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26// class G4GeomTestVolume
28// Class description:
30// Checks for inconsistencies in the geometric boundaries of a physical
31// volume and the boundaries of all its immediate daughters.
33// Author: G.Cosmo, CERN
34// --------------------------------------------------------------------
35#ifndef G4GeomTestVolume_hh
36#define G4GeomTestVolume_hh
38#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
41class G4GeomTestLogger;
45 public: // with description
48 G4double theTolerance = 0.0, // mm
49 G4int numberOfPoints = 10000,
50 G4bool theVerbosity = true);
52 // Constructor and destructor
54 G4double GetTolerance() const;
56 // Get/Set error tolerance (default set to 0*mm)
57 G4int GetResolution() const;
58 void SetResolution(G4int points);
59 // Get/Set number of points to check (default set to 10000)
60 G4bool GetVerbosity() const;
62 // Get/Set verbosity mode (default set to true)
65 // Get/Set maximum number of errors to report (default set to 1)
67 void TestOverlapInTree() const;
68 // Check overlaps in the volume tree without
69 // dublication in identical logical volumes
71 void TestRecursiveOverlap( G4int sLevel=0, G4int depth=-1 );
72 // Activate overlaps check, propagating recursively to the daughters,
73 // with possibility of specifying the initial level in the volume tree
74 // and the depth (default is the whole tree).
75 // Be careful: depending on the complexity of the geometry, this
76 // could require long computational time
78 private:
80 G4VPhysicalVolume *target; // Target volume
81 G4double tolerance; // Error tolerance
82 G4int resolution; // Number of points to test
83 G4int maxErr = 1; // Maximum number of errors to report
84 G4bool verbosity; // Verbosity level for overlaps check
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
G4bool GetVerbosity() const
void SetTolerance(G4double tolerance)
G4int GetErrorsThreshold() const
void SetVerbosity(G4bool verbosity)
void TestRecursiveOverlap(G4int sLevel=0, G4int depth=-1)
void TestOverlapInTree() const
void SetResolution(G4int points)
G4GeomTestVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume *theTarget, G4double theTolerance=0.0, G4int numberOfPoints=10000, G4bool theVerbosity=true)
G4int GetResolution() const
void SetErrorsThreshold(G4int max)
G4double GetTolerance() const
G4VPhysicalVolume * target
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments