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26// INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27// Alain Boudard, CEA-Saclay, France
28// Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege, Belgium
29// Jean-Christophe David, CEA-Saclay, France
30// Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA-Saclay, France, and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland
31// Sylvie Leray, CEA-Saclay, France
32// Davide Mancusi, CEA-Saclay, France
36#include "globals.hh"
38#ifndef G4INCLCascade_hh
39#define G4INCLCascade_hh 1
41#include "G4INCLParticle.hh"
42#include "G4INCLNucleus.hh"
45#include "G4INCLEventInfo.hh"
46#include "G4INCLGlobalInfo.hh"
47#include "G4INCLLogger.hh"
48#include "G4INCLConfig.hh"
49#include "G4INCLRootFinder.hh"
51namespace G4INCL {
52 class INCL {
53 public:
54 INCL(Config const * const config);
56 ~INCL();
59 INCL(const INCL &rhs);
62 INCL &operator=(const INCL &rhs);
64 G4bool prepareReaction(const ParticleSpecies &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4int S);
65 G4bool initializeTarget(const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4int S);
66 inline const EventInfo &processEvent() {
67 return processEvent(
73 );
74 }
76 ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies,
77 const G4double kineticEnergy,
78 const G4int targetA,
79 const G4int targetZ,
80 const G4int targetS
81 );
83 void finalizeGlobalInfo(Random::SeedVector const &initialSeeds);
84 const GlobalInfo &getGlobalInfo() const { return theGlobalInfo; }
87 private:
96 Config const * const theConfig;
107 class RecoilFunctor : public RootFunctor {
108 public:
113 RecoilFunctor(Nucleus * const n, const EventInfo &ei) :
114 RootFunctor(0., 1E6),
115 nucleus(n),
116 outgoingParticles(n->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles()),
117 theEventInfo(ei) {
118 for(ParticleIter p=outgoingParticles.begin(), e=outgoingParticles.end(); p!=e; ++p) {
119 particleMomenta.push_back((*p)->getMomentum());
120 particleKineticEnergies.push_back((*p)->getKineticEnergy());
121 }
122 ProjectileRemnant * const aPR = n->getProjectileRemnant();
123 if(aPR && aPR->getA()>0) {
124 particleMomenta.push_back(aPR->getMomentum());
126 outgoingParticles.push_back(aPR);
127 }
128 }
129 virtual ~RecoilFunctor() {}
136 G4double operator()(const G4double x) const {
139 }
142 void cleanUp(const G4bool success) const {
143 if(!success)
145 }
147 private:
152 // \brief Reference to the EventInfo object
155 std::list<ThreeVector> particleMomenta;
157 std::list<G4double> particleKineticEnergies;
163 void scaleParticleEnergies(const G4double rescale) const {
164 // Rescale the energies (and the momenta) of the outgoing particles.
166 std::list<ThreeVector>::const_iterator iP = particleMomenta.begin();
167 std::list<G4double>::const_iterator iE = particleKineticEnergies.begin();
168 for( ParticleIter i = outgoingParticles.begin(), e = outgoingParticles.end(); i!=e; ++i, ++iP, ++iE)
169 {
170 const G4double mass = (*i)->getMass();
171 const G4double newKineticEnergy = (*iE) * rescale;
173 (*i)->setMomentum(*iP);
174 (*i)->setEnergy(mass + newKineticEnergy);
175 (*i)->adjustMomentumFromEnergy();
177 pBalance -= (*i)->getMomentum();
178 }
180 nucleus->setMomentum(pBalance);
182 const G4double pRem2 = pBalance.mag2();
183 const G4double recoilEnergy = pRem2/
184 (std::sqrt(pRem2+remnantMass*remnantMass) + remnantMass);
185 nucleus->setEnergy(remnantMass + recoilEnergy);
186 }
187 };
191 public:
196 RecoilCMFunctor(Nucleus * const n, const EventInfo &ei) :
197 RootFunctor(0., 1E6),
198 nucleus(n),
199 theIncomingMomentum(nucleus->getIncomingMomentum()),
200 outgoingParticles(n->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles()),
201 theEventInfo(ei) {
203 for(ParticleIter p=outgoingParticles.begin(), e=outgoingParticles.end(); p!=e; ++p) {
204 (*p)->boost(thePTBoostVector);
205 particleCMMomenta.push_back((*p)->getMomentum());
206 }
207 ProjectileRemnant * const aPR = n->getProjectileRemnant();
208 if(aPR && aPR->getA()>0) {
210 particleCMMomenta.push_back(aPR->getMomentum());
211 outgoingParticles.push_back(aPR);
212 }
213 }
214 virtual ~RecoilCMFunctor() {}
221 G4double operator()(const G4double x) const {
224 }
227 void cleanUp(const G4bool success) const {
228 if(!success)
230 }
232 private:
244 std::list<ThreeVector> particleCMMomenta;
250 void scaleParticleCMMomenta(const G4double rescale) const {
251 // Rescale the CM momenta of the outgoing particles.
252 ThreeVector remnantMomentum = theIncomingMomentum;
253 std::list<ThreeVector>::const_iterator iP = particleCMMomenta.begin();
254 for( ParticleIter i = outgoingParticles.begin(), e = outgoingParticles.end(); i!=e; ++i, ++iP)
255 {
256 (*i)->setMomentum(*iP * rescale);
257 (*i)->adjustEnergyFromMomentum();
258 (*i)->boost(-thePTBoostVector);
260 remnantMomentum -= (*i)->getMomentum();
261 }
263 nucleus->setMomentum(remnantMomentum);
265 const G4double pRem2 = remnantMomentum.mag2();
266 const G4double recoilEnergy = pRem2/
267 (std::sqrt(pRem2+remnantMass*remnantMass) + remnantMass);
268 nucleus->setEnergy(remnantMass + recoilEnergy);
269 }
270 };
289 void globalConservationChecks(G4bool afterRecoil);
325 void makeCompoundNucleus();
328 G4bool preCascade(ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy);
331 void cascade();
334 void postCascade();
340 void initMaxInteractionDistance(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy);
347 void initUniverseRadius(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z);
350 void updateGlobalInfo();
351 };
G4double S(G4double temp)
Class containing default actions to be performed at intermediate cascade steps.
Simple container for output of event results.
Simple container for output of calculation-wide results.
Static root-finder algorithm.
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
const G4int Z[17]
const G4double A[17]
void boost(const ThreeVector &aBoostVector)
Boost the cluster with the indicated velocity.
G4int getTargetA() const
Get the target mass number.
Definition: G4INCLConfig.hh:94
G4double getProjectileKineticEnergy() const
Get the projectile kinetic energy.
ParticleSpecies getProjectileSpecies() const
Get the projectile species.
G4int getTargetS() const
Get the target strangess number.
G4int getTargetZ() const
Get the target charge number.
Definition: G4INCLConfig.hh:97
Class to adjust remnant recoil in the reaction CM system.
void scaleParticleCMMomenta(const G4double rescale) const
Scale the kinetic energies of the outgoing particles.
G4double operator()(const G4double x) const
Compute the energy-conservation violation.
Nucleus * nucleus
Pointer to the nucleus.
void cleanUp(const G4bool success) const
Clean up after root finding.
RecoilCMFunctor(Nucleus *const n, const EventInfo &ei)
Prepare for calling the () operator and scaleParticleEnergies.
std::list< ThreeVector > particleCMMomenta
Initial CM momenta of the outgoing particles.
ParticleList outgoingParticles
List of final-state particles.
ThreeVector theIncomingMomentum
Incoming momentum.
ThreeVector thePTBoostVector
Projectile-target CM boost vector.
EventInfo const & theEventInfo
Reference to the EventInfo object.
Class to adjust remnant recoil.
ParticleList outgoingParticles
List of final-state particles.
RecoilFunctor(Nucleus *const n, const EventInfo &ei)
Prepare for calling the () operator and scaleParticleEnergies.
Nucleus * nucleus
Pointer to the nucleus.
void scaleParticleEnergies(const G4double rescale) const
Scale the kinetic energies of the outgoing particles.
std::list< G4double > particleKineticEnergies
Initial kinetic energies of the outgoing particles.
EventInfo const & theEventInfo
G4double operator()(const G4double x) const
Compute the energy-conservation violation.
void cleanUp(const G4bool success) const
Clean up after root finding.
std::list< ThreeVector > particleMomenta
Initial momenta of the outgoing particles.
void initUniverseRadius(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
Initialize the universe radius.
void finalizeGlobalInfo(Random::SeedVector const &initialSeeds)
void initMaxInteractionDistance(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy)
Initialise the maximum interaction distance.
INCL(const INCL &rhs)
Dummy copy constructor to silence Coverity warning.
G4bool prepareReaction(const ParticleSpecies &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4int S)
G4double maxImpactParameter
G4bool initializeTarget(const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4int S)
INCL(Config const *const config)
EventInfo theEventInfo
const EventInfo & processEvent()
G4bool continueCascade()
Stopping criterion for the cascade.
Config const *const theConfig
GlobalInfo theGlobalInfo
CascadeAction * cascadeAction
G4int minRemnantSize
Remnant size below which cascade stops.
G4double maxUniverseRadius
G4bool targetInitSuccess
const GlobalInfo & getGlobalInfo() const
void makeCompoundNucleus()
Make a compound nucleus.
INCL & operator=(const INCL &rhs)
Dummy assignment operator to silence Coverity warning.
Nucleus * nucleus
G4double maxInteractionDistance
void cascade()
The actual cascade loop.
G4double fixedImpactParameter
IPropagationModel * propagationModel
G4int makeProjectileRemnant()
Make a projectile pre-fragment out of geometrical spectators.
void updateGlobalInfo()
Update global counters and other members of theGlobalInfo object.
void postCascade()
Finalise the cascade and clean up.
void rescaleOutgoingForRecoil()
Rescale the energies of the outgoing particles.
G4bool preCascade(ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy)
Initialise the cascade.
G4bool forceTransparent
const ThreeVector & getIncomingMomentum() const
Get the incoming momentum vector.
G4double getInitialEnergy() const
Get the initial energy.
G4double getExcitationEnergy() const
Get the excitation energy of the nucleus.
ConservationBalance getConservationBalance(EventInfo const &theEventInfo, const G4bool afterRecoil) const
Compute charge, mass, energy and momentum balance.
G4int getS() const
Returns the strangeness number.
G4int getZ() const
Returns the charge number.
G4double getKineticEnergy() const
Get the particle kinetic energy.
const G4INCL::ThreeVector & getMomentum() const
virtual void setMomentum(const G4INCL::ThreeVector &momentum)
void setEnergy(G4double energy)
G4int getA() const
Returns the baryon number.
G4double mag2() const
G4ThreadLocal NuclearMassFn getTableMass
Static pointer to the mass function for nuclei.
ParticleList::const_iterator ParticleIter