The laboratory administration brings together, under the leadership of the administrative director, staff from the CNRS and the Université Paris Cité whose main mission is to support all the laboratory's staff in their scientific and technical activities. The staff of the administrative service are the interface with the services of the managing bodies.
The service is composed of a team of managers who are each in charge of a project portfolio in agreement with the ``matrix'' organization of the laboratory according to scientific groups, services, scientific projects and platforms.
Finance and budget management
These departements ensure the execution of the lab's budget, which is made up of allocations from the funding entities and contributions from partners such as the Ile de France region, Europe, ANR or other foreign organizations, but also from private contractors. The share of contracts and subsidies represents on average nearly 80 % of the overall budget.
The activities of these poles relate to six main areas: verification and monitoring of credits, placing orders, processing invoices, reimbursement of mission expenses, monitoring inventories and reporting.
To contact the department:
Human resources management
This department ensures the administrative management of the permanent and contractual staff affiliated with the different governing bodies. Their activities include the reception of newcomers, the accompaniment of agents in the implementation of HR procedures, the follow-up of HR campaigns and the diffusion of information to the whole laboratory
To contact the department:
Management of colloquia and conferences
The administrative, financial and logistical organization of scientific events is carried out by the "conference management" unit.To contact the department: Conferences

The logistics division is a angular stone for the quality of life of the employees. The division assists the staff members with handling and installation operations in the laboratory premises.To contact the department: Logistique