48 : particle1(p1), particle2(p2)
95 G4double en=(sh*sh+mn*mn-me*me)/(2*sh);
97 G4double ee=std::sqrt(en*en-mn*mn+me*me);
116 if (plab > 1400.) plab=1400.;
126 a6=5.721872E-18*p6 - 1.063594E-14*p5 +
127 7.812226E-12*p4 - 2.947343E-09*p3 +
128 5.955500E-07*p2 - 6.081534E-05*p1 + 2.418893E-03;
131 a6=1.549323E-18*p6 - 9.570613E-15*p5 +
132 2.428560E-11*p4 - 3.237490E-08*p3 +
133 2.385312E-05*p2 - 9.167580E-03*p1 + 1.426952E+00;
137 a5=-3.858406E-16*p6 + 7.397533E-13*p5 -
138 5.344420E-10*p4 + 1.865842E-07*p3 -
139 3.234292E-05*p2 + 2.552380E-03*p1 - 6.810842E-02;
142 a5=-3.775268E-17*p6 + 2.445059E-13*p5 -
143 6.503137E-10*p4 + 9.065678E-07*p3 -
144 6.953576E-04*p2 + 2.757524E-01*p1 - 4.328028E+01;
148 a4=-2.051840E-16*p6 + 3.858551E-13*p5 -
149 3.166229E-10*p4 + 1.353545E-07*p3 -
150 2.631251E-05*p2 + 2.109593E-03*p1 - 5.633076E-02;
152 else if (plab <= 650.) {
153 a4=-1.698136E-05*p2 + 1.827203E-02*p1 - 4.482122E+00;
156 a4=-2.808337E-17*p6 + 1.640033E-13*p5 -
157 3.820460E-10*p4 + 4.452787E-07*p3 -
158 2.621981E-04*p2 + 6.530743E-02*p1 - 2.447717E+00;
162 a3=7.061866E-16*p6 - 1.356389E-12*p5 +
163 9.783322E-10*p4 - 3.407333E-07*p3 +
164 5.903545E-05*p2 - 4.735559E-03*p1 + 1.270435E-01;
167 a3=1.138088E-16*p6 - 7.459580E-13*p5 +
168 2.015156E-09*p4 - 2.867416E-06*p3 +
169 2.261028E-03*p2 - 9.323442E-01*p1 + 1.552846E+02;
173 a2=1.352952E-17*p6 - 3.030435E-13*p5 +
174 4.624668E-10*p4 - 2.759605E-07*p3 +
175 6.996373E-05*p2 - 4.745692E-03*p1 + 1.524349E-01;
177 else if (plab <= 700.) {
178 a2=5.514651E-08*p3 - 8.734112E-05*p2 + 4.108704E-02*p1 - 5.116601E+00;
181 a2=5.621795E-17*p6 - 3.701960E-13*p5 +
182 1.005796E-09*p4 - 1.441294E-06*p3 +
183 1.146234E-03*p2 - 4.775194E-01*p1 + 8.084776E+01;
187 a1=-2.425827E-16*p6 + 4.113350E-13*p5 -
188 2.342298E-10*p4 + 4.934322E-08*p3 -
189 3.564530E-06*p2 + 6.516398E-04*p1 + 2.547230E-01;
191 else if (plab <= 700.) {
192 a1=-1.824213E-10*p4 + 3.599251E-07*p3 -
193 2.480862E-04*p2 + 6.894931E-02*p1 - 5.760562E+00;
196 a1=-5.139366E-17*p6 + 3.408224E-13*p5 -
197 9.341903E-10*p4 + 1.354028E-06*p3 -
198 1.093509E-03*p2 + 4.653326E-01*p1 - 8.068436E+01;
202 a0=1.160837E-13*p6 - 1.813002E-10*p5 +
203 1.155391E-07*p4 - 3.862737E-05*p3 +
204 7.230513E-03*p2 - 7.469799E-01*p1 + 3.830064E+01;
206 else if (plab <= 700.) {
207 a0=2.267918E-14*p6 - 7.593899E-11*p5 +
208 1.049849E-07*p4 - 7.669301E-05*p3 +
209 3.123846E-02*p2 - 6.737221E+00*p1 + 6.032010E+02;
212 a0=-1.851188E-17*p6 + 1.281122E-13*p5 -
213 3.686161E-10*p4 + 5.644116E-07*p3 -
214 4.845757E-04*p2 + 2.203918E-01*p1 - 4.100383E+01;
217 G4double interg1=2.*(a6/7. + a4/5. + a2/3. +
228 fteta=(a6*x1*x1*x1*x1*x1*x1+a5*x1*x1*x1*x1*x1+a4*x1*x1*x1*x1+a3*x1*x1*x1+a2*x1*x1+a1*x1+
240 pn*std::sin(teta)*std::cos(fi),
241 pn*std::sin(teta)*std::sin(fi),
246 nucleon->setMomentum(-mom_nucleon);
static constexpr double pi
EtaNToPiNChannel(Particle *, Particle *)
virtual ~EtaNToPiNChannel()
void fillFinalState(FinalState *fs)
void addModifiedParticle(Particle *p)
G4double getEnergy() const
virtual void setMomentum(const G4INCL::ThreeVector &momentum)
void setEnergy(G4double energy)
void setType(ParticleType t)
G4double getMass() const
Get the cached particle mass.
G4double momentumInLab(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
gives the momentum in the lab frame of two particles.
G4bool nucleon(G4int ityp)