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26// G4ChordFinder inline implementations
28// Author: J.Apostolakis - Design and implementation - 25.02.1997
29// --------------------------------------------------------------------
32void G4ChordFinder::SetIntegrationDriver(G4VIntegrationDriver* driver)
34 fIntgrDriver = driver;
38G4VIntegrationDriver* G4ChordFinder::GetIntegrationDriver()
44G4double G4ChordFinder::GetDeltaChord() const
50void G4ChordFinder::SetDeltaChord(G4double newval)
56void G4ChordFinder::ResetStepEstimate()
58 fIntgrDriver->OnStartTracking();
62G4int G4ChordFinder::SetVerbose( G4int newvalue )
64 G4int oldval = fStatsVerbose;
65 fStatsVerbose = newvalue;
69// A member that calculates the inverse parabolic through
70// the three points (x,y) and returns the value x that, for the
71// inverse parabolic, corresponds to y=0.
74G4double G4ChordFinder::InvParabolic ( const G4double xa, const G4double ya,
75 const G4double xb, const G4double yb,
76 const G4double xc, const G4double yc )
78 const G4double R = yb/yc,
81 const G4double Q = (T-1)*(R-1)*(S-1);
82 if (std::fabs(Q) <DBL_MIN ) return DBL_MAX;
84 const G4double P = S*(T*(R-T)*(xc-xb) - (1-R)*(xb-xa));
89G4ChordFinder::AdvanceChordLimited(G4FieldTrack& yCurrent,
91 G4double epsStep_Relative,
92 const G4ThreeVector& /*latestSafetyOrigin*/,
93 G4double /*lasestSafetyRadius*/)
95 return fIntgrDriver->AdvanceChordLimited(yCurrent, stepInitial,
96 epsStep_Relative, fDeltaChord);
100void G4ChordFinder::OnComputeStep()
102 fIntgrDriver->OnComputeStep();