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29// Inline function implementation.
31// =======================================================================
32// Created: 9 June 1998, J. Apostolakis
33// =======================================================================
35#include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
36#include "G4TransportationLogger.hh"
37#include "G4FieldManagerStore.hh"
39inline void G4CoupledTransportation::
40SetPropagatorInField( G4PropagatorInField* pFieldPropagator)
42 fFieldPropagator= pFieldPropagator;
45inline G4PropagatorInField* G4CoupledTransportation::GetPropagatorInField()
47 return fFieldPropagator;
50inline G4bool G4CoupledTransportation::DoesAnyFieldExist()
52 G4FieldManagerStore* fieldMgrStore= G4FieldManagerStore::GetInstance();
53 return fieldMgrStore->size() > 0;
56inline G4double G4CoupledTransportation::GetThresholdWarningEnergy() const
58 return fThreshold_Warning_Energy;
61inline G4double G4CoupledTransportation::GetThresholdImportantEnergy() const
63 return fThreshold_Important_Energy;
66inline G4int G4CoupledTransportation::GetThresholdTrials() const
68 return fThresholdTrials;
71inline void G4CoupledTransportation::SetThresholdWarningEnergy( G4double newEnWarn )
73 fThreshold_Warning_Energy= newEnWarn;
75 fpLogger->SetThresholdWarningEnergy( newEnWarn );
77 ReportMissingLogger("SetThresholdWarningEnergy");
79 // Update the information for correct reporting
82inline void G4CoupledTransportation::SetThresholdImportantEnergy( G4double newEnImp )
84 fThreshold_Important_Energy = newEnImp;
86 fpLogger->SetThresholdImportantEnergy( newEnImp );
87 // Update the information for correct reporting
89 ReportMissingLogger("SetThresholdImportantEnergy");
93inline void G4CoupledTransportation::SetThresholdTrials(G4int newMaxTrials )
95 fThresholdTrials = newMaxTrials;
97 fpLogger->SetThresholdTrials(newMaxTrials );
98 // Update the information for correct reporting
100 ReportMissingLogger("SetThresholdTrials");
104inline G4double G4CoupledTransportation::GetMaxEnergyKilled() const
106 return fMaxEnergyKilled;
109inline G4double G4CoupledTransportation::GetSumEnergyKilled() const
111 return fSumEnergyKilled;
114inline void G4CoupledTransportation::ResetKilledStatistics(G4int report)
116 // Statistics for tracks killed (currently due to looping in field)
120 G4cout << " G4CoupledTransportation: Statistics for looping particles "
122 G4cout << " Sum of energy of loopers killed: " << fSumEnergyKilled
124 G4cout << " Max energy of loopers killed: " << fMaxEnergyKilled
128 fMaxEnergyKilled= -1.0*CLHEP::GeV;
135 fpLogger->SetThresholds( GetThresholdWarningEnergy(),
136 GetThresholdImportantEnergy(),
137 GetThresholdTrials() );
139 ReportMissingLogger("PushThresholdsToLogger()");