Go to the documentation of this file.
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4// * *
5// * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6// * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9// * include a list of copyright holders. *
10// * *
11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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31#ifndef G4TheMTRayTracer_H
32#define G4TheMTRayTracer_H 1
34// class description:
36// G4TheMTRayTracer
37// This is a graphics driver of Geant4 which generates a figure file by
38// ray tracing technique. The format of output figure file can be selected
39// by assigning a pointer of G4VFigureFileMaker concrete class object.
40// The main entry of ray tracing is Trace() method, which is available
41// only at Idle state. G4TheMTRayTracer shoots rays and controls its own event
42// loop. It generates G4Event objects used for its own purpose. When ray
43// tracing is working, all sensitive detectors are inactivated and all
44// user action classes are swapped out. Still, verbosities set to Geant4
45// manager classes are concerned. Thus, it is recommended to set verbosities
46// to minimum (usually zero).
47// G4TheMTRayTracer can visualise absolutely all kinds of geometrical shapes
48// which G4Navigator can deal with. Instead, it can NOT visualise hits
49// nor trajectories generated by usual simulation.
51#include "globals.hh"
52#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
53#include "G4Colour.hh"
55class G4RTMessenger;
56class G4RayShooter;
58class G4VisAttributes;
59class G4VRTScanner;
62class G4UserRunAction;
63class G4RTRunAction;
65class G4RTRun;
68#include "G4TheRayTracer.hh"
73 friend class G4RTRun;
74 friend class G4RayTracerViewer;
76 private:
79 public: // with description
81 G4VRTScanner* scanner = 0);
82 // Constructor. The argument is the pointer to G4VFigureFileMaker
83 // concrete class object. If it is not set and
84 // SetFigureFileMaker() method is not invoked before Trace()
85 // command is invoked, then G4RTJpegMaker will be used and JPEG
86 // file will be generated. The second argument is a scanner that
87 // produces a sequence of window coordinates. If it is not set
88 // here or if SetScanner is not invoked before Trace(), a default
89 // G4RTSimpleScanner will be used.
91 static G4TheMTRayTracer* Instance();
93 (G4VFigureFileMaker* figMaker,G4VRTScanner* scanner);
95 public:
96 virtual ~G4TheMTRayTracer();
98 public: // with description
99 virtual void Trace(const G4String& fileName);
100 // The main entry point which triggers ray tracing. "fileName" is output
101 // file name, and it must contain extention (e.g. myFigure.jpg). This
102 // method is available only if Geant4 is at Idle state.
104 protected:
105 virtual G4bool CreateBitMap();
106 // Event loop
108 protected:
109 virtual void StoreUserActions();
110 virtual void RestoreUserActions();
112 protected:
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
G4RTWorkerInitialization * theRTWorkerInitialization
virtual void StoreUserActions()
virtual void Trace(const G4String &fileName)
const G4UserWorkerInitialization * theUserWorkerInitialization
const G4UserRunAction * theUserRunAction
virtual G4bool CreateBitMap()
virtual void RestoreUserActions()
static G4TheMTRayTracer * Instance()
G4RTRunAction * theRTRunAction
virtual ~G4TheMTRayTracer()
G4TheMTRayTracer(G4VFigureFileMaker *figMaker=0, G4VRTScanner *scanner=0)
static G4TheMTRayTracer * theInstance