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29// John Allison 5th April 2001
30// A scene handler to dump geometry hierarchy in readable ASCII.
31// Based on a provisional G4ASCIITreeGraphicsScene (was in modeling).
35#include "G4ASCIITree.hh"
36#include "G4UIcommand.hh"
37#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
39#include "G4UIcmdWithAString.hh"
44(G4ASCIITree* ASCIITree):
45fpASCIITree(ASCIITree) {
47 G4bool omitable;
49 fpDirectory = new G4UIdirectory ("/vis/ASCIITree/");
50 fpDirectory -> SetGuidance ("Commands for ASCIITree control.");
52 fpDirectorySet = new G4UIdirectory ("/vis/ASCIITree/set/");
53 fpDirectorySet -> SetGuidance ("Settings for ASCIITree control.");
55 fpCommandVerbose = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger ("/vis/ASCIITree/verbose", this);
56 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
57 (" < 10: notifies but does not print details of repeated volumes.");
58 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
59 (" >= 10: prints all physical volumes (touchables).");
60 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
61 ("The level of detail is given by verbosity%10:");
62 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
63 (" >= 0: physical volume name.");
64 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
65 (" >= 1: logical volume name (and names of sensitive detector"
66 " and readout geometry, if any).");
67 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
68 (" >= 2: solid name and type.");
69 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
70 (" >= 3: volume and density.");
71 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
72 (" >= 5: daughter-subtracted volume and mass.");
73 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
74 (" >= 6: physical volume dump.");
75 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
76 (" >= 7: polyhedron dump.");
77 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
78 ("and in the summary at the end of printing:");
79 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
80 (" >= 4: daughter-included mass of top physical volume(s) in scene"
81 " to depth specified.");
82 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
83 ("Note: by default, culling is switched off so all volumes are seen.");
84 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
85 ("Note: the mass calculation takes into account daughters, which can be"
86 " time consuming. If you want the mass of a particular subtree try:");
87 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
88 (" /vis/drawTree <subtree-physical-volume-name>");
89 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
90 ("Or if you want more control, for example:");
91 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
92 (" /vis/open ATree");
93 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
94 (" /vis/ASCIITree/verbose 14");
95 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
96 (" /vis/scene/create");
97 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
98 (" /vis/scene/add/volume <subtree-physical-volume-name> ! <depth>");
99 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
100 (" /vis/sceneHandler/attach");
101 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
102 (" /vis/viewer/flush");
103 fVerbosityGuidance.push_back
104 ("Note: dumping the physical volumes produces a lot of output. It is"
105 " advisable to select the volume of interest, as for a sub-tree above.");
106 for (size_t i = 0; i < fVerbosityGuidance.size(); ++i) {
107 fpCommandVerbose -> SetGuidance(fVerbosityGuidance[i]);
108 }
109 fpCommandVerbose -> SetParameterName ("verbosity",omitable = true);
110 fpCommandVerbose -> SetDefaultValue(1);
112 fpCommandSetOutFile = new G4UIcmdWithAString ("/vis/ASCIITree/set/outFile", this
114 fpCommandSetOutFile -> SetGuidance ("Set name of output file.");
115 fpCommandSetOutFile -> SetParameterName ("out-filename",
116 omitable = true);
117 fpCommandSetOutFile -> SetDefaultValue ("G4cout");
121 delete fpCommandSetOutFile;
122 delete fpDirectorySet;
123 delete fpCommandVerbose;
124 delete fpDirectory;
128 return "";
132(G4UIcommand* command,
133 G4String newValue) {
134 if (command == fpCommandVerbose)
135 {
137 (fpCommandVerbose->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
138 G4cout << "G4ASCIITree verbosity now "
140 << G4endl;
141 }
142 else if (command == fpCommandSetOutFile)
143 {
144 fpASCIITree -> SetOutFileName (newValue);
145 G4cout << "G4ASCIITree out filename now "
146 << fpASCIITree -> GetOutFileName()
147 << G4endl;
148 }
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:57
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4String GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand *command)
static std::vector< G4String > fVerbosityGuidance
G4UIcmdWithAnInteger * fpCommandVerbose
G4ASCIITreeMessenger(G4ASCIITree *)
void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *command, G4String newValue)
G4UIcmdWithAString * fpCommandSetOutFile
void SetVerbosity(G4int verbosity)
Definition: G4ASCIITree.hh:48
G4int GetVerbosity() const
Definition: G4ASCIITree.hh:46
static G4int GetNewIntValue(const char *paramString)