Forthcoming publications

1. Long-term evolution GRS 1915 + 105...
     authors, 2007, in preparation



Refereed publications

19. Simulating Magnetohydrodynamical Flow with Constrained Transport and Adaptive Mesh Refinement; Algorithms & Tests of the AstroBEAR Code.
Cunningham, Andrew J.; Frank, Adam; Varniere, P; Mitran, Sorin; Jones, Thomas W., soumis à ApJS.


18. Empirical relation between angular momentum transport and thermal-to-magnetic pressure ratio in shearing box simulations.

Blackman, E.G., Penna, R.F. & Varniere, P., New Astronomy, 13, 244-251


17. 2 Years of INTEGRAL Monitoring of GRS 1915+105. II. X-Ray Spectro-Temporal Analysis.

Rodriguez, J.; Shaw, S. E.; Hannikainen, D. C.; Belloni, T.; Corbel, S.; Cadolle Bel, M.; Chenevez, J.; Prat, L.; Kretschmar, P.; Lehto, H. J.; Mirabel, I. F.; Paizis, A.; Pooley, G.; Tagger, M.; Varnière, P.; Cabanac, C.; Vilhu, O. ApJ, 675, 1449-1458.


16. 2 YEARS of INTEGRAL Monitoring of GRS 1915+105. I. Multiwavelength Coverage with INTEGRAL, RXTE, and the Ryle Radio Telescope.

Rodriguez, J.; Hannikainen, D. C.; Shaw, S. E.; Pooley, G.; Corbel, S.; Tagger, M.; Mirabel, I. F.; Belloni, T.; Cabanac, C.; Cadolle Bel, M.; Chenevez, J.; Kretschmar, P.; Lehto, H. J.; Paizis, A.; Varnière, P.; Vilhu, O., ApJ, 675, 1436-1448.


15. Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets.

Hartigan, Patrick; Frank, Adam; Varniere, P; Blackman, Eric G., ApJ, 661, 910-918, 2007.


14. Accretion-Ejection Instability, MHD Rossby Wave Instability, Diskoseismology, and the High-Frequency QPOs of Microquasars

Tagger, M. & Varniere, P., ApJ, 652, 1457-1465, 2006


13. Planets r apidly Create Holes in Young Circumstellar Disks.

P. Varniere, Blackman, Eric G.; Frank, A.; Quillen, Alice C., ApJ, 460, 1110-1114, 2006.


12. Observational Properties of Protoplanetary Disk Gaps.

P. Varniere, Bjorkman, J. E.; Frank, Adam; Quillen, Alice C.; Carciofi, A. C.; Whitney, Barbara A.; Wood, Kenneth, ApJ, 637, L125-L128, 2006.


11. Reviving Dead Zones in accretion disks by Rossby vortices at their boundaries.

P. Varniere & M. Tagger, A&A, 446, L13-L16, 2006


10. Flux modulation from non-axisymmetric structures in accretion discs.

P. Varniere; Blackman, Eric G., NewA, 11, 43-51, 2005,


9. Evolution and Fragmentation of Wide-Angle Wind Driven Molecular Outflows.

Cunningham, Andrew; Frank, Adam; P. Varniere ; Poludnenko, Alexei; Mitran, Sorin; Hartmann, Lee, Ap&SS, 298, 317-322, 2005.

8. Driving Spiral Arms in the Circumstellar Disks of HD 100546 and HD 141569A.

Quillen, Alice C.; P. Varniere; Minchev, Ivan; Frank, Adam, AJ, 129, 2481-2495, 2005.

7. A simple model for the complex lag structure of microquasars.

P. Varniere, A&A, 434, L5-L8, 2005.

6. On the Planet and the Disk of COKU TAURI/4.

A. C. Quillen, E. Blackman, A. Frank, P. Varniere, ApJ, 612, L137-L140, 2004.

5. The Evolution of Protoplanetary Disk Edges.

P. Varniere, A. C. Quillen, A. Frank, ApJ, 612, 1152-1162, 2004.

4. Magnetic Flood : a scenario for the variability of the microquasar GRS 1915+105.

M.Tagger, P. Varniere, J. Rodriguez & R. Pellat, ApJ, 607, 410-419, 2004.

3. Accretion-Ejection Instability: feeding the corona with Alfven waves.

P. Varniere & M. Tagger, A&A, 394, 329-338, 2002.


2. Accretion-Ejection Instability and QPO in black-hole binaries: II. Relativistic effects.

P. Varniere, J. Rodriguez et M. Tagger, A&A, 387, 497-506, 2002.


1. Accretion-Ejection Instability and QPO in black-hole binaries: I. Observations.

J. Rodriguez, P. Varniere, M. Tagger et Ph. Durouchoux, A&A, 387, 487-496, 2002.