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HepGeom::Transform3D Class Reference

#include <Transform3D.h>

Inheritance diagram for HepGeom::Transform3D:
G4OpenInventorTransform3D HepGeom::Reflect3D HepGeom::Rotate3D HepGeom::Scale3D HepGeom::Translate3D HepGeom::ReflectX3D HepGeom::ReflectY3D HepGeom::ReflectZ3D HepGeom::RotateX3D HepGeom::RotateY3D HepGeom::RotateZ3D HepGeom::ScaleX3D HepGeom::ScaleY3D HepGeom::ScaleZ3D HepGeom::TranslateX3D HepGeom::TranslateY3D HepGeom::TranslateZ3D

Data Structures

class  Transform3D_row

Public Member Functions

double dx () const
double dy () const
double dz () const
void getDecomposition (Scale3D &scale, Rotate3D &rotation, Translate3D &translation) const
CLHEP::HepRotation getRotation () const
CLHEP::Hep3Vector getTranslation () const
Transform3D inverse () const
bool isNear (const Transform3D &t, double tolerance=2.2E-14) const
bool operator!= (const Transform3D &transform) const
double operator() (int, int) const
Transform3D operator* (const Transform3D &b) const
Transform3Doperator= (const Transform3D &mt)=default
Transform3Doperator= (Transform3D &&mt)=default
bool operator== (const Transform3D &transform) const
const Transform3D_row operator[] (int) const
void setIdentity ()
 Transform3D ()
 Transform3D (const CLHEP::HepRotation &mt, const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &v)
 Transform3D (const Point3D< double > &fr0, const Point3D< double > &fr1, const Point3D< double > &fr2, const Point3D< double > &to0, const Point3D< double > &to1, const Point3D< double > &to2)
 Transform3D (const Transform3D &mt)=default
 Transform3D (Transform3D &&mt)=default
double xx () const
double xy () const
double xz () const
double yx () const
double yy () const
double yz () const
double zx () const
double zy () const
double zz () const
 ~Transform3D ()=default

Static Public Attributes

static DLL_API const Transform3D Identity = Transform3D ()

Protected Member Functions

void setTransform (double XX, double XY, double XZ, double DX, double YX, double YY, double YZ, double DY, double ZX, double ZY, double ZZ, double DZ)
 Transform3D (double XX, double XY, double XZ, double DX, double YX, double YY, double YZ, double DY, double ZX, double ZY, double ZZ, double DZ)

Protected Attributes

double dx_
double dy_
double dz_
double xx_
double xy_
double xz_
double yx_
double yy_
double yz_
double zx_
double zy_
double zz_

Detailed Description

Class for transformation of 3D geometrical objects. It allows different translations, rotations, scalings and reflections. Several specialized classes are derived from it:

TranslateX3D, TranslateY3D, TranslateZ3D, Translate3D,
RotateX3D, RotateY3D, RotateZ3D, Rotate3D,
ScaleX3D, ScaleY3D, ScaleZ3D, Scale3D,
ReflectX3D, ReflectY3D, ReflectZ3D, Reflect3D.

The idea behind these classes is to provide some additional constructors for Transform3D, they normally should not be used as separate classes.


static constexpr double m
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:109
static constexpr double cm
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:99

Remark: For the reason that the operator* is left associative, the notation

v2 = m3*(m2*(m1*v1));
static constexpr double m3
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:111
static constexpr double m2
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:110

is much more effective then the notation

v2 = m3*m2*m1*v1;

In the first case three operations Transform3D*Vector3D are executed, in the second case two operations Transform3D*Transform3D and one Transform3D*Vector3D are performed. Transform3D*Transform3D is roughly three times slower than Transform3D*Vector3D.


Definition at line 170 of file Transform3D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Transform3D() [1/6]

HepGeom::Transform3D::Transform3D ( double  XX,
double  XY,
double  XZ,
double  DX,
double  YX,
double  YY,
double  YZ,
double  DY,
double  ZX,
double  ZY,
double  ZZ,
double  DZ 

Definition at line 177 of file Transform3D.h.

180 : xx_(XX), xy_(XY), xz_(XZ), dx_(DX),
181 yx_(YX), yy_(YY), yz_(YZ), dy_(DY),
182 zx_(ZX), zy_(ZY), zz_(ZZ), dz_(DZ) {}

◆ Transform3D() [2/6]

HepGeom::Transform3D::Transform3D ( )

Default constructor - sets the Identity transformation.

Definition at line 210 of file Transform3D.h.

211 : xx_(1), xy_(0), xz_(0), dx_(0),
212 yx_(0), yy_(1), yz_(0), dy_(0),
213 zx_(0), zy_(0), zz_(1), dz_(0) {}

Referenced by inverse(), and operator*().

◆ Transform3D() [3/6]

HepGeom::Transform3D::Transform3D ( const CLHEP::HepRotation mt,
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector v 

Constructor: rotation and then translation.

◆ Transform3D() [4/6]

HepGeom::Transform3D::Transform3D ( const Point3D< double > &  fr0,
const Point3D< double > &  fr1,
const Point3D< double > &  fr2,
const Point3D< double > &  to0,
const Point3D< double > &  to1,
const Point3D< double > &  to2 

Constructor: transformation of basis (assumed - no reflection).

Definition at line 62 of file

79 {
80 Vector3D<double> x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2;
81 x1 = (fr1 - fr0).unit();
82 y1 = (fr2 - fr0).unit();
83 x2 = (to1 - to0).unit();
84 y2 = (to2 - to0).unit();
86 // C H E C K A N G L E S
88 double cos1, cos2;
89 cos1 = x1*y1;
90 cos2 = x2*y2;
92 if (std::abs(1.0-cos1) <= 0.000001 || std::abs(1.0-cos2) <= 0.000001) {
93 std::cerr << "Transform3D: zero angle between axes" << std::endl;
95 }else{
96 if (std::abs(cos1-cos2) > 0.000001) {
97 std::cerr << "Transform3D: angles between axes are not equal"
98 << std::endl;
99 }
101 // F I N D R O T A T I O N M A T R I X
103 z1 = (x1.cross(y1)).unit();
104 y1 = z1.cross(x1);
106 z2 = (x2.cross(y2)).unit();
107 y2 = z2.cross(x2);
109 double detxx = (y1.y()*z1.z() - z1.y()*y1.z());
110 double detxy = -(y1.x()*z1.z() - z1.x()*y1.z());
111 double detxz = (y1.x()*z1.y() - z1.x()*y1.y());
112 double detyx = -(x1.y()*z1.z() - z1.y()*x1.z());
113 double detyy = (x1.x()*z1.z() - z1.x()*x1.z());
114 double detyz = -(x1.x()*z1.y() - z1.x()*x1.y());
115 double detzx = (x1.y()*y1.z() - y1.y()*x1.z());
116 double detzy = -(x1.x()*y1.z() - y1.x()*x1.z());
117 double detzz = (x1.x()*y1.y() - y1.x()*x1.y());
119 double txx = x2.x()*detxx + y2.x()*detyx + z2.x()*detzx;
120 double txy = x2.x()*detxy + y2.x()*detyy + z2.x()*detzy;
121 double txz = x2.x()*detxz + y2.x()*detyz + z2.x()*detzz;
122 double tyx = x2.y()*detxx + y2.y()*detyx + z2.y()*detzx;
123 double tyy = x2.y()*detxy + y2.y()*detyy + z2.y()*detzy;
124 double tyz = x2.y()*detxz + y2.y()*detyz + z2.y()*detzz;
125 double tzx = x2.z()*detxx + y2.z()*detyx + z2.z()*detzx;
126 double tzy = x2.z()*detxy + y2.z()*detyy + z2.z()*detzy;
127 double tzz = x2.z()*detxz + y2.z()*detyz + z2.z()*detzz;
129 // S E T T R A N S F O R M A T I O N
131 double dx1 = fr0.x(), dy1 = fr0.y(), dz1 = fr0.z();
132 double dx2 = to0.x(), dy2 = to0.y(), dz2 = to0.z();
134 setTransform(txx, txy, txz, dx2-txx*dx1-txy*dy1-txz*dz1,
135 tyx, tyy, tyz, dy2-tyx*dx1-tyy*dy1-tyz*dz1,
136 tzx, tzy, tzz, dz2-tzx*dx1-tzy*dy1-tzz*dz1);
137 }
138 }
void setTransform(double XX, double XY, double XZ, double DX, double YX, double YY, double YZ, double DY, double ZX, double ZY, double ZZ, double DZ)
Definition: Transform3D.h:185

References HepGeom::BasicVector3D< T >::cross(), setIdentity(), setTransform(), HepGeom::BasicVector3D< T >::x(), HepGeom::BasicVector3D< T >::y(), and HepGeom::BasicVector3D< T >::z().

◆ Transform3D() [5/6]

HepGeom::Transform3D::Transform3D ( const Transform3D mt)

Copy constructor.

◆ Transform3D() [6/6]

HepGeom::Transform3D::Transform3D ( Transform3D &&  mt)

Move constructor.

◆ ~Transform3D()

HepGeom::Transform3D::~Transform3D ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ dx()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::dx ( ) const

◆ dy()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::dy ( ) const

◆ dz()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::dz ( ) const

◆ getDecomposition()

void HepGeom::Transform3D::getDecomposition ( Scale3D scale,
Rotate3D rotation,
Translate3D translation 
) const

Decomposition of general transformation. This function gets decomposition of the transformation in three consequentive specific transformations: Scale3D, then Rotate3D, then Translate3, i.e.

Transform3D = Translate3D * Rotate3D * Scale3D
scaleoutput: scaling transformation; if there was a reflection, then scale factor for z-component (scale(2,2)) will be negative.
rotationoutput: rotation transformaion.
translationoutput: translation transformaion.

Definition at line 173 of file

187 {
188 double sx = std::sqrt(xx_*xx_ + yx_*yx_ + zx_*zx_);
189 double sy = std::sqrt(xy_*xy_ + yy_*yy_ + zy_*zy_);
190 double sz = std::sqrt(xz_*xz_ + yz_*yz_ + zz_*zz_);
192 if (xx_*(yy_*zz_-yz_*zy_) -
193 xy_*(yx_*zz_-yz_*zx_) +
194 xz_*(yx_*zy_-yy_*zx_) < 0) sz = -sz;
195 scale.setTransform(sx,0,0,0, 0,sy,0,0, 0,0,sz,0);
196 rotation.setTransform(xx_/sx,xy_/sy,xz_/sz,0,
197 yx_/sx,yy_/sy,yz_/sz,0,
198 zx_/sx,zy_/sy,zz_/sz,0);
199 translation.setTransform(1,0,0,dx_, 0,1,0,dy_, 0,0,1,dz_);
200 }

Referenced by G4AssemblyVolume::AddPlacedAssembly(), G4AssemblyVolume::AddPlacedVolume(), G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeAndDescend(), G4MultiUnion::GetGlobalVector(), G4MultiUnion::GetLocalVector(), operator<<(), G4GDMLWriteStructure::PhysvolWrite(), G4ReflectionFactory::Place(), and G4GDMLWriteStructure::TraverseVolumeTree().

◆ getRotation()

CLHEP::HepRotation HepGeom::Transform3D::getRotation ( ) const

◆ getTranslation()

CLHEP::Hep3Vector HepGeom::Transform3D::getTranslation ( ) const

◆ inverse()

Transform3D HepGeom::Transform3D::inverse ( ) const

Returns the inverse transformation.

Definition at line 141 of file

150 {
151 double detxx = yy_*zz_-yz_*zy_;
152 double detxy = yx_*zz_-yz_*zx_;
153 double detxz = yx_*zy_-yy_*zx_;
154 double det = xx_*detxx - xy_*detxy + xz_*detxz;
155 if (det == 0) {
156 std::cerr << "Transform3D::inverse error: zero determinant" << std::endl;
157 return Transform3D();
158 }
159 det = 1./det; detxx *= det; detxy *= det; detxz *= det;
160 double detyx = (xy_*zz_ - xz_*zy_)*det;
161 double detyy = (xx_*zz_ - xz_*zx_)*det;
162 double detyz = (xx_*zy_ - xy_*zx_)*det;
163 double detzx = (xy_*yz_ - xz_*yy_)*det;
164 double detzy = (xx_*yz_ - xz_*yx_)*det;
165 double detzz = (xx_*yy_ - xy_*yx_)*det;
166 return Transform3D
167 (detxx, -detyx, detzx, -detxx*dx_+detyx*dy_-detzx*dz_,
168 -detxy, detyy, -detzy, detxy*dx_-detyy*dy_+detzy*dz_,
169 detxz, -detyz, detzz, -detxz*dx_+detyz*dy_-detzz*dz_);
170 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, Transform3D(), xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

Referenced by G4VtkSceneHandler::AddPrimitiveTensorGlyph(), G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeAndDescend(), G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeSolid(), G4ScoringBox::Draw(), G4ScoringCylinder::Draw(), G4ScoringBox::DrawColumn(), G4ScoringCylinder::DrawColumn(), G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::ExtractDetector(), G3toG4BuildPVTree(), G4MultiUnion::GetLocalPoint(), G4MultiUnion::GetLocalVector(), G4ReflectedSolid::GetTransform3D(), GetTransform3D(), G4ReflectionFactory::Place(), G4ReflectionFactory::ReflectPVPlacement(), SubstractSolids(), and G4GDMLWriteStructure::TraverseVolumeTree().

◆ isNear()

bool HepGeom::Transform3D::isNear ( const Transform3D t,
double  tolerance = 2.2E-14 
) const

Returns true if the difference between corresponding matrix elements is less than the tolerance.

Definition at line 203 of file

204 {
205 return ( (std::abs(xx_ - t.xx_) <= tolerance) &&
206 (std::abs(xy_ - t.xy_) <= tolerance) &&
207 (std::abs(xz_ - t.xz_) <= tolerance) &&
208 (std::abs(dx_ - t.dx_) <= tolerance) &&
209 (std::abs(yx_ - t.yx_) <= tolerance) &&
210 (std::abs(yy_ - t.yy_) <= tolerance) &&
211 (std::abs(yz_ - t.yz_) <= tolerance) &&
212 (std::abs(dy_ - t.dy_) <= tolerance) &&
213 (std::abs(zx_ - t.zx_) <= tolerance) &&
214 (std::abs(zy_ - t.zy_) <= tolerance) &&
215 (std::abs(zz_ - t.zz_) <= tolerance) &&
216 (std::abs(dz_ - t.dz_) <= tolerance) );
217 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

◆ operator!=()

bool HepGeom::Transform3D::operator!= ( const Transform3D transform) const

Test for inequality.

Definition at line 349 of file Transform3D.h.

349 {
350 return ! operator==(transform);
351 }
bool operator==(const Transform3D &transform) const
G4bool transform(G4String &input, const G4String &type)

References operator==(), and G4coutFormatters::anonymous_namespace{}::transform().

◆ operator()()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::operator() ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

Fortran-style subscripting: returns (i,j) element of the matrix.

Definition at line 23 of file

23 {
24 if (i == 0) {
25 if (j == 0) { return xx_; }
26 if (j == 1) { return xy_; }
27 if (j == 2) { return xz_; }
28 if (j == 3) { return dx_; }
29 } else if (i == 1) {
30 if (j == 0) { return yx_; }
31 if (j == 1) { return yy_; }
32 if (j == 2) { return yz_; }
33 if (j == 3) { return dy_; }
34 } else if (i == 2) {
35 if (j == 0) { return zx_; }
36 if (j == 1) { return zy_; }
37 if (j == 2) { return zz_; }
38 if (j == 3) { return dz_; }
39 } else if (i == 3) {
40 if (j == 0) { return 0.0; }
41 if (j == 1) { return 0.0; }
42 if (j == 2) { return 0.0; }
43 if (j == 3) { return 1.0; }
44 }
45 std::cerr << "Transform3D subscripting: bad indices "
46 << "(" << i << "," << j << ")" << std::endl;
47 return 0.0;
48 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

◆ operator*()

Transform3D HepGeom::Transform3D::operator* ( const Transform3D b) const

Transformation by another Transform3D.

Definition at line 51 of file

51 {
52 return Transform3D
53 (xx_*b.xx_+xy_*b.yx_+xz_*b.zx_, xx_*b.xy_+xy_*b.yy_+xz_*b.zy_,
54 xx_*b.xz_+xy_*b.yz_+xz_*b.zz_, xx_*b.dx_+xy_*b.dy_+xz_*b.dz_+dx_,
55 yx_*b.xx_+yy_*b.yx_+yz_*b.zx_, yx_*b.xy_+yy_*b.yy_+yz_*b.zy_,
56 yx_*b.xz_+yy_*b.yz_+yz_*b.zz_, yx_*b.dx_+yy_*b.dy_+yz_*b.dz_+dy_,
57 zx_*b.xx_+zy_*b.yx_+zz_*b.zx_, zx_*b.xy_+zy_*b.yy_+zz_*b.zy_,
58 zx_*b.xz_+zy_*b.yz_+zz_*b.zz_, zx_*b.dx_+zy_*b.dy_+zz_*b.dz_+dz_);
59 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, Transform3D(), xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Transform3D & HepGeom::Transform3D::operator= ( const Transform3D mt)


◆ operator=() [2/2]

Transform3D & HepGeom::Transform3D::operator= ( Transform3D &&  mt)

Move assignment.

◆ operator==()

bool HepGeom::Transform3D::operator== ( const Transform3D transform) const

Test for equality.

Definition at line 220 of file

221 {
222 return (this == &t) ? true :
223 (xx_==t.xx_ && xy_==t.xy_ && xz_==t.xz_ && dx_==t.dx_ &&
224 yx_==t.yx_ && yy_==t.yy_ && yz_==t.yz_ && dy_==t.dy_ &&
225 zx_==t.zx_ && zy_==t.zy_ && zz_==t.zz_ && dz_==t.dz_ );
226 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

Referenced by operator!=().

◆ operator[]()

const Transform3D_row HepGeom::Transform3D::operator[] ( int  ) const

Returns object of the helper class for C-style subscripting r[i][j]

◆ setIdentity()

void HepGeom::Transform3D::setIdentity ( )

Sets the Identity transformation.

Definition at line 294 of file Transform3D.h.

294 {
295 xy_= xz_= dx_= yx_= yz_= dy_= zx_= zy_= dz_= 0; xx_= yy_= zz_= 1;
296 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

Referenced by HepGeom::Reflect3D::Reflect3D(), and Transform3D().

◆ setTransform()

void HepGeom::Transform3D::setTransform ( double  XX,
double  XY,
double  XZ,
double  DX,
double  YX,
double  YY,
double  YZ,
double  DY,
double  ZX,
double  ZY,
double  ZZ,
double  DZ 

Definition at line 185 of file Transform3D.h.

187 {
188 xx_ = XX; xy_ = XY; xz_ = XZ; dx_ = DX;
189 yx_ = YX; yy_ = YY; yz_ = YZ; dy_ = DY;
190 zx_ = ZX; zy_ = ZY; zz_ = ZZ; dz_ = DZ;
191 }

References dx_, dy_, dz_, xx_, xy_, xz_, yx_, yy_, yz_, zx_, zy_, and zz_.

Referenced by HepGeom::Reflect3D::Reflect3D(), HepGeom::Rotate3D::Rotate3D(), HepGeom::RotateX3D::RotateX3D(), HepGeom::RotateY3D::RotateY3D(), HepGeom::RotateZ3D::RotateZ3D(), and Transform3D().

◆ xx()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::xx ( ) const

◆ xy()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::xy ( ) const

◆ xz()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::xz ( ) const

◆ yx()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::yx ( ) const

◆ yy()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::yy ( ) const

◆ yz()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::yz ( ) const

◆ zx()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::zx ( ) const

◆ zy()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::zy ( ) const

◆ zz()

double HepGeom::Transform3D::zz ( ) const

Field Documentation

◆ dx_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::dx_

◆ dy_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::dy_

◆ dz_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::dz_

◆ Identity

const Transform3D HepGeom::Transform3D::Identity = Transform3D ()

Global identity transformation.

Definition at line 196 of file Transform3D.h.

Referenced by G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Detector::clear(), G4GDMLWriteStructure::TraverseVolumeTree(), and G4GDMLWrite::Write().

◆ xx_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::xx_

◆ xy_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::xy_

◆ xz_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::xz_

◆ yx_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::yx_

◆ yy_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::yy_

◆ yz_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::yz_

◆ zx_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::zx_

◆ zy_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::zy_

◆ zz_

double HepGeom::Transform3D::zz_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: