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26// G4MuonicAtomHelper class implementation
28// Author: K.Lynch, 01.07.2016 - First implementation
29// Revision:
30// - 12.06.2017, K L Genser
31// --------------------------------------------------------------------
33#include "G4MuonicAtomHelper.hh"
34#include "G4DecayTable.hh"
36#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
37#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
39#include "Randomize.hh"
44 // what should static charge be? for G4Ions, it is Z ... should it
45 // be Z-1 here (since there will always be a muon attached), or Z?
46 const G4double charge = baseion->GetPDGCharge();
48 static const G4String pType("MuonicAtom"); // put in an include? in an enum?
50 G4bool stable = false;
51 // Get the lifetime
52 G4int Z = baseion->GetAtomicNumber();
53 G4int A = baseion->GetAtomicMass();
54 G4double lambdac = GetMuonCaptureRate(Z, A);
55 G4double lambdad = GetMuonDecayRate(Z);
56 G4double lifetime = 1./(lambdac+lambdad);
57 G4bool shortlived = false;
59 const G4double mass =
60 (G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("mu-"))->GetPDGMass() +
61 baseion->GetPDGMass() - GetKShellEnergy(G4double(Z)); //fixme check
63 G4DecayTable* decayTable = new G4DecayTable();
64 auto muatom = new G4MuonicAtom(name, mass, 0.0, charge,
65 baseion->GetPDGiSpin(),
66 baseion->GetPDGiParity(),
67 baseion->GetPDGiConjugation(),
68 baseion->GetPDGiIsospin(),
69 baseion->GetPDGiIsospin3(),
70 baseion->GetPDGiGParity(),
71 pType,
72 baseion->GetLeptonNumber(),
73 baseion->GetBaryonNumber(),
75 stable,
76 lifetime,
77 decayTable,
78 shortlived,
79 baseion->GetParticleSubType(),
80 baseion);
82 muatom->SetPDGMagneticMoment(baseion->GetPDGMagneticMoment());
84 // by this time both G4MuonicAtom and baseion should exist
86 // if we choose DIO this will be the channel we'll use, so we put
87 // br=1. to force it in that case
89 decayTable->Insert(new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(name, 1., 4,
90 "e-","anti_nu_e","nu_mu",
91 baseion->GetParticleName()));
93 muatom->SetDIOLifeTime(1./lambdad);
94 muatom->SetNCLifeTime(1./lambdac);
95 return muatom;
102 // Initialize data
104 // Mu- capture data from
105 // T. Suzuki, D. F. Measday, J.P. Roalsvig Phys.Rev. C35 (1987) 2212
106 // weighted average of the two most precise measurements
108 // Data for Hydrogen from Phys. Rev. Lett. 99(2007)032002
109 // Data for Helium from D.F. Measday Phys. Rep. 354(2001)243
111 struct capRate {
112 G4int Z;
113 G4int A;
114 G4double cRate;
115 G4double cRErr;
116 };
118 // this struct has to be sorted by Z when initialized as we exit the
119 // loop once Z is above the stored value; cRErr are not used now but
120 // are included for completeness and future use
122 constexpr capRate capRates [] = {
123 { 1, 1, 0.000725, 0.000017 },
124 { 2, 3, 0.002149, 0.00017 },
125 { 2, 4, 0.000356, 0.000026 },
126 { 3, 6, 0.004647, 0.00012 },
127 { 3, 7, 0.002229, 0.00012 },
128 { 4, 9, 0.006107, 0.00019 },
129 { 5, 10, 0.02757 , 0.00063 },
130 { 5, 11, 0.02188 , 0.00064 },
131 { 6, 12, 0.03807 , 0.00031 },
132 { 6, 13, 0.03474 , 0.00034 },
133 { 7, 14, 0.06885 , 0.00057 },
134 { 8, 16, 0.10242 , 0.00059 },
135 { 8, 18, 0.0880 , 0.0015 },
136 { 9, 19, 0.22905 , 0.00099 },
137 { 10, 20, 0.2288 , 0.0045 },
138 { 11, 23, 0.3773 , 0.0014 },
139 { 12, 24, 0.4823 , 0.0013 },
140 { 13, 27, 0.6985 , 0.0012 },
141 { 14, 28, 0.8656 , 0.0015 },
142 { 15, 31, 1.1681 , 0.0026 },
143 { 16, 32, 1.3510 , 0.0029 },
144 { 17, 35, 1.800 , 0.050 },
145 { 17, 37, 1.250 , 0.050 },
146 { 18, 40, 1.2727 , 0.0650 },
147 { 19, 39, 1.8492 , 0.0050 },
148 { 20, 40, 2.5359 , 0.0070 },
149 { 21, 45, 2.711 , 0.025 },
150 { 22, 48, 2.5908 , 0.0115 },
151 { 23, 51, 3.073 , 0.022 },
152 { 24, 50, 3.825 , 0.050 },
153 { 24, 52, 3.465 , 0.026 },
154 { 24, 53, 3.297 , 0.045 },
155 { 24, 54, 3.057 , 0.042 },
156 { 25, 55, 3.900 , 0.030 },
157 { 26, 56, 4.408 , 0.022 },
158 { 27, 59, 4.945 , 0.025 },
159 { 28, 58, 6.11 , 0.10 },
160 { 28, 60, 5.56 , 0.10 },
161 { 28, 62, 4.72 , 0.10 },
162 { 29, 63, 5.691 , 0.030 },
163 { 30, 66, 5.806 , 0.031 },
164 { 31, 69, 5.700 , 0.060 },
165 { 32, 72, 5.561 , 0.031 },
166 { 33, 75, 6.094 , 0.037 },
167 { 34, 80, 5.687 , 0.030 },
168 { 35, 79, 7.223 , 0.28 },
169 { 35, 81, 7.547 , 0.48 },
170 { 37, 85, 6.89 , 0.14 },
171 { 38, 88, 6.93 , 0.12 },
172 { 39, 89, 7.89 , 0.11 },
173 { 40, 91, 8.620 , 0.053 },
174 { 41, 93, 10.38 , 0.11 },
175 { 42, 96, 9.298 , 0.063 },
176 { 45, 103, 10.010 , 0.045 },
177 { 46, 106, 10.000 , 0.070 },
178 { 47, 107, 10.869 , 0.095 },
179 { 48, 112, 10.624 , 0.094 },
180 { 49, 115, 11.38 , 0.11 },
181 { 50, 119, 10.60 , 0.11 },
182 { 51, 121, 10.40 , 0.12 },
183 { 52, 128, 9.174 , 0.074 },
184 { 53, 127, 11.276 , 0.098 },
185 { 55, 133, 10.98 , 0.25 },
186 { 56, 138, 10.112 , 0.085 },
187 { 57, 139, 10.71 , 0.10 },
188 { 58, 140, 11.501 , 0.087 },
189 { 59, 141, 13.45 , 0.13 },
190 { 60, 144, 12.35 , 0.13 },
191 { 62, 150, 12.22 , 0.17 },
192 { 64, 157, 12.00 , 0.13 },
193 { 65, 159, 12.73 , 0.13 },
194 { 66, 163, 12.29 , 0.18 },
195 { 67, 165, 12.95 , 0.13 },
196 { 68, 167, 13.04 , 0.27 },
197 { 72, 178, 13.03 , 0.21 },
198 { 73, 181, 12.86 , 0.13 },
199 { 74, 184, 12.76 , 0.16 },
200 { 79, 197, 13.35 , 0.10 },
201 { 80, 201, 12.74 , 0.18 },
202 { 81, 205, 13.85 , 0.17 },
203 { 82, 207, 13.295 , 0.071 },
204 { 83, 209, 13.238 , 0.065 },
205 { 90, 232, 12.555 , 0.049 },
206 { 92, 238, 12.592 , 0.035 },
207 { 92, 233, 14.27 , 0.15 },
208 { 92, 235, 13.470 , 0.085 },
209 { 92, 236, 13.90 , 0.40 },
210 { 93, 237, 13.58 , 0.18 },
211 { 94, 239, 13.90 , 0.20 },
212 { 94, 242, 12.86 , 0.19 }
213 };
215 G4double lambda = -1.;
217 std::size_t nCapRates = sizeof(capRates)/sizeof(capRates[0]);
218 for (std::size_t j = 0; j < nCapRates; ++j)
219 {
220 if( capRates[j].Z == Z && capRates[j].A == A )
221 {
222 lambda = capRates[j].cRate / microsecond;
223 break;
224 }
225 // make sure the data is sorted for the next statement to work correctly
226 if (capRates[j].Z > Z) {break;}
227 }
229 if (lambda < 0.)
230 {
231 // == Mu capture lifetime (Goulard and Primakoff PRC10(1974)2034.
233 constexpr G4double b0a = -0.03;
234 constexpr G4double b0b = -0.25;
235 constexpr G4double b0c = 3.24;
236 constexpr G4double t1 = 875.e-9; // -10-> -9 suggested by user
237 G4double r1 = GetMuonZeff(Z);
238 G4double zeff2 = r1 * r1;
240 // ^-4 -> ^-5 suggested by user
241 G4double xmu = zeff2 * 2.663e-5;
242 G4double a2ze = 0.5 *G4double(A) / G4double(Z);
243 G4double r2 = 1.0 - xmu;
244 lambda = t1 * zeff2 * zeff2 * (r2 * r2) * (1.0 - (1.0 - xmu) * .75704) *
245 (a2ze * b0a + 1.0 - (a2ze - 1.0) * b0b -
246 G4double(2 * (A - Z) + std::abs(a2ze - 1.) ) * b0c / G4double(A * 4) );
248 }
250 return lambda;
256 // == Effective charges from
257 // "Total Nuclear Capture Rates for Negative Muons"
258 // T. Suzuki, D. F. Measday, J.P. Roalsvig Phys.Rev. C35 (1987) 2212
259 // and if not present from
260 // Ford and Wills Nucl Phys 35(1962)295 or interpolated
262 constexpr size_t maxZ = 100;
263 constexpr G4double zeff[maxZ+1] =
264 { 0.,
265 1.00, 1.98, 2.94, 3.89, 4.81, 5.72, 6.61, 7.49, 8.32, 9.14,
266 9.95,10.69,11.48,12.22,12.90,13.64,14.24,14.89,15.53,16.15,
267 16.77,17.38,18.04,18.49,19.06,19.59,20.13,20.66,21.12,21.61,
268 22.02,22.43,22.84,23.24,23.65,24.06,24.47,24.85,25.23,25.61,
269 25.99,26.37,26.69,27.00,27.32,27.63,27.95,28.20,28.42,28.64,
270 28.79,29.03,29.27,29.51,29.75,29.99,30.22,30.36,30.53,30.69,
271 30.85,31.01,31.18,31.34,31.48,31.62,31.76,31.90,32.05,32.19,
272 32.33,32.47,32.61,32.76,32.94,33.11,33.29,33.46,33.64,33.81,
273 34.21,34.18,34.00,34.10,34.21,34.31,34.42,34.52,34.63,34.73,
274 34.84,34.94,35.05,35.16,35.25,35.36,35.46,35.57,35.67,35.78 };
276 if (Z<0) {Z=0;}
277 if (Z>G4int(maxZ)) {Z=maxZ;}
279 return zeff[Z];
284 // Decay time on K-shell
285 // N.C.Mukhopadhyay Phys. Rep. 30 (1977) 1.
287 // this is the "small Z" approximation formula (2.9)
288 // Lambda(bound)/Lambda(free) = 1-beta(Z*alpha)**2 with beta~=2.5
289 // we assume that Z is Zeff
291 // PDG 2012 muon lifetime value is 2.1969811(22) 10e-6s
292 // which when inverted gives 0.45517005 10e+6/s
294 struct decRate {
295 G4int Z;
296 G4double dRate;
297 G4double dRErr;
298 };
300 // this struct has to be sorted by Z when initialized as we exit the
301 // loop once Z is above the stored value
303 constexpr decRate decRates [] = {
304 { 1, 0.4558514, 0.0000151 }
305 };
307 G4double lambda = -1.;
309 // size_t nDecRates = sizeof(decRates)/sizeof(decRates[0]);
310 // for (size_t j = 0; j < nDecRates; ++j) {
311 // if( decRates[j].Z == Z ) {
312 // lambda = decRates[j].dRate / microsecond;
313 // break;
314 // }
315 // // make sure the data is sorted for the next statement to work
316 // if (decRates[j].Z > Z) {break;}
317 // }
319 // we'll use the above code once we have more data
320 // since we only have one value we just assign it
321 if (Z == 1) { lambda = decRates[0].dRate/microsecond; }
323 if (lambda < 0.)
324 {
325 constexpr G4double freeMuonDecayRate = 0.45517005 / microsecond;
326 lambda = 1.0;
328 lambda -= 2.5 * x * x;
329 lambda *= freeMuonDecayRate;
330 }
332 return lambda;
335// From G4MuMinusCaptureCascade
338 // Calculate the Energy of K Mesoatom Level for this Element using
339 // the Energy of Hydrogen Atom taken into account finite size of the
340 // nucleus (V.Ivanchenko)
341 constexpr G4int ListK = 28;
342 constexpr G4double ListZK[ListK] = {
343 1., 2., 4., 6., 8., 11., 14., 17., 18., 21., 24.,
344 26., 29., 32., 38., 40., 41., 44., 49., 53., 55.,
345 60., 65., 70., 75., 81., 85., 92.};
346 constexpr G4double ListKEnergy[ListK] = {
347 0.00275, 0.011, 0.043, 0.098, 0.173, 0.326,
348 0.524, 0.765, 0.853, 1.146, 1.472,
349 1.708, 2.081, 2.475, 3.323, 3.627,
350 3.779, 4.237, 5.016, 5.647, 5.966,
351 6.793, 7.602, 8.421, 9.249, 10.222,
352 10.923,11.984};
354 // Energy with finite size corrections
355 G4double KEnergy = GetLinApprox(ListK,ListZK,ListKEnergy,Z);
357 return KEnergy;
360// From G4MuMinusCaptureCascade
362 const G4double* const X,
363 const G4double* const Y,
364 G4double Xuser)
366 G4double Yuser;
367 if(Xuser <= X[0]) Yuser = Y[0];
368 else if(Xuser >= X[N-1]) Yuser = Y[N-1];
369 else
370 {
371 G4int i;
372 for (i=1; i<N; ++i)
373 {
374 if(Xuser <= X[i]) break;
375 }
377 if(Xuser == X[i]) Yuser = Y[i];
378 else Yuser = Y[i-1] + (Y[i] - Y[i-1])*(Xuser - X[i-1])/(X[i] - X[i-1]);
379 }
380 return Yuser;
G4double Y(G4double density)
static const G4int maxZ
static constexpr double microsecond
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:140
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
const G4int Z[17]
const G4double A[17]
void Insert(G4VDecayChannel *aChannel)
Definition: G4Ions.hh:52
static G4MuonicAtom * ConstructMuonicAtom(const G4String &name, G4int encoding, G4Ions const *baseion)
static G4double GetKShellEnergy(G4double A)
static G4double GetMuonCaptureRate(G4int Z, G4int A)
static G4double GetLinApprox(G4int N, const G4double *const X, const G4double *const Y, G4double Xuser)
static G4double GetMuonDecayRate(G4int Z)
static G4double GetMuonZeff(G4int Z)
G4double GetPDGMagneticMoment() const
G4int GetAtomicNumber() const
G4int GetAtomicMass() const
G4double GetPDGCharge() const
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
const G4String & GetParticleSubType() const
G4ParticleDefinition * FindParticle(G4int PDGEncoding)
static G4ParticleTable * GetParticleTable()
const char * name(G4int ptype)
int fine_structure_const