

The discovery of astrophysical neutrino signal by IceCube neutrino telescope has extended the energy frontier of astronomy into Peta-electronvolt energy range. The nature of astronomical sources operating powerful particle accelerators and producing the highest energy neutrinos is currently uncertain. A breakthrough toward understanding of the nature of these sources can be achieved via detection of the gamma-ray counterpart of the astrophysical neutrino signal. Gamma-ray signal at 100 TeV is now detectable by the HAWC, Tibet and LHAASO telescopes.

Study of intergalactic and cosmological magnetic fields with gamma-ray and radio telescopes

Magnetic fields that are relic of epochs right after the Big Bang can still reside in the low density regions of the Large Scale Structure, between galaxies and galaxy clusters. Detection of these fields and measurement of their properties might provide a valuable “window” on physical processes that have operated in the Early Universe a fraction of a second after the Big Bang. Such measurement is possible with the methods of gamma-ray and radio astronomies, using new observational facilities: gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and radio Square Kilometer Array (SKA).

Numerical model of the multi-messenger signal from the Milky Way Galaxy at PeV energy

Astronomical observations through the new 100 TeV gamma-ray observational window by HAWC, Tibet  and LHAASO air shower arrays, and, in the near future, by the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA open a range of completely new possibilities for the study of highest energy galactic cosmic ray sources. These sources, dubbed "PeVatrons" (yet to be identified) produce particles with energies in excess of Peta-electronVolt, three orders of magnitude higher than those attained in the most powerful human-made accelerator LHC.

Multi-messenger astronomy at highest energy frontier with Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory

The discovery of astrophysical neutrino signal by IceCube neutrino telescope has extended the energy frontier of astronomy into Peta-electronvolt energy range. The nature of astronomical sources operating powerful particle accelerators and producing the highest energy neutrinos is currently uncertain. A breakthrough toward understanding of the nature of these sources can be achieved via detection of the gamma-ray counterpart of the astrophysical neutrino signal.

Multi-messenger astronomy at highest energy frontier with Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory

The discovery of astrophysical neutrino signal by IceCube neutrino telescope has extended the energy frontier of astronomy into Peta-electronvolt energy range. The nature of astronomical sources operating powerful particle accelerators and producing the highest energy neutrinos is currently uncertain. A breakthrough toward understanding of the nature of these sources can be achieved via detection of the gamma-ray counterpart of the astrophysical neutrino signal.

Multi-messenger modelling of galactic PeVatrons with cosmic rays, gamma-rays and neutrinos

New observations of gamma-rays in 100 TeV energy domain by HAWC and LHAASO, with future follow up by CTA, open new possibilities for understanding of particle acceleration to extreme energies in astronomical sources in our Milky Way galaxy. These sources, dubbed “PeVatrons” (yet to be identified) produce particles with energies up to several Peta-electronVolt, three orders of magnitude higher than those attained in the most powerful human-made accelerator LHC. They can also be responsible for the astrophysical neutrino signal observed by IceCube neutrino telescope.

Neutrinos and the discovery of the diffuse supernova neutrino background

Neutrinos and the discovery of the diffuse supernova neutrino background
The observation that neutrinos change flavor during propagation – termed neutrino oscillations - has shown that neutrinos are massive elementary particles with mixings which points to physics beyond the Standard Model and impacts astrophysics and cosmology. Neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae were observed only once, with SN1987A. Important open questions remain both on neutrino properties and on flavor evolution in dense environments.


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