh | |
G4CallbackModel.hh | |
G4DigiFilterFactories.hh | |
G4DigiModel.hh | |
G4ElectricFieldModel.hh | |
G4GPSModel.hh | |
G4HitFilterFactories.hh | |
G4HitsModel.hh | |
G4LogicalVolumeModel.hh | |
G4MagneticFieldModel.hh | |
G4Mesh.hh | |
G4ModelApplyCommandsT.hh | |
G4ModelColourMap.hh | |
G4ModelCommandsT.hh | |
G4ModelCommandUtils.hh | |
G4ModelCompoundCommandsT.hh | |
G4ModelingParameters.hh | |
G4ModelingParameters.icc | |
G4NullModel.hh | |
G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene.hh | |
G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh | |
G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene.hh | |
G4PhysicalVolumesSearchScene.hh | |
G4PlotterModel.hh | |
G4PseudoScene.hh | |
G4PSHitsModel.hh | |
G4TextModel.hh | |
G4TouchablePropertiesScene.hh | |
G4TouchableUtils.hh | |
G4TrajectoriesModel.hh | |
G4TrajectoryChargeFilter.hh | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByAttribute.hh | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge.hh | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByEncounteredVolume.hh | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByOriginVolume.hh | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByParticleID.hh | |
G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils.hh | |
G4TrajectoryEncounteredVolumeFilter.hh | |
G4TrajectoryFilterFactories.hh | |
G4TrajectoryGenericDrawer.hh | |
G4TrajectoryModelFactories.hh | |
G4TrajectoryOriginVolumeFilter.hh | |
G4TrajectoryParticleFilter.hh | |
G4VAttValueFilter.hh | |
G4VFieldModel.hh | |
G4VisTrajContext.hh | |
G4VisTrajContext.icc | |
G4VModel.hh | |
G4VModel.icc | |
G4VModelCommand.hh | |
G4VModelFactory.hh | |
G4VTrajectoryModel.hh | |
► src | |
G4ArrowModel.cc | |
G4AttFilterUtils.cc | |
G4AxesModel.cc | |
G4BoundingExtentScene.cc | |
G4BoundingSphereScene.cc | |
G4DigiFilterFactories.cc | |
G4DigiModel.cc | |
G4ElectricFieldModel.cc | |
G4GPSModel.cc | |
G4HitFilterFactories.cc | |
G4HitsModel.cc | |
G4LogicalVolumeModel.cc | |
G4MagneticFieldModel.cc | |
G4Mesh.cc | |
G4ModelingParameters.cc | |
G4NullModel.cc | |
G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene.cc | |
G4PhysicalVolumeModel.cc | |
G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene.cc | |
G4PhysicalVolumesSearchScene.cc | |
G4PlotterModel.cc | |
G4PseudoScene.cc | |
G4PSHitsModel.cc | |
G4TextModel.cc | |
G4TouchablePropertiesScene.cc | |
G4TouchableUtils.cc | |
G4TrajectoriesModel.cc | |
G4TrajectoryChargeFilter.cc | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByAttribute.cc | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge.cc | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByEncounteredVolume.cc | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByOriginVolume.cc | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByParticleID.cc | |
G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils.cc | |
G4TrajectoryEncounteredVolumeFilter.cc | |
G4TrajectoryFilterFactories.cc | |
G4TrajectoryGenericDrawer.cc | |
G4TrajectoryModelFactories.cc | |
G4TrajectoryOriginVolumeFilter.cc | |
G4TrajectoryParticleFilter.cc | |
G4VFieldModel.cc | |
G4VisTrajContext.cc | |
G4VModel.cc | |
G4VTrajectoryModel.cc | |
► OpenGL | |
► include | |
G4OpenGL.hh | |
G4OpenGLFontBaseStore.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateQt.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateQtViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateSceneHandler.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateWin32.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateWin32Viewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateX.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXm.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXmViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLQt.hh | |
G4OpenGLQtExportDialog.hh | |
G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog.hh | |
G4OpenGLQtViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLSceneHandler.hh | |
G4OpenGLSceneHandler.icc | |
G4OpenGLStoredQt.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredQtSceneHandler.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredQtViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredWin32.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredWin32Viewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredX.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredXm.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredXmViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLStoredXViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLTransform3D.hh | |
G4OpenGLVboDrawer.hh | |
G4OpenGLViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLViewerMessenger.hh | |
G4OpenGLWin32Viewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLXm.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmBox.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmFourArrowButtons.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmFramedBox.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmPushButton.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmRadioButton.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmResources.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmSeparator.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmSliderBar.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmTextField.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmTopLevelShell.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmViewer.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmViewerMessenger.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetComponent.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetContainer.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetObject.hh | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetShell.hh | |
G4OpenGLXViewer.hh | |
G4VisFeaturesOfOpenGL.hh | |
► src | |
G4OpenGLFontBaseStore.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateQt.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateQtViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateSceneHandler.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateWin32.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateWin32Viewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateX.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXm.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXmViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLQt.cc | |
G4OpenGLQtExportDialog.cc | |
G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog.cc | |
G4OpenGLQtViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLSceneHandler.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredQt.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredQtSceneHandler.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredQtViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredWin32.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredWin32Viewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredX.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredXm.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredXmViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLStoredXViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLTransform3D.cc | |
G4OpenGLVboDrawer.cc | |
G4OpenGLViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLViewerMessenger.cc | |
G4OpenGLWin32Viewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLXm.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmBox.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmConvenienceRoutines.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmFourArrowButtons.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmFramedBox.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmMainMenubarCallbacks.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmPanningCallbacks.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmPushButton.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmRadioButton.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmRotationCallbacks.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmSeparator.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmSliderBar.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmStyleCallbacks.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmTextField.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmTopLevelShell.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmViewer.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmViewerMessenger.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetComponent.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetContainer.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetObject.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmVWidgetShell.cc | |
G4OpenGLXmWindowHandlingCallbacks.cc | |
G4OpenGLXViewer.cc | |
G4VisFeaturesOfOpenGL.cc | |
► OpenInventor | |
► include | |
► HEPVis | |
► actions | |
SoAlternateRepAction.h | |
SoCounterAction.h | |
SoGL2PSAction.h | |
► misc | |
SoStyleCache.h | |
► nodekits | |
SoDetectorTreeKit.h | |
► nodes | |
SoBox.h | |
SoCons.h | |
SoImageWriter.h | |
SoMarkerSet.h | |
SoTrap.h | |
SoTrd.h | |
SoTubs.h | |
SbGL.h | |
SbMath.h | |
SbPainter.h | |
SbPainterPS.h | |
console.h | |
favorites.h | |
G4OpenInventor.hh | |
G4OpenInventorQt.hh | |
G4OpenInventorQtExaminerViewer.hh | |
G4OpenInventorQtViewer.hh | |
G4OpenInventorSceneHandler.hh | |
G4OpenInventorTransform3D.hh | |
G4OpenInventorViewer.hh | |
G4OpenInventorWin.hh | |
G4OpenInventorWin32.hh | |
G4OpenInventorWinViewer.hh | |
G4OpenInventorX.hh | |
G4OpenInventorXt.hh | |
G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer.hh | |
G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewerMessenger.hh | |
G4OpenInventorXtExtended.hh | |
G4OpenInventorXtExtendedViewer.hh | |
G4OpenInventorXtViewer.hh | |
G4SoQt.hh | |
G4VisFeaturesOfOpenInventor.hh | |
Geant4_SoPolyhedron.h | |
pickext.h | |
pickref.h | |
saveViewPt.h | |
SoG4LineSet.h | |
SoG4MarkerSet.h | |
SoG4Polyhedron.h | |
SoXtInternal.h | |
ui_OIQtListsDialog.h | |
wheelmouse.h | |
wireframe.h | |
► src | |
G4OpenInventor.cc | |
G4OpenInventorQt.cc | |
G4OpenInventorQtExaminerViewer.cc | |
G4OpenInventorQtViewer.cc | |
G4OpenInventorSceneHandler.cc | |
G4OpenInventorTransform3D.cc | |
G4OpenInventorViewer.cc | |
G4OpenInventorWin.cc | |
G4OpenInventorWinViewer.cc | |
G4OpenInventorXt.cc | |
G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer.cc | |
G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewerMessenger.cc | |
G4OpenInventorXtExtended.cc | |
G4OpenInventorXtExtendedViewer.cc | |
G4OpenInventorXtViewer.cc | |
G4SoQt.cc | |
G4VisFeaturesOfOpenInventor.cc | |
SbPainter.cc | |
SbPainterPS.cc | |
SoAlternateRepAction.cc | |
SoBox.cc | |
SoCons.cc | |
SoCounterAction.cc | |
SoDetectorTreeKit.cc | |
SoGL2PSAction.cc | |
SoImageWriter.cc | |
SoMarkerSet.cc | |
SoPolyhedron.cc | |
SoStyleCache.cc | |
SoTrap.cc | |
SoTrd.cc | |
SoTubs.cc | |
wheelmouse.cc | |
► Qt3D | |
► include | |
G4Qt3D.hh | |
G4Qt3DQEntity.hh | |
G4Qt3DSceneHandler.hh | |
G4Qt3DUtils.hh | |
G4Qt3DViewer.hh | |
► src | |
G4Qt3D.cc | |
G4Qt3DSceneHandler.cc | |
G4Qt3DUtils.cc | |
G4Qt3DViewer.cc | |
► RayTracer | |
► include | |
G4RayTracer.hh | |
G4RayTracerFeatures.hh | |
G4RayTracerSceneHandler.hh | |
G4RayTracerViewer.hh | |
G4RayTracerX.hh | |
G4RayTracerXViewer.hh | |
G4RayTrajectory.hh | |
G4RayTrajectoryPoint.hh | |
G4RTJpeg.hh | |
G4RTJpegCoder.hh | |
G4RTJpegCoderTables.hh | |
G4RTJpegMaker.hh | |
G4RTMessenger.hh | |
G4RTOutBitStream.hh | |
G4RTPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh | |
G4RTRun.hh | |
G4RTRunAction.hh | |
G4RTSimpleScanner.hh | |
G4RTSteppingAction.hh | |
G4RTTrackingAction.hh | |
G4RTWorkerInitialization.hh | |
G4RTXScanner.hh | |
G4TheMTRayTracer.hh | |
G4TheRayTracer.hh | |
G4VFigureFileMaker.hh | |
G4VRTScanner.hh | |
► src | |
G4RayTracer.cc | |
G4RayTracerSceneHandler.cc | |
G4RayTracerViewer.cc | |
G4RayTracerX.cc | |
G4RayTracerXViewer.cc | |
G4RayTrajectory.cc | |
G4RayTrajectoryPoint.cc | |
G4RTJpegCoder.cc | |
G4RTJpegMaker.cc | |
G4RTMessenger.cc | |
G4RTOutBitStream.cc | |
G4RTPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc | |
G4RTRun.cc | |
G4RTRunAction.cc | |
G4RTSimpleScanner.cc | |
G4RTSteppingAction.cc | |
G4RTTrackingAction.cc | |
G4RTWorkerInitialization.cc | |
G4RTXScanner.cc | |
G4TheMTRayTracer.cc | |
G4TheRayTracer.cc | |
G4VRTScanner.cc | |
► ToolsSG | |
► include | |
G4ToolsSGNode.hh | |
G4ToolsSGQtGLES.hh | |
G4ToolsSGQtViewer.hh | |
G4ToolsSGSceneHandler.hh | |
G4ToolsSGViewer.hh | |
G4ToolsSGWindowsGLES.hh | |
G4ToolsSGX11GLES.hh | |
G4ToolsSGXtGLES.hh | |
► src | |
G4ToolsSGQtGLES.cc | |
G4ToolsSGQtViewer.cc | |
G4ToolsSGSceneHandler.cc | |
G4ToolsSGWindowsGLES.cc | |
G4ToolsSGX11GLES.cc | |
G4ToolsSGXtGLES.cc | |
► Tree | |
► include | |
G4ASCIITree.hh | |
G4ASCIITreeMessenger.hh | |
G4ASCIITreeSceneHandler.hh | |
G4ASCIITreeViewer.hh | |
G4VTree.hh | |
G4VTreeSceneHandler.hh | |
G4VTreeSceneHandler.icc | |
G4VTreeViewer.hh | |
► src | |
G4ASCIITree.cc | |
G4ASCIITreeMessenger.cc | |
G4ASCIITreeSceneHandler.cc | |
G4ASCIITreeViewer.cc | |
G4VTree.cc | |
G4VTreeSceneHandler.cc | |
G4VTreeViewer.cc | |
► VRML | |
► include | |
G4VRML2File.hh | |
G4VRML2FileSceneHandler.hh | |
G4VRML2FileViewer.hh | |
► src | |
G4VRML2File.cc | |
G4VRML2FileSceneHandler.cc | |
G4VRML2FileViewer.cc | |
G4VRML2SceneHandlerFunc.icc | |
► Vtk | |
► include | |
G4Vtk.hh | |
G4VtkMessenger.hh | |
G4VtkQt.hh | |
G4VtkQtSceneHandler.hh | |
G4VtkQtViewer.hh | |
G4VtkSceneHandler.hh | |
G4VtkViewer.hh | |
vtkTensorGlyphColor.h | |
► src | |
G4Vtk.cc | |
G4VtkMessenger.cc | |
G4VtkQt.cc | |
G4VtkQtSceneHandler.cc | |
G4VtkQtViewer.cc | |
G4VtkSceneHandler.cc | |
G4VtkViewer.cc | |
vtkTensorGlyphColor.cxx | |