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29// GEANT4 Visualization Manager - John Allison 02/Jan/1996.
31inline void G4VisManager::Initialize () {
35inline const std::vector<G4VisManager::UserVisAction>&
36G4VisManager::GetRunDurationUserVisActions () const {
37 return fRunDurationUserVisActions;
40inline const std::vector<G4VisManager::UserVisAction>&
41G4VisManager::GetEndOfEventUserVisActions () const {
42 return fEndOfEventUserVisActions;
45inline const std::vector<G4VisManager::UserVisAction>&
46G4VisManager::GetEndOfRunUserVisActions () const {
47 return fEndOfRunUserVisActions;
50inline const std::map<G4VUserVisAction*,G4VisExtent>&
51G4VisManager::GetUserVisActionExtents () const {
52 return fUserVisActionExtents;
55inline G4VSceneHandler* G4VisManager::GetCurrentSceneHandler () const {
56 return fpSceneHandler;
59inline G4VViewer* G4VisManager::GetCurrentViewer () const {
63inline G4Scene* G4VisManager::GetCurrentScene () const {
67inline const G4SceneHandlerList&
68G4VisManager::GetAvailableSceneHandlers () const {
69 return fAvailableSceneHandlers;
72inline const G4SceneList& G4VisManager::GetSceneList () const {
76inline G4VGraphicsSystem*
77G4VisManager::GetCurrentGraphicsSystem () const {
78 return fpGraphicsSystem;
81inline G4bool G4VisManager::GetTransientsDrawnThisEvent() const {
82 return fTransientsDrawnThisEvent;
85inline G4bool G4VisManager::GetTransientsDrawnThisRun() const {
86 return fTransientsDrawnThisRun;
89inline G4bool G4VisManager::GetDrawEventOnlyIfToBeKept() const {
90 return fDrawEventOnlyIfToBeKept;
93inline const G4Event* G4VisManager::GetRequestedEvent() const {
94 return fpRequestedEvent;
97inline G4int G4VisManager::GetNKeepRequests () const {
98 return fNKeepRequests;
101inline G4bool G4VisManager::GetReviewingKeptEvents() const {
102 return fReviewingKeptEvents;
105inline G4bool G4VisManager::GetAbortReviewKeptEvents() const {
106 return fAbortReviewKeptEvents;
109inline const G4ViewParameters& G4VisManager::GetDefaultViewParameters() const {
110 return fDefaultViewParameters;
115inline G4int G4VisManager::GetMaxEventQueueSize() const {
116 return fMaxEventQueueSize;
119inline G4bool G4VisManager::GetWaitOnEventQueueFull () const {
120 return fWaitOnEventQueueFull;
125inline G4SceneList& G4VisManager::SetSceneList () {
129inline G4SceneHandlerList& G4VisManager::SetAvailableSceneHandlers () {
130 return fAvailableSceneHandlers;
133inline void G4VisManager::SetVerboseLevel (G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity) {
134 fVerbosity = verbosity;
137inline void G4VisManager::SetEventRefreshing (G4bool eventRefreshing) {
138 fEventRefreshing = eventRefreshing;
141inline void G4VisManager::RegisterMessenger(G4UImessenger* msgr)
143 fMessengerList.push_back(msgr);
146inline void G4VisManager::SetTransientsDrawnThisRun (G4bool b) {
147 fTransientsDrawnThisRun = b;
150inline void G4VisManager::SetTransientsDrawnThisEvent (G4bool b) {
151 fTransientsDrawnThisEvent = b;
154inline void G4VisManager::SetDrawEventOnlyIfToBeKept (G4bool b) {
155 fDrawEventOnlyIfToBeKept = b;
158inline void G4VisManager::SetRequestedEvent (const G4Event* event) {
159 fpRequestedEvent = event;
162inline void G4VisManager::SetReviewingKeptEvents (G4bool reveiwing) {
163 fReviewingKeptEvents = reveiwing;
165inline void G4VisManager::SetAbortReviewKeptEvents (G4bool abort) {
166 fAbortReviewKeptEvents = abort;
169inline void G4VisManager::SetDefaultViewParameters
170(const G4ViewParameters& vp) {
171 fDefaultViewParameters = vp;
176inline void G4VisManager::SetMaxEventQueueSize (G4int size) {
177 fMaxEventQueueSize = size;
180inline void G4VisManager::SetWaitOnEventQueueFull (G4bool wait) {
181 fWaitOnEventQueueFull = wait;