
Webinaire_Annonce de la publication du GWTC-2


Publication par Virgo et LIGO du catalogue GWTC-2 contenant 39 détections

La classification et l’analyse finale des 39 événements détectés par
Virgo et LIGO lors de la prise de données « O3a » (1er avril – 1er
octobre 2019) ont été publiées le 29 octobre 2020. La plupart des
sources O3a sont des fusions de trous noirs. Une probable fusion d’un
système binaire d’étoiles à neutrons et deux possibles systèmes
« hybrides » – formés d’un trou noir et d’une étoile à neutrons –

Evolution of magnetic fields in the early Universe

Magnetic fields are observed on virtually all astrophysical scales of the modern Universe, from planets and stars to galaxies and galaxy clusters. Observations of blazars suggest that even the intergalactic medium is permeated by magnetic fields. Such large-scale fields were most likely generated very shortly after the Big Bang and therefore are a unique window into the physics of the very early Universe.

Euclidean Wormholes and Holography

Wormholes are exotic solutions of General Relativity that still challenge our physical intuition. In this talk I will first review and distinguish various types of wormholes along with their expected physical properties. I will then focus on asymptotically AdS wormhole solutions in the context of holography. I will explain how to compute correlation functions of local operators as well as non local observables such as correlation functions of Wilson loops on the distinct boundaries and discuss their behavior.

The European Low Frequency Survey: observing the radio sky to understand the beginning of the Universe

Nowadays the leading contender to understand the initial conditions of the Big Bang is inflation, which predicts the existence of a primordial background of gravitational waves that must have left its imprint in the CMB polarization: the so-called ​ B-modes. The main difficulty in measuring the ​ B-modes comes not just from its sheer faintness but from the fact that many other objects in the universe also emit polarized microwaves.


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