
First signs of the Glashow resonance from an astrophysical (anti)neutrino

The Glashow resonance describes the resonant formation of an on-mass W- boson via the scattering of an electron antineutrino and an electron, a process first predicted in 1959. In the electron rest frame, the requisite neutrino energy of 6.3 PeV lies beyond the reach of terrestrial accelerators. However, the discovery of a diffuse flux of astrophysical neutrinos by IceCube gave rise to the possibility of detecting the resonance via high-energy (anti)neutrinos from outer space.

Gravitational Waves in a model of Inflationary Magnetogenesis

Gravitational waves (GW) can be used to probe various epochs in the early Universe. In this talk I will discuss about the production of Gravitational waves in a particular model of inflationary magnetogenesis. In this model, we require a low energy scale for inflation and reheating (reheating temperature, TR < 104 GeV) and have a blue spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) field which peaks around the horizon scale of reheating.

Fast Parameter Estimation for Massive Black Hole Binaries with Normalising Flows

Among the sources which the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will observe are the signals from Massive Black Hole Binaries during their inspiral, merger and ring-down phases. To estimate physical parameters of these systems and their localisations, one has to perform some form of Bayesian Inference. The most common approach to do it is through defining a likelihood function and producing posterior samples with some form of sampling technique. The disadvantage of such sampling methods is that they are slow.


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