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18// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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26// INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27// Alain Boudard, CEA-Saclay, France
28// Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege, Belgium
29// Jean-Christophe David, CEA-Saclay, France
30// Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA-Saclay, France, and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland
31// Sylvie Leray, CEA-Saclay, France
32// Davide Mancusi, CEA-Saclay, France
36#include "globals.hh"
45#include "G4INCLClusterDecay.hh"
48#include "G4INCLRandom.hh"
50// #include <cassert>
51#include <algorithm>
53namespace G4INCL {
55 namespace ClusterDecay {
57 namespace {
60 void twoBodyDecay(Cluster * const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts) {
61 Particle *decayParticle = 0;
62 const ThreeVector mom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
63 const ThreeVector pos = c->getPosition();
65 // Create the emitted particle
66 switch(theDecayMode) {
67 case ProtonDecay:
68 decayParticle = new Particle(Proton, mom, pos);
69 break;
70 case NeutronDecay:
71 decayParticle = new Particle(Neutron, mom, pos);
72 break;
73 case AlphaDecay:
74 decayParticle = new Cluster(2,4,0,false);
75 break;
76 case LambdaDecay:
77 decayParticle = new Particle(Lambda, mom, pos);
78 break;
79 default:
80 INCL_ERROR("Unrecognized cluster-decay mode in two-body decay: " << theDecayMode << '\n'
81 << c->print());
82 return;
83 }
84 decayParticle->makeParticipant();
85 decayParticle->setNumberOfDecays(1);
86 decayParticle->setPosition(c->getPosition());
87 decayParticle->setEmissionTime(c->getEmissionTime());
88 decayParticle->setRealMass();
90 // Save some variables of the mother cluster
92 if ((c->getZ() == 1) && (c->getA() == 2) && (c->getS() == -1)) { // no Mass for A=2,Z=1,S=-1 in Geant4
93 c->setMass(2053.952);
94 if (c->getEnergy() < 2053.952) // Energy can be lower than the sum of p and Lambda masses (2053.952)...
95 c->setMomentum(c->getMomentum() * 0.) ;
96 else
97 c->setMomentum(c->getMomentum() / (std::sqrt(c->getMomentum().mag2())/std::sqrt(c->getMomentum().mag2() - 2053.952*2053.952))) ;
98 }
100 G4double motherMass = c->getMass();
101 const ThreeVector velocity = -c->boostVector();
103 // Characteristics of the daughter particle
104 const G4int daughterZ = c->getZ() - decayParticle->getZ();
105 const G4int daughterA = c->getA() - decayParticle->getA();
106 const G4int daughterS = c->getS() - decayParticle->getS();
107 const G4double daughterMass = ParticleTable::getRealMass(daughterA,daughterZ,daughterS);
109 // The mother cluster becomes the daughter
110 c->setZ(daughterZ);
111 c->setA(daughterA);
112 c->setS(daughterS);
113 c->setMass(daughterMass);
114 c->setExcitationEnergy(0.);
116 // Decay kinematics in the mother rest frame
117 const G4double decayMass = decayParticle->getMass();
118// assert(motherMass-daughterMass-decayMass>-1.e-5); // Q-value should be >0
119 G4double pCM = 0.;
120 if(motherMass-daughterMass-decayMass>0.)
121 pCM = KinematicsUtils::momentumInCM(motherMass, daughterMass, decayMass);
122 const ThreeVector momentum = Random::normVector(pCM);
123 c->setMomentum(momentum);
125 decayParticle->setMomentum(-momentum);
126 decayParticle->adjustEnergyFromMomentum();
128 // Boost to the lab frame
129 decayParticle->boost(velocity);
130 c->boost(velocity);
132 // Add the decay particle to the list of decay products
133 decayProducts->push_back(decayParticle);
134 }
137 void threeBodyDecay(Cluster * const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts) {
138 Particle *decayParticle1 = 0;
139 Particle *decayParticle2 = 0;
140 const ThreeVector mom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
141 const ThreeVector pos = c->getPosition();
143 // Create the emitted particles
144 switch(theDecayMode) {
145 case TwoProtonDecay:
146 decayParticle1 = new Particle(Proton, mom, pos);
147 decayParticle2 = new Particle(Proton, mom, pos);
148 break;
149 case TwoNeutronDecay:
150 decayParticle1 = new Particle(Neutron, mom, pos);
151 decayParticle2 = new Particle(Neutron, mom, pos);
152 break;
153 default:
154 INCL_ERROR("Unrecognized cluster-decay mode in three-body decay: " << theDecayMode << '\n'
155 << c->print());
156 return;
157 }
158 decayParticle1->makeParticipant();
159 decayParticle2->makeParticipant();
160 decayParticle1->setNumberOfDecays(1);
161 decayParticle2->setNumberOfDecays(1);
162 decayParticle1->setRealMass();
163 decayParticle2->setRealMass();
165 // Save some variables of the mother cluster
166 const G4double motherMass = c->getMass();
167 const ThreeVector velocity = -c->boostVector();
169 // Masses and charges of the daughter particle and of the decay products
170 const G4int decayZ1 = decayParticle1->getZ();
171 const G4int decayA1 = decayParticle1->getA();
172 const G4int decayS1 = decayParticle1->getS();
173 const G4int decayZ2 = decayParticle2->getZ();
174 const G4int decayA2 = decayParticle2->getA();
175 const G4int decayS2 = decayParticle2->getS();
176 const G4int decayZ = decayZ1 + decayZ2;
177 const G4int decayA = decayA1 + decayA2;
178 const G4int decayS = decayS1 + decayS2;
179 const G4int daughterZ = c->getZ() - decayZ;
180 const G4int daughterA = c->getA() - decayA;
181 const G4int daughterS = c->getS() - decayS;
182 const G4double decayMass1 = decayParticle1->getMass();
183 const G4double decayMass2 = decayParticle2->getMass();
184 const G4double daughterMass = ParticleTable::getRealMass(daughterA,daughterZ,daughterS);
186 // Q-values
187 G4double qValue = motherMass - daughterMass - decayMass1 - decayMass2;
188// assert(qValue > -1e-5); // Q-value should be >0
189 if(qValue<0.)
190 qValue=0.;
191 const G4double qValueB = qValue * Random::shoot();
193 // The decay particles behave as if they had more mass until the second
194 // decay
195 const G4double decayMass = decayMass1 + decayMass2 + qValueB;
197 /* Stage A: mother --> daughter + (decay1+decay2) */
199 // The mother cluster becomes the daughter
200 c->setZ(daughterZ);
201 c->setA(daughterA);
202 c->setS(daughterS);
203 c->setMass(daughterMass);
204 c->setExcitationEnergy(0.);
206 // Decay kinematics in the mother rest frame
207 const G4double pCMA = KinematicsUtils::momentumInCM(motherMass, daughterMass, decayMass);
208 const ThreeVector momentumA = Random::normVector(pCMA);
209 c->setMomentum(momentumA);
211 const ThreeVector decayBoostVector = momentumA/std::sqrt(decayMass*decayMass + momentumA.mag2());
213 /* Stage B: (decay1+decay2) --> decay1 + decay2 */
215 // Decay kinematics in the (decay1+decay2) rest frame
216 const G4double pCMB = KinematicsUtils::momentumInCM(decayMass, decayMass1, decayMass2);
217 const ThreeVector momentumB = Random::normVector(pCMB);
218 decayParticle1->setMomentum(momentumB);
219 decayParticle2->setMomentum(-momentumB);
220 decayParticle1->adjustEnergyFromMomentum();
221 decayParticle2->adjustEnergyFromMomentum();
223 // Boost decay1 and decay2 to the Stage-A decay frame
224 decayParticle1->boost(decayBoostVector);
225 decayParticle2->boost(decayBoostVector);
227 // Boost all particles to the lab frame
228 decayParticle1->boost(velocity);
229 decayParticle2->boost(velocity);
230 c->boost(velocity);
232 // Add the decay particles to the list of decay products
233 decayProducts->push_back(decayParticle1);
234 decayProducts->push_back(decayParticle2);
235 }
250 void phaseSpaceDecayLegacy(Cluster * const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts) {
251 const G4int theA = c->getA();
252 const G4int theZ = c->getZ();
253// assert(c->getS() == 0);
254 const ThreeVector mom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
255 const ThreeVector pos = c->getPosition();
257 G4int theZStep;
258 ParticleType theEjectileType;
259 switch(theDecayMode) {
260 case ProtonUnbound:
261 theZStep = 1;
262 theEjectileType = Proton;
263 break;
264 case NeutronUnbound:
265 theZStep = 0;
266 theEjectileType = Neutron;
267 break;
268 default:
269 INCL_ERROR("Unrecognized cluster-decay mode in phase-space decay: " << theDecayMode << '\n'
270 << c->print());
271 return;
272 }
274 // Find the daughter cluster (first cluster which is not
275 // proton/neutron-unbound, in the sense of the table)
276 G4int finalDaughterZ, finalDaughterA;
278 finalDaughterZ=theZ;
279 finalDaughterA=theA;
280 while(clusterDecayMode[0][finalDaughterZ][finalDaughterA]==theDecayMode) { /* Loop checking, 10.07.2015, D.Mancusi */
281 finalDaughterA--;
282 finalDaughterZ -= theZStep;
283 }
284 } else {
285 finalDaughterA = 1;
286 if(theDecayMode==ProtonUnbound)
287 finalDaughterZ = 1;
288 else
289 finalDaughterZ = 0;
290 }
291// assert(finalDaughterZ<=theZ && finalDaughterA<theA && finalDaughterA>0 && finalDaughterZ>=0);
292 const G4double finalDaughterMass = ParticleTable::getRealMass(finalDaughterA, finalDaughterZ);
294 // Compute the available decay energy
295 const G4int nSplits = theA-finalDaughterA;
296 const G4double ejectileMass = ParticleTable::getRealMass(1, theZStep);
297 // c->getMass() can possibly contain some excitation energy, too
298 G4double availableEnergy = c->getMass() - finalDaughterMass - nSplits*ejectileMass;
299// assert(availableEnergy>-1.e-5);
300 if(availableEnergy<0.)
301 availableEnergy=0.;
303 // Compute an estimate of the maximum event weight
304 G4double maximumWeight = 1.;
305 G4double eMax = finalDaughterMass + availableEnergy;
306 G4double eMin = finalDaughterMass - ejectileMass;
307 for(G4int iSplit=0; iSplit<nSplits; ++iSplit) {
308 eMax += ejectileMass;
309 eMin += ejectileMass;
310 maximumWeight *= KinematicsUtils::momentumInCM(eMax, eMin, ejectileMass);
311 }
313 // Sample decays until the weight cutoff is satisfied
314 G4double weight;
315 std::vector<G4double> theCMMomenta;
316 std::vector<G4double> invariantMasses;
317 G4int nTries=0;
318 /* Maximum number of trials dependent on nSplits. 50 trials seems to be
319 * sufficient for small nSplits. For nSplits>=5, maximumWeight is a gross
320 * overestimate of the actual maximum weight, leading to unreasonably high
321 * rejection rates. For these cases, we set nSplits=1000, although the sane
322 * thing to do would be to improve the importance sampling (maybe by
323 * parametrising maximumWeight?).
324 */
325 G4int maxTries;
326 if(nSplits<5)
327 maxTries=50;
328 else
329 maxTries=1000;
330 do {
331 if(nTries++>maxTries) {
332 INCL_WARN("Phase-space decay exceeded the maximum number of rejections (" << maxTries
333 << "). Z=" << theZ << ", A=" << theA << ", E*=" << c->getExcitationEnergy()
334 << ", availableEnergy=" << availableEnergy
335 << ", nSplits=" << nSplits
336 << '\n');
337 break;
338 }
340 // Construct a sorted vector of random numbers
341 std::vector<G4double> randomNumbers;
342 for(G4int iSplit=0; iSplit<nSplits-1; ++iSplit)
343 randomNumbers.push_back(Random::shoot0());
344 std::sort(randomNumbers.begin(), randomNumbers.end());
346 // Divide the available decay energy in the right number of steps
347 invariantMasses.clear();
348 invariantMasses.push_back(finalDaughterMass);
349 for(G4int iSplit=0; iSplit<nSplits-1; ++iSplit)
350 invariantMasses.push_back(finalDaughterMass + (iSplit+1)*ejectileMass +*availableEnergy);
351 invariantMasses.push_back(c->getMass());
353 weight = 1.;
354 theCMMomenta.clear();
355 for(G4int iSplit=0; iSplit<nSplits; ++iSplit) {
356 G4double motherMass =;
357 const G4double daughterMass =;
358// assert(motherMass-daughterMass-ejectileMass>-1.e-5);
359 G4double pCM = 0.;
360 if(motherMass-daughterMass-ejectileMass>0.)
361 pCM = KinematicsUtils::momentumInCM(motherMass, daughterMass, ejectileMass);
362 theCMMomenta.push_back(pCM);
363 weight *= pCM;
364 }
365 } while(maximumWeight*Random::shoot()>weight); /* Loop checking, 10.07.2015, D.Mancusi */
367 for(G4int iSplit=0; iSplit<nSplits; ++iSplit) {
368 ThreeVector const velocity = -c->boostVector();
370#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE)
371 const G4double motherMass = c->getMass();
373 c->setA(c->getA() - 1);
374 c->setZ(c->getZ() - theZStep);
375 c->setMass(;
377 Particle *ejectile = new Particle(theEjectileType, mom, pos);
378 ejectile->setRealMass();
380// assert(motherMass-c->getMass()-ejectileMass>-1.e-5);
381 ThreeVector momentum;
382 momentum = Random::normVector(;
383 c->setMomentum(momentum);
385 ejectile->setMomentum(-momentum);
386 ejectile->adjustEnergyFromMomentum();
388 // Boost to the lab frame
389 c->boost(velocity);
390 ejectile->boost(velocity);
392 // Add the decay particle to the list of decay products
393 decayProducts->push_back(ejectile);
394 }
395// assert(std::abs(c->getRealMass()-c->getMass())<1.e-3);
396 c->setExcitationEnergy(0.);
397 }
398#endif // INCL_DO_NOT_COMPILE
405 void phaseSpaceDecay(Cluster * const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts) {
406 const G4int theA = c->getA();
407 const G4int theZ = c->getZ();
408 const G4int theL = (-1)*(c->getS());
409 const ThreeVector mom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
410 const ThreeVector pos = c->getPosition();
412 G4int theZStep;
414 ParticleType theEjectileType;
415 switch(theDecayMode) {
416 case ProtonUnbound:
417 theZStep = 1;
418 theEjectileType = Proton;
419 break;
420 case NeutronUnbound:
421 theZStep = 0;
422 theEjectileType = Neutron;
423 break;
424 case LambdaUnbound: // Will always completly decay. Append only if theA == 0 and/or theZ == 0
425 theZStep = -99;
426 if(theZ==0) theEjectileType = Neutron;
427 else theEjectileType = Proton;
428 break;
429 default:
430 INCL_ERROR("Unrecognized cluster-decay mode in phase-space decay: " << theDecayMode << '\n'
431 << c->print());
432 return;
433 }
435 // Find the daughter cluster (first cluster which is not
436 // proton/neutron-unbound, in the sense of the table)
437 G4int finalDaughterZ, finalDaughterA, finalDaughterL;
438 if(theZ<ParticleTable::clusterTableZSize && theA<ParticleTable::clusterTableASize && theZStep != -99) {
439 finalDaughterZ=theZ;
440 finalDaughterA=theA;
441 finalDaughterL=theL;
442 while(finalDaughterA>0 && clusterDecayMode[finalDaughterL][finalDaughterZ][finalDaughterA]!=StableCluster) { /* Loop modified, 15.01.18, J. Hirtz */
443 finalDaughterA--;
444 finalDaughterZ -= theZStep;
445 }
446 } else {
447 finalDaughterA = 1;
448 if(theDecayMode==ProtonUnbound){
449 finalDaughterZ = 1;
450 finalDaughterL = 0;
451 }
452 else if(theDecayMode==NeutronUnbound){
453 finalDaughterZ = 0;
454 finalDaughterL = 0;
455 }
456 else {
457 finalDaughterZ = 0;
458 finalDaughterL = 1;
459 }
460 }
461// assert(finalDaughterZ<=theZ && finalDaughterA<theA && finalDaughterA>0 && finalDaughterZ>=0 && finalDaughterL>=0);
463 // Compute the available decay energy
464 const G4int nLambda = theL-finalDaughterL;
465 const G4int nSplits = theA-finalDaughterA-nLambda;
466 // c->getMass() can possibly contain some excitation energy, too
467 const G4double availableEnergy = c->getMass();
469 // Save the boost vector for the cluster
470 const ThreeVector boostVector = - c->boostVector();
472 // Create a list of decay products
473 ParticleList products;
474 c->setA(finalDaughterA);
475 c->setZ(finalDaughterZ);
476 c->setS((-1)*finalDaughterL);
477 c->setRealMass();
480 products.push_back(c);
482 for(G4int j=0; j<nLambda; ++j) {
483 Particle *ejectile = new Particle(Lambda, mom, pos);
484 ejectile->setRealMass();
485 products.push_back(ejectile);
486 }
487 for(G4int i=0; i<nSplits; ++i) {
488 Particle *ejectile = new Particle(theEjectileType, mom, pos);
489 ejectile->setRealMass();
490 products.push_back(ejectile);
491 }
493 PhaseSpaceGenerator::generate(availableEnergy, products);
494 products.boost(boostVector);
496 // Copy decay products in the output list (but skip the residue)
497 ParticleList::iterator productsIter = products.begin();
498 std::advance(productsIter, 1);
499 decayProducts->insert(decayProducts->end(), productsIter, products.end());
501 c->setExcitationEnergy(0.);
502 }
509 void recursiveDecay(Cluster * const c, ParticleList *decayProducts) {
510 const G4int Z = c->getZ();
511 const G4int A = c->getA();
512 const G4int S = c->getS();
513// assert(c->getExcitationEnergy()>-1.e-5);
514 if(c->getExcitationEnergy()<0.)
515 c->setExcitationEnergy(0.);
518 ClusterDecayType theDecayMode = clusterDecayMode[(S*(-1))][Z][A];
520 switch(theDecayMode) {
521 default:
522 INCL_ERROR("Unrecognized cluster-decay mode: " << theDecayMode << '\n'
523 << c->print());
524 return;
525 break;
526 case StableCluster:
527 // For stable clusters, just return
528 return;
529 break;
530 case ProtonDecay:
531 case NeutronDecay:
532 case LambdaDecay:
533 case AlphaDecay:
534 // Two-body decays
535 twoBodyDecay(c, theDecayMode, decayProducts);
536 break;
537 case TwoProtonDecay:
538 case TwoNeutronDecay:
539 // Three-body decays
540 threeBodyDecay(c, theDecayMode, decayProducts);
541 break;
542 case ProtonUnbound:
543 case NeutronUnbound:
544 case LambdaUnbound:
545 // Phase-space decays
546 phaseSpaceDecay(c, theDecayMode, decayProducts);
547 break;
548 }
550 // Calls itself recursively in case the produced remnant is still unstable.
551 // Sneaky, isn't it.
552 recursiveDecay(c,decayProducts);
554 } else {
555 // The cluster is too large for our decay-mode table. Decompose it only
556 // if Z==0 || Z==A.
557 INCL_DEBUG("Cluster is outside the decay-mode table." << c->print() << '\n');
558 if(Z==A) {
559 INCL_DEBUG("Z==A, will decompose it in free protons." << '\n');
560 phaseSpaceDecay(c, ProtonUnbound, decayProducts);
561 } else if(Z==0) {
562 INCL_DEBUG("Z==0, will decompose it in free neutrons." << '\n');
563 phaseSpaceDecay(c, NeutronUnbound, decayProducts);
564 }
565 }
566 }
568 } // namespace
570 G4bool isStable(Cluster const * const c) {
571 const G4int Z = c->getZ();
572 const G4int A = c->getA();
573 const G4int L = ((-1)*c->getS());
574 return (clusterDecayMode[L][Z][A]==StableCluster);
575 }
588 {{/* S = 0 */
589 /* A = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 */
599 },
600 { /* S = -1 */
601 /* A = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 */
611 },
612 { /* S = -2 */
613 /* A = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 */
623 },
624 { /* S = -3 */
625 /* A = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 */
635 }};
638 ParticleList decayProducts;
639 recursiveDecay(c, &decayProducts);
641 for(ParticleIter i = decayProducts.begin(), e =decayProducts.end(); i!=e; i++) (*i)->setBiasCollisionVector(c->getBiasCollisionVector());
643 // Correctly update the particle type
644 if(c->getA()==1) {
645// assert(c->getZ()==1 || c->getZ()==0);
646 if(c->getZ()==1)
647 c->setType(Proton);
648 else if(c->getS()==-1)
649 c->setType(Lambda);
650 else
651 c->setType(Neutron);
652 c->setRealMass();
653 }
655 return decayProducts;
656 }
658 } // namespace ClusterDecay
659} // namespace G4INCL
G4double S(G4double temp)
static const G4double pos
Static class for carrying out cluster decays.
#define INCL_ERROR(x)
#define INCL_WARN(x)
#define INCL_DEBUG(x)
static constexpr double L
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:104
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
const G4int Z[17]
const G4double A[17]
void boost(const ThreeVector &aBoostVector)
Boost the cluster with the indicated velocity.
void setExcitationEnergy(const G4double e)
Set the excitation energy of the cluster.
void setS(const G4int S)
Set the strangess number of the cluster.
G4double getExcitationEnergy() const
Get the excitation energy of the cluster.
void setA(const G4int A)
Set the mass number of the cluster.
void setZ(const G4int Z)
Set the charge number of the cluster.
std::string print() const
void boost(const ThreeVector &b) const
ThreeVector boostVector() const
G4int getS() const
Returns the strangeness number.
G4double getEnergy() const
void setMass(G4double mass)
G4int getZ() const
Returns the charge number.
const G4INCL::ThreeVector & getPosition() const
std::vector< G4int > getBiasCollisionVector() const
Get the vector list of biased vertices on the particle path.
void setEmissionTime(G4double t)
G4double adjustEnergyFromMomentum()
Recompute the energy to match the momentum.
void setNumberOfDecays(G4int n)
Set the number of decays undergone by the particle.
const G4INCL::ThreeVector & getMomentum() const
virtual void setMomentum(const G4INCL::ThreeVector &momentum)
G4double getEmissionTime()
virtual void makeParticipant()
void setType(ParticleType t)
G4double getMass() const
Get the cached particle mass.
void boost(const ThreeVector &aBoostVector)
virtual void setPosition(const G4INCL::ThreeVector &position)
void setRealMass()
Set the mass of the Particle to its real mass.
G4int getA() const
Returns the baryon number.
G4double mag2() const
void threeBodyDecay(Cluster *const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts)
Carries out three-body decays.
void phaseSpaceDecay(Cluster *const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts)
Disassembles unbound nuclei using the phase-space model.
void twoBodyDecay(Cluster *const c, ClusterDecayType theDecayMode, ParticleList *decayProducts)
Carries out two-body decays.
void recursiveDecay(Cluster *const c, ParticleList *decayProducts)
Recursively decay clusters.
G4ThreadLocal ClusterDecayType clusterDecayMode[ParticleTable::clusterTableSSize][ParticleTable::clusterTableZSize][ParticleTable::clusterTableASize]
Table for cluster decays.
ParticleList decay(Cluster *const c)
Carries out a cluster decay.
G4bool isStable(Cluster const *const c)
True if the cluster is stable.
G4double momentumInCM(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
gives the momentum in the CM frame of two particles.
G4double getRealMass(const G4INCL::ParticleType t)
Get particle mass (in MeV/c^2)
void generate(const G4double sqrtS, ParticleList &particles)
Generate an event in the CM system.
ThreeVector normVector(G4double norm=1.)
G4double shoot0()
G4double shoot()
ParticleList::const_iterator ParticleIter
#define G4ThreadLocal
Definition: tls.hh:77