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26// G4Integrator
28// Class description:
30// Template class collecting integrator methods for generic funtions.
32// Author: V.Grichine, 04.09.1999 - First implementation based on
33// G4SimpleIntegration class with H.P.Wellisch, G.Cosmo, and
34// E.TCherniaev advises
35// --------------------------------------------------------------------
37#define G4INTEGRATOR_HH 1
39#include "G4Types.hh"
41#include <cmath>
43template <class T, class F>
46 public:
50 G4double Simpson(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n);
51 G4double Simpson(T* ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n);
53 // Simpson integration method
58 G4double e);
59 // Adaptive Gauss method
61 // Integration methods involving orthogohol polynomials
63 G4double Legendre(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n);
64 G4double Legendre(T* ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n);
66 //
67 // Methods involving Legendre polynomials
69 G4double Legendre10(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b);
70 G4double Legendre10(T* ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b);
72 //
73 // Legendre10 is very fast and accurate enough
75 G4double Legendre96(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b);
76 G4double Legendre96(T* ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b);
78 //
79 // Legendre96 is very accurate and fast enough
81 G4double Chebyshev(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n);
82 G4double Chebyshev(T* ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n);
84 //
85 // Methods involving Chebyshev polynomials
90 //
91 // Method involving Laguerre polynomials
93 G4double Hermite(T& typeT, F f, G4int n);
94 G4double Hermite(T* ptrT, F f, G4int n);
96 //
97 // Method involving Hermite polynomials
102 G4int n);
103 // Method involving Jacobi polynomials
105 protected:
106 // Auxiliary functions for adaptive Gauss method
108 G4double Gauss(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b);
109 G4double Gauss(T* ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b);
112 void AdaptGauss(T& typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4double e,
113 G4double& sum, G4int& n);
114 void AdaptGauss(T* typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4double e,
115 G4double& sum, G4int& n);
117 G4double& sum, G4int& n);
122#include "G4Integrator.icc"
static const G4double alpha
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
G4double Gauss(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Jacobi(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double alpha, G4double beta, G4int n)
G4double Simpson(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Legendre96(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b)
G4double AdaptiveGauss(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4double e)
void AdaptGauss(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4double e, G4double &sum, G4int &n)
G4double Legendre(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Chebyshev(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Hermite(T *ptrT, F f, G4int n)
G4double Laguerre(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double alpha, G4int n)
G4double Jacobi(T *ptrT, F f, G4double alpha, G4double beta, G4int n)
G4double Jacobi(T &typeT, F f, G4double alpha, G4double beta, G4int n)
G4double Simpson(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Laguerre(T &typeT, F f, G4double alpha, G4int n)
G4double Legendre10(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b)
void AdaptGauss(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b, G4double e, G4double &sum, G4int &n)
G4double Legendre96(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Legendre96(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Chebyshev(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Gauss(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Hermite(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4int n)
G4double Gauss(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Legendre10(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Simpson(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double AdaptiveGauss(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4double e)
G4double GammaLogarithm(G4double xx)
G4double Chebyshev(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double AdaptiveGauss(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b, G4double e)
G4double Legendre10(G4double(*f)(G4double), G4double a, G4double b)
G4double Legendre(T *ptrT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Legendre(T &typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4int n)
G4double Hermite(T &typeT, F f, G4int n)
G4double Laguerre(T *ptrT, F f, G4double alpha, G4int n)
void AdaptGauss(T *typeT, F f, G4double a, G4double b, G4double e, G4double &sum, G4int &n)