
Gravitation Group Seminar: Francois Larrouturou: Minimalism as guideline to construct new paradigms.

Next week we will be welcoming François Larrouturou (DESY Hamburg) for the Gravitation group seminar. 
The seminar will take place in person, in room 371A-Klein (the zoom link can be found below) next Monday, July 11 at 10:00

François will give an introduction to: 

Title : Minimalism as guideline to construct new paradigms.

Abstract : 

Gravitation Group Seminar

We will be welcoming Riccardo Buscicchio (Università di Milano-Bicocca and INFN, Sez. di Milano-Bicocca) for the Gravitation group seminar. This seminar will take place online (the zoom link can be found below) next Monday, June 13 at 10:00 am CEST

Riccardo will give an introduction to: 
Title:  Stellar mass binary black holes: what, when, and where


Quantum models à la Gabor for space-time metric

As an extension of Gabor signal processing, the covariant Weyl-Heisenberg integral quantization is implemented to transform  functions on the eight-dimensional  phase space (x,k) into Hilbertian operators. The x=(x^{\mu}) are space-time variables and the k=(k^{\mu}) are their conjugate wave vector-frequency variables. The procedure is first applied to the variables (x,k) and produces canonically conjugate essentially  self-adjoint operators. It is next applied to the metric field g_{\mu\nu}(x) of general relativity and yields regularised  semi-classical phase space portraits of it.

Black hole perturbations in higher-order scalar-tensor theories: initial value problem and dynamical stability

We propose a physically sensible formulation of initial value problem for black hole perturbations in higher-order scalar-tensor theories. As a first application, we study monopole perturbations around stealth Schwarzschild solutions in a shift- and reflection-symmetric subclass of DHOST theories. In particular, we investigate the time evolution of the monopole perturbations by solving a two-dimensional wave equation and analyze the Vishveshwara’s classical scattering experiment, i.e., the time evolution of a Gaussian wave packet.

Light Propagation in Massive, Non-Linear, Standard-Model Extension Theories

Astrophysical observations are largely based on electromagnetic signals still read with the Maxwellian massless and linear theory, possibly an approximation of a larger theory, as Newtonian gravity is for Einsteinian gravity in weak fields. Photons are the sole free massless particles in the Standard-Model (SM). Apart from massive formalisms (de Broglie-Proca, Bopp, Stueckelberg and others), the SM Extension dresses the photon of a mass dependent from the Lorentz-Poincaré symmetry violation.


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