118 G4cout <<
"G4ChargeExchange::DoIt: Incident particle plab="
119 << plab/
GeV <<
" GeV/c "
120 <<
" ekin(MeV) = " << ekin/
MeV <<
" "
130 <<
" PDGcode= " << projPDG <<
" on nucleus Z= " <<
131 <<
" A= " <<
A <<
" N= " << N
146 G4bool theHyperon =
162 }
else if(theParticle ==
theKPlus) {
164 else theSecondary =
168 else theSecondary =
170 }
else if(theParticle ==
theK0S || theParticle ==
theK0L) {
184 }
else if(theParticle ==
theL) {
188 theSecondary =
189 }
else if (x < 0.4) {
192 }
else if (x < 0.6) {
197 }
else if (x < 0.8) {
210 theSecondary =
211 }
else if (x < 0.4) {
214 }
else if (x < 0.6) {
219 }
else if (x < 0.8) {
233 if (
Z == 1 &&
A == 2) theDef =
234 else if (
Z == 1 &&
A == 3) theDef =
235 else if (
Z == 2 &&
A == 3) theDef =
236 else if (
Z == 2 &&
A == 4) theDef =
245 if(theRecoil) { m21 += theRecoil->
GetPDGMass(); }
246 else { theRecoil = theDef; }
251 if(etot < m11 + m21) {
258 G4double e1 = 0.5*etot*(1.0 - (m21*m21 - m11*m11)/(etot*etot));
268 G4cout <<
"## G4ChargeExchange t= " << t <<
" tmax= " << tmax
269 <<
" ptot= " << ptot <<
274 if(std::abs(cost) > 1.0) cost = 1.0;
275 G4double sint = std::sqrt((1.0-cost)*(1.0+cost));
280 G4ThreeVector v1(sint*std::cos(phi),sint*std::sin(phi),cost);
316 aa = g4pow->
A, 1.63);
317 bb = 14.5*g4pow->
A, 0.66);
318 cc = 1.4*g4pow->
A, 0.33);
321 aa = g4pow->
A, 1.33);
322 bb = 60.*g4pow->
A, 0.33);
323 cc = 0.4*g4pow->
A, 0.40);
333 const G4int maxNumberOfLoops = 10000;
334 G4int loopCounter = 0;
337 }
while ( (t > tmax) &&
338 ++loopCounter < maxNumberOfLoops );
339 if ( loopCounter >= maxNumberOfLoops ) {
static const G4double e1[44]
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
static constexpr double twopi
static constexpr double GeV
static constexpr double MeV
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
Hep3Vector boostVector() const
HepLorentzVector & boost(double, double, double)
static G4AntiLambda * AntiLambda()
static G4AntiNeutron * AntiNeutron()
static G4AntiOmegaMinus * AntiOmegaMinus()
static G4AntiProton * AntiProton()
static G4AntiSigmaMinus * AntiSigmaMinus()
static G4AntiSigmaPlus * AntiSigmaPlus()
static G4AntiSigmaZero * AntiSigmaZero()
static G4AntiXiMinus * AntiXiMinus()
static G4AntiXiZero * AntiXiZero()
G4ParticleDefinition * thePiMinus
G4ParticleDefinition * theSPlus
G4ParticleDefinition * theAXi0
G4ParticleDefinition * theProton
G4ParticleDefinition * theS0
G4double lowestEnergyLimit
G4ParticleDefinition * theK0L
G4double SampleT(G4double p, G4int A)
G4HadFinalState * ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, G4Nucleus &targetNucleus) override
G4ParticleDefinition * theOmega
G4ParticleDefinition * theASPlus
G4ParticleDefinition * theKMinus
G4ParticleDefinition * theAProton
G4ParticleDefinition * theXi0
G4ParticleDefinition * theK0S
G4ParticleDefinition * theA
G4ParticleDefinition * thePiPlus
G4ParticleDefinition * theNeutron
G4ParticleDefinition * theAntiL
G4ParticleDefinition * theXiMinus
~G4ChargeExchange() override
G4ParticleDefinition * theT
G4ParticleDefinition * theAXiMinus
G4ParticleDefinition * theAOmega
G4ParticleDefinition * theAS0
G4ParticleDefinition * theANeutron
G4ParticleDefinition * theL
G4ParticleDefinition * theASMinus
G4ParticleDefinition * theKPlus
G4ParticleDefinition * thePiZero
G4ParticleDefinition * theSMinus
G4ParticleDefinition * theD
G4ParticleDefinition * theHe3
static G4Deuteron * Deuteron()
void SetDefinition(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticleDefinition)
void SetKineticEnergy(G4double aEnergy)
void SetStatusChange(G4HadFinalStateStatus aS)
void AddSecondary(G4DynamicParticle *aP, G4int mod=-1)
void SetEnergyChange(G4double anEnergy)
void SetMomentumChange(const G4ThreeVector &aV)
void SetLocalEnergyDeposit(G4double aE)
G4double GetTotalMomentum() const
const G4ParticleDefinition * GetDefinition() const
G4double GetKineticEnergy() const
const G4LorentzVector & Get4Momentum() const
G4HadFinalState theParticleChange
void SetMinEnergy(G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetRecoilEnergyThreshold() const
void SetMaxEnergy(const G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetMaxEnergy() const
static G4HadronicParameters * Instance()
G4ParticleDefinition * GetIon(G4int Z, G4int A, G4int lvl=0)
static G4KaonMinus * KaonMinus()
static G4KaonPlus * KaonPlus()
static G4KaonZeroLong * KaonZeroLong()
static G4KaonZeroShort * KaonZeroShort()
static G4Lambda * Lambda()
static G4Neutron * Neutron()
static G4double GetNuclearMass(const G4double A, const G4double Z)
static G4OmegaMinus * OmegaMinus()
G4double GetPDGMass() const
G4int GetPDGEncoding() const
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
G4IonTable * GetIonTable() const
static G4ParticleTable * GetParticleTable()
static G4int GetModelID(const G4int modelIndex)
static G4PionMinus * PionMinus()
static G4PionPlus * PionPlus()
static G4PionZero * PionZero()
static G4Pow * GetInstance()
G4double powZ(G4int Z, G4double y) const
static G4Proton * Proton()
static G4SigmaMinus * SigmaMinus()
static G4SigmaPlus * SigmaPlus()
static G4SigmaZero * SigmaZero()
static G4Triton * Triton()
static G4XiMinus * XiMinus()
static G4XiZero * XiZero()
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments