About Me
Talks And Seminars
Lecture at APC "Introduction à la matière noire", May 2019.
Seminar at Warsaw University "Direct dark matter search with liquid argon technology", Dec 2018.
Colloquium at National Center for Nuclear Research (Warsaw) "Overview on direct dark matter search", Dec 2018.
Talk at Conseil Scientifique de l'IN2P3 (Paris) "DarkSide: the quest for dark matter with liquid argon", Oct 2018.
Talk at Instrumentation days on gaseous detectors (Bordeaux) "DarkSide: the quest for dark matter with liquid argon", Oct 2018.
Talk at Rencontres de Moriond - Electroweak 2018 (La Thuile) "New physics results from DarkSide-50", Mar 2018.
Talk at ALTO 2.0 (IPN, Orsay): "Calibrating detectors for dark matter search at ALTO", Feb 2018.
Talk at Recent developments in neutrino phsysics and astrophysics (Gran Sasso Lab): "Improved measurement of the 8B solar neutrino rate with 1.5 kton year of Borexino exposure", Sep 2017.
Talk at Theorie LHC France Workshop (Orsay): "Status of dark matter direct searches", Nov 2016.
Talk at 28th Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology (Blois): "Overview of liquid noble dark matter experiments", June 2016.
Seminar for the HDR at APC (Paris): "Solar neutrino physics with Borexino and beyond", May 2016.
Lecture at CP3 Origins (Odense): "Underground physics: from neutrinos to dark matter search", Mar 2016.
Talk at Magellan Workshop (Hamburg): "Solar neutrino detection in a large volume double-phase liquid argon experiment", Mar 2016.
Talk at Prospects in Low Mass Dark Matter (Munich): "DarkSide: recent results with underground argon and outlook", Dec 2015.
Talk at "Le Noir et La lumière", Journée de la Division "Champs et particules" de la SFP (Paris): "Recherche directe de matière noire, vers les expériences multitonnes", Nov 2015.
Talk at GdR Neutrino (Saclay): "Solar neutrino detection in a large volume double-phase liquid argon experiment", Nov 2015.
Talk at Rencontres de Moriond (EW Interactions and Unified Theories): "First results from DarkSide-50", Mar 2015.
Talk at Planck 2014 (Paris): "DarkSide-50", May 2014.
Seminar at SPP Saclay (Paris): "Recent results from DarkSide-50", May 2014.
Seminar at APC (Paris): "Direct dark matter search with DarkSide-50", April 2014.
Talk at Conseil Scientifique IN2P3 (Paris): "Sterile neutrino search with sources: SOX & CeLAND", June 2013.
Talk at GdR Neutrino (Caen): "Borexino results and future perspectives", October 2012.
Talk at Conseil Scientifique IN2P3 (Paris): "Dark Side and its perspectives", October 2012.
Talk at NOW 2012 (Otranto): "Results from Borexino", September 2012.
Seminar at LPNHE (Paris) and IPHC (Strasbourg): "Solar neutrino spectroscopy and oscillation with Borexino", November 2011 and February 2012.
Talk at the ANT 2011 (Philadelphia): "Positronium signature in organic liquid scintillators for neutrino experiments", October 2011.
Seminar at the LAPP (Annecy): "Recent (and future) results from Borexino", July 2011.
Talk at the LNGS Scientific Committee: "Report on Borexino activities", May 2010.
Seminars at APC (Paris) and CPPM (Marseilles) (ppt and pdf): "Neutrino physics with Borexino", January 2010.
Talk at IFAE2009 (Bari): "Solar Neutrino Physics with Borexino", April 2009
Talk at SIF2008 (Genova): "11C background suppression in the CNO-pep solar neutrino energy region with Borexino", September 2008
Poster at Neutrino 2008 (Christchurch, New Zealand): "Performances and Calibrations of the Borexino Detector", June 2008.
Talk at NOW2008 (Otranto): "Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino flux with 246 live days of Borexino ...and observation of the MSW vacuum-matter transition!", September 2008.
Seminar at LIP (Lisbon): The first year of Borexino data", July 2008
Talk at HQL08 (Melbourne): The first year of Borexino data", June 2008.
Seminar at Milano University (Milano): "La fisica dei neutrini con il rivelatore Borexino ai Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso", November 2007.
Poster at Neutrino 2006 (Santa Fe) "CNO and pep neutrino spectroscopy in BOREXino: measurement of the cosmogenic 11C background with the Counting Test Facility", June 2006.
Talk (pdf, ppt) at LRT 2006 Workshop (Aussois): "Measurement of the cosmogenic 11C background with the Borexino Counting Test Facility", October 2006.
Talk (pdf, ppt) at Now 2004 Workshop: "11C measurement and the CNO and pep fluxes in Borexino", September 2004.
Seminar at Milan: "Misure di ultratracce di Ar e Kr in N2 e identificazione del fondo di 11C nei dati del CTF", October 2004