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26// Author: Michael Kelsey (SLAC)
27// Date: 20 February 2013
29// Description: implementation base for exponential parametrization of
30// two-body angular distributions in Bertini-style cascade
32// 20130227 Renamed from "Barashenkov" to "ParamExp" to fix misattribution.
33// 20130620 Fix Coverity #50296, recursive #include.
34// 20130924 M. Kelsey -- Use G4Log, G4Exp for CPU speedup
36#ifndef G4ParamExpTwoBodyAngDst_icc
37#define G4ParamExpTwoBodyAngDst_icc 1
41#include "Randomize.hh"
45template <G4int NKEBINS> G4double
47GetCosTheta(const G4double& ekin, const G4double& pcm) const
50 G4cout << theName << "::GetCosTheta: ekin " << ekin << " pcm " << pcm
54 // Get parameter values for interaction energy
55 G4double pA = interpolator.interpolate(ekin, smallScale);
56 G4double pC = interpolator.interpolate(ekin, largeScale);
57 G4double pCos = interpolator.interpolate(ekin, cosScale);
58 G4double pFrac = interpolator.interpolate(ekin, angleCut);
60 // Bound parameters by their physical ranges
61 pCos = std::max(-1., std::min(pCos,1.));
62 pFrac = std::max(0., std::min(pFrac,1.));
65 G4cout << " pFrac " << pFrac << " pA " << pA << " pC " << pC
66 << " pCos " << pCos << G4endl;
69 G4bool smallAngle = (G4UniformRand() < pFrac); // 0 < theta < theta0
71 G4double term1 = 2.0 * pcm*pcm * (smallAngle ? pA : pC);
73 if (std::abs(term1) < 1e-7) return 1.0; // No actual scattering here!
74 if (term1 > DBL_MAX_EXP) return 1.0;
76 G4double term2 = G4Exp(-2.0*term1);
77 G4double randScale = (G4Exp(-term1*(1.0 - pCos)) - term2)/(1.0 - term2);
80 if (smallAngle) randVal = (1.0 - randScale)*G4UniformRand() + randScale;
81 else randVal = randScale*G4UniformRand();
83 G4double costh = 1.0 + G4Log(randVal*(1.0 - term2) + term2)/term1;
86 G4cout << " term1 " << term1 << " term2 " << term2 << " randVal "
87 << randVal << " => costheta " << costh << G4endl;
93#endif /* G4ParamExpTwoBodyAngDst_icc */