93 G4cout <<
"G4VRangeToEnergyConverter::Convert() - ";
95 <<
" with Range Cut " << rangeCut/
mm <<
"[mm]" <<
113 cut /= (1.+(1.-cut/lowen)*tune/(rangeCut*
178 for(
G4int i=1; i<
Nbin; ++i) { (*Energy)[i] = emin*
G4Exp(i * fact); }
205 for (
G4int j=0; j<nelm; ++j)
209 range2 = (sig > 0.0) ? 5./sig :
210 if(i == 0 || range2 < rangeCut)
244 for (
G4int j=0; j<nelm; ++j)
248 range += (dedx1 + dedx2 > 0.0) ? 2*(
e2 -
e1)/(dedx1 + dedx2) : 0.0;
250 if(range2 < rangeCut)
static const G4double e1[44]
static const G4double e2[44]
static const G4double emax
std::vector< const G4Element * > G4ElementVector
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
static constexpr double mm
#define G4MUTEXLOCK(mutex)
#define G4MUTEXUNLOCK(mutex)
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
static G4int NbinPerDecade
static void SetMaxEnergyCut(const G4double value)
virtual G4double ComputeValue(const G4int Z, const G4double kinEnergy)=0
static G4double GetMaxEnergyCut()
G4double LiniearInterpolation(const G4double e1, const G4double e2, const G4double r1, const G4double r2, const G4double r)
G4double ConvertForGamma(const G4double rangeCut, const G4Material *material)
static std::vector< G4double > * Energy
G4double ConvertForElectron(const G4double rangeCut, const G4Material *material)
G4int GetVerboseLevel() const
static void FillEnergyVector(const G4double emin, const G4double emax)
virtual G4double Convert(const G4double rangeCut, const G4Material *material)
static void SetEnergyRange(const G4double lowedge, const G4double highedge)
static G4double GetLowEdgeEnergy()
virtual ~G4VRangeToEnergyConverter()
static G4double GetHighEdgeEnergy()
static constexpr double mm
static constexpr double cm3
static constexpr double GeV
static constexpr double keV
static constexpr double g
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments
T min(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the smallest of the two arguments