Dual Calorimetry for High Precision Neutrino Oscillation Measurement at JUNO Experiment - PhD defense - HAN Yang
On-line workshop "Probing the Extragalactic Universe with High and Very High Energy sources"
Seminar of Philosophy of Science: Replicability in cosmology: lessons to be drawn from the Hubble constant so called 'crisis'
Seminar of Philosophy of Science: Epistemology of the LIGO-Virgo detections
Searching for cosmological B-modes in the presence of astrophysical contaminants and instrumental effects - Soutenance
Euclid summer school - La science des futurs grands relevés cosmologiques
Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos in the Multi-Messenger Era
Active Galactic Nuclei: fueling and feedback
Dark Energy from Planck to Euclid: degeneracies in the dark sector