Academic IaaS clouds
- The Cumulus cloud is provided by the USPC ComUE (University federation) and is in production phase since January 2016. The infrastructure is located at Paris Descartes.
- This project has provided a private (USPC), open-source (OpenNebula), IaaS cloud.
- Users need to contact laboratory cloud referent (C. Cavet) to link VM with IP address.
- The CC-IN2P3 Cloud is in production phase since January 2013. The infrastructure is located at the Computing Center at Lyon.
- This project has provided a private (IN2P3), open-source (OpenStack), IaaS Cloud.
- The infrastructure is part of FG-cloud.
- The LAL cloud is the evolution of the StratusLab cloud with the OpenStack solution. The infrastructure is located at LAL laboratory at Orsay.
- This project has provided a public, open-source (OpenStack), IaaS Cloud.
- The infrastructure is part of FG-cloud.
- The StratusLab cloud is no longer available!
- The StratusLab cloud is an european project started in 2010 and an open collaboration since 2012 including public and private partners: Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Espagne), Research and Technology Network S.A (Grèce), SixSq Sàrl (Suisse), Telefonica investigación y desarrollo (Espagne), Trinity College Dublin (Irlande).
- This project has provided a public, open-source (StratusLab), IaaS Cloud.
- The StratusLab Cloud is dedicated to academic members (scientific, engineers...).
- The European cloud.
- The Science clouds is an american project started in 2008 including several University: University of Chicago, University of Florida, Purdue University, Masaryk University.
- This project has provided a public, open-source, IaaS Cloud compatible with Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2).
- The Cloud platform is provided by the FutureGrid project.
To use the FutureGrid resources, you need to join an already existing project or to propose a new project.