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27// Author: Ivana Hrivnacova, 18/06/2013 (ivana@ipno.in2p3.fr)
29#include "G4AnalysisUtilities.hh"
34inline void G4RootNtupleManager::SetNtupleFile(std::shared_ptr<G4RootFile> file)
36 fNtupleFile = std::move(file);
41std::vector<G4TNtupleDescription<tools::wroot::ntuple, G4RootFile>* >&
42G4RootNtupleManager::GetNtupleDescriptionVector() const
44 return fNtupleDescriptionVector;
50inline G4bool G4TNtupleManager<tools::wroot::ntuple, G4RootFile>::FillNtupleTColumn(
51 G4int ntupleId, G4int columnId, const std::string& value)
53 if ( fState.GetIsActivation() && ( ! GetActivation(ntupleId) ) ) {
54 //G4cout << "Skipping FillNtupleIColumn for " << ntupleId << G4endl;
58 auto ntuple = GetNtupleInFunction(ntupleId, "FillNtupleTColumn");
59 if ( ! ntuple ) return false;
61 auto index = columnId - fFirstNtupleColumnId;
62 if ( index < 0 || index >= G4int(ntuple->columns().size()) ) {
64 "ntupleId " + to_string(ntupleId) + " columnId " + to_string(columnId) +
66 fkClass, "FillNtupleTColumn");
70 auto icolumn = ntuple->columns()[index];
71 auto column = dynamic_cast<tools::wroot::ntuple::column_string* >(icolumn);
74 "Column type does not match: ntupleId " + to_string(ntupleId) +
75 " columnId " + to_string(columnId) + " value " + value,
76 fkClass, "FillNtupleTColumn");
82 if ( IsVerbose(G4Analysis::kVL4) ) {
83 Message(G4Analysis::kVL4, "fill", "ntuple T column",
84 " ntupleId " + to_string(ntupleId) + " columnId " + to_string(columnId) +