
Administrating Virtual System

Once you have created your VM, you can administrate it. Don't forget the security configuration part in order to have an up-to-date VM.

To connect the VM as root:

$ ssh -i ~/.novacreds/cloudkey user@ip

Note: for CentOS VM the user is centos and for Ubuntu is ubuntu.
If a network error occurs, check if the IP adress is reachable:

$  ping ip

If an error appends such as Permission denied (publickey), clean the local known_hosts file:

$ vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts

To prevent security issues (example with a VM running CentOS 7):

Update first the packages for security purposes and configure the Epel repository (scientific packages).

root@vm $ yum -y update
root@vm $ yum install -y epel-release 

Install yum-cron service and configure it to update automatically security packages:

root@vm $ yum install -y yum-cron
root@vm $ systemctl enable yum-cron
root@vm $ sed -i 's|update_cmd = default|update_cmd=security|g' \
root@vm $ sed -i 's|apply_updates = no|apply_updates = yes|g' \
root@vm $ systemctl start yum-cron

To install packages (example with a VM running CentOS 7):

Install your specific libraries:

root@vm $ yum -y install gcc-gfortran make gnuplot

To create Smith user (only key pair is allowed for connexion):

root@vm $ useradd smith
root@vm $ su smith
smith@vm $ cd
smith@vm $ mkdir .ssh
smith@vm $ touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
smith@vm $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Put the ~/.ssh/ of Smith (local) in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (VM).

To connect as Smith:

$ ssh -i ~/.novacreds/cloudkey smith@ip

To transfert files (from MV to local):

$ scp -i ~/.novacreds/cloudkey smith@ip:Rep/*.txt .