
Solar Neutrinos: Is There a Future?

Studies of solar neutrinos have been tremendously important, revealing the nature of the Sun’s power source and that its neutrino flux is strongly affected by flavor mixing.  Nowadays, one gets the impression that this field is over.  However, this is not due to a lack of interesting questions; it is due to a lack of experimental progress.  I show how this can be solved, opening opportunities for discoveries in particle physics and astrophysics, simultaneously.

New post-Newtonian results for compact binaries in general relativity and scalar-tensor theories

In the first part of my talk, I give an overview of some recent results concerning the two-body problem in general relativity at high post-Newtonian (PN) order. I will present the energy flux at 4.5PN order, the equations of motion at 4.5PN order, and the memory contributions to the 3.5PN order waveform. In particular, I will discuss some subtleties about the definition of the center-of-mass frame, and its relevance to the comparison with second-order self-force (2SF) results.

Black holes with electroweak hair

We construct static and axially symmetric magnetically charged hairy black holes in the gravity-coupled 
Weinberg-Salam theory.  Large black holes merge with the Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) family, 
while the small ones are extremal and support a hair in the form of a ring-shaped electroweak condensate 
carrying superconducting W-currents and up to $22\%$ of the total magnetic charge. 
The extremal solutions are asymptotically  RN with a  mass {\it below} the total charge, $M<|Q|$,  due to 


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