
Novel neutrino flavour conversion phenomena in media

A major progress has been made in neutrino physics after the discovery of the neutrino oscillation phenomenon by the Super-Kamiokande and SNO experiments.  This discovery has shown that neutrinos are massive particles with mixings. Most of the oscillation parameters are nowadays precisely measured. However crucial open questions remain concerning the absolute neutrino mass and mass ordering, the neutrino Dirac versus Majorana nature, the existence of sterile neutrinos and of CP violation in the lepton sector.

Champs quantiques en espace-temps courbe

Les mesures détaillées des anisotropies de température du rayonnement cosmique de fond (CMB) montrent que l'Univers primordial a subi une phase d'expansion accélérée : l'inflation. Il devient pressant d'assoir le paradigme de l'inflation sur des bases théoriques solides. De nombreuses questions fondamentales sont ouvertes, parmi lesquelles la compréhension des aspects quantiques de la théorie. 

Multi-messenger sources of cosmic rays, gamma-rays and neutrinos

Astrophysical neutrinos measured by ICECUBE challenge existing models of multi-messenger sources. Goal of thesis is modeling of sources of cosmic rays, gamma rays and neutrinos taking into account all experimental constraints from direct measurements, KASCADE-Grande and Pierre Auger Observatory for cosmic rays, HESS, Fermi and CTA for gamma-rays and ICECUBE/km3 for neutrinos, study propagation of cosmic rays and gamma-rays in the Galaxy and intergalactic space, search for the imprints of such sources in the experimental data.

Holography, Gravity and the Standard Model

The aim of this thesis project is to adress a  part of the projet below. Interested candidates should contact Elias Kiritsis  before March 15 2016  (see the section "Application procedure  and requirements" below).                                                                                                                                                                            

Project outline


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