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26// Geant4 Class file
28// File name: G4PolarizedComptonXS
30// Author: Andreas Schaelicke
32// Class Description:
33// determine the polarization of the final state
34// in a Compton scattering process employing the differential
35// cross section by F.W.Lipps & H.A.Tolhoek
36// ( Physica 20 (1954) 395 )
38#ifndef G4PolarizedComptonXS_h
39#define G4PolarizedComptonXS_h 1
41#include "globals.hh"
42#include "G4StokesVector.hh"
43#include "G4VPolarizedXS.hh"
47 public:
49 ~G4PolarizedComptonXS() override;
51 // prepares the ingredients for the calculation of a polarization
52 // dependent differential cross section
53 // the kinematics is fixed (X - incoming photon energy in units of electron
54 // mass, eps - outgoing photon energy in unit of incoming photon energy,
55 // and polarization of the incoming particles fixed (p0, p1)
56 // a flag specifies the extent to which polarization is taken into account
58 const G4StokesVector& p0, const G4StokesVector& p1,
59 G4int flag = 0) override;
61 // returns the differential cross section for a given polarisation state
62 // of the final state particles to be used in the calculation of the
63 // polarization transfer the calculation has to be initialised by calling
64 // Initialize() prior to the first call of this function (see above)
66 const G4StokesVector& pol3) override;
67 // total cross section
69 const G4StokesVector& pol0,
70 const G4StokesVector& pol1) override;
72 // return expected mean polarisation
73 G4StokesVector GetPol2() override;
74 G4StokesVector GetPol3() override;
79 private:
80 void DefineCoefficients(const G4StokesVector& pol0,
81 const G4StokesVector& pol1);
83 static constexpr G4double re2 =
85 (4. * CLHEP::pi / CLHEP::hbarc) * (4. * CLHEP::pi / CLHEP::hbarc);
87 // these variables store the information necessary to evaluate the
88 // differential cross section for arbitrary final state
89 // polarizations (used in XSection):
90 // - part depending on the polarization of the final photon
92 // - part depending on the polarization of the final electron
94 // - polarization independent part
96 // - product of polarizations of initial particles
99 // G4double diffXSFactor, totalXSFactor;
static const G4double eps
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
static constexpr G4double re2
G4PolarizedComptonXS & operator=(const G4PolarizedComptonXS &right)=delete
void Initialize(G4double eps, G4double X, G4double phi, const G4StokesVector &p0, const G4StokesVector &p1, G4int flag=0) override
G4StokesVector GetPol2() override
G4double TotalXSection(G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4double y, const G4StokesVector &pol0, const G4StokesVector &pol1) override
G4PolarizedComptonXS(const G4PolarizedComptonXS &)=delete
G4StokesVector GetPol3() override
G4double XSection(const G4StokesVector &pol2, const G4StokesVector &pol3) override
void DefineCoefficients(const G4StokesVector &pol0, const G4StokesVector &pol1)
static constexpr double classic_electr_radius
static constexpr double hbarc
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:55