
Post-doctoral position in theoretical high-energy physics, gravity and cosmology

The APC theory group may have a postdoctoral opening in the general area of Theoretical High Energy physics, gravity and Cosmology for the 2021-2022 campaign. The research projet will be in the context of the gauge/gravity duality and its applications.

Applicants should have a PhD in the fields above. Successful applicants will be expected to start their appointment in September, 2024.

Gamma-ray astronomy with axion-like particles and search for intergalactic magnetic fields

The future gamma-ray experiment CTA plans to measure the fluxes of blazars in the energy range from 30 GeV to 100 TeV with sensitivity 10 times superior to present measurements. Intergalactic magnetic fields can be measured through observations of the secondary photons through time delay in blazar flairs, signatures in spectra and extended emission around the point sources.

Neutrinos, neutrino properties and dense astrophysical environments

A major progress has been made in neutrino physics after the discovery of the neutrino oscillations. Crucial questions are being addressed experimentally and should receive an answer soon, including the absolute neutrino mass and mass ordering, the existence of sterile neutrinos and of CP violation in the lepton sector. Intriguing open issues also concern how neutrinos modify their flavor in astrophysical environments.

Sur la possibilité d'étude des champs dans les espaces de Robertson-Walker à partir de R6 et problématiques associées

L'objectif de la thèse est d'étudier les possibilités d'extensions d'un formalisme permettant de considérer des équations de champs en espace-temps courbes à quatre dimensions à partir d'équations de champs dans l'espace plat R6 Plus précisément il s'agirait d'étudier le possibilité de théories de champs dans R6 muni de la métrique (+,+,-,-,-,-) et leurs restrictions, en particulier, aux espaces de Robertson-Walker. L'intérêt d'un tel formalisme étant la possibilité d'utiliser le cadre a priori plus simple d'un espace plat pour l'étude de champs classiques et quantiques. Les différents résultats obtenus dans ce cadre peuvent donner lieu à des problématiques diverses de théorie des champs ou de formalisme.

Cosmology with Gravitational Waves

The direct detection of Gravitational Waves (GWs) by the ground-based LIGO interferometers in 2015 has opened up gravitational wave astronomy in the regime of high-frequencies.  New sources have already been found – namely black-holes with masses larger than those expected from remnants of supernovae explosions and stellar evolution – and it is likely that other unexpected phenomena will be revealed by GW observations in the low redshift universe.

Search for neutrino sources of IceCube data

Recently IceCube collaboration discovered astrophysical neutrinos  of unknown origin.

 Our group  developed methods to study  both galactic and extragalactic contributions to to this signal.

Goal of this stage is to develop  model of astrophysical neutrino sources, which consistent both with neutrino and 

gamma-ray data and make predictions for  contributions of various classes of astrophysical sources

in future data of IceCube and km3 experiments


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