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30G4AccumulableManager::GetAccumulable(G4VAccumulable* accumulable, G4bool warn) const
32 // Do not check type if nullptr
33 if ( ! accumulable ) return nullptr;
36 auto taccumulable = dynamic_cast<G4Accumulable<T>*>(accumulable);
37 if ( ! taccumulable && warn ) {
38 G4ExceptionDescription description;
39 description << " " << "Accumulable " << accumulable->GetName()
40 << " has different type";
41 G4Exception("G4AccumulableManager::GetAccumulable<T>",
42 "Analysis_W001", JustWarning, description);
53 const G4String& name, T value, G4MergeMode mergeMode)
55 // do not accept name if it is already used
56 if ( ! CheckName(name, "CreateAccumulable") ) return 0;
59 auto accumulable = new G4Accumulable<T>(name, value, mergeMode);
61 // register accumulable in the map and vector
62 RegisterAccumulable(accumulable);
63 fAccumulablesToDelete.push_back(accumulable);
72 T value, G4MergeMode mergeMode)
74 return CreateAccumulable(G4String(), value, mergeMode);
79G4bool G4AccumulableManager::RegisterAccumulable(G4Accumulable<T>& accumulable)
81 return RegisterAccumulable(&accumulable);
87G4AccumulableManager::GetAccumulable(const G4String& name, G4bool warn) const
89 // get G4VParammeter from the map
90 auto accumulable = GetAccumulable(name, warn);
91 return GetAccumulable<T>(accumulable, warn);
97G4AccumulableManager::GetAccumulable(G4int id, G4bool warn) const
99 // get G4VParammeter from the map
100 auto accumulable = GetAccumulable(id, warn);
101 return GetAccumulable<T>(accumulable, warn);
105inline G4int G4AccumulableManager::GetNofAccumulables() const
107 return G4int(fVector.size());
111inline std::vector<G4VAccumulable*>::iterator G4AccumulableManager::Begin()
113 return fVector.begin();
117inline std::vector<G4VAccumulable*>::iterator G4AccumulableManager::End()
119 return fVector.end();
123inline std::vector<G4VAccumulable*>::const_iterator
124G4AccumulableManager::BeginConst() const
126 return fVector.begin();
130inline std::vector<G4VAccumulable*>::const_iterator
131G4AccumulableManager::EndConst() const
133 return fVector.end();