The academic clouds are publics (open to everybody) or privates/community (restricted users). Check that you have the right to use them in the following section.
- FG-cloud:
- The french cloud federation is presented in this section.
- To use FG-cloud, you need first to ask a support from the France Grilles VO. Second, you need to describe your project, the ressources that you need and eventually support for the workflow. The project will be evaluated by the FG-cloud committee.
- OpenStack@CC-IN2P3:
- To use the cloud, you need first to have an laboratory account on the CC-IN2P3. Second, you need to send a ticket asking for a cloud account on the CC-ticket.
- To access to the cloud, you need to use the dashboard or the command line client, see configuration and command line client.
- More documentation.
- OpenStack@LAL:
- To use the cloud, you need first to register.
- To access to the cloud, you need to use the dashboard or the command line client, see configuration and command line client.
- More documentation.
- Cumulus:
- To use the cloud, you need first to register.
- To access to the cloud, you need to use the dashboard.
- More documentation.