Simone Mastrogiovanni
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Date de début/Starting date:
CV complet / Complete CV:
I am a postdoctoral fellow of the Labex “Univearths” at the "Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory (APC)". I am part of the LIGO,VIRGO and KAGRA collaboration and an active memeber of the Paris Centre for cosmological physics (PCCP).
I have completed my Master degree in Astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Rome Sapienza and obtained a joint PhD in Astronomy, Astrophysics and space science at the Universities of Rome Sapienza and Tor Vergata.
Besides research, I am also active in outreach tasks. I wrote several science summaries on my research in the LIGO, Virgo, Kagra collaboration and collaborated for the creation of GW science posters for high school students and teachers. With the PCCP I am also collaborating in the Frontiers outreach project as well as participanting to local outreach talks.
I am also strongly promoting at my current institute (APC and PCCP) actions for gender equality in science. I organized several workshops on this subject at my host insitution.
Projets :
Activités :
I am interested in several aspects of gravitational waves physics and data analysis such as the detection and parameter estimation for gravitational waves from asymmetric spinning neutron stars and data analysis techniques for Bayesian Inference from signals in noise.
Recentely I am interested in exploting gravitational waves detections for cosmological measurements and tests of General relativity. In particular, dark sirens measurements of Hubble constant and other cosmological parameters and detection of General Relativity deviations at cosmological scales.
Check out my latest articles on NASA/ADS
Selected publications:
- Probing modified gravity theories and cosmology using gravitational-waves and associated electromagnetic counterparts, Physical Review D, Volume 102, Issue 4, Link.
- Gravitational wave observations, distance measurement uncertainties, and cosmology, Physical Review D, Volume 100, Issue 8, Link.
- An improved algorithm for narrow-band searches of continuous gravitational waves, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 34, Issue 13, Link.