
Séminaire Gravitation - Giulia Cusin, Astrophysical background of gravitational waves: anisotropies, polarization and cross-correlations with cosmological observables.

Le groupe Gravitation organise le séminaire suivant le lundi 24 février à 11h, par Giulia Cusin, dans la salle 631B de l’APC.
Astrophysical background of gravitational waves: anisotropies, polarization and cross-correlations with cosmological observables. 

Cosmology with peculiar velocities

The Universe is not homogenous. Since the early times, its structures have grown and moved under the laws of gravity. By measuring these motions today we are able to trace the spatial distribution of dark matter and accurately map the Universe. The comparison of the recovered large scale structures with the predictions of the concordance model of cosmology is then a powerful test of the laws of expansion and gravity. 

Observational signatures of multifield inflation

Slow-roll single-field inflation constitutes the main paradigm of the
Early Universe. But this model suffers from a number of conceptual issues
that naturally lead to the consideration of multifield models of
inflation with curved field space, that have recently been under scrutiny
as realistic realizations of high-energy physics in the Early Universe.
I will show that the non-trivial internal geometry reshuffles
observational predictions from inflation, at the level of the background
(geometrical destabilisation of inflation), of linear

Seminar Thibaut Houdy: KATRIN, from neutrino mass to Dark Matter

The KATRIN (Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino) experiment investigates the energetic endpoint of the tritium beta-decay spectrum to determine the effective mass of the electron anti-neutrino. The collaboration reported its first neutrino mass result in fall 2019. Its unprecedented tritium source luminosity and spectroscopic quality make it a unique instrument to also search for physics beyond the standard model such as eV or keV sterile neutrinos.


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