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26// class G4ErrorPropagationNavigator
28// Class Description:
30// Class for performing double navigation in the detector geometry and
31// on the target surface for error propagation. It overloads ComputeStep()
32// and ComputeSafety() methods.
34// History:
35// - Created. P. Arce, September 2004
36// --------------------------------------------------------------------
38#ifndef G4ErrorPropagationNavigator_hh
39#define G4ErrorPropagationNavigator_hh
41#include "G4Navigator.hh"
42#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
46 public: // with description
51 G4double ComputeStep (const G4ThreeVector &pGlobalPoint,
52 const G4ThreeVector &pDirection,
53 const G4double pCurrentProposedStepLength,
54 G4double &pNewSafety);
55 // Calls the navigation in the detector geometry and then checks
56 // if the distance to surface is smaller than the proposed step
58 G4double ComputeSafety(const G4ThreeVector &globalpoint,
59 const G4double pProposedMaxLength = DBL_MAX,
60 const G4bool keepState = true);
61 // Calls the navigation in the detector geometry and then checks
62 // if the distance to surface is smaller than the proposed safety
65 G4bool* valid);
66 // Return Exit Surface Normal and validity too. Can only be called if
67 // the Navigator's last Step has crossed a volume geometrical boundary.
68 // Normal points out of the volume exited and/or into the volume entered.
70 G4double TargetSafetyFromPoint( const G4ThreeVector &pGlobalpoint );
71 // Isotropic safety for 'Target'
73 //-- NOT implemented, as it is difficult to define the coordinate system:
74 // G4ThreeVector GetLocalExitNormal(G4bool* valid);
75 // G4ThreeVector GetLocalExitNormalAndCheck(const G4ThreeVector& point,
76 // G4bool* valid);
77 // Convention:
78 // The *local* normal is in the coordinate system of the *final* volume.
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
G4double ComputeStep(const G4ThreeVector &pGlobalPoint, const G4ThreeVector &pDirection, const G4double pCurrentProposedStepLength, G4double &pNewSafety)
G4double TargetSafetyFromPoint(const G4ThreeVector &pGlobalpoint)
G4double ComputeSafety(const G4ThreeVector &globalpoint, const G4double pProposedMaxLength=DBL_MAX, const G4bool keepState=true)
G4ThreeVector GetGlobalExitNormal(const G4ThreeVector &point, G4bool *valid)
#define DBL_MAX
Definition: templates.hh:62