
SSH configuration

SSH public and private keys

In order to connect to the cluster nodes when submitting a batch job, you first have to set up your SSH keys.

If you don't already have one:

ssh apcclwn12
ssh-keygen -t dsa

If you already have a public and private keys, copy them to your /home/$USER/.ssh directory.

Then add the public key to the authorized keys file:

cat .ssh/id_dsa.pub > .ssh/authorized_keys

Make sure that the key files are read-only:

chmod -R 700 .ssh 

Finally copy the default know host file to your .ssh repository

cp /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2 .ssh/known_hosts

Changing password

To change your APC account password:


Warning: this will also change your password on any other APC machine (apcssh, etc).