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3// * License and Disclaimer *
5// * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6// * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8// * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These *
9// * include a list of copyright holders. *
11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12// * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13// * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
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18// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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27// Author: Ivana Hrivnacova, 15/09/2020 (ivana@ipno.in2p3.fr)
29#include "G4AnalysisUtilities.hh"
31#include "tools/hdf5/header"
32#include "tools/hdf5/h2file"
33#include "tools/histo/h1d"
34#include "tools/histo/h2d"
35#include "tools/histo/h3d"
36#include "tools/histo/p1d"
37#include "tools/histo/p2d"
39#include "tools/hdf5/h2file"
44G4bool G4Hdf5HnFileManager<tools::histo::p1d>::WriteImpl(
45 hid_t hdirectory, tools::histo::p1d* ht, const G4String& htName)
47 return tools::hdf5::write_profile(G4cout, hdirectory, htName, *ht);
53G4bool G4Hdf5HnFileManager<tools::histo::p2d>::WriteImpl(
54 hid_t hdirectory, tools::histo::p2d* ht, const G4String& htName)
56 return tools::hdf5::write_profile(G4cout, hdirectory, htName, *ht);
62G4bool G4Hdf5HnFileManager<HT>::WriteImpl(
63 hid_t hdirectory, HT* ht, const G4String& htName)
65 return tools::hdf5::write_histo(G4cout, hdirectory, htName, *ht);
71G4bool G4Hdf5HnFileManager<HT>::WriteExtra(
72 HT* ht, const G4String& htName, const G4String& fileName)
76 hid_t hfile = ::H5Fcreate(fileName, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
78 // Do nothing if there is no file
79 // (te error should be handled by caller)
81 G4cerr << "::H5Fcreate failed " << G4endl;
85 // create a header with general infos :
86 if(!tools::hdf5::write_header(hfile)) {
87 G4cerr << "tools::hdf5::write_header() failed." << std::endl;
92 hid_t hdirectory = tools_H5Gcreate(hfile, "histograms", 0);
93 if ( hdirectory < 0 ) {
94 G4cerr << "tools_H5Gcreate failed " << G4endl;
98 auto result = tools::hdf5::write_atb(hdirectory, "type", "directory");
100 G4cerr << "tools::hdf5::write_atb failed " << G4endl;
104 result = WriteImpl(hdirectory, ht, htName);
106 G4cerr << "Writing HT failed" << G4endl;
111 ::H5Gclose(hdirectory);
117template <typename HT>
119G4bool G4Hdf5HnFileManager<HT>::Write(
120 HT* ht, const G4String& htName, G4String& fileName)
122 if (fileName.empty()) {
124 G4cerr << "!!! Hdf5 file name not defined." << G4endl;
125 G4cerr << "!!! Write " << htName << " failed." << G4endl;
129 auto hdirectory = std::get<1>(*fFileManager->GetTFile(fileName));
130 if ( hdirectory < 0 ) {
132 "Failed to get Hdf5 file " + fileName + " histo directory.",
137 auto result = WriteImpl(hdirectory, ht, htName);
138 fFileManager->LockDirectoryNames();