Magnetic Fields in Large Scale Structure

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Primordial Magnetic Fields
Evolution cosmology
Evolution LSS
Detection of Magnetic Fields
Magnetic fields are always present in all elements of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) of the Universe, from weak in voids to strong in starburst galaxies (1) (2) (3) (4). In galaxies and clusters of galaxies, the strong field is produced by amplifying an initial "seed" field, by compression and dynamo mechanisms (3). There are at least two possible origins for the initial seed field: it might be primordial, or it can be produced at the epoch of galaxy formation (2) (12). Washout of baryons from galaxies which deposits baryons into the intergalactic medium also spreads magnetic field in the LSS elements, because the galactic winds and active galactic nuclei (AGN) driven outflows are most probably magnetized (6) (7) . As a result, the IGMF, which resides in the voids and filaments of the LSS could be (A) of primordial origin (2) (4) or (B) produced at the epoch of structure formation (2) (5) or (C) be the result of "baryonic feedback" process (6) (7). The aim of this research proposal is to ascertain whether measurements of the IGMF can distinguish between these three possibilities and thereby provide useful insights into the physics of the Universe.


(1) P.P.Kronberg, Rep.Progr.Phys. 57 (1994) 325.
(2) R.Durrer, A.Neronov, A and A. Rv. 21 (2013) 62 .
(3) R.Beck, A and A Rv. 24 (2015) 4.
(4) K.Subramanian, Rep.Progr.Phys. 79 (2016) 076901 .
(5) J.Donnert, K.Dolag, H.Lesch, E.Muller, MNRAS 392 (2009) 1008.
(6) S.Bertone, C.Vogt, T.Ensslin, MNRAS, 370 (2006) 319.
(7) A.M.Beck, M.Hanasz, H.Lesch, R.-S.Remus, F.A.Stayszyn, MNRAS 429 (2013) L60.


Financial support of this Project was provided in part by 

- ANR, France

- RSF, Russia