45#ifndef G4INCLStandardPropagationModel_hh
46#define G4INCLStandardPropagationModel_hh 1
185 void generateAllAvatarsExceptUpdated(
FinalState const *
const fs);
static constexpr double s
virtual ~StandardPropagationModel()
G4double getReflectionTime(G4INCL::Particle const *const aParticle)
Get the reflection time.
G4INCL::IAvatar * propagate(FinalState const *const fs)
G4double getTime(G4INCL::Particle const *const particleA, G4INCL::Particle const *const particleB, G4double *minDistOfApproach) const
void generateCollisions(const ParticleList &particles)
Generate and register collisions among particles in a list, except between those in another list.
G4double hadronizationTime
StandardPropagationModel(LocalEnergyType localEnergyType, LocalEnergyType localEnergyDeltaType, const G4double hTime=0.0)
void setStoppingTime(G4double)
void registerAvatar(G4INCL::IAvatar *anAvatar)
G4double getStoppingTime()
G4INCL::Nucleus * theNucleus
void updateAvatars(const ParticleList &particles)
void generateAllAvatars()
(Re)Generate all possible avatars.
G4double shoot(ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4double impactParameter, const G4double phi)
LocalEnergyType theLocalEnergyType
IAvatar * generateBinaryCollisionAvatar(Particle *const p1, Particle *const p2)
Generate a two-particle avatar.
G4INCL::Nucleus * getNucleus()
void generateUpdatedCollisions(const ParticleList &updatedParticles, const ParticleList &particles)
Generate and register collisions between a list of updated particles and all the other particles.
G4double shootComposite(ParticleSpecies const &s, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4double impactParameter, const G4double phi)
G4double getCurrentTime()
LocalEnergyType theLocalEnergyDeltaType
void generateDecays(const ParticleList &particles)
Generate decays for particles that can decay.
void setNucleus(G4INCL::Nucleus *nucleus)
G4double shootParticle(ParticleType const t, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4double impactParameter, const G4double phi)