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26// Calculation of the total, elastic and inelastic cross-sections
27// of hadron (proton, neutron, pi+, pi-, K+, K-, anti_proton, anti_neutron
28// interactions with nuclei based on CHIPS model
30// Created by V. Uzhinsky, 31.05.2011
31// Copied to hadronic/cross_sections by W. Pokorski
33#include "G4ChipsComponentXS.hh"
35#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
36#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
37#include "G4IonTable.hh"
45G4ChipsComponentXS::G4ChipsComponentXS():G4VComponentCrossSection("G4ChipsComponentXS"), fUpperLimit( 10000 * GeV ),
46 fLowerLimit( 10 * MeV )
83(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double N)
85 G4double momentum = std::sqrt(kinEnergy*(kinEnergy+2.*aParticle->GetPDGMass()));
86 G4int PDGcode=aParticle->GetPDGEncoding();
88 G4double Xelastic(0.), Xinelastic(0.);
90 if (PDGcode == 2212) // Projectile is Proton
91 {
92 Xelastic = PxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
93 Xinelastic = PxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
94 } else if(PDGcode == 2112) // Projectile is Neutron
95 {
96 Xelastic = NxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
97 Xinelastic = NxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
98 } else if(PDGcode == -2212) // Projectile is Anti-Proton
99 {
100 Xelastic = PBARxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
101 Xinelastic = PBARxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
102 } else if(PDGcode == -2112) // Projectile is Anti-Neutron
103 {
104 Xelastic = PBARxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
105 Xinelastic = PBARxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
106 }else if(PDGcode == -3122 || PDGcode == -3222 || PDGcode == -3212 || PDGcode == -3112 || PDGcode == -3322
107 || PDGcode == -3312 || PDGcode == -3334) // Projectile is other Anti-baryon
108 {
109 Xelastic = PBARxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
110 Xinelastic = PBARxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
111 } else if(PDGcode == 211) // Projectile is Pi+
112 {
113 Xelastic = PIPxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
114 Xinelastic = PIPxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
115 } else if(PDGcode == -211) // Projectile is Pi-
116 {
117 Xelastic = PIMxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
118 Xinelastic = PIMxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
119 } else if(PDGcode == 321) // Projectile is K+
120 {
121 Xelastic = KPxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
122 Xinelastic = KPxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
123 } else if(PDGcode == -321) // Projectile is K-
124 {
125 Xelastic = KMxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
126 Xinelastic = KMxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
127 } else if(PDGcode == 130 || PDGcode == 310 || PDGcode == 311 || PDGcode == -311) // Projectile is K0
128 {
129 Xelastic = KZxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
130 Xinelastic = KZxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
131 }else if(PDGcode == 3122 || PDGcode == 3222 || PDGcode == 3112 || PDGcode == 3212
132 || PDGcode == 3312 || PDGcode == 3322 || PDGcode == 3334) // Projectile is hyperon
133 {
134 Xelastic = HxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
135 Xinelastic = HxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
136 }
138 return Xelastic+Xinelastic;
143(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int A )
144{ return GetTotalElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, (G4double) A); }
148(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double N)
150 G4double momentum = std::sqrt(kinEnergy*(kinEnergy+2.*aParticle->GetPDGMass()));
151 G4int PDGcode=aParticle->GetPDGEncoding();
153 G4double Xinelastic(0.);
155 if (PDGcode == 2212) // Projectile is Proton
156 {
157 Xinelastic = PxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
158 } else if(PDGcode == 2112) // Projectile is Neutron
159 {
160 Xinelastic = NxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
161 } else if(PDGcode == -2212) // Projectile is Anti-Proton
162 {
163 Xinelastic = PBARxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
164 } else if(PDGcode == -2112) // Projectile is Anti-Neutron
165 {
166 Xinelastic = PBARxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
167 } else if(PDGcode == 211) // Projectile is Pi+
168 {
169 Xinelastic = PIPxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
170 } else if(PDGcode == -211) // Projectile is Pi-
171 {
172 Xinelastic = PIMxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
173 } else if(PDGcode == 321) // Projectile is K+
174 {
175 Xinelastic = KPxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
176 } else if(PDGcode == -321) // Projectile is K-
177 {
178 Xinelastic = KMxsManagerInEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);;
179 }
181 return Xinelastic;
186(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int A)
187{return GetInelasticElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, (G4double) A); }
191(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double N)
193 G4double momentum = std::sqrt(kinEnergy*(kinEnergy+2.*aParticle->GetPDGMass()));
194 G4int PDGcode=aParticle->GetPDGEncoding();
196 G4double Xelastic(0.);
198 if (PDGcode == 2212) // Projectile is Proton
199 {
200 Xelastic=PxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
201 } else if(PDGcode == 2112) // Projectile is Neutron
202 {
203 Xelastic=NxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
204 } else if(PDGcode == -2212) // Projectile is Anti-Proton
205 {
206 Xelastic=PBARxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
207 } else if(PDGcode == -2112) // Projectile is Anti-Neutron
208 {
209 Xelastic=PBARxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
210 } else if(PDGcode == 211) // Projectile is Pi+
211 {
212 Xelastic=PIPxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
213 } else if(PDGcode == -211) // Projectile is Pi-
214 {
215 Xelastic=PIMxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
216 } else if(PDGcode == 321) // Projectile is K+
217 {
218 Xelastic=KPxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
219 } else if(PDGcode == -321) // Projectile is K-
220 {
221 Xelastic=KMxsManagerEl->GetChipsCrossSection(momentum,Z,(G4int)N,PDGcode);
222 }
223 return Xelastic;
228(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int A)
229{ return GetElasticElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, (G4double) A); }
static constexpr double GeV
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:203
static constexpr double MeV
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:200
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
const G4int Z[17]
const G4double A[17]
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetTotalIsotopeCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int N)
virtual G4double GetTotalElementCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double N)
G4ChipsKaonPlusElasticXS * KPxsManagerEl
G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS * PIMxsManagerEl
G4ChipsHyperonElasticXS * HxsManagerEl
G4ChipsPionPlusInelasticXS * PIPxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS * NxsManagerEl
G4ChipsAntiBaryonInelasticXS * PBARxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsHyperonInelasticXS * HxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsProtonInelasticXS * PxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsPionMinusInelasticXS * PIMxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsKaonPlusInelasticXS * KPxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsPionPlusElasticXS * PIPxsManagerEl
G4ChipsProtonElasticXS * PxsManagerEl
G4ChipsKaonZeroInelasticXS * KZxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsKaonMinusInelasticXS * KMxsManagerInEl
G4ChipsNeutronInelasticXS * NxsManagerInEl
virtual G4double GetInelasticIsotopeCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int N)
G4ChipsAntiBaryonElasticXS * PBARxsManagerEl
virtual G4double GetInelasticElementCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double N)
virtual G4double GetElasticIsotopeCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int N)
virtual G4double GetElasticElementCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double N)
G4ChipsKaonZeroElasticXS * KZxsManagerEl
G4ChipsKaonMinusElasticXS * KMxsManagerEl
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
static const char * Default_Name()
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
static const char * Default_Name()
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
static const char * Default_Name()
G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
static const char * Default_Name()
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
static const char * Default_Name()
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
static const char * Default_Name()
static const char * Default_Name()
virtual G4double GetChipsCrossSection(G4double momentum, G4int Z, G4int N, G4int pdg)
G4VCrossSectionDataSet * GetCrossSectionDataSet(const G4String &name, G4bool warning=false)
static G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry * Instance()