96 "Assign previously defined quantity to the current quantity.");
143 "[usage] /score/quantity/passageCellFlux qname unit");
186 "[usage] /score/quantity/trackLength qname wflag kflag vflag unit");
208 new G4UIcommand(
211 "[usage] /score/quantity/passageCellCurrent qname wflag");
221 new G4UIcommand(
224 "[usage] /score/quantity/passageTrackLength qname wflag unit");
238 new G4UIcommand(
241 "[usage] /score/quantity/flatSurfaceCurrent qname dflag wflag aflag unit");
268 "[usage] /score/quantity/flatSurfaceFlux qname dflag unit");
296 "This scorer scores the number of particles getting into the volume "
297 "without normalized by the surface area.");
299 "[usage] /score/quantity/volumeFlux qname divcos dflag");
302 "is the incident angle (default : false)");
304 " dflag :(Int) direction, 1 : inward (default), 2 : outward");
434 "[usage] /score/quantity/nOfCollision qname wflag");
457 "[usage] /score/quantity/nOfTrack qname dflag wflag");
477 "[usage] /score/quantity/nOfTerminatedTrack qname wflag");
488 new G4UIcommand(
491 "[usage] /score/quantity/minKinEAtGeneration qname unit");
G4UIcommand * qdoseDepCmd
G4UIcommand * qPopulationCmd
G4UIcmdWithAString * qTouchCmd
G4UIdirectory * quantityDir
G4UIcommand * qTrackLengthCmd
G4UIcommand * qTrackCountCmd
G4UIcommand * qPassCellFluxCmd
G4UIcommand * qFlatSurfCurrCmd
G4UIcommand * qTerminationCmd
G4UIcommand * qnOfSecondaryCmd
G4UIcommand * qNofCollisionCmd
G4UIcommand * qStepCheckerCmd
G4UIcommand * qCellFluxCmd
G4UIcommand * qPassTrackLengthCmd
G4UIcmdWithAString * qSetUnitCmd
G4UIcommand * qMinKinEAtGeneCmd
G4UIcommand * qCellChgCmd
G4UIcommand * qFlatSurfFluxCmd
G4UIcommand * qPassCellCurrCmd
G4UIcommand * qVolFluxCmd
G4UIcmdWithoutParameter * qGetUnitCmd
G4UIcommand * qnOfStepCmd
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetParameter(G4UIparameter *const newParameter)
void SetGuidance(const char *aGuidance)
void SetDefaultValue(const char *theDefaultValue)
void SetParameterRange(const char *theRange)
void SetDefaultUnit(const char *theDefaultUnit)