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35using namespace G4Accumulables;
39G4Accumulable<T>::G4Accumulable(const G4String& name, T initValue, G4MergeMode mergeMode)
40 : G4VAccumulable(name),
42 fInitValue(initValue),
43 fMergeMode(mergeMode),
44 fMergeFunction(GetMergeFunction<T>(mergeMode))
49G4Accumulable<T>::G4Accumulable(T initValue, G4MergeMode mergeMode)
52 fInitValue(initValue),
53 fMergeMode(mergeMode),
54 fMergeFunction(GetMergeFunction<T>(mergeMode))
59G4Accumulable<T>::G4Accumulable(const G4Accumulable& rhs)
60 : G4VAccumulable(rhs),
62 fInitValue(rhs.fInitValue),
63 fMergeMode(rhs.fMergeMode),
64 fMergeFunction(rhs.fMergeFunction)
69G4Accumulable<T>::G4Accumulable(G4Accumulable&& rhs)
70 : G4VAccumulable(rhs),
71 fValue(std::move(rhs.fValue)),
72 fInitValue(std::move(rhs.fInitValue)),
73 fMergeMode(rhs.fMergeMode),
74 fMergeFunction(rhs.fMergeFunction)
80G4Accumulable<T>::operator=(const G4Accumulable<T>& rhs)
82 // check assignment to self
83 if (this == &rhs) return *this;
85 // base class assignment
86 G4VAccumulable::operator=(rhs);
88 // this class data assignment
90 fInitValue = rhs.fInitValue;
91 fMergeMode = rhs.fMergeMode;
92 fMergeFunction = rhs.fMergeFunction;
100G4Accumulable<T>::operator=(G4Accumulable<T>&& rhs)
102 // check assignment to self
103 if (this == &rhs) return *this;
105 // base class assignment
106 G4VAccumulable::operator=(rhs);
108 // this class data assignment
109 fValue = std::move(rhs.fValue);
110 fInitValue = std::move(rhs.fInitValue);
111 fMergeMode = rhs.fMergeMode;
112 fMergeFunction = rhs.fMergeFunction;
120G4Accumulable<T>::operator+=(const G4Accumulable<T>& rhs)
122 // only update the value from rhs
123 fValue += rhs.fValue;
130G4Accumulable<T>::operator*=(const G4Accumulable<T>& rhs)
132 // only update the value from rhs
133 fValue *= rhs.fValue;
140G4Accumulable<T>::operator=(const T& value)
142 // only update the value
150G4Accumulable<T>::operator+=(const T& value)
152 // only update the value
160G4Accumulable<T>::operator*=(const T& value)
162 // only update the value from rhs
173 G4Accumulable<T> temp = *this;
190void G4Accumulable<T>::Merge(const G4VAccumulable& other)
192 // G4cout << "Merging other: " << other.GetName() << " " << static_cast<const G4Accumulable<T>&>(other).fValue << G4endl;
193 // G4cout << " to master: " << fName << " " << fValue << G4endl;
194 fValue = fMergeFunction(fValue, static_cast<const G4Accumulable<T>&>(other).fValue);
195 // G4cout << " new value: " << fName << " " << fValue << G4endl;
200void G4Accumulable<T>::Reset()
207T G4Accumulable<T>::GetValue() const