- Current tickets
554 : VM to test IAL project : apceuclidsut coulb be used (GP) 553: To order Icescrum licence contact (MD) 552: Sympa ? : Listserv service from CC coulbe used to create mailing lists (MD) 497: Pb of proxy redirection (GP) 446: Date to define for a teleconf (MD). 521: Configuration of LDAP ESAslave (SD). New ticket ticket 560: Request of service account jenkins on the LDAP? if not possible GP's or AD's access codes will be used. SSH key solution has to be checked. Request of group 'project' (or service) in the organisation of the LDAP structure
- Puppet: Module already developed for puppet exists. Analyze and test in progress.
- Machines naming: modification in progress
- Mirror/Synchronisation: apceuclidjenk : -Define a list of directories (system/ Applications) to synchronize, define the port to open for the synchronisation (port: 22) -Security aspect/ root access: Synchronisation of system directory system on a third machine (DMZ ? : Pei's advice is needed).
- Group Cont. Int Depl.: Make a point on puppet in the next (first) meeting of the group Cont. Int Depl. (To schedule in Octobre).
- Disk configuration apceuclidrepo: /datafiles 100 Go -> 500 Go dev01,dev02,dev04 /datafiles app,ice: rien a changer sut: rien a changer
- News: Network perturbation announce for the 08-20-13 and 08-28-13