Go to the documentation of this file.
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27// 070606 fix for Valgrind by T. Koi
29// P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
31#ifndef G4ParticleHPFissionERelease_h
32#define G4ParticleHPFissionERelease_h 1
34#include <fstream>
37#include "globals.hh"
38#include "G4ios.hh"
42 public:
44 : totalEnergy( 0.0 )
45 , fragmentKinetic( 0.0 )
48 , promptGammaEnergy( 0.0 )
49 , delayedGammaEnergy( 0.0 )
50 , delayedBetaEnergy( 0.0 )
51 , neutrinoEnergy( 0.0 )
52 , reducedTotalEnergy( 0.0 )
53 {
54 }
57 inline void Init(std::istream & aDataFile)
58 {
59 G4double dummy;
61 aDataFile >>dummy
81 }
83 inline G4double GetTotalEnergy(G4double deltaNNeu, G4double anEnergy)
84 {
85 G4double result, delta, energy;
86 energy = anEnergy/CLHEP::eV;
87 delta = -(1.057*energy - 8.07*deltaNNeu);
88 result = totalEnergy - delta*CLHEP::eV;
89 return result;
90 }
92 {
93 return fragmentKinetic;
94 }
96 {
97 G4double result, delta, energy;
98 energy = anEnergy/CLHEP::eV;
99 delta = -(1.307*energy - 8.07*deltaNNeu);
100 result = totalEnergy - delta*CLHEP::eV;
101 return result;
102 }
104 {
106 }
108 {
109 return promptGammaEnergy;
110 }
112 {
113 G4double delta = 0.075*anEnergy;
114 G4double result = delayedGammaEnergy-delta;
115 return result;
116 }
118 {
119 G4double delta = 0.075*anEnergy;
120 G4double result = delayedBetaEnergy-delta;
121 return result;
122 }
124 {
125 G4double delta = 0.1*anEnergy;
126 G4double result = neutrinoEnergy-delta;
127 return result;
128 }
129 inline G4double GetReducedTotal(G4double deltaNNeu, G4double anEnergy)
130 {
131 return GetTotalEnergy(deltaNNeu, anEnergy) - GetNeutrinoEnergy(anEnergy);
132 }
133 private:
143 G4double reducedTotalEnergy; // total - neutrino
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
void Init(std::istream &aDataFile)
G4double GetDelayedBetaEnergy(G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetTotalEnergy(G4double deltaNNeu, G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetNeutrinoEnergy(G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetReducedTotal(G4double deltaNNeu, G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetPromptNeutronKinetic(G4double deltaNNeu, G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetDelayedGammaEnergy(G4double anEnergy)
static constexpr double eV
G4double energy(const ThreeVector &p, const G4double m)