
Stochastic inflation in the phase space

Inflation is currently the leading paradigm describing the physical conditions that prevail in the very early universe. During this epoch, quantum fluctuations are extracted out of the vacuum and amplified to cosmological perturbations at astronomical scales, later seeded CMB anisotropies and large-scale structures. As inflation proceeds, this inflow of super-horizon perturbations may impact on the large-scale dynamics of the universe, potentially perturbing the inflationary trajectory.

Stochastic inflation, primordial black holes, and beyond the slow-roll approximation

I will explain how primordial black holes can form from
perturbations seeded during inflation and how their abundance can be
calculated in the framework of stochastic inflation. This formalism
incorporates quantum backreaction of the small-wavelength fluctuations
on the large distances dynamics of the Universe. If quantum
corrections are small, the probability distribution of density
fluctuations is well approximated by a Gaussian. If they are large,
the PDF has a different profile with a longer tail and leads to


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