Go to the documentation of this file.
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7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9// * include a list of copyright holders. *
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24// ********************************************************************
26// INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27// Alain Boudard, CEA-Saclay, France
28// Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege, Belgium
29// Jean-Christophe David, CEA-Saclay, France
30// Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA-Saclay, France, and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland
31// Sylvie Leray, CEA-Saclay, France
32// Davide Mancusi, CEA-Saclay, France
36#include "globals.hh"
39 *
40 *
41 * \date Jun 5, 2009
42 * \author Pekka Kaitaniemi
43 */
58#include "G4INCLRandom.hh"
105#include "G4INCLNLToNSChannel.hh"
106#include "G4INCLNSToNLChannel.hh"
107#include "G4INCLNSToNSChannel.hh"
109#include "G4INCLStore.hh"
110#include "G4INCLBook.hh"
111#include "G4INCLLogger.hh"
112#include <string>
113#include <sstream>
114// #include <cassert>
116namespace G4INCL {
118 // WARNING: if you update the default cutNN value, make sure you update the
119 // cutNNSquared variable, too.
121 G4ThreadLocal G4double BinaryCollisionAvatar::cutNNSquared = 3648100.0; // 1910.0 * 1910.0
126 : InteractionAvatar(time, n, p1, p2), theCrossSection(crossSection),
127 isParticle1Spectator(false),
128 isParticle2Spectator(false),
129 isElastic(false),
130 isStrangeProduction(false)
131 {
133 }
136 }
139 // We already check cutNN at avatar creation time, but we have to check it
140 // again here. For composite projectiles, we might have created independent
141 // avatars with no cutNN before any collision took place.
142 if(particle1->isNucleon()
143 && particle2->isNucleon()
146 // Below a certain cut value we don't do anything:
147 if(energyCM2 < cutNNSquared) {
148 INCL_DEBUG("CM energy = sqrt(" << energyCM2 << ") MeV < std::sqrt(" << cutNNSquared
149 << ") MeV = cutNN" << "; returning a NULL channel" << '\n');
151 return NULL;
152 }
153 }
174 ThreeVector minimumDistance = particle1->getPosition();
175 minimumDistance -= particle2->getPosition();
176 const G4double betaDotX =;
177 const G4double minDist = Math::tenPi*(minimumDistance.mag2() + betaDotX*betaDotX / (1.-boostVector.mag2()));
178 if(minDist > theCrossSection) {
179 INCL_DEBUG("CM distance of approach is too small: " << minDist << ">" <<
180 theCrossSection <<"; returning a NULL channel" << '\n');
182 return NULL;
183 }
189 G4double bias_apply = 1.;
195 G4double NLKProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNLK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
196 G4double NSKProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNSK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
197 G4double NLKpiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNLKpi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
198 G4double NSKpiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNSKpi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
199 G4double NLK2piProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNLK2pi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
200 G4double NSK2piProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNSK2pi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
201 G4double NNKKbProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNKKb(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
210 const G4double StrangenessProdCX = (NLKProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NSKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX + NSK2piProductionCX + NNKKbProductionCX + NNMissingCX)/bias_apply;
212 G4double counterweight = (1. - bias_apply * StrangenessProdCX / (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX))/(1. - StrangenessProdCX / (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX));
214 if(counterweight < 0.5) {
215 counterweight = 0.5;
216 bias_apply = 0.5*UnStrangeProdCX/StrangenessProdCX+1;
217 NLKProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNLK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
218 NSKProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNSK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
219 NLKpiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNLKpi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
220 NSKpiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNSKpi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
221 NLK2piProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNLK2pi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
222 NSK2piProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNSK2pi(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
223 NNKKbProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNKKb(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
225 }
228 const G4double elasticCX = CrossSections::elastic(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
229 const G4double deltaProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNDelta(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
230 const G4double onePiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToxPiNN(1,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
231 const G4double twoPiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToxPiNN(2,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
232 const G4double threePiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToxPiNN(3,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
233 const G4double fourPiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToxPiNN(4,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
235 const G4double etaProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNEtaExclu(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
236 const G4double etadeltaProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNDeltaEta(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
237 const G4double etaonePiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNEtaxPi(1,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
238 const G4double etatwoPiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNEtaxPi(2,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
239 const G4double etathreePiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNEtaxPi(3,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
240 const G4double etafourPiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNEtaxPi(4,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
241 const G4double omegaProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNOmegaExclu(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
242 const G4double omegadeltaProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNDeltaOmega(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
243 const G4double omegaonePiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNOmegaxPi(1,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
244 const G4double omegatwoPiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNOmegaxPi(2,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
245 const G4double omegathreePiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNOmegaxPi(3,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
246 const G4double omegafourPiProductionCX = CrossSections::NNToNNOmegaxPi(4,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
250// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-deltaProductionCX-onePiProductionCX-twoPiProductionCX-threePiProductionCX-fourPiProductionCX-NLKProductionCX-NSKProductionCX-NLKpiProductionCX-NSKpiProductionCX-NLK2piProductionCX-NSK2piProductionCX-NNKKbProductionCX-NNMissingCX-etaProductionCX-etadeltaProductionCX-etaonePiProductionCX-etatwoPiProductionCX-etathreePiProductionCX-etafourPiProductionCX-omegaProductionCX-omegadeltaProductionCX-omegaonePiProductionCX-omegatwoPiProductionCX-omegathreePiProductionCX-omegafourPiProductionCX) < 0.5);
252 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
254 if(elasticCX > rChannel) {
255// Elastic NN channel
256 isElastic = true;
257 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
258 weight = counterweight;
260 } else if((elasticCX + deltaProductionCX) > rChannel) {
261 isElastic = false;
262// NN -> N Delta channel is chosen
263 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Delta channel chosen" << '\n');
264 weight = counterweight;
266 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
267 isElastic = false;
268// NN -> PiNN channel is chosen
269 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: one Pion channel chosen" << '\n');
270 weight = counterweight;
272 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
273 isElastic = false;
274// NN -> 2PiNN channel is chosen
275 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: two Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
276 weight = counterweight;
278 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
279 isElastic = false;
280// NN -> 3PiNN channel is chosen
281 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: three Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
282 weight = counterweight;
284 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
285 isElastic = false;
286// NN -> 4PiNN channel is chosen
287 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: four Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
288 weight = counterweight;
290 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
291 + etaProductionCX > rChannel) {
292 isElastic = false;
293// NN -> NNEta channel is chosen
294 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Eta channel chosen" << '\n');
295 weight = counterweight;
297 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
298 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX > rChannel) {
299 isElastic = false;
300// NN -> N Delta Eta channel is chosen
301 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Delta Eta channel chosen" << '\n');
302 weight = counterweight;
304 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
305 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
306 isElastic = false;
307// NN -> EtaPiNN channel is chosen
308 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Eta + one Pion channel chosen" << '\n');
309 weight = counterweight;
311 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
312 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
313 isElastic = false;
314// NN -> Eta2PiNN channel is chosen
315 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Eta + two Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
316 weight = counterweight;
318 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
319 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
320 isElastic = false;
321// NN -> Eta3PiNN channel is chosen
322 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Eta + three Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
323 weight = counterweight;
325 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
326 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
327 isElastic = false;
328// NN -> Eta4PiNN channel is chosen
329 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Eta + four Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
330 weight = counterweight;
332 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
333 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
334 + omegaProductionCX > rChannel) {
335 isElastic = false;
336// NN -> NNOmega channel is chosen
337 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Omega channel chosen" << '\n');
338 weight = counterweight;
340 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
341 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
342 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX > rChannel) {
343 isElastic = false;
344// NN -> N Delta Omega channel is chosen
345 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Delta Omega channel chosen" << '\n');
346 weight = counterweight;
348 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
349 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
350 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
351 isElastic = false;
352// NN -> OmegaPiNN channel is chosen
353 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Omega + one Pion channel chosen" << '\n');
354 weight = counterweight;
356 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
357 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
358 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
359 isElastic = false;
360// NN -> Omega2PiNN channel is chosen
361 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Omega + two Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
362 weight = counterweight;
364 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
365 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
366 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
367 isElastic = false;
368// NN -> Omega3PiNN channel is chosen
369 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Omega + three Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
370 weight = counterweight;
372 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
373 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
374 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
375 isElastic = false;
376// NN -> Omega4PiNN channel is chosen
377 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Omega + four Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
378 weight = counterweight;
380 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
381 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
382 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
383 + NLKProductionCX > rChannel) {
384 isElastic = false;
385 isStrangeProduction = true;
386// NN -> NLK channel is chosen
387 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NLK channel chosen" << '\n');
388 weight = bias_apply;
390 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
391 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
392 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
393 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX > rChannel) {
394 isElastic = false;
395 isStrangeProduction = true;
396// NN -> NLKpi channel is chosen
397 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NLKpi channel chosen" << '\n');
398 weight = bias_apply;
400 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
401 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
402 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
403 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX > rChannel) {
404 isElastic = false;
405 isStrangeProduction = true;
406// NN -> NLK2pi channel is chosen
407 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NLK2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
408 weight = bias_apply;
410 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
411 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
412 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
413 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX + NSKProductionCX > rChannel) {
414 isElastic = false;
415 isStrangeProduction = true;
416// NN -> NSK channel is chosen
417 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NSK channel chosen" << '\n');
418 weight = bias_apply;
420 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
421 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
422 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
423 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + NSKpiProductionCX > rChannel) {
424 isElastic = false;
425 isStrangeProduction = true;
426// NN -> NSKpi channel is chosen
427 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NSKpi channel chosen" << '\n');
428 weight = bias_apply;
430 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
431 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
432 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
433 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + NSKpiProductionCX + NSK2piProductionCX > rChannel) {
434 isElastic = false;
435 isStrangeProduction = true;
436// NN -> NSK2pi channel is chosen
437 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NSK2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
438 weight = bias_apply;
440 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
441 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
442 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
443 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + NSKpiProductionCX + NSK2piProductionCX + NNKKbProductionCX > rChannel) {
444 isElastic = false;
445 isStrangeProduction = true;
446// NN -> NNKKb channel is chosen
447 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: NNKKb channel chosen" << '\n');
448 weight = bias_apply;
450 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + fourPiProductionCX
451 + etaProductionCX + etadeltaProductionCX + etaonePiProductionCX + etatwoPiProductionCX + etathreePiProductionCX + etafourPiProductionCX
452 + omegaProductionCX + omegadeltaProductionCX + omegaonePiProductionCX + omegatwoPiProductionCX + omegathreePiProductionCX + omegafourPiProductionCX
453 + NLKProductionCX + NLKpiProductionCX + NLK2piProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + NSKpiProductionCX + NSK2piProductionCX + NNKKbProductionCX + NNMissingCX> rChannel) {
454 isElastic = false;
455 isStrangeProduction = true;
456// NN -> Missing Strangeness channel is chosen
457 INCL_DEBUG("NN interaction: Missing Strangeness channel chosen" << '\n');
458 weight = bias_apply;
460 } else {
461 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the NN Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
462 if(NNMissingCX>0.) {
463 INCL_WARN("Returning an Missing Strangeness channel" << '\n');
464 weight = bias_apply;
465 isElastic = false;
466 isStrangeProduction = true;
468 } else if(NNKKbProductionCX>0.) {
469 INCL_WARN("Returning an NNKKb channel" << '\n');
470 weight = bias_apply;
471 isElastic = false;
472 isStrangeProduction = true;
474 } else if(NSK2piProductionCX>0.) {
475 INCL_WARN("Returning an NSK2pi channel" << '\n');
476 weight = bias_apply;
477 isElastic = false;
478 isStrangeProduction = true;
480 } else if(NSKpiProductionCX>0.) {
481 INCL_WARN("Returning an NSKpi channel" << '\n');
482 weight = bias_apply;
483 isElastic = false;
484 isStrangeProduction = true;
486 } else if(NSKProductionCX>0.) {
487 INCL_WARN("Returning an NSK channel" << '\n');
488 weight = bias_apply;
489 isElastic = false;
490 isStrangeProduction = true;
492 } else if(NLK2piProductionCX>0.) {
493 INCL_WARN("Returning an NLK2pi channel" << '\n');
494 weight = bias_apply;
495 isElastic = false;
496 isStrangeProduction = true;
498 } else if(NLKpiProductionCX>0.) {
499 INCL_WARN("Returning an NLKpi channel" << '\n');
500 weight = bias_apply;
501 isElastic = false;
502 isStrangeProduction = true;
504 } else if(NLKProductionCX>0.) {
505 INCL_WARN("Returning an NLK channel" << '\n');
506 weight = bias_apply;
507 isElastic = false;
508 isStrangeProduction = true;
510 } else if(omegafourPiProductionCX>0.) {
511 INCL_WARN("Returning an Omega + four Pions channel" << '\n');
512 weight = counterweight;
513 isElastic = false;
515 } else if(omegathreePiProductionCX>0.) {
516 INCL_WARN("Returning an Omega + three Pions channel" << '\n');
517 weight = counterweight;
518 isElastic = false;
520 } else if(omegatwoPiProductionCX>0.) {
521 INCL_WARN("Returning an Omega + two Pions channel" << '\n');
522 weight = counterweight;
523 isElastic = false;
525 } else if(omegaonePiProductionCX>0.) {
526 INCL_WARN("Returning an Omega + one Pion channel" << '\n');
527 weight = counterweight;
528 isElastic = false;
530 } else if(omegadeltaProductionCX>0.) {
531 INCL_WARN("Returning an Omega + Delta channel" << '\n');
532 weight = counterweight;
533 isElastic = false;
535 } else if(omegaProductionCX>0.) {
536 INCL_WARN("Returning an Omega channel" << '\n');
537 weight = counterweight;
538 isElastic = false;
540 } else if(etafourPiProductionCX>0.) {
541 INCL_WARN("Returning an Eta + four Pions channel" << '\n');
542 weight = counterweight;
543 isElastic = false;
545 } else if(etathreePiProductionCX>0.) {
546 INCL_WARN("Returning an Eta + threev channel" << '\n');
547 weight = counterweight;
548 isElastic = false;
550 } else if(etatwoPiProductionCX>0.) {
551 INCL_WARN("Returning an Eta + two Pions channel" << '\n');
552 weight = counterweight;
553 isElastic = false;
555 } else if(etaonePiProductionCX>0.) {
556 INCL_WARN("Returning an Eta + one Pion channel" << '\n');
557 weight = counterweight;
558 isElastic = false;
560 } else if(etadeltaProductionCX>0.) {
561 INCL_WARN("Returning an Eta + Delta channel" << '\n');
562 weight = counterweight;
563 isElastic = false;
565 } else if(etaProductionCX>0.) {
566 INCL_WARN("Returning an Eta channel" << '\n');
567 weight = counterweight;
568 isElastic = false;
570 } else if(fourPiProductionCX>0.) {
571 INCL_WARN("Returning a 4pi channel" << '\n');
572 weight = counterweight;
573 isElastic = false;
575 } else if(threePiProductionCX>0.) {
576 INCL_WARN("Returning a 3pi channel" << '\n');
577 weight = counterweight;
578 isElastic = false;
580 } else if(twoPiProductionCX>0.) {
581 INCL_WARN("Returning a 2pi channel" << '\n');
582 weight = counterweight;
583 isElastic = false;
585 } else if(onePiProductionCX>0.) {
586 INCL_WARN("Returning a 1pi channel" << '\n');
587 weight = counterweight;
588 isElastic = false;
590 } else if(deltaProductionCX>0.) {
591 INCL_WARN("Returning a delta-production channel" << '\n');
592 weight = counterweight;
593 isElastic = false;
595 } else {
596 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
597 weight = counterweight;
598 isElastic = true;
600 }
601 }
604 }
605 else if((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isDelta()) ||
608 G4double NLKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNLK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
609 G4double NSKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNSK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
610 G4double DeltaLKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToDeltaLK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
611 G4double DeltaSKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToDeltaSK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
612 G4double NNKKbProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNNKKb(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
615 const G4double StrangenessProdCX = (NLKProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + DeltaLKProductionCX + DeltaSKProductionCX + NNKKbProductionCX)/bias_apply;
617 G4double counterweight = (1. - bias_apply * StrangenessProdCX / (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX))/(1. - StrangenessProdCX / (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX));
619 if(counterweight < 0.5){
620 counterweight = 0.5;
621 bias_apply = 0.5*UnStrangeProdCX/StrangenessProdCX+1;
623 NLKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNLK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
624 NSKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNSK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
625 DeltaLKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToDeltaLK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
626 DeltaSKProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToDeltaSK(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
627 NNKKbProductionCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNNKKb(particle1, particle2)*bias_apply;
628 }
630 G4double elasticCX = CrossSections::elastic(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
631 G4double recombinationCX = CrossSections::NDeltaToNN(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
633 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX);
635 if(elasticCX > rChannel) {
636 isElastic = true;
637// Elastic N Delta channel
638 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
639 weight = counterweight;
641 } else if (elasticCX + recombinationCX > rChannel){
642 isElastic = false;
643// Recombination
644// NDelta -> NN channel is chosen
645 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: recombination channel chosen" << '\n');
646 weight = counterweight;
648 } else if (elasticCX + recombinationCX + NLKProductionCX > rChannel){
649 isElastic = false;
650 isStrangeProduction = true;
651// NDelta -> NLK channel is chosen
652 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: NLK channel chosen" << '\n');
653 weight = bias_apply;
655 } else if (elasticCX + recombinationCX + NLKProductionCX + NSKProductionCX > rChannel){
656 isElastic = false;
657 isStrangeProduction = true;
658// NDelta -> NSK channel is chosen
659 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: NSK channel chosen" << '\n');
660 weight = bias_apply;
662 } else if (elasticCX + recombinationCX + NLKProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + DeltaLKProductionCX > rChannel){
663 isElastic = false;
664 isStrangeProduction = true;
665// NDelta -> DeltaLK channel is chosen
666 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: DeltaLK channel chosen" << '\n');
667 weight = bias_apply;
669 } else if (elasticCX + recombinationCX + NLKProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + DeltaLKProductionCX + DeltaSKProductionCX > rChannel){
670 isElastic = false;
671 isStrangeProduction = true;
672// NDelta -> DeltaSK channel is chosen
673 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: DeltaSK channel chosen" << '\n');
674 weight = bias_apply;
676 } else if (elasticCX + recombinationCX + NLKProductionCX + NSKProductionCX + DeltaLKProductionCX + DeltaSKProductionCX + NNKKbProductionCX > rChannel){
677 isElastic = false;
678 isStrangeProduction = true;
679// NDelta -> NNKKb channel is chosen
680 INCL_DEBUG("NDelta interaction: NNKKb channel chosen" << '\n');
681 weight = bias_apply;
683 }
684 else{
685 INCL_ERROR("rChannel > (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX) in NDelta interaction: return an elastic channel" << '\n');
686 weight = counterweight;
687 isElastic = true;
689 }
692 } else if(particle1->isDelta() && particle2->isDelta()) {
693 isElastic = true;
694 INCL_DEBUG("DeltaDelta interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
698 } else if(isPiN) {
700 G4double LKProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToLK(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
701 G4double SKProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToSK(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
702 G4double LKpiProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToLKpi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
703 G4double SKpiProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToSKpi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
704 G4double LK2piProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToLK2pi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
705 G4double SK2piProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToSK2pi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
706 G4double NKKbProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToNKKb(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
712 const G4double StrangenessProdCX = (LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX + SKpiProdCX + LK2piProdCX + SK2piProdCX + NKKbProdCX + MissingCX)/bias_apply;
714 G4double counterweight = (1. - bias_apply * StrangenessProdCX / (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX))/(1. - StrangenessProdCX / (StrangenessProdCX + UnStrangeProdCX));
716 if(counterweight < 0.5) {
717 counterweight = 0.5;
718 bias_apply = 0.5*UnStrangeProdCX/StrangenessProdCX+1;
719 LKProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToLK(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
720 SKProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToSK(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
721 LKpiProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToLKpi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
722 SKpiProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToSKpi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
723 LK2piProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToLK2pi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
724 SK2piProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToSK2pi(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
725 NKKbProdCX = CrossSections::NpiToNKKb(particle1,particle2)*bias_apply;
727 }
730 const G4double elasticCX = CrossSections::elastic(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
731 const G4double deltaProductionCX = CrossSections::piNToDelta(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
732 const G4double onePiProductionCX = CrossSections::piNToxPiN(2,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
733 const G4double twoPiProductionCX = CrossSections::piNToxPiN(3,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
734 const G4double threePiProductionCX = CrossSections::piNToxPiN(4,particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
735 const G4double etaProductionCX = CrossSections::piNToEtaN(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
736 const G4double omegaProductionCX = CrossSections::piNToOmegaN(particle1, particle2)*counterweight;
740// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-deltaProductionCX-onePiProductionCX-twoPiProductionCX-threePiProductionCX-etaProductionCX-omegaProductionCX-LKProdCX-SKProdCX-LKpiProdCX-SKpiProdCX-LK2piProdCX-SK2piProdCX-NKKbProdCX-MissingCX) < 0.15);
742 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
744 if(elasticCX > rChannel) {
745 isElastic = true;
746// Elastic PiN channel
747 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
748 weight = counterweight;
750 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX > rChannel) {
751 isElastic = false;
752// PiN -> Delta channel is chosen
753 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: Delta channel chosen" << '\n');
754 weight = counterweight;
756 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
757 isElastic = false;
758// PiN -> PiNPi channel is chosen
759 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: one Pion channel chosen" << '\n');
760 weight = counterweight;
762 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
763 isElastic = false;
764// PiN -> PiN2Pi channel is chosen
765 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: two Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
766 weight = counterweight;
768 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
769 isElastic = false;
770// PiN -> PiN3Pi channel is chosen
771 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: three Pions channel chosen" << '\n');
772 weight = counterweight;
774 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX > rChannel) {
775 isElastic = false;
776// PiN -> EtaN channel is chosen
777 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: Eta channel chosen" << '\n');
778 weight = counterweight;
780 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX > rChannel) {
781 isElastic = false;
782// PiN -> OmegaN channel is chosen
783 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: Omega channel chosen" << '\n');
784 weight = counterweight;
786 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
787 + LKProdCX > rChannel) {
788 isElastic = false;
789 isStrangeProduction = true;
790// PiN -> LK channel is chosen
791 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: LK channel chosen" << '\n');
792 weight = bias_apply;
794 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
795 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX > rChannel) {
796 isElastic = false;
797 isStrangeProduction = true;
798// PiN -> SK channel is chosen
799 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: SK channel chosen" << '\n');
800 weight = bias_apply;
802 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
803 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX > rChannel) {
804 isElastic = false;
805 isStrangeProduction = true;
806// PiN -> LKpi channel is chosen
807 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: LKpi channel chosen" << '\n');
808 weight = bias_apply;
810 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
811 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX + SKpiProdCX > rChannel) {
812 isElastic = false;
813 isStrangeProduction = true;
814// PiN -> SKpi channel is chosen
815 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: SKpi channel chosen" << '\n');
816 weight = bias_apply;
818 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
819 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX + SKpiProdCX + LK2piProdCX > rChannel) {
820 isElastic = false;
821 isStrangeProduction = true;
822// PiN -> LK2pi channel is chosen
823 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: LK2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
824 weight = bias_apply;
826 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
827 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX + SKpiProdCX + LK2piProdCX + SK2piProdCX > rChannel) {
828 isElastic = false;
829 isStrangeProduction = true;
830// PiN -> SK2pi channel is chosen
831 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: SK2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
832 weight = bias_apply;
834 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
835 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX + SKpiProdCX + LK2piProdCX + SK2piProdCX + NKKbProdCX > rChannel) {
836 isElastic = false;
837 isStrangeProduction = true;
838// PiN -> NKKb channel is chosen
839 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: NKKb channel chosen" << '\n');
840 weight = bias_apply;
842 } else if(elasticCX + deltaProductionCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX + threePiProductionCX + etaProductionCX+ omegaProductionCX
843 + LKProdCX + SKProdCX + LKpiProdCX + SKpiProdCX + LK2piProdCX + SK2piProdCX + NKKbProdCX + MissingCX> rChannel) {
844 isElastic = false;
845 isStrangeProduction = true;
846// PiN -> Missinge Strangeness channel is chosen
847 INCL_DEBUG("PiN interaction: Missinge Strangeness channel chosen" << '\n');
848 weight = bias_apply;
850 }
851 else {
852 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the PiN Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
853 if(MissingCX>0.) {
854 INCL_WARN("Returning a Missinge Strangeness channel" << '\n');
855 weight = bias_apply;
856 isElastic = false;
857 isStrangeProduction = true;
859 } else if(NKKbProdCX>0.) {
860 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKKb channel" << '\n');
861 weight = bias_apply;
862 isElastic = false;
863 isStrangeProduction = true;
865 } else if(SK2piProdCX>0.) {
866 INCL_WARN("Returning a SK2pi channel" << '\n');
867 weight = bias_apply;
868 isElastic = false;
869 isStrangeProduction = true;
871 } else if(LK2piProdCX>0.) {
872 INCL_WARN("Returning a LK2pi channel" << '\n');
873 weight = bias_apply;
874 isElastic = false;
875 isStrangeProduction = true;
877 } else if(SKpiProdCX>0.) {
878 INCL_WARN("Returning a SKpi channel" << '\n');
879 weight = bias_apply;
880 isElastic = false;
881 isStrangeProduction = true;
883 } else if(LKpiProdCX>0.) {
884 INCL_WARN("Returning a LKpi channel" << '\n');
885 weight = bias_apply;
886 isElastic = false;
887 isStrangeProduction = true;
889 } else if(SKProdCX>0.) {
890 INCL_WARN("Returning a SK channel" << '\n');
891 weight = bias_apply;
892 isElastic = false;
893 isStrangeProduction = true;
895 } else if(LKProdCX>0.) {
896 INCL_WARN("Returning a LK channel" << '\n');
897 weight = bias_apply;
898 isElastic = false;
899 isStrangeProduction = true;
901 } else if(omegaProductionCX>0.) {
902 INCL_WARN("Returning a Omega channel" << '\n');
903 weight = counterweight;
904 isElastic = false;
906 } else if(etaProductionCX>0.) {
907 INCL_WARN("Returning a Eta channel" << '\n');
908 weight = counterweight;
909 isElastic = false;
911 } else if(threePiProductionCX>0.) {
912 INCL_WARN("Returning a 3pi channel" << '\n');
913 weight = counterweight;
914 isElastic = false;
916 } else if(twoPiProductionCX>0.) {
917 INCL_WARN("Returning a 2pi channel" << '\n');
918 weight = counterweight;
919 isElastic = false;
921 } else if(onePiProductionCX>0.) {
922 INCL_WARN("Returning a 1pi channel" << '\n');
923 weight = counterweight;
924 isElastic = false;
926 } else if(deltaProductionCX>0.) {
927 INCL_WARN("Returning a delta-production channel" << '\n');
928 weight = counterweight;
929 isElastic = false;
931 } else {
932 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
933 weight = counterweight;
934 isElastic = true;
936 }
937 }
938 } else if ((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isEta()) || (particle2->isNucleon() && particle1->isEta())) {
942 const G4double onePiProductionCX = CrossSections::etaNToPiN(particle1, particle2);
943 const G4double twoPiProductionCX = CrossSections::etaNToPiPiN(particle1, particle2);
945// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-onePiProductionCX-twoPiProductionCX)<1.);
947 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
949 if(elasticCX > rChannel) {
950// Elastic EtaN channel
951 isElastic = true;
952 INCL_DEBUG("EtaN interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
954 } else if(elasticCX + onePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
955 isElastic = false;
956// EtaN -> EtaPiN channel is chosen
957 INCL_DEBUG("EtaN interaction: PiN channel chosen" << '\n');
959 } else if(elasticCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
960 isElastic = false;
961// EtaN -> EtaPiPiN channel is chosen
962 INCL_DEBUG("EtaN interaction: PiPiN channel chosen" << '\n');
964 }
966 else {
967 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the EtaN Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
968 if(twoPiProductionCX>0.) {
969 INCL_WARN("Returning a PiPiN channel" << '\n');
970 isElastic = false;
972 } else if(onePiProductionCX>0.) {
973 INCL_WARN("Returning a PiN channel" << '\n');
974 isElastic = false;
976 } else {
977 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
978 isElastic = true;
980 }
981 }
983 } else if ((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isOmega()) || (particle2->isNucleon() && particle1->isOmega())) {
987 const G4double onePiProductionCX = CrossSections::omegaNToPiN(particle1, particle2);
988 const G4double twoPiProductionCX = CrossSections::omegaNToPiPiN(particle1, particle2);
990// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-onePiProductionCX-twoPiProductionCX)<1.);
992 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
994 if(elasticCX > rChannel) {
995// Elastic OmegaN channel
996 isElastic = true;
997 INCL_DEBUG("OmegaN interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
999 } else if(elasticCX + onePiProductionCX > rChannel) {
1000 isElastic = false;
1001// OmegaN -> PiN channel is chosen
1002 INCL_DEBUG("OmegaN interaction: PiN channel chosen" << '\n');
1004 } else if(elasticCX + onePiProductionCX + twoPiProductionCX > rChannel) {
1005 isElastic = false;
1006// OmegaN -> PiPiN channel is chosen
1007 INCL_DEBUG("OmegaN interaction: PiPiN channel chosen" << '\n');
1009 }
1010 else {
1011 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the OmegaN Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
1012 if(twoPiProductionCX>0.) {
1013 INCL_WARN("Returning a PiPiN channel" << '\n');
1014 isElastic = false;
1016 } else if(onePiProductionCX>0.) {
1017 INCL_WARN("Returning a PiN channel" << '\n');
1018 isElastic = false;
1020 } else {
1021 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
1022 isElastic = true;
1024 }
1025 }
1026 } else if ((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isKaon()) || (particle2->isNucleon() && particle1->isKaon())) {
1029 const G4double quasielasticCX = CrossSections::NKToNK(particle1,particle2);
1033// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-quasielasticCX-NKToNKpiCX-NKToNK2piCX)<0.1);
1035 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
1036 if(elasticCX > rChannel){
1037// Elastic KN channel is chosen
1038 isElastic = true;
1039 INCL_DEBUG("KN interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1041 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX > rChannel){
1042// Quasi-elastic KN channel is chosen
1043 isElastic = false; // true ??
1044 INCL_DEBUG("KN interaction: quasi-elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1045 return new NKToNKChannel(particle1, particle2);
1046 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKToNKpiCX > rChannel){
1047// KN -> NKpi channel is chosen
1048 isElastic = false;
1049 INCL_DEBUG("KN interaction: NKpi channel chosen" << '\n');
1050 return new NKToNKpiChannel(particle1, particle2);
1051 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKToNKpiCX + NKToNK2piCX > rChannel){
1052// KN -> NK2pi channel is chosen
1053 isElastic = false;
1054 INCL_DEBUG("KN interaction: NK2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
1056 } else {
1057 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the KN Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
1058 if(NKToNK2piCX>0.) {
1059 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKToNK2pi channel" << '\n');
1060 isElastic = false;
1062 } else if(NKToNKpiCX>0.) {
1063 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKToNKpi channel" << '\n');
1064 isElastic = false;
1065 return new NKToNKpiChannel(particle1, particle2);
1066 } else if(quasielasticCX>0.) {
1067 INCL_WARN("Returning a quasi-elastic channel" << '\n');
1068 isElastic = false; // true ??
1069 return new NKToNKChannel(particle1, particle2);
1070 } else {
1071 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
1072 isElastic = true;
1074 }
1075 }
1076 } else if ((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isAntiKaon()) || (particle2->isNucleon() && particle1->isAntiKaon())) {
1079 const G4double quasielasticCX = CrossSections::NKbToNKb(particle1,particle2);
1087// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-quasielasticCX-NKbToNKbpiCX-NKbToNKb2piCX-NKbToLpiCX-NKbToL2piCX-NKbToSpiCX-NKbToS2piCX)<0.1);
1089 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
1090 if(elasticCX > rChannel){
1091// Elastic KbN channel is chosen
1092 isElastic = true;
1093 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1095 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX > rChannel){
1096// Quasi-elastic KbN channel is chosen
1097 isElastic = false; // true ??
1098 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: quasi-elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1099 return new NKbToNKbChannel(particle1, particle2);
1100 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKbToNKbpiCX > rChannel){
1101// KbN -> NKbpi channel is chosen
1102 isElastic = false;
1103 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: NKbpi channel chosen" << '\n');
1105 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKbToNKbpiCX + NKbToNKb2piCX > rChannel){
1106// KbN -> NKb2pi channel is chosen
1107 isElastic = false;
1108 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: NKb2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
1110 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKbToNKbpiCX + NKbToNKb2piCX + NKbToLpiCX > rChannel){
1111// KbN -> Lpi channel is chosen
1112 isElastic = false;
1113 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: Lpi channel chosen" << '\n');
1114 return new NKbToLpiChannel(particle1, particle2);
1115 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKbToNKbpiCX + NKbToNKb2piCX + NKbToLpiCX + NKbToL2piCX > rChannel){
1116// KbN -> L2pi channel is chosen
1117 isElastic = false;
1118 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: L2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
1120 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKbToNKbpiCX + NKbToNKb2piCX + NKbToLpiCX + NKbToL2piCX + NKbToSpiCX > rChannel){
1121// KbN -> Spi channel is chosen
1122 isElastic = false;
1123 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: Spi channel chosen" << '\n');
1124 return new NKbToSpiChannel(particle1, particle2);
1125 } else if(elasticCX + quasielasticCX + NKbToNKbpiCX + NKbToNKb2piCX + NKbToLpiCX + NKbToL2piCX + NKbToSpiCX + NKbToS2piCX > rChannel){
1126// KbN -> S2pi channel is chosen
1127 isElastic = false;
1128 INCL_DEBUG("KbN interaction: S2pi channel chosen" << '\n');
1130 } else {
1131 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the KbN Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
1132 if(NKbToS2piCX>0.) {
1133 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKbToS2pi channel" << '\n');
1134 isElastic = false;
1136 } else if(NKbToSpiCX>0.) {
1137 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKbToSpi channel" << '\n');
1138 isElastic = false;
1139 return new NKbToSpiChannel(particle1, particle2);
1140 } else if(NKbToL2piCX>0.) {
1141 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKbToL2pi channel" << '\n');
1142 isElastic = false;
1144 } else if(NKbToLpiCX>0.) {
1145 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKbToLpi channel" << '\n');
1146 isElastic = false;
1147 return new NKbToLpiChannel(particle1, particle2);
1148 } else if(NKbToNKb2piCX>0.) {
1149 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKbToNKb2pi channel" << '\n');
1150 isElastic = false;
1152 } else if(NKbToNKbpiCX>0.) {
1153 INCL_WARN("Returning a NKbToNKbpi channel" << '\n');
1154 isElastic = false;
1156 } else if(quasielasticCX>0.) {
1157 INCL_WARN("Returning a quasi-elastic channel" << '\n');
1158 isElastic = false; // true ??
1159 return new NKbToNKbChannel(particle1, particle2);
1160 } else {
1161 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
1162 isElastic = true;
1164 }
1165 }
1166 } else if ((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isLambda()) || (particle2->isNucleon() && particle1->isLambda())) {
1171// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-NLToNSCX)<0.1);
1173 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
1174 if(elasticCX > rChannel){
1175// Elastic NLambda channel is chosen
1176 isElastic = true;
1177 INCL_DEBUG("NLambda interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1179 } else if(elasticCX + NLToNSCX > rChannel){
1180// Quasi-elastic NLambda channel is chosen
1181 isElastic = false; // true ??
1182 INCL_DEBUG("NLambda interaction: quasi-elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1183 return new NLToNSChannel(particle1, particle2);
1184 } else {
1185 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the NLambda Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
1186 if(NLToNSCX>0.) {
1187 INCL_WARN("Returning a quasi-elastic channel" << '\n');
1188 isElastic = false; // true ??
1189 return new NLToNSChannel(particle1, particle2);
1190 } else {
1191 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
1192 isElastic = true;
1194 }
1195 }
1196 } else if ((particle1->isNucleon() && particle2->isSigma()) || (particle2->isNucleon() && particle1->isSigma())) {
1202// assert(std::fabs(totCX-elasticCX-NSToNLCX-NSToNSCX)<0.1);
1204 const G4double rChannel=Random::shoot() * totCX;
1205 if(elasticCX > rChannel){
1206// Elastic NSigma channel is chosen
1207 isElastic = true;
1208 INCL_DEBUG("NSigma interaction: elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1210 } else if(elasticCX + NSToNLCX > rChannel){
1211// NSigma -> NLambda channel is chosen
1212 isElastic = false; // true ??
1213 INCL_DEBUG("NSigma interaction: NLambda channel chosen" << '\n');
1214 return new NSToNLChannel(particle1, particle2);
1215 } else if(elasticCX + NSToNLCX + NSToNSCX > rChannel){
1216// NSigma -> NSigma quasi-elastic channel is chosen
1217 isElastic = false; // true ??
1218 INCL_DEBUG("NSigma interaction: NSigma quasi-elastic channel chosen" << '\n');
1219 return new NSToNSChannel(particle1, particle2);
1220 } else {
1221 INCL_WARN("inconsistency within the NSigma Cross Sections (sum!=inelastic)" << '\n');
1222 if(NSToNSCX>0.) {
1223 INCL_WARN("Returning a quasi-elastic channel" << '\n');
1224 isElastic = false; // true ??
1225 return new NSToNSChannel(particle1, particle2);
1226 } else if(NSToNLCX>0.) {
1227 INCL_WARN("Returning a NLambda channel" << '\n');
1228 isElastic = false; // true ??
1229 return new NSToNLChannel(particle1, particle2);
1230 } else {
1231 INCL_WARN("Returning an elastic channel" << '\n');
1232 isElastic = true;
1234 }
1235 }
1236 }
1238 else {
1239 INCL_DEBUG("BinaryCollisionAvatar can only handle nucleons (for the moment)."
1240 << '\n'
1241 << particle1->print()
1242 << '\n'
1243 << particle2->print()
1244 << '\n');
1246 return NULL;
1247 }
1248 }
1254 }
1257 // Call the postInteraction method of the parent class
1258 // (provides Pauli blocking and enforces energy conservation)
1261 switch(fs->getValidity()) {
1262 case PauliBlockedFS:
1264 break;
1268 break;
1269 case ValidFS:
1270 Book &theBook = theNucleus->getStore()->getBook();
1273 if(theBook.getAcceptedCollisions() == 1) {
1274 // Store time and cross section of the first collision
1275 G4double t = theBook.getCurrentTime();
1276 theBook.setFirstCollisionTime(t);
1278 // Increase the number of Kaon by 1
1280 // Store position and momentum of the spectator on the first
1281 // collision
1283 INCL_ERROR("First collision must be within a target spectator and a non-target spectator");
1284 }
1288 } else {
1291 }
1293 // Store the elasticity of the first collision
1295 }
1296 }
1297 return;
1298 }
1300 std::string BinaryCollisionAvatar::dump() const {
1301 std::stringstream ss;
1302 ss << "(avatar " << theTime <<" 'nn-collision" << '\n'
1303 << "(list " << '\n'
1304 << particle1->dump()
1305 << particle2->dump()
1306 << "))" << '\n';
1307 return ss.str();
1308 }
#define INCL_ERROR(x)
#define INCL_WARN(x)
#define INCL_DEBUG(x)
Delta-nucleon recombination channel.
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
static G4ThreadLocal G4double cutNN
virtual void postInteraction(FinalState *)
BinaryCollisionAvatar(G4double, G4double, G4INCL::Nucleus *, G4INCL::Particle *, G4INCL::Particle *)
static G4ThreadLocal G4double cutNNSquared
static G4ThreadLocal G4double bias
void setFirstCollisionSpectatorMomentum(const G4double x)
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:91
void setFirstCollisionXSec(const G4double x)
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:85
void incrementAcceptedCollisions()
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:72
void setFirstCollisionTime(const G4double t)
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:82
G4double getCurrentTime() const
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:98
G4int getAcceptedCollisions() const
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:100
void setFirstCollisionSpectatorPosition(const G4double x)
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:88
void incrementBlockedCollisions()
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:73
void setFirstCollisionIsElastic(const G4bool e)
Definition: G4INCLBook.hh:94
FinalStateValidity getValidity() const
void setType(AvatarType t)
void restoreParticles() const
Restore the state of both particles.
static G4ThreadLocal Particle * backupParticle2
static G4ThreadLocal Particle * backupParticle1
Store * getStore() const
G4bool isLambda() const
Is this a Lambda?
void setNumberOfKaon(const G4int NK)
G4bool isOmega() const
Is this an omega?
std::string dump() const
G4bool isSigma() const
Is this a Sigma?
const G4INCL::ThreeVector & getPosition() const
G4bool isTargetSpectator() const
static std::vector< G4int > MergeVectorBias(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4bool isEta() const
Is this an eta?
G4bool isAntiKaon() const
Is this an antiKaon?
const G4INCL::ThreeVector & getMomentum() const
G4bool isKaon() const
Is this a Kaon?
G4int getNumberOfKaon() const
Number of Kaon inside de nucleus.
std::string print() const
G4bool isDelta() const
Is it a Delta?
static G4double getBiasFromVector(std::vector< G4int > VectorBias)
G4bool isNucleon() const
Book & getBook()
Definition: G4INCLStore.hh:259
G4double mag() const
G4double dot(const ThreeVector &v) const
G4double mag2() const
G4double NSToNL(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double elastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piNToOmegaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToNKb2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNDeltaOmega(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NDeltaToDeltaLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNSKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double etaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NDeltaToNNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToLpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNLK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double etaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToS2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piNToEtaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double omegaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NDeltaToNSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToSpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNDelta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NDeltaToNLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NLToNS(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piNToDelta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToNKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNSK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Strange cross sections.
G4double NNToNNEtaExclu(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNDeltaEta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNNOmegaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNNEtaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NSToNS(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToLK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double omegaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NDeltaToDeltaSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToMissingStrangeness(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double total(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NDeltaToNN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToLKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToNKbpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNLKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKbToL2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToxPiNN(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKToNK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKToNKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToNNOmegaExclu(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToSK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NKToNK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNToMissingStrangeness(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piNToxPiN(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NpiToSKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double squareTotalEnergyInCM(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
const G4double tenPi
G4double shoot()
@ CollisionAvatarType
@ ParticleBelowZeroFS
@ NoEnergyConservationFS
@ ParticleBelowFermiFS
#define G4ThreadLocal
Definition: tls.hh:77