
Thermalization and hydrodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma

There is experimental evidence that the quark-gluon plasma produced in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions is well described by viscous hydrodynamics, with a low value of the viscosity (relative to the entropy density). This observation, added to the recent discovery that the same description works well also for high energy proton-nucleus or high multiplicity proton-proton collisions, is raising a number of interesting theoretical questions:  How does the system of gluons freed in the early stage of a collision evolve towards local thermal equilibrium?

Revisiting the infrared physics of particles of arbitrary spin

After a brief overview of the recent developments relating different aspects of the infrared physics of spin-1 and spin-2 particles, I will revisit Weinberg's constraints on the S-matrix of massless higher-spin particles from the viewpoint of asymptotic symmetries in flat space. I will also discuss the hints that this analysis provides on possible higher-spin extensions of the BMS symmetry.

Correlation functions in fully developed turbulence

Turbulence is an ubiquitous phenomenon in natural and industrial fluid flows. Yet, it still lacks a  satisfactory theoretical description. One of the main open issues is to calculate the statistical properties of the turbulent steady state, and in particular what is generically called intermittency effects, starting from the fundamental description of the fluid dynamics provided by Navier-Stokes equation. In this presentation, I will focus on isotropic and homogeneous turbulence in three-dimensional incompressible flows.

Collective Neutrino Oscillations in Core-Collpase Supernovae and Neutron Star Mergers

Neutrino oscillations in dense neutrino media is a very nonlinear and rich phenomenon.
Such a dense neutrino gas could be found in very extreme astrophysical sites such as 
core collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers. Studying collective neutrino oscillations 
in the aforementioned settings is very essential since neutrinos could play a key role both 
in the dynamics and, in the nucleosynthesis. In this seminar, I will talk about our current understanding 
of this topic which has tremendously changed in the past few years.

Massless elementary particles with continuous spin: Wigner's exotic representation of the Poincaré group

Old results and recent developments on the theoretical description of elementary particles with "continuous" spin will be reviewed. At free level, these fields are described by unitary irreducible representations of the isometry group (either Poincare or anti de Sitter group) with an infinite number of physical degrees of freedom per spacetime point. We will mention a list of new results, in particular on their cubic interactions, as well as important issues that remain open.

Galileon p-form theories

I will discuss the generalization to p-forms of the Galileon idea: to
construct the most general theory of an (abelian gauge invariant) p-form
with (strictly) second order field equations. Such theory have recently be
fully classified for space-time dimension strictly smaller than 12. The
covariantization of these theories will also be discussed.

The EFT of Dark Energy and the EFT of Large-Scale Structure

In the next few years, we are going to probe the low-redshift universe with unprecedented accuracy. Among the various fruits that this will bear, it will greatly improve our knowledge of the dynamics of dark energy. A particularly useful description of dark energy is through the Effective Field Theory of Dark Energy, which assumes that dark energy is the Goldstone boson of broken time translations. Such a formalism makes it easy to ensure that predicted signatures are consistent with well-established principles of physics.

Newton Cartan Gravity

In this talk I will give a short review of Newton-Cartan Geometry and Gravity. In particular, following applications in holography and condensed matter, I will discuss the inclusion of torsion both to Newton-Cartan Geometry as well as to Newton-Cartan Gravity.

An effective holographic approach to QCD

In this seminar I will describe a holographic approach to QCD where 
conformal symmetry is broken explicitly in the UV by a relevant operator 
O. This operator maps to a five dimensional scalar field, the dilaton, 
with a massive term. Implementing also the IR constraint found by 
Gursoy, Kiritsis and Nitti, an approximate linear glueball spectrum is 
obtained which is consistent with lattice data. Finally, I will describe 
the evolution of the model parameters with the conformal dimension of O. 
This will suggest a map between the QCD anomaly and the trace anomaly of 

The Linde problem on R2 x S1 x S1

Thermal field theory provides the natural framework to describe the thermodynamic properties and to study phase transitions of systems described by quantum field theories, in particular, the quark-gluon plasma. However, its the perturbative realization faces important technical difficulties whenever massless bosons are considered, due to divergences in the IR sector.


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