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29// Author: Michael Kelsey <kelsey@slac.stanford.edu>
31// Simple linear interpolation class, more lightweight than
32// G4PhysicsVector. Templated on number of X-axis (usually energy)
33// bins, constructor takes a C-array of bin edges as input, and an
34// optional flag whether to truncate or extrapolate (the default) values
35// beyond the bin boundaries.
37// The interpolation action returns a simple double: the integer part
38// is the bin index, and the fractional part is, obviously, the
41// 20100517 M. Kelsey -- Bug fix in interpolate: If bin position is _exactly_
42// at upper edge (== last + 0.0), just return bin value.
43// 20100520 M. Kelsey -- Second bug fix: Loop in bin search should start at
44// i=1, not i=0 (since i-1 is the key).
45// 20100803 M. Kelsey -- Add printBins() function for debugging
46// 20101019 M. Kelsey -- CoVerity reports: recursive #include, index overrun
47// 20110728 M. Kelsey -- Fix Coverity #20238, recursive #include.
48// 20110923 M. Kelsey -- Add optional ostream& argument to printBins()
53// Find bin position (index and fraction) using input argument and array
56G4double G4CascadeInterpolator<NBINS>::getBin(const G4double x) const {
57 if (x == lastX) return lastVal; // Avoid unnecessary work
59 G4double xindex, xdiff, xbin;
62 if (x < xBins[0]) { // Handle boundaries first
64 xbin = xBins[1]-xBins[0];
65 xdiff = doExtrapolation ? x-xBins[0] : 0.; // Less than zero
66 } else if (x >= xBins[last]) {
68 xbin = xBins[last]-xBins[last-1];
69 xdiff = doExtrapolation ? x-xBins[last] : 0.;
70 } else { // Assume nBins small; linear search
72 for (i=1; i<last && x>xBins[i]; i++) {;} // Stops when x within bin i-1
74 xbin = xBins[i] - xBins[i-1];
75 xdiff = x - xBins[i-1];
79 G4cout << " G4CascadeInterpolator<" << NBINS << ">: x=" << x
80 << " index=" << xindex << " fraction=" << xdiff/xbin << G4endl;
83 return (lastVal = xindex + xdiff/xbin); // Save return value for later
87// Apply interpolation of input argument to user array
90G4double G4CascadeInterpolator<NBINS>::
91interpolate(const G4double x, const G4double (&yb)[nBins]) const {
93 return interpolate(yb);
96// Apply last found interpolation to user array
99G4double G4CascadeInterpolator<NBINS>::
100interpolate(const G4double (&yb)[nBins]) const {
101 // Treat boundary extrapolations specially, otherwise just truncate
102 G4int i = (lastVal<0) ? 0 : (lastVal>G4double(last)) ? last-1 : G4int(lastVal);
103 G4double frac = lastVal - G4double(i); // May be <0 or >1 if extrapolating
105 // Special case: if exactly on upper bin edge, just return value
106 return (i==last) ? yb[last] : (yb[i] + frac*(yb[i+1]-yb[i]));
110// Print bin edges for debugging
113void G4CascadeInterpolator<NBINS>::printBins(std::ostream& os) const {
114 os << " G4CascadeInterpolator<" << NBINS << "> : " << G4endl;
115 for (G4int k=0; k<NBINS; k++) {
116 os << " " << std::setw(6) << xBins[k];
117 if ((k+1)%10 == 0) os << G4endl;