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5// * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
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7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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26// G4WorkerRunManagerKernel implementation
28// Authors: M.Asai, A.Dotti (SLAC), 2013
29// --------------------------------------------------------------------
32#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
34// --------------------------------------------------------------------
36 : G4RunManagerKernel(workerRMK)
38 // This version of the constructor should never be called in sequential mode!
41 msg << "Geant4 code is compiled without multi-threading support "
43 "is set to off).";
44 msg << " This type of RunManager can only be used in mult-threaded "
45 "applications.";
46 G4Exception("G4RunManagerKernel::G4RunManagerKernel()", "Run0102",
47 FatalException, msg);
51// --------------------------------------------------------------------
57// --------------------------------------------------------------------
60 // Master thread has created processes and setup a pointer
61 // to the master process, get it and copy it in this instance
64 auto theParticleIterator = theParticleTable->GetIterator();
65 theParticleIterator->reset();
66 // loop on particles and get process manager from there list of processes
67 while((*theParticleIterator)())
68 {
72 if(pm == nullptr || pmM == nullptr)
73 {
75 msg
76 << "Process manager or process manager shadow to master are not set.\n";
77 msg << "Particle : " << pd->GetParticleName() << " (" << pd
78 << "), proc-manager: " << pm;
79 msg << " proc-manager-shadow: " << pmM;
80 G4Exception("G4WorkerRunManagerKernel::SetupShadowProcess()",
81 "Run0116", FatalException, msg);
82 return;
83 }
84 G4ProcessVector& procs = *(pm->GetProcessList());
85 G4ProcessVector& procsM = *(pmM->GetProcessList());
86 if(procs.size() != procsM.size())
87 {
88 G4cout << "G4WorkerRunManagerKernel::SetupShadowProcess() for particle <"
89 << pd->GetParticleName() << ">" << G4endl;
90 G4cout << " ProcessManager : " << pm << " ProcessManagerShadow : " << pmM
91 << G4endl;
92 for(std::size_t iv1 = 0; iv1 < procs.size(); ++iv1)
93 {
94 G4cout << " " << iv1 << " - " << procs[iv1]->GetProcessName()
95 << G4endl;
96 }
97 G4cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
98 << G4endl;
99 for(std::size_t iv2 = 0; iv2 < procsM.size(); ++iv2)
100 {
101 G4cout << " " << iv2 << " - " << procsM[iv2]->GetProcessName()
102 << G4endl;
103 }
104 G4cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
105 << G4endl;
107 msg
108 << " Size of G4ProcessVector is inconsistent between master and worker "
109 "threads ";
110 msg << " for the particle <" << pd->GetParticleName() << ">. \n";
111 msg << " size of G4ProcessVector for worker thread is " << procs.size();
112 msg << " while master thread is " << procsM.size() << ".";
113 G4Exception("G4WorkerRunManagerKernel::SetupShadowProcess()", "Run0117",
114 FatalException, msg);
115 }
116 // To each process add the reference to the same
117 // process from master. Note that we rely on
118 // processes being in the correct order!
119 // We could use some checking using process name or type
120 for(std::size_t idx = 0; idx < procs.size(); ++idx)
121 {
122 procs[idx]->SetMasterProcess(procsM[idx]);
123 }
124 }
@ FatalException
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
Definition: G4Exception.hh:40
#define theParticleIterator
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:57
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4ProcessManager * GetProcessManager() const
G4ProcessManager * GetMasterProcessManager() const
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
void DestroyWorkerG4ParticleTable()
G4PTblDicIterator * GetIterator() const
static G4ParticleTable * GetParticleTable()
G4ProcessVector * GetProcessList() const
std::size_t size() const